Climax: Volume 2

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Climax: Volume 2 Page 39

by Ella Ford

  Suddenly, I felt Belle grab me with deceptively strong hands and push me back onto the spongy foam of the plinth, then she reached beside herself and picked up one of the strap on dildos and threw it over to Melia. Her sister caught it with a flourish and began to thread her legs into the complex straps of the harness, not taking her mouth off Trina’s for a single second.

  Belle reached down once more and grabbed the second dildo, then repeated her sister’s action, attaching the meaty appendage to her tiny body. Finally, she kneeled above me, swaying her hips from side to side, grinning as the thick rod rolled back and forth in front of her. “Ready?” she asked, and I nodded, parting my legs and revealing my dripping pussy to her once more.

  Behind us, a metallic clang and then a trembling sigh as a door appeared in the side of the boarding craft, now fully inside the cargo bay. I turned my head where I lay and watched with detached interest as a liquid staircase extruded itself from the side of the ovoid craft and made contact with the floor below. A figure appeared in the door above, a silhouetted female with a thin waist, shapely hips and long legs. I recognized the woman as one of Kyla’s soldiers.

  “Ignore them,” Belle said, pulling me back to the plinth. The pale blonde had lowered herself into position above me and the cool tip of the strap on dildo was nudging against my tender pussy. She hooked her hands under my thighs and lifted my legs upwards and back, so that my knees were around my head and my feet were in the air. I took hold of my ankles and held them in place, freeing her to take me as she wanted. She gazed down at my exposed pussy and asshole and licked her lips, a look of primeval desire spreading across her pretty face. Her bracelet pulsed and sent a thick wave of pink light outwards.

  She reached down and took hold of the dildo, then traced it lazily through my dripping lips, pausing above my tight hole. Then she pushed forwards with her hips and forced the thick column inside me. I inhaled deeply and moaned, feeling my pussy fill with the flexible length until it seemed more than I could stand. I felt stretched and full, a perfect contentment that defied explanation. My bracelet pulsed again, a spreading sphere of radiance that combined with that of Belle’s and the other two girls until the plinth was a focal point of radiating pink light.

  As Belle reversed her stroke and pulled the rod out of me, I turned to the side and glanced at the ship. Six women had emerged now and were approaching the plinth, striding confidently forwards on sharp stiletto heels. Each one was wearing a tight, black dress and black pantyhose with tall leather boots. Each girl’s hair was slicked back and their makeup thick and heavy. I found myself reminded of that Robert Palmer video, ‘Addicted To Love’, with the robotic women made-up with fetishistic zeal. But these girls clutched menacing looking metallic weapons in their slender fingers rather than harmless guitars.

  As I watched, the first of Kyla’s Sextroopers reached the leading edge of the pink field and she stopped abruptly, shaking her head in confusion.

  And then Belle forced the dildo into me again, harder this time, deeper. Suddenly, the approaching women seemed unimportant and distant and I turned back to Belle. The little princess was peering down at me with hungry detachment, studying my face, my breasts, my legs, as she pounded the alien dildo into me again and again. With each stroke, she ploughed me deeper and I began to feel an insistent nudge on my clit as the dildo’s strange finger did its work. I moaned out loud and urged her onwards, feeling an intoxicating wave of pleasure washing over my body, provoked by the fucking and increased tenfold by the strange light of the orgasmic amplifier. It was like nothing I’d ever felt before, more intense than I could have imagined possible. I screamed out and threw my head back, unable to contain my delight and pleasure.

  As I struggled to regain my rationality, I became distantly aware of a screaming to my left. I turned my head and forced my eyes open. Trina and Melia were locked in a passionate embrace, with Trina impaled on Melia’s cock as I was on Belle’s. The pair were rolling around, hands pawing at each other, mouths locked together, kissing frantically. And surrounding them, a thick haze of pink light, phantom streamers of radiance curling outwards like lazy fingers, a boiling cauldron of rose.

