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Climax: Volume 2

Page 33

by Ella Ford

  Cassandra moved to Princesses side and dipped an explorative finger into her inviting lips, parting the pink flesh and revealing the moist folds within. “Exquisite,” breathed Cassandra, seemingly as captivated by the young girl as I was.

  I shuffled forwards, suddenly consumed by a singular purpose. Cassandra stepped back and allowed me to position myself between Princess’ parted legs. I reached up and hooked a hand between her thighs, pressing my fingers into her damp lips and exploring her as she had explored me earlier. It was a forbidden thrill, this nervous charting of genuinely new ground, and I felt Princess exhale as my fingers pressed down on her bulging clitoris.

  As I worked, I could feel the heavy weight of the thick black cock tugging at my waist, swaying back and forth and tapping the back of Princess’ thighs. I felt an insistent tug on my own pussy as the thick strap that ran between my legs created a distracting friction there that only served to increase my arousal. I was suddenly taken by an animal need for this young girl, to pound her pussy until she screamed for mercy.

  I laid a hand on her back and pushed down, forcing her upper body against the floor and angling her tight hole upwards. Then I began to slowly tease the bulbous rod through her dripping lips. She moaned expectantly, pleading with me to stop, begging me to begin.

  I stopped my tentative exploration on her hole and applied a light pressure there, eager not to be too rough with her. I shifted my hand to her hip and gripped her tightly with my fingers, then I slowly began to push forwards, gently pressing the tip of the dildo into her.

  She sighed and cried out, and I reversed the stroke before I penetrated too far, pulling the tip out of her. She moaned again, a different kind of cry this time, filled with want and longing. I pushed forwards again, slightly harder, allowing more of the thick rod to disappear into her, relishing the way her tight entrance seemed to grip the moulded length. She lifted her head and moaned, digging her fingers into the thick pile of the rug.

  With tender care, I pulled the dildo from her once again then pushed forward without hesitation, forcing the dildo deeper into her with more confidence. It met with little resistance, sliding easily into the moist entrance. She moaned once more, expressing pleasure rather than discomfort now, feeling the thick length fill her hole more and more.

  I glanced down as I pulled the cock from her, finding the hard plastic was slick with her juices. I pushed onwards, ramming the rod home and savoring her little cries of surprise as the length ploughed her.

  I began to move quicker, spurred on by the tight strap between my legs, tugging insistently at my own pussy and causing my surging pleasure to mount. Faster and faster, deeper and deeper, I forced the glistening shaft into Princesses gaping hole. Louder and louder she cried out, cursing and begging in equal measure.

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck, yes, yes, harder!” she cried out and her gusto thrilled me. I gave her what she wanted, ramming the dildo home again and again, feeling the light slap as my hips smacked against her ass, a rhythmic beat that marked the time of her fucking.

  Suddenly, her young body arched upwards, spine bending to an uncomfortable angle. “Ahhhh,” she moaned as the tentative orgasm rose through her inexperienced body. Her legs kicked backwards and her hands clutched at the floor. Her head began to shake back and forth as she struggled to release the overwhelming tension in her body. Abruptly, the motion ceased and she lifted her head back, opening her mouth as if to scream but not uttering a single sound. And then she collapsed forwards, sliding off the slick length of the dildo and crumpling in a heap.

  I gazed down at the girl, breathing heavily and full of my own unsatisfied desire.

  Then I became aware of a slow clapping and turned to find Cassandra beaming with a radiant and terrifying smile. She clutched her hands to her chest and blinked rapidly three times, then looked over at CJ.

  “Oh Casey Jo, you always did have the most exquisite taste,” she drawled. “Leanne is simply wonderful, a fine addition!”

  I blinked and looked around, meeting the gaze of my mistresses. To my surprise, Sarah was ashen faced and striken, a look of pure shock and misery clouding her pretty face.

  Cassandra stepped back and crossed her arms, appearing deep in concentration. Finally, she spoke and my comfortable world of domestic submission crumbled around me.

  “CJ. Following our understanding, I wish to exercise my right as your former owner to purchase Leanne from you. She’ll become part of my household just as soon as I can put the paperwork together.”

