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Climax: Volume 2

Page 38

by Ella Ford

  “I brought you to my ship, we are in orbit around your planet,” she said with perfect calm, as though this was the most normal thing in the world.

  “I…” I started, but didn’t even bother to continue. What was the point? I was so far out of my depth, I wouldn’t even know which questions to ask.

  “Come, let me show you around,” she said, standing up and offering me her hand. I took it and lifted myself up on trembling legs.

  We were in a clinical and bare room with a single white bunk hanging off a tiled white wall. It was sterile and bright and the air smelled slightly medicinal. Beneath my feet, I could feel the distant throb of machinery and the place sang with a constant hum. Belle studied me, ensuring that I wouldn’t fall straight back down if she left me alone. Then she nodded, satisfied that I was as recovered as I can going to get, and pulled my hand urging me to walk.

  As we approached the wall, a section of tile coalesced into a shimmering curtain of dappled light, then parted outwards from the middle like two diverging streams of a waterfall. I gasped at the strange sight, so far advanced from our technology that it was scarcely discernable from magic. Belle stepped through the opening and I followed, trying not to allow the cascades of molten light to touch me in any way.

  We emerged into a curving, featureless corridor that arced off into the distance. The walls of the corridor were the same bland, white tiles as the room we’d arrived into, and I found myself wondering if Belle’s people had any sense of interior decoration at all. The whole place was so oppressively bright and the sterile, featureless walls made it difficult to judge size or distance.

  Belle tugged at my hand and we turned left out of the light-door, following the corridor for several hundred yards before it ended in a blank wall. Once again, our approach caused the wall to shimmer and change, become liquid light once again and slipping to the side to allow us to pass. The second time I saw it was no less amazing than the first, and I gasped again like a hillbilly redneck visiting the big city for the first time.

  “It’s… it’s beautiful,” I breathed, daring to dip my fingertips into the tumbling motes of light. I felt a slight tingle as my hand intersected the stream, but nothing to indicate the solidity of the wall that it had replaced.

  Belle smiled at me and cocked her head to one side. “This is but one tiny part of my people's’ culture. Are you ready to see more?” she teased, and I realized that I’d been waiting my entire life for this. Years of confinement in Sycamore Falls, yearning for the outside world and beyond. It was finally happening, and in a way that I would have never thought possible.

  We stepped through the glittering portal into a wider room. I glanced around and found that we were no longer alone. Around the white walls were five elaborate chairs that reminded me of the kind of chair you’d find in a dentist’s office, but these were perfectly white and bore no hint of mechanism or technology, other than glowing square of green light that flickered and danced above the armrests. Three of the chairs were empty and pushed upright, but the other two were occupied and reclined.

  As I watched, one of the seats rotated upwards and the person sitting in it rose to greet us. She was, as expected, another woman. She had jet black hair, cut in a tight bob with straight bangs across her forehead. Her hair framed a pretty face, serious and stern with deep brown eyes and full lips. I found myself wondering how much of her appearance was her own and how much was of my own creation.

  “Bellandra,” she said with obvious warmth, “you made it back! And you brought company!” she added, beaming at me with a welcoming smile.

  “Trina,” replied Belle. “It’s good to see you my friend,” she said and stepped forward to embrace the pretty brunette. I found myself experiencing a mild flush of jealousy, but the embrace seemed to be friendly and warm, and not at all sexual.

  From the other couch, another girl rose. This one had powder blonde hair, close cropped on her oval head. She had large blue eyes and full lips. Both women wore identical silver mini-dresses and pink pantyhose with knee length silver boots. Their clothes were figuring hugging, revealing the swell of their breasts and their slender waists. Once again, I wondered how much I was seeing what I wanted to see. The obviously Star Trek inspired garb suggested that this was all me!

  “Melia,” said Belle, releasing Trina to greet the other woman. Melia remained perfectly silent and merely accepted Belle’s right embrace. “How is my baby sister?” Belle asked, regarding the other blonde with deep affection. As they embraced, I swore I saw a resemblance between the two blondes, and wondered if they really were sisters. Melia simply smiled back at Belle and didn’t respond. I wondered if there was something wrong with her voice that prevented her from replying.