  Belle sensed my lust and fell on me, her body bending forwards to rest on mine, lips finding my lips and sliding together with practiced ease. I lifted my legs and wrapped them around her waist, locking her in position with the thick dildo deep inside me. She began to work her hips in lazy strokes, creating enough friction on my hole and clit to drive me wild with desire.

  I glanced off to the side, remembering the Sextroopers that were nearly upon us, then gasped as I saw what was happening. The six women were now fully immersed in the expanding sphere of pink light, and seemed overcome by the intensity of our pleasure field. One by one, the girls were succumbing, dropping their strange weapons down to the floor and turning on each other, their eyes hungry with lustful intent. As I watched, hands began to tear at clothing, hot bodies stripping each other and collapsing to the floor in a frantic tangle of limbs and tongues. In time, all six of the women were cavorting in a fevered pile on the floor, their pleasurable moans echoing around the hold and only serving to amplify my own ecstasy.

  I turned back to Belle and embraced her fully, pulling her body to mine and feeling the slick softness of her skin sliding against mine. I lifted my hand to her neck and pulled her head down, kissing her deeply, forcing my tongue into hers, savoring the rich taste of her alien desire.

  She responded by pounding me hard, driving the thick dildo into me again and again, faster and faster, a never ending cacophony of pleasure erupting from my boiling pussy.

  Around me, the intensity of coupling increased, each woman lost in her own world of extreme sensation, bodies alive with electric joy. The pink air pulsed and rolled, a perfect feedback loop of utter pleasure.

  From deep inside, I sensed the barrelling approach of my orgasm, an unstoppable runaway train with only one destination. I attempted to hold it back, attempted to divert its course, but it wouldn’t denied. Above me, Belle moaned and writhed, pushing forwards with her cock again and again, drilling me deeper and deeper, the firm flesh of her thighs slapping against my ass, marking the time of my satisfaction.

  And then from across the cargo bay, a woman cried out in perfect ecstasy, and then another, their voices joining together in a thrilling chorus of utter joy.

  I could hold back no longer and I turned my senses to the impending climax. It lurched out into my body, spilling from my pussy in a wave that was mirrored by the pulsing pink light from my bracelet. I allowed it to wash over me, igniting every nerve ending with a boiling fire.

  My body bucked upwards, possessed by an animating spirit that was out of my control. My hands flew out to the side, nails digging into the soft matting of the plinth. “OH FUCK!” I cried, breaking my own personal rule about swearing in public. I felt an intense roar in my pussy, driven by the sense of Belle’s cock inside of me. One by one, my senses and thoughts gave way, falling to the endless surge of pleasure that wracked my body and left me insensate. I felt the sweet kiss of oblivion as my awareness collapsed down to the singular point of intensity in my midriff and held focus there, fearing that if I lost this single anchor point, then I would be lost to it forever.

  And then, just as I thought I could take no more, the feeling dissipated and left me. I was left panting and trembling, pinned beneath Belle, still impaled on her cock. Around me, more orgasms erupted. I glanced around and saw women caught in the throes of climax, the fragile facade of appearance shimmering and shifting, revealing the alien forms beneath, sleek and slender and utterly strange.

  I felt myself drifting away, lulled into a false sleep that I knew had no place in this still dangerous place. And then I felt Belle slip out of me, the glistening rod hanging before as if robbed of its arousing force.

  She turned to the left and looked over the collapsed Sextroopers, a pile of women, tangled limbs cooling in the radiant afterglow of their climaxes. They see
med to no longer pose a threat, and Belle didn’t seem concerned by them.

  “The other ships are turning back,” she said to Trina as Melia slipped her own cock out of Trina’s pretty pussy.

  Trina rolled over and gestured at the wall. “Screen,” she said and the ship responded by revealing a shimmering rectangle of light that coalesced into a hard black surface that twinkled with scattered lights. I realized that we were looking outside again.

  “Oh no,” said Trina with a note of concern in her voice. “They’re turning back, but look what’s happening.”

  The brunette pointed at the larger shape of Kyla’s command ship and I noticed that multiple points of light were spewing out from that single point, all heading away from us.

