Climax: Volume 2

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Climax: Volume 2 Page 32

by Ella Ford

  The strange girl eyed me as I emerged, barely concealing her contempt and desire. Her gaze lingered on my legs and I suddenly felt uncomfortably aware of my slutty uniform and my stocking tops that were visible beneath the ridiculous maid dress. I shuffled where I stood and felt a hot blush spread over my face.

  “Welcome back CJ,” said the girl, turning her attention to the tall blonde. “Sarah,” she added, nodding at my other mistress in an offhand way.

  “Kaitlyn,” replied CJ, her voice dripping with contempt. “How lovely to see you again,” she said without a single note of sincerity.

  I found myself wondering what history the two women shared, what reason there could be for such obvious animosity between them. But before I could consider the matter further, Kaitlyn turned on her heel and walked towards the house.

  The three of us followed her, CJ matching her long, confident strides, while Sarah and I hurried behind.

  “Cassandra is waiting in the living room,” said Kaitlyn sharply, “you’re a little late. She doesn’t like to be kept waiting. You remember this, surely?”

  CJ turned to the brunette and smiled. “What can I say Katy? Traffic was hell.”

  Kaitlyn sniffed and said no more.

  The four of us entered the house through the grand front door, stepping into a rustic hallway that was busy with details and aged furniture. I glanced around, taking in the overwhelmingly homely atmosphere, relaxing slightly into the welcoming decor. There was something about the place that felt right to me, reminding me of my small town upbringing. The house could have been owned by a quaint old couple, and I felt my curiosity rise with every step.

  We left the hallway and stepped through the large, farmhouse kitchen, every surface rich and warm, honey gold oak beams running through the high ceiling.

  Finally, we arrived into the living room and a very different scene greeted us.

  Sitting in an armchair beside a large, open fire, was a woman. I found myself doing a double-take as I looked at her. She appeared, at first glance, to be the spitting image of CJ, but as I looked closer, I saw that they were very different really, sharing only their rigid posture and crisp appearance. The woman in the chair was older than my mistress, in her late thirties perhaps. She had the same self-assured poise, but her features were softer, worn by age but still strikingly beautiful. She had blonde hair, but unlike CJ, she wore it long, held back in a tight ponytail that seemed efficient and businesslike. Her long legs were crossed before her, clad in sheer black stockings and shiny black pumps with a thin heel that was impossibly tall.

  “Casey Jo,” said the woman warmly, using CJ’s full name. “It is so good to see you! Tell me, did you have a pleasant drive? You certainly seemed to take your time getting here,” she added with an unmistakable hint of menace in her voice. I’d never heard anyone talk to CJ like this before, it was most disconcerting to me.

  “Hello Cassandra,” said CJ, not addressing the barb.

  “And Sarah! You are as beautiful now as the moment you and Casey Jo met!” said the woman, turning her attention to my other mistress. Sarah said nothing, and only nodded, her own smouldering anger plain.

  “Kaitlyn, would you be a dear and fix us some tea?” she said, and the dark haired beauty who had greeted us turned and headed back in the direction of the kitchen. The woman stood from her chair and stepped over to us, peering at me with apparent curiosity.

  She reached where I stood and stopped before me, crossing her arms and cocking her head to one side as she looked me over.

  “So this is your new maid is it CJ?” she said, not taking her eyes off me as she addressed my mistress. “What’s your name honey?” she asked me, her tone thick with command.

  I turned and looked at CJ, hoping for direction, permission, anything. CJ nodded, then glanced away to the floor.

  “Leanne, ma’am. It’s good to meet you,” I said, attempting to sound as friendly as I possibly could.

  The woman smiled back and offered her hand to me. I took it in my own and she shook me gently. “I’m happy to meet you too Leanne. My name is Cassandra, I’m an old… friend… of CJ’s.”

  “Oh, did you work together?” I asked.