  Chapter 4

  From across the room, Sarah sobbed, a pitiful cry of anguish that broke my heart and added to my sense of confusion. I turned and looked at CJ, seeking reassurance and the firm bedrock of our arrangement, but she didn’t meet my gaze and looked glumly at the floor.

  From behind me, Cassandra tittered. “Oh my, she didn’t tell you did she?”

  I looked around, confused and reaching for understanding in the strange situation. In front of me, Princess had recovered enough wits to roll over and sit with her back against the sofa, her knees drawn up to her chest defensively. She clearly sensed that something momentous was happening.

  “Tell me what?” I turned and faced CJ, aiming the question directly at her, but she remained silent and sullen.

  “You see, my dear, CJ wasn’t always the self-assured dominatrix that you have trusted your very existence to,” started Cassandra, not waiting for CJ to answer. “I first met her when she was in college, a mere slip of a thing at eighteen. She was nervous and inexperienced, seeking the guiding hand of an older woman to… show her the ropes. I gladly obliged, giving her the discipline and structure she craved. And, in turn, I acquired my first submissive, my first sex slave if you will.”

  She stalked across the room and perched on the side of the sofa, reaching down to stroke Princess’ neck. The girl looked shell shocked and distant, barely recovered from the hard fucking that I’d just given her and confused by the intense situation that was unfolding around her.

  I found my mind reeling at the story that Cassandra was telling. That CJ was once a submissive surprised and shocked me in equal measure. She seemed to be born to dominate, an eternally commanding presence in the lives of both Sarah and me.

  “She lived here at this ranch as my maid for two blissful years, serving me and her own whims in equal measure. It was a happy time, wasn’t it CJ?” she asked rhetorically, then continued without stopping. “But CJ was a wilful, naughty girl one who needed punishment to keep her in line. I began to suspect that the submissive life was not for her. And my suspicions were borne out when I found out that she’d been seeing Sarah behind my back, nurturing her dominant instincts with her own fledgling submissive.”

  She moved again and sat beside CJ, turning her body to face the cringing blonde and stroking her knee with idle detachment.

  “At first, I fought against her. Forbade her from seeing Sarah and punishing her harder and harder, a vain attempt to keep her in line. But I soon came to realize that some causes are lost, and that I could not fight against what was becoming increasingly obvious. CJ had outlived my tutelage, and needed to pursue her own desires. With great reluctance, I agreed to release her, providing her with the freedom that she didn’t yet have the courage to seize herself. But there was one condition attached…”

  I felt my body tense up, sensing that this earth shattering story was about to reach its climax.

  “The condition was that when she inevitably took a maid of her own, she was to break the girl, train her, achieve her undying devotion and then bring her to me. As payment, if you like, for the time I had invested in CJ’s training. Oh, I would offer financial recompense of course. I’m not a monster you know?”

  I gasped and Sarah sobbed again. The full realization of what was happening hit home. There had never been any firm foundation, our relationship was built on a lie! I was simply a commodity, nurtured to maturity and then offered up as payment for a long due debt! A burning cloud of anger boil
ed inside me, threatening to spill out. I felt stupid and wretched, used by someone who I trusted implicitly, someone who I had given the gift of my submission to. I felt my eyes fill with tears and fought to hold them back, not wanting to give CJ the satisfaction of my misery. And then another realization swept over me.

  “You… you knew about this?” I said, facing Sarah directly. Her actions and motivations suddenly cast in a different light.

  The elfin brunette’s face was streaked with tears, and she struggled to lift her eyes to meet mine. “Y-yes,” she breathed, a barely audible whisper in the overwhelming silence of the room.

  I breathed in deeply, pushing back the feeling of betrayal and anguish. “Wh-what if I don’t want to?” I said to Cassandra.

  She glared back at me and I sensed that she was about to lose her temper. But her face relaxed and she smiled at me. “Oh Leanne, so naive. If you don’t want to… as I’m sure you won’t… then you can leave. The same as Sarah, or Kaitlyn, or Princess. You are all possessions in name only, the only thing holding you in place is your servitude and submission, your sense of place. You can leave at any time, as you could when you belonged to CJ. But you didn’t… why not, I wonder?”