  “What… what’s happening Belle?” I demanded, not daring to face what I already knew.

  Belle turned to me and fixed me with a look of deep sadness and regret. “I’m sorry Laura. We were too late. It’s started already…”

  “What has started? What’s going on?”

  “The invasion Laura. Kyla’s forces have begun their invasion of Earth!”

  This was turning into one hell of a night!


  Lesbian Invaders Strike Back

  by Ella Ford

  Chapter 1: A Hot Binary System

  For the most part, the summer of 1986 was perfectly normal and utterly unremarkable. The temperature was maybe a little higher than normal, and the tourists in my hometown of Sycamore Falls, Oregon were a little more obnoxious. But for a twenty-two year old high school dropout working tables in a grimy diner, that summer was no different than the year before, or the year before that, or any year.

  At least, that was, until the Earth was invaded by a sex-crazed race of lesbian space nazis and I became a bold heroine in a sapphic tale of interstellar adventure and lust! What can I say, it was a strange year!

  Let me get you up to speed…

  It all started when I met a girl called Belle, who seemed perfectly strange in every way, not least because yours truly, Laura Hayman, found myself weirdly attracted to the pretty blonde. Was it her halting mannerisms, her exotic accent, or the way she tried to kiss me (with tongues) at every opportunity? Hard to say, but within days of meeting her, I found myself learning more about the female anatomy than years of high school biology had ever taught. In short, I was smitten. And that’s not even the weird part.

  Because it turns out, yadda yadda yadda, that Belle was an alien from a far off world, a member of the royal family of the Vulvans, a race of space lesbians who had developed a culture devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and desire. It didn’t end there either. It turned out that Belle had come to Earth in pursuit of a renegade faction of her people led by the evil (boo! hiss!) Kyla and her sensual Sextroopers, who sought to enslave human females and pillage our planet for a mysterious ore known as Orgasmium. Hmmm, when I write it out like that, it sounds ridiculous, but it actually happened, and it was a hell of a night!

  So here I am, in low earth orbit with Belle and her friends, Trina and Melia, trying to figure out how on earth we can stop the invasion of Earth. Just an ordinary Monday then!

  “Okay, let’s go through the plan again,” said Belle with growing impatience.

  The four of us had gathered in the ship’s small conference room, another clinical, white space, differentiated from the countless other clinical white spaces in the small spaceship by the presence of a large white table surrounding by four white stools. I found myself thinking that Belle and her people needed to stop thinking about pussy for five minutes and hire an interior decorator!

  The four of us were dressed nearly identically, in matching silver mini-dresses, knee length silver boots with a racy high heel and pink pantyhose. Belle had produced my outfit from one of the hidden recesses on the ship’s wall panels when I asked her if she had anything I could wear instead of the flimsy silk robe that I’d left Earth with. The costume, Belle told me, was a perceptual mimetic, taking on whatever form my subconscious imprinted on it, similar to the uniforms that Belle and her friends were wearing. It turns out that my subconscious had a thing for sixties sci-fi girls, and had attired me and the crew in matching silver uniforms that seemed as impractical as they did deeply arousing. I shifted in my seat and felt the soft material of the pantyhose swish together on my thighs, marvelling at how real the sensation seemed.

  “It’s quite simple Bellandra,” said Trina with a sarcastic smirk. “Kyla has set up her forward base of operations in Sycamore Falls. If she’s working to her usual process, she’ll take over the city hall and persuade the mayor and her staff to help assist them. Governor Lyanda, Kyla’s right hand woman,” Trina looked at me as outlined what the others already knew, “will run the show while Kyla sets up the Orgasmium ore operation in Sycamore Woods.”

  “Right,” interrupted Belle, “and Lyanda’s one weakness is that she can’t resist young pussy. So while she’s corrupting town hall, she’ll also have the town’s local girls brought to her as.... playthings.” Belle looked at me apologetically.

  I sighed. “Surely my people wouldn’t help her?” I said, thinking of Mayor Jacobs and her staff, the very definition of a benevolent dictatorship. Melissa Jacobs had been mayor for as long as I could remember, and seemed friendly and affable, always taking time out of her day to say hello or enquire about your doings.