  The woman paused and smirked. “Something like that,” she replied, hinting at some deeper truth that I couldn’t yet fathom. She turned back to her chair and sat down, leaving the hint dangling between us. Reaching to her side, she picked up a tiny silver bell, the identical twin of the one that CJ used to summon me to play. She rang it carefully twice, holding the delicate instrument in the air above her and peering at me.

  After a few seconds, the other door to the living room swung open and yet another young girl entered. I gasped as a nervous looking blonde stepped across the room towards us. She was completely naked, except for a pair of knee length white socks and pretty pale blue ballet flats. Her long blonde hair was held up with pink ribbons in bunches at the side of her head and her makeup was thick and exaggerated, ruby red lips and seductive eyes. Between her legs, I caught a glimpse of her pussy, shaved smooth in a way that seemed familiar to me now.

  If not for the girl’s full breasts and wide hips, you might have thought her much younger than she was. As it was, she was perhaps my age or slightly younger, but her appearance had been manipulated in such a way as to make her appear virginal and pure, a outrageous caricature of innocence.

  The girl stopped beside Cassandra’s chair and crossed her hands over her pussy, vainly attempting to protect her modesty. She bowed her head and stared at the floor between us, a palpable sense of trepidation in her demeanour and actions. I found myself feeling sorry for her, wondering if she was here against her will. But then I noticed the hard buds of her nipples and an angry flush of red on her chest and neck, and realized this nervous girl was as willing as I was. The realization caused a flush of pleasure in myself, an uncontrollable rush provoked by the erotic circumstances of this strange scene.

  “Do you like her?” said Cassandra, directly to me. I became aware of movement behind me as CJ and Sarah moved to the long sofa and sat together, leaving the girl and me standing alone. I nodded at the older woman’s question and waited. “Her name is Princess, at least that’s what I call her,” she said, reaching up and stroking the young girl’s firm bottom. The pretty blonde flinched at the woman’s touch, a visible shiver passing through her body.

  “I found her on the internet, especially for this playdate. Isn’t that amazing?” she asked rhetorically, studying the girl and her reactions to the touch. “I simply posted a message asking for what I wanted, and Princess here responded. She’s an english lit major at the local college.”

  Cassandra rose and stepped around Princess to stand behind her. Then she began to lightly trace her fingers down the girl’s upper arms. Princess closed her eyes and chewed on her lower lip, her face a mix of nervous anticipation and outright fear.

  “She’s a virgin, or so she claims. Hasn’t so much as kissed a boy. Or girl,” she added after a momentary pause. “I thought it would be a nice touch for such a special occasion,” she said.

  I wondered distantly what she meant, what exactly was this occasion anyway? But mostly I stared at Princess, captivated by the young girl and her childish reticence.

  Cassandra stepped away from the girl and walked towards me. Instinctively, I straightened my spine and crossed my arms behind my back, sensing that this powerful woman demanded submission. She purred her approval and gazed at my breasts as they thrust forwards. “Oh my Casey Jo, you have this one well trained. I expect you’ve had some fun with her?”

  I felt myself flush at the compliment. It sounds strange to admit, I know, but even in this tense, strange circumstance, my submissive nature still found a place. In Cassandra, I sensed a dominant presence and was immediately filled with a need to please her, to offer my submission to her.

  When CJ didn’t respond, Cassandra turned her attention back to me. “I wonder how she takes direction,” she mused idly, eyes flicking
over my chest and legs. “Take off that ridiculous dress dear, I want to see your tits,” she commanded offhandedly, turning away from me and returning to her seat.

  I blinked at the abrupt command and turned to CJ. The tall blonde nodded once and stared at Cassandra with a peculiar look that was ripe with both hate and reverence. My curiosity was raging now, desperate to know their history and the source of the thick tension. I glanced at Sarah and found the pretty brunette staring at the floor, a look of consternation on her face.

  I began to undress, slipping out of the white apron and extravagant black dress, then reached around to undo my bra and slip it over my shoulders. I placed my clothes in a neat pile on the floor, then stood again, crossing my arms behind my back, naked now but for my black stockings, high heeled shoes and my slave collar. I felt the weight of scrutiny as every pair of eyes in the room fell on me.