  She offered the question to me and I opened my mouth to reply, but then stopped. I wasn’t sure why I stayed with CJ and Sarah. Maybe now it was a feeling of stability and love, but at first? On that first night in the basement, when CJ told me, didn’t ask me, to lick Sarah’s waiting pussy… why didn’t I turn and run then? Why didn’t I leave after one of CJ’s countless spankings? Or when she forced me to fuck my best friend?

  A slow realization began to dawn on me, the ruddy rays of enlightenment illuminating the vast plain of my awareness. I needed to be owned. The lack of agency, the surrender of responsibility, the bliss of objectification. It was something I craved, this feeling of being a commodity. And I knew, at that moment, that I would come to Cassandra and surrender to her, offering my life to her as I had to CJ.

  I turned to Cassandra once more and opened my mouth, intending to offer one final word of bold defiance. But my resolve weakened and I gazed at the floor. “I don’t know, mistress.”

  If anything, the drive home was worse than the drive to Cassandra’s house. Instead of perfect silence, the journey was punctuated by Sarah’s light sobbing. I stared out of the window at the fading light of day and considered my fate.

  I was to be taken to CJ’s where I would live out my final days as her maid, awaiting the arrival of the paperwork that would transfer ownership of me to Cassandra and absolve CJ of this hypothetical debt.

  For her part, CJ didn’t talk at all, didn’t even acknowledge my presence. She simply drove us into the darkening night and faced her demons alone.

  For the second time, I was awoken by the sound of the small silver bell. But this time it was not daytime. I glanced at my bedside clock and found that it was just gone midnight. I shook my head and tried to clear my thoughts. Had I dreamed the sound of the bell?

  Suddenly, the insistent chiming rang through the house again. It was faint and distant, seeming to come from somewhere other than the kitchen this time. I stood and made my way out of my bedroom and down the hall, following the gentle chime. To my surprise, it was coming from the basement, behind the thick white door that was normally kept firmly locked.

  I gasped in shock, unsure what to expect. Surely CJ wouldn’t require playtime tonight, not after the events of the day? She was cold and calculating, but she wasn’t a monster. I stepped towards the door and eased it open. The light on the staircase was on and I could hear the sound of movement from down in the basement.

  I thought about returning to my room, but the bell chimed once more, reminding me of my obligations. I was being summoned and, while I was still a maid in this house, I was duty bound to obey. I set off down the stairs, measuring my footsteps to avoid making a sound.

  As I reached the bottom, I heard a voice. “Come in Leanne, join us.” I gasped, suddenly reminded of my first time in this sultry room. But though the words were familiar, the voice was not. At least not in this context. It was CJ who had invited me in that first time, compelling me to pleasure her bound wife with my nervous tongue. But this voice was Sarah’s herself! I shook my head, my sleepy mind struggling to process the strange twist.

  I stepped into the room, pushing open the door and peering around into the dimly lit space.

  What I found there shocked me deeply and I gasped, holding my hand over my mouth.

  Kneeling on the floor in the center of the room was CJ. The tall blonde was blindfolded and gagged, her hands crossed behind her head. She was completely naked, not even afforded the warmth of stockings and shoes. Her nipples were stone hard and her skin was covered in a light rash of gooseflesh in the chilly air of the basement.

  Towering above her was Sarah. The normally timid girl was transformed, wearing a tight leather corset that was a deep crimson color that complemented her pale complexion perfectly. She was wearing black pantyhose and knee length leather boots, with a sharp heel that clicked on the wooden floor as she walked. Her hair, usually a tumbling cascade of dark curls, was slicked back on her head with a gel of some kind and gathered in a tight bun behind her. Her face was thick with makeup, dark eyes and burgundy lips. She looked powerful and commanding, a far cry from her usual self.

  I felt myself shudder at the sight of the pair of them, shook by the reversal in roles; aroused by the submissiveness of CJ and the sheer presence of Sarah.