  “Kyla’s people are very persuasive,” said Belle darkly, “with their Orgasmium technology, they have ways of making their requests seem perfectly reasonable. If our experience is anything to go by, your mayor will help Lyanda and think that she’s doing nothing out of the ordinary.”

  “So what can we do?” I sputtered, suddenly feeling very sad and scared. Until now, the whole thing had seemed like a sexy adventure, a voyage of self-discovery in which I got to act as the kind of daring heroine that I read about as a young girl.

  Trina and Belle looked at each other, while Melia stared down at the perfect surface of the conference table, remaining as perfectly quiet as ever. “Well, that’s where you come in,” breathed Belle, glancing up at me.

  “Anything I can do to help,” I said, truthfully.

  “We need to get access to Kyla’s command facility, to upload a disruptive retro-propagating heuristic algorithm into her Orgasmium mainframe,” she said and I wondered if she’d lapsed into her native Vulvan language, for all the sense it made to me. But I nodded along anyway, keen to make Belle think that I was way smarter than I actually was. Belle sensed my confusion and smiled at me, a vague hint of a grin that was knowing and shared. “Don’t worry, I’ll be there to do most of the work.”

  “And this… uh… disruptive algo-thing will stop Kyla?” I asked, realizing that I was way out of my depth.

  “No, it will just slow her down. Mire her local network in pointless traffic and prevent her from getting established quite as fast. This will buy us time for Trina and Melia to get word to my people, to convince my mother of Kyla’s intentions and catch her red handed!” Belle said with a degree of animation that was uncharacteristic for the usually unflappable blonde.

  “Okay. I’m in. What do we do?”

  Belle glanced at Trina and Trina nodded. “Jolani, one of Trina’s wives,” - wives? how many did she have, I wondered - “has been planted undercover with Kyla’s Sextroopers. She’s stationed with Lyanda in the city hall. We’re going to use her to get us in front of Lyanda, we’ll be, uh, in disguise ourselves,” Belle said cryptically and I wondered exactly what we were going to be disguised as.

  “Is everything clear?” said Trina, glancing around the room at the four of us. Belle and Melia both nodded, their dark expressions filling me with a feeling of nervous trepidation. I realized that this was real now, no longer a girl’s own adventure. Reluctantly, with as much enthusiasm as I could muster, I nodded.

  “Come with me,” said Belle with a lurid smile on her pretty face, “I want to show you something!”

  It was several
hours after the planning session had ended, and far into what my body insisted was night time. We’d spent an eternity running over the fine details of Belle’s plot, ensuring that everything was accounted for and there’d be few surprises. I had to admit, it was a good plan, but still riddled with dangers that I couldn’t even comprehend. But Belle and her friends seemed to know what they were doing, having an obvious experience with this sort of thing. I hoped I didn’t let them down.

  Belle took my hand and skipped down the stark white corridor that wrapped the central core of the ship in its gentle curve. I hurried after her, struggling to keep up in the high heeled boots and restrictive minidress, cursing the curious implication of a subconscious that would put me in such an awkward, sexy outfit.

  We reached a featureless white panel on the inside edge of the curving wall and Belle raised her hand, performing the command wave that seemed to be the trick to learn if I wanted to navigate around the ship on my own. The wall responded to her gesture. The large, square panel began to ripple and shimmer as the hard, white surface melted into a cascade of falling light, then parted down the middle like two glistening curtains.

  Belle turned to me and grinned with a suggestive look on her pretty face, then she gripped my hand and pulled me through.

  We emerged onto a narrow ledge, halfway up the wall of a large, spherical space that must have been fifty feet in diameter. I blinked, struggling to take in the unexpectedly huge room, strangely devoid of the harsh right angles that characterized the other rooms in the ship. I slowly found myself gaining my bearings and realized we were in the ship’s dead center. The curving corridor must encircle the circumference of this room completely, with rooms positioned on the outside of the structure.


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