  Cassandra’s appraising glare, an objectifying leer as her eyes crawled over my body, sizing me up for some unknown purpose. The furtive glimpses of the girl called Princess, stolen glances in my direction as though she dare not reveal her interest with a fixed stare. And the twin looks from CJ and Sarah, both lost in their own worlds of contemplation, seeking solace in the familiar geography of my naked body.

  “Very nice,” said Cassandra with theatrical enthusiasm. She clapped her hands together and laughed. “I think I will enjoy this a great deal,” she added. Not for the first time that day, I wished that someone would tell me what the hell was going on!

  Cassandra sat back and crossed her legs, the soft swish of her pantyhosed thighs brushing together breaking the silence in the room. She looked at me, then her head turned to look at Princess.

  “Leanne, I want you to seduce Princess,” she said casually.

  “I…” I started.

  “Are you hard of hearing girl? I want you to seduce Princess like the dyke slut you are. Warm up that virgin cunt of hers and get her ready,” she snapped. I glanced at Princess and found the girl staring at Cassandra, her mouth open. What had she expected?

  “Ready for what…?” I asked, not sure I wanted to know the answer.

  Cassandra beamed her anaconda smile and reached down beside the chair, pulling up a monstrous strap on dildo that must have been ten inches long. “Why, ready for when you fuck her with this!” she tittered.

  Princess gasped and Sarah exhaled, both shocked by the rigid girth of the bulbous rod that Cassandra idly bounced from her hand. It was jet black and moulded in the exact likeness of a cock, rippled with veins and subtle detailing. Attached to the base of the dildo was a complex arrangement of straps and harnesses that would fix it to my body.

  I looked at Princess and winced, imagining the discomfort the poor girl would feel as I entered her with that thing. But then I felt something else, a pang of jealousy perhaps? If the girl was truly as innocent as she claimed, she had no idea how good it would feel to be pounded by the hard length. I felt a surge of warmth rise up from my pussy, filling my body with a tingling sense of anticipation.

  “Well, what are you waiting for?” snapped Cassandra. “She’s not going to lose her virginity all by herself now is she?”

  “No ma’am,” I replied obediently and took three steps forward to stand before Princess. The girl was breathing heavily now and staring at me with a look that was pure terror and hot desire. Her hands were by her side, fidgeting nervously, fingers rubbing together for want of anything else to do.

  I stopped before her, snaked my left arm around her hip and placed my palm on the firm curve of her ass. Then I pulled her gently towards me. “Hi,” I said, as our breasts pushed together.

  I felt her soft body trembling in my grip, every muscle appeared to be quivering. She was blinking quickly, eyes flicking left and right as though seeking an escape, never meeting my gaze. I reached up and touched her cheek, fixing her head in place. Her eyes instantly locked on mine and she appeared to relax slightly. “H-hi,” she breathed.

  She smelled minty and fresh, with a light floral perfume that was subtle and faint.

  “Is this really your first time?” I asked, captivated by her innocence and fear. I felt strangely dominant, and wondered if this was how CJ felt with me.

  “Y-yes ma’am,” she breathed and blushed, averting her eyes from my face.

  “Look at me Princess,” I said firmly and her eyes flicked forward in an instant. I felt a sudden rush of pleasure at her obedience. “Good girl. Now, close your eyes, and relax.”

  Princess did as she was told, squeezing her eyes firmly shut. I felt her body go limp in my grip, allowing my arm to support her weight. Her hard nipples rubbed against mine, inflaming those sensitive nubs and sending ripples of electricity through my body.

  I leaned forwards and kissed her gently, barely touching my lips on hers. A sudden flicker of taste ignited my senses. The taste of lipgloss and chewing gum. The sensation caused me to inhale deeply, hungry to experience as much of the girl as possible. I leaned forwards again, and kissed her harder, sliding my lips over hers and probing her with my tongue. She didn’t reciprocate at first, holding her mouth perfectly still and allowing me to explore her with mine. But in time, she loosened up and her own lips began to work, seeking out her own thrills.