  “Are you going to introduce us Belle?” said Trina, studying me with hungry intent.

  Belle stepped back across the command room and stood beside me, snaking her arms around my hips and pulling me close to her. “This is Laura, my... uh… human friend,” she said and I wondered if ‘friend’ truly covered it.

  “Hi,” I said, realizing suddenly that this was probably the first time that a human had knowingly communicated with an alien race. I was suddenly struck with the urge to say something deep and profound, something like Neil Armstrong’s “one small step”. “You have a very nice ship!” I remarked with gawping incredulity, and immediately hated myself.

  Trina smiled back at me. “Thank you Laura! I hope Belle has treated you well,” and she shot a smutty glance at her friend.

  I felt myself blushing, realizing that these two women knew only too well what had happened between us. “I… yes…” I stammered, then fell silent, vowing to leave intergalactic diplomacy to someone else in the future.

  Suddenly, the harsh white light of the room faded and the room plunged into near darkness, lit only by rotating pink lights around the walls. The silence was punctuated seconds later by a piercing claxon that seemed to come from every direction. I gasped, and Belle tightened her grip around my waist, looking around in surprise and consternation. Trina hopped back and lowered herself into her couch, gazing at the floating screen of green light beside her and moving her slender fingers in some arcane incantation that I couldn’t comprehend.

  “Wh-what is it?” I demanded, looking at Belle for answers and reassurance. Belle only looked at Trina and waited for the other girl to reply. Across the room, Melia had joined Trina and settled back into her own couch.

  Trina made a sudden harrumph and sighed. “It seems that your phaseshift was tracked Princess,” she said to Belle. Belle muttered some words under her breath that I couldn’t understand, but the meaning was clear. “Kyla’s ship is coming out of foldspace a thousand kilometers spinward. She’s achieved a lock and…” Trina stopped and her face fell. “She’s launched a shuttle.” The brunette looked up from the screen and fixed Belle with a serious look. “She means to board us. What on earth did you do to provoke her Belle?” she asked with a shake of her head.

  Belle released me and stepped over to one of the empty couches, hopping up and settling back into the comfortable looking chair. Her fingers began to dance in the air before her, manipulating the strange technology of the chair in ways that I couldn’t understand. “Melia, can you get us out of here?” cried Belle, a note of frantic urgency in her voice. Melia shook her head and looked apologetic.

  Trina replied for her. “They’re too close and they have the advantage of foldspace emergence velocity. By the time we got enough speed, they’d be on us.”

  “Could we turn and shoot past them?” suggested Belle, her fingers moving quicker and quicker.

  Trina and Melia turned to look at each other, an unspoken communication aligning their thoughts. “Yes, that might work. Accelerate along their vector but in the opposite direction, fly right past them and scuttle them in our engine-wake!” exclaimed Trina.

  Belle turned to me and smiled, appearing perfectly calm. “Just like Maverick buzzing the tower, right Laura?” she said wit
h a wink and I felt strangely calmed by her relaxed manner.

  “Turning now,” said Trina and I steadied myself against an empty seat, preparing for a lurch of acceleration or a skull-crushing dose of momentum. But none came, and the ship gave no outward appearance of having moved or turned. I felt myself wishing we had this kind of inertia damping technology when I’d had my car accident years ago!

  “Okay, we’re aligned with their vector. They’re not slowing or deviating. Turn on the screen please Melia, let’s see what we’re dealing,” said Belle, her voice commanding and self-assured.

  Melia’s hand skipped to the left and made a sweeping gesture, then the entire far wall of the room evaporated in a shimmer of light to be replaced by the vast expanse of empty space. I felt a sudden rush of vertigo and panic, and stepped back into one of the chairs, falling backwards and sitting down. Outside the new window, I could see the glowing marble of Earth, an impossibly distant ball of blue and green. Directly below us, I could make out the unmistakable line of the pacific coast, lush and verdant and rippled with the tiny textures of hills and mountains, deep green fading into the brown expanse of Nevada and beyond. I was suddenly struck by the realization that all of this was real, abandoning the notion that I was dreaming in an instant.