  “Come in Leanne,” said Sarah sweetly, and pointed at the floor beside CJ. “Why don’t you join CJ down there,” she added. Without hesitation, I moved across the room and lowered myself down beside the normally intimidating blonde, matching her pose instinctively.

  “You’re probably wondering what is going on?” said Sarah and I nodded my reply. “It’s quite simple. CJ and I have talked and we’ve come to an understanding. You see, you, Leanne, are our maid. You were never CJ’s alone to give. We own you equally and it is not within CJ’s remit to give you up to… that woman.” Her voice wavered slightly when she mentioned Cassandra, her hatred evident in her tone.

  She stepped over to the wall of implements and began to idly toy with the collection of dildos and whips.

  “The more we talked, the more it became apparent that a change was needed. For too long, I’ve watched as CJ lived in the shadow of Cassandra; for too long, I’ve carried the weight of her secret debt. Well, those days are over. I gave CJ an ultimatum. Either she submitted to me, or our relationship was over. She can no longer be trusted as a mistress, not while Cassandra still holds the gun of their past to her head.”

  I felt a sudden surge in my pussy, a wave of relief that I was no longer to be sold to Cassandra and a rush of excitement at the sudden change in Sarah. I wondered whether this had been inside her all along, whether she’d simply been looking for an opportunity to seize control.

  “And if Cassandra doesn’t like it, then she come and try to take you herself. I suspect she won’t though - that dreadful woman is only capable of seducing naive college brats and is powerless against a real woman.”

  I sensed CJ shuffle beside me, clearly hurt by the obvious jibe.

  Sarah released the meaty dildo that she was idly toying with and moved back across to the room, then squatted in front of me. She lifted her hand to my face and curled her fingers under my chin. “So what do you say Leanne? Will you give yourself to me? Be my willing fucktoy?”

  I breathed deeply, taking in the cloying scent of her into my nose and throat, rich leather and exotic perfume. Then I blinked and met her gaze. “I already have,” I whispered.

  She smiled warmly, a fleeting glimpse of the winsome woman that she used to be, maybe still was. Then she stood and walked back to the wall of sordid sextoys.

  “CJ, on your back. Show Leanne that pretty pussy of yours.” CJ responded instantly, sitting down first then swinging her legs around and lowering herself to her back, spreading he
r knees wide apart and revealing the dripping chasm of her pussy. “Leanne, don’t just stare at it. Eat it!” added Sarah with a hint of impatience in her voice.

  “Yes, mistress,” I said and dropped my head between CJ’s legs and began to devour her hot sex. The blonde moaned through the ball gag and dropped her hands to my head, gripping my hair tightly and pulling me forwards, deeper into herself.

  I allowed myself to drawn, surrendered to her tight grip. Even though our dynamic had changed, I still craved direction and guidance. I thrust my tongue forwards and lapped at her, licking the wet lips of her labia and plunging deeper inwards, seeking out the tight entrance of her hole. Then I forced my tongue into her, pushing her open and exposing her with my probing advance. She cried out, a muffled scream of pleasure, and arched her back upwards.

  Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me and glanced back. Sarah had taken up position between my legs and was gripping my hips tightly. Then, without a single moment of hesitation, she thrust something into me, a strap on dildo like the one that I had used on Princess, but wider, longer and applied with less consideration for my tender pussy.

  I screamed out and lifted my head from CJ’s wet mound, then felt a sharp slap on my ass as Sarah spanked me sharply. “Back to work you!” she cried out and laughed. A sudden rush of pleasure flooded my body with its radiance. The intoxicating thrill of submission, the debilitating waves of electricity that were rushing out of my stretched pussy as Sarah pounded me and the heady cocktail of CJ’s lust, rich and vital and brimming with femininity.

  It was all too much, and my mind raced to process the endless torrent of sensation, feeling the inevitable presence of my looming climax, barreling over the horizon and towering above me, demanding acknowledgement. I turned into it and accepted its advance, allowing it to roll across my body and engulf my thoughts, thrilling at the sheer power of the rising ball of pure pleasure.


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