  I became more insistent, pushing my tongue between her lips and she took the hint, learning quickly what it was that I wanted and responding accordingly. She parted her mouth and poked her tongue out hesitantly, meeting mine with gentle flicks, before committing wholeheartedly and greedily sucking me into her. I sensed her falling back, distracted by the intensity of the kiss and forgetting to support herself. I tightened my grip and placed my hand behind her head, holding her up and securing her body against mine, then I pushed my stockinged thigh between her legs and gently nudged against her pussy.

  She gasped and pulled back slightly, startled by the sudden pressure on her young sex, but I held her in place and kissed her harder, moving my mouth across hers and nibbling at her lips. She moaned, hungry for more of this forbidden thrill and I granted her wish, moving my hand around to grip her breast, squeezing her taut nipple between my thumb and forefinger. She gasped and moaned again, and I sensed a change in her, a shift away from the nervousness that she began with.

  I pulled back and rested my forehead against hers, both of us breathing heavily now. “Kneel down Princess,” I commanded with a whisper.

  Immediately, she fell to her knees on the plush rug beneath us, dragging me down with her. I stumbled slightly on the tall heels, but recovered and moved into position facing her, knees and breasts touching once more, and continued the steamy kiss. The girl seemed possessed now, eager to be guided still but experiencing drives and longings of her own. She wrapped her arms around my body and gripped my ass, kneading me inquisitively, her hands acting as pioneers in the new exploration of her blossoming sexuality. I allowed her to roam, encouraging her with gentle moans and light flicks of my tongue on her neck, her ears, her throat.

  Her fingers traced the length of my ass, then I felt her push between my legs and seek out the center of my sex. She moaned, frustrated as she met the extent of her reach. I shifted slightly and grabbed her wrist, pulling her arm around my body and depositing her clutching fingers between my legs from the front. I parted my legs slightly and allowed her access. Her fingers danced over my labia, sampling the hot wetness with tender care. Then she plunged in with a healthy confidence, diving between my lips and finding my clitoris. It was my turn to moan as she began to press on my throbbing nub experimentally.

  Suddenly, I sensed a presence and a sudden tugging sensation, then Princess’s head and my own were pulled roughly backwards. Cassandra had moved to stand beside us and was gripping our hair tightly, bending our necks back so that we were both staring at her. I felt a sudden pang of regret to be snatched away from Princess’s eager explorations with such suddenness, but the bubbling cauldron of warmth in my pussy rolled on.

  “That’s enough foreplay girls,” purred the ol
der woman, leering at us with filthy intent. “Time for the main event.” She released us and pointed at the floor behind Princess. “Don’t just sit there dripping on the carpet girl, show Leanne that pretty virgin pussy of yours.”

  The girl looked at her and blinked, an expression of startled bewilderment on her face. But she was too far gone to object now. She’d had her first taste of another woman and now she wanted more. I could see it in her eyes, a hungry entitlement, a need for sensation and arousal. It was a look I recognized from Sarah’s face.

  I glanced to the side and found my little mistress regarding me with that same distant cold that she’d had since we arrived at the ranch. But her cheeks now burned with a faint arousal and she’d shuffled forwards on the sofa to watch the performance, pushing close to CJ and linking her arms with her lover.

  “Put this on,” commanded Cassandra, handing me the strap on harness.

  I took the complex device and swung my knees around, then began to thread my legs through the leather straps, watching with rapt attention as Princess moved into position.

  The pretty blonde had turned to face away from me and lowered down on to all fours, placing her head down on the floor and pushing her ass upwards. As I watched, Cassandra squatted down and gently tapped the insides of Princess’ thighs, urging her legs apart. The nervous girl did as she was told, splaying her legs open and revealing the puffy mound of her pussy to me.

  I gasped at the sight of it, so neat and delicious. It was moist with wetness, glistening in the afternoon light. Pulling the strap on up to my waist, I rose to my knees again and tightened the harness, a nervous urgency taking hold of me, causing my hands to tremble and slip on the buckles.


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