  I forced my eyes up from the gentle curve of the Earth’s horizon and focused on the dark well above. Moving lazily across the sky was bright light and, emerging from this, a smaller light that appeared to be travelling in a lazy arc that would eventually intersect us. As I watched, two more tiny lights sprang into existence besides the larger one and headed off on the same trajectory as the first.

  “Damn, two more,” spat Trina.

  Belle fell silent and motionless, studying the screen with a distant scrutiny. “We can’t get past three of them. We’re going to be boarded. They’ll come in through the cargo lock, it’s the weakest point. We’ll need to make our stand in the hold.” She turned her body and swung her legs down, skipping over to the wall and slapping the white tile with the palm of her hand. A shimmering rectangle appeared and dropped aside to reveal a hidden recess that was dimly lit and contained four objects that looked like bracelets.

  With a sweep of her arms, she gathered the metallic objects together and began to hand them out. First Trina, then Melia, then me. The other women put them on their wrists and turned back to their screens, lost in furious concentration.

  “What’s this Belle? I don’t…” I stammered, utterly unable to comprehend what was happening.

  Belle smiled at me and reached her hand up to cup my cheek. “Put it on, it will help keep you safe. I’ll explain how it works later. Just stay close to me, okay?”

  I nodded and slipped the cold metal circle over my hand. To my surprise, it shifted and changed as it settled on my arm, moulding itself with liquid fluidity until it fit perfectly over my slender wrist.

  “Take off your robe,” Belle said.

  I shook my head, reluctant to reveal myself to other strange woman, unsure what it would achieve.

  “Please Laura, it’s important,” she insisted, and I found myself compelled by the tone of her voice. With halting motions, I untied the silk cord and allowed the robe to slide back over my shoulders. I looked around, suddenly ashamed of my nakedness. To my surprise, Trina and Melia were naked as well, their perfect bodies appearing pale and toned in the flashing pink light of the command room. I turned back to Belle and she smiled, then her body shimmered and her clothes disappeared as well.

  Instantly, I felt a flush of desire, despite the desperate and strange situation we were in. I felt my eyes falling to the creamy rise of her breasts, noting the hardness of her nipples and the way they moved as she breathed. From deep inside me, something stirred, a familiar sensation that was dim and faint, but unmistakable. And then I noticed something odd. On my wrist, the metallic bracelet had begun to glow with an eerie pink light. It seemed to throb in time with my body, becoming brighter with my pulse.

  Belle smiled at me and stroked her tender fingers across my breasts. I felt myself shudder and my nipples go instantly hard. On my wrist, the bracelet began to glow with a constant light, and I noticed that Belle’s was doing the same.

  “Wh-what is it Belle?” I asked, my voice trembling and faint.

  “This device is an orgasmic amplifier. It is the nearest that my people have to a weapon. The device is powered by pure Orgasmium. It takes your feelings of pleasure and amplifies them, creating a field of pure desire and rendering anything within incapable of negative action.” She shifted her hands down and hooked her fingers into my pussy, pressing down lightly on my clitoris. A wave of sensation rippled through my body, and the pink light of the bracelet pulsated and boiled, then expanded outwards from my arm. “See?”

  I gasped, barely able to think straight. “Y-yes… we fuck… instead of fighting…” I breathed, laying my arms on Belle’s shoulder and pulling her close.

  She pushed me away gently, and removed her hand from my pussy. “Not yet, soon!” she said, placing her finger lightly on my lips. “Trina, Melia, are you ready?”

  The other girls flicked their screens to the side and jumped off their couches, then linked hands together and stepped over to us. “We’re ready Belle,” said Trina with brisk enthusiasm.

  I turned to the screen, forcing my eyes away from the three naked women that stood around me. The approaching points of light had resolved to distinct shapes now. Long ovoids of white, as featureless and bland as the interior of Belle’s ship. Behind them arced a trail of glowing plasma, marking their heading and speed. Further back, the looming shape of Kyla’s ship, vast and intricate, an intersecting collection of elements that defied my rational analysis.

