Climax: Volume 2

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Climax: Volume 2 Page 40

by Ella Ford

  “What is it?” I asked Belle, still not quite sure what she wanted me to see. The room was impressive, but it was up against a day where I’d seen both another woman’s pussy up close and the gentle curvature of the Earth from space. Let’s just say I was feeling hard to please.

  Belle simply smiled and turned her back to me, then stepped forward confidently and positioned herself on the lip of the ledge.

  “What are you…?” I began to ask, but before I could finish the sentence, she launched herself forward into the void, spreading her arms outwards like an Olympic diver.

  I screamed and reached out, a reflex action, attempting to catch her before she fell to a very nasty landing twenty five feet below us. To my surprise, she simply rolled lazily in the air and drifted slowly to the dead center of the room, then flipped over and leaned back, beaming at me with her hands behind her back.

  I reached out to the side and grabbed the railing to my left, a sudden feeling of vertigo and dizziness sweeping over me.

  “Do you like it?” shouted Belle, grinning smugly.

  “I-I’m not sure,” I stammered. My monkey mind was finding it difficult to comprehend what I was seeing, being so used to the reliably mixed blessing of gravity.

  Belle frowned and stared at me, then she snapped her fingers together quickly, three times. Instantly, her clothes began to ripple and change, the tight fabric of her mini-dress appearing to shimmer like the weird material of the light-doors. I blinked, captivated by the strange technology, and felt my vertigo wane slightly, forgotten in favor of the intriguing display. As I watched, Belle’s clothes continued to shift, slowing coalescing into a uniform covering of glimmering radiance; pantyhose, boots and dress melting into each other. Then, with a strange slurping noise, the skin flowed over her body and collected in a rippling droplet about the size of a soccer ball, leaving Belle completely naked. She grinned back at me. “Do you like it now?” she purred, touching her fingertips to her taut nipples.

  I gazed at her, studying every inch of her porcelain skin, the pronounced curve of her hip, the long line of her slender legs and her modest breasts, perky and upright even without the undeniable advantage of zero-gravity!

  “It’s… It’s growing on me,” I breathed.

  “Come and join me,” she urged, then clicked her fingers together again.

  I felt a gentle tingle all over my body, a light electricity that felt like a thousand tiny needles touching my skin. It wasn’t unpleasant. In fact, it felt breathtakingly pleasant. I looked down, holding my hands out in front of me. My clothes had begun to shimmer and ripple in the same way that Belle’s had done, slowly transforming into a swirling skin of golden light. I gasped, feeling the strange liquid slither over my skin like a sheet of satin, hugging my contours and lines and leaving a tingling warmth in its wake. Suddenly, the pulsating layer slid off my body and coalesced into a wobbling sphere hanging in the air before me, then floated off to position itself beside Belle’s equally strange clothes-ball.

  I realized that I was naked, and instinctively wrapped my arms around my breasts and waist, then blushed as I remembered that Belle had seen me naked before.

  “Just launch yourself off, I’ll catch you,” Belle called from the center of the room, spinning her body around so that she was upright, with arms outstretched.

  Gingerly, I stepped forward to the edge of the platform and closed my eyes. I found it hard to ignore millions of years of neural programming about the particular dangers of being so high up, but inched forwards nevertheless. Slowly, I felt myself relaxing, spurred on by the burning memory of Belle’s pale body floating in the air before me. Then I stepped forwards, putting my foot down on nothing and allowing my body to follow it.

  I felt a tumbling sensation in my stomach and panicked, the absence of any contact with a hard, solid surface convincing my mind that I was falling. My arms and legs flailed out, sending me into a quick spin that I couldn’t control. I thrashed and rolled, struggling to right myself and feeling my stomach flip over in hurried somersaults.

  And then I felt Belle’s arms wrap around me, gripping my pelvis and stopping my mad tumble. I came to a stop upside down, with my head beside Belle’s feet and my hair hanging around my head like an explosion of honey blonde curls. Then Belle flipped me over with practiced ease and pulled me to a stop with our bodies pressed together, breasts touching, both floating in the air like it wasn’t even a thing.

  Instinctively, I wrapped my leg around hers and threaded my arms around her chest, locking my body on hers as though she was the only solid object in the universe.

  I gazed at her, heart hammering in my chest, half of me terrified by the strange sensation of floating, half of me deeply aroused by the hot warmth of her body pressed against mine.

  “Hi,” I said, not entirely sure what to say.

  She beamed back at me, apparently relieved that I’d regained my senses. “Hi,” she breathed, then leaned forwards and kissed me briefly.

  “Can we… you know… here?” I asked.

  “Can we fuck here?” she replied and I felt a hot flush spread over my neck and chest. I nodded. “Yes, we can fuck here. This is what the chamber is designed for. The Orgasmium field removes gravity and serves to heighten sensation. I hope you’ll enjoy it!”

  With my cheeks burning, I leaned forward and kissed her, lingering on her lips and savoring the taste of her, exotic and foreign but maddeningly compelling. Then I gripped her shoulders, bent my elbows and pushed back from her, exhaling with delight at the sudden sense of freedom.

  Belle laughed, a pretty titter that lit her face with a warm radiance. “Use your thoughts to control yourself,” she called out to me as I began to tumble to the side. I fixed my stare on her face and attempted to focus my thoughts, trying to visualize my body hanging upright in the air. To my surprise, it worked and I felt myself righting, coming to a halt ten feet from Belle.

  I blinked and looked around, then pictured myself drifting over to the ledge that we’d just been standing on. Sure enough, I began to drift in that direction. Before I reached it, I shifted my mind again, and visualized myself spinning in the air in a tight somersault. As my body began to tumble forwards, I pulled my knees up to my body and gripped them tightly, then allowed my body to roll over and over. I exited the roll with a grand sweep of my arms and drifted over to Belle with growing confidence.

  The pretty blonde clapped her hands together happily. “You learn quickly!” she exclaimed.

  I smiled back at her and leaned my head to the side, studying her body.

  “I want to see you…” I said with halting trepidation.

  “What do you mean? Is it too dark in here? I can raise the lights,” she replied.

  “No Belle. I want to see you,” I said firmly.

  “Oh,” she breathed quietly, realizing what I meant. “Are you sure?”


  She nodded and drifted backwards, spreading her arms out and pointing her toes downwards in a strange cruciform. Then her body appeared to shimmer and ripple, mirroring the strange transformation of our clothes. Her skin began to darken, soft alabaster changing to a deep emerald green. Her body lengthened, arms and legs becoming slender and elongated, but still appearing proportionate. Her chest heaved upwards, breasts growing and filling and losing her usual appearance of puppy fat. But it was her face that changed the most. Her hair flowed backwards, deeping from powder blonde to dark brown and cascading down her back in a straight waterfall. Her ears became pointed and feral looking, and her eyes darkened to pools of onyx. Her nose flattened slightly, the cute button receding into her face, while her lips became dark and full, pouting with the weight of her sensuality.

  She was still recognizably Belle and I realized that my perception hadn’t altered her much at all, I’d simply tweaked her appearance to match my preconceptions. But there was something bold and powerful about this erotic creature that floated before me, a palpable sense of sexual presence and smouldering des
ire. I’d feared that I might be repulsed by such an alien anatomy, but I found myself breathing heavily, heart beating in time with the steady pulse in my pussy.

  Without thinking about it, I found myself drifting over to her, orientating my body to match hers. We came together once more and my limbs snaked around her emerald waist like ivy tendrils. I gazed into her eyes and studied the deep pools of night as she stared back at me.

  She blinked twice, a strange flicker of reptilian eyelids. She seemed bashful and reluctant, almost ashamed of her appearance. “You’re not… put off, are you?” she whispered.

  “You’re beautiful,” I said truthfully and leaned forward to kiss her.

  Her lips parted instantly and I pushed forwards with my tongue, not a single hint of trepidation in my actions. She pushed forwards herself, meeting me in her mouth and pressing back against me. Our tongues rolled together, flat and wet and eager, then I locked my mouth on hers, sliding my lips over hers and pawing at her naked body with my hands.

  She responded by pushing her knee between my legs, forcing my knees apart and pressing her thigh on my pussy. I felt a burst of pleasure at the sudden presence and tightened my grip on her, pulling her towards me and grinding myself against the soft firmness of her leg. I reached down and gripped her breast, mesmerized by the familiar touch of her body, an unchanged topography that was welcoming and reassuring despite her changed appearance. I began to knead the soft bag of flesh, brushing against her hardening nipple and causing her to moan out loud.

  Our entwined bodies began to roll lazily to the side, our stabilizing focus diminished by the distraction of our passion, but neither of us seemed to care. Our respective awareness had collapsed to a solitary focus, the sheer pleasure of our bodies and the pursuit of satisfaction. But a distant part of me paused to marvel at the strange circumstances in which I found myself - body joined with this sensual alien, drifting in the emptiness of zero-gravity, tumbling and rolling without support. It felt peculiar and invigorating, a perfectly unconstrained freedom that encouraged awareness of my entire body; the position of my limbs, my hands, my feet; the sense of her body against mine; the firm press and eager motion of her mouth. And then there was the Orgasmium field, the strange ambient force that held us aloft and pulsed with a constant presence. I felt it in every cell of my body, an electric tingle that served to amplify Belle’s passionate kiss and the sensation of her fingers brushing against my body.

  Deep inside me, centered on my pussy, I felt a warm core of desire, pulsing and rolling with insistent hunger. It drove me forwards, compelling my hands to move quicker, to touch her ever more; possessed by my lust, I kissed her with abandon, desperate for her taste and the sense of her presence.

  Then she pulled back from me and we peered at each other, panting with the shared energy between us. Her eyes were alive with an animalistic intent, studying me like prey as we tumbled and rolled.

  For long seconds, the tension built between us, a tangible hum that rippled in the cloying medium of the Orgasmium field. She moved with feline dexterity, gripping my shoulder and flipping my body around the axis of my pussy until I was upside down relative to her. She shifted her hands to my thighs and grabbed me with slender fingers and shifted my pussy upwards until her head was positioned between my legs.

  I sensed her intent and parted my knees, coiling my arms around her thighs and encouraging her to do the same. She capitulated without resistance and revealed the long slit of her alien pussy to me, moist and glistening in the dimmed light of the spherical cabin.

  I gasped and sighed, relieved that her sex appeared much like a human pussy, a familiar geography that I longed to explore anew. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, allowing the musky odor of her sex to fill my nose and throat. She smelled vital and rich, a heady cocktail that caused a feeling of intense desire to rush through my body, inviting me down into that welcoming chasm.

  Then Belle plunged her tongue into my own pussy and a wave of pleasure washed over me. My body bucked, arms tightening around her legs, head pushing backwards, and the sudden movement disturbed our equilibrium. Our interlocked bodies went into a lazy tumble, like a wayward satellite. As the world span around me, I gazed down at Belle’s pussy and then bent my head forward to place my mouth on that neat slit. I pushed my tongue down and forwards, sweeping upwards from her clitoris to her tight hole, relishing the taste of her, both familiar and strangely alien.

  As I began my tender work, I felt Belle’s body respond, muscles twitching as the pulsing wave of pleasure coursed through her. A distant part of me marvelled at how similar alien and human anatomies were, how they responded to the same stimulus, produced the same sensations. Then her thighs tightened around my head, locking me in place and strengthening the bond between us.

  We began to work as one. Each eager tongue focusing on its target clitoris, responding to the actions of the other, frantic motions increasing in pace with every passing second. I was gripped by the sense that our bodies were merging, soft skin melting into soft skin, becoming an amorphous female entity, a being of pure pleasure. The roaring feedback loop of our mutual pleasure ramped upward, provoked by our harmonious action. I pressed down with the flat of my tongue, squashing the throbbing bud of her swollen clitoris against her pelvic bone, moving from side to side. Belle screamed out and lifted her head from my pussy momentarily, digging her slender fingers into the firm muscle of my thigh. Then she got back to work, returning the favor with renewed further and it was my turn to cry out.

  Suddenly, I felt a long arm coil around my thigh and an insistent presence on my pussy hole as Belle pushed down on it with her fingers, penetrating my eager entrance. She forced her way in, lubricated by the hot wetness between my legs, gaining entry without resistance. I gasped as she pushed first one finger, then two into my hole and began to dip in and out, stretching the tight opening and swirling her digits around. Her tongue returned to my clitoris and the pulsing waves of pleasure from my g-spot and my clit combined into a frantic chorus of ecstasy.

  I felt my mind slipping away, rationality being replaced by the animal need for completeness, for climax. I doubled down on Belle’s pussy, lapping at her like a hungry dog, sweeping back and forth, covering every precious inch of her alien labia.

  Our bodies were spinning wildly now and the very air around us was pulsing with a pale pink light, the ambient Orgasmium field responding to our pleasure and amplifying it tenfold. I felt adrift in a universe with a limited purpose - the pursuit of relentless sensation, the taste of