  “Let’s get to the cargo hold!” said Belle, and tugged at my hand. I hurried along behind the three women, admiring the firmness of their bottoms and the long line of their legs. I wondered if maybe the bracelet was injecting something into my bloodstream that allowed me to feel horny instead of petrified, then pushed the thought away, not really caring.

  The four of us jogged down the curving corridor and then stopped beside a deceptively featureless wall. Belle approached it and then the wall rippled with the familiar shimmer of a door forming. We stepped through, Belle holding my hand and Trina holding Melia’s. Were they lovers? I wondered idly, another out of place consideration on a night that was full of them.

  We emerged into the cargo hold, a room that differed from the other rooms of the ship only by its vast size and the gaping entrance in the far wall. The rectangular portal seemed to be open to the outside, with only the perplexing blackness of space beyond it. I gasped and flinched backwards, but Belle held me in place. “It’s okay,” she smiled at me, “the cargo hold is secured by an Orgasmium field. It can’t be breached and can only permit items through at slow speeds. Kyla’s ships will attempt to enter here and this is where we will subdue them.”

  I felt myself questioning how four naked woman could repel three spaceships, but shrugged and allowed myself to be led by Belle over to a raised plinth with a spongy foam surface. Trina hopped up and then turned to help Melia and the two girls started kissing instantly. I gasped at the strange action, and stared at the kissing girls as their hands roamed over each other’s bodies. On my wrist, the bracelet pulsed a steady pink once more and I noticed that Trina’s and Melia’s were doing the same.

  Belle released my hand briefly and hopped up onto the plinth beside the other two girls, and then turned to face me. She pointed over to the wall and waved her hand to the side. I followed where she was pointing and another hidden recess revealed itself. “Grab that... if you want,” she said with a cheeky smirk.

  I glanced over at the wall and caught sight of two strange objects. Without thinking, I stepped over to the recess and picked up one of the items. It was a flexible column of moulded plastic or rubber, cast in the shape of what looked faintly reminiscent of a male penis. But beyond the length and overall shape, it was oddly differe
nt. It appeared to be streamlined for pleasure, rippled with curved ribs along its length. The end was bulbous and blunt, but appeared more functional than organic, designed to push into the tight hole of a pussy. And emerging from the base of the rod, a slender finger of rubber with a moulded tip. I shuddered as I imagined the thick length pounding into my aching pussy while the strange protuberance tickled my throbbing clitoris.

  I looked down and realized that the bracelet’s pink light was pulsing brighter than ever and a warm flush spread over my cheeks. I turned back to Belle who was studying me expectantly. “I want!” I said and grabbed the two alien dildos and made my way back to the plinth.

  As Belle was pulling me up to kneel beside her, the cargo bay was suddenly filled with a static crackle and a smell of cordite that reminded me of the bumper cars at Medford Fair when I was a child. Belle and I turned as one to see the snub nose of one of the boarding craft inching through the shimmering field that covered the bay door. The ship was three metres tall and increasing in height as the ovoid body crossed over into Belle’s ship.

  Belle turned to me and smiled. “It’s now or never,” she said, and turned her body until she was kneeling in front of me, her breasts brushing against mine. I blinked and looked at the emerging spaceship, then flicked my head around and glanced at Trina and Melia as the two girls rolled together, lost in their own world of hungry desire. I felt myself go dizzy and strangely weak, unable to take in this strange, otherworldly scene.

  And then Belle leaned forward and kissed me, her tongue nudging insistently against my mouth until I relented and allowed her to push forwards and probe inside me. Any external considerations evaporated in a flash of pink light as the warm glow of my bracelet jumped outwards to engulf the pair of us and created a feedback loop of pure lust. I fought against Belle’s entry, rolling my tongue against hers and sliding my lips on her mouth. I felt myself becoming overwhelmed by her taste and the sticky tang of her lips. My hands moved over her body, unable to select a single point of concentration, needing to feel the full glory of her flesh. I grabbed at her breasts, as she grabbed at mine. With reckless abandon, we pawed at each other, both lost in heightened awareness that the pink field gave us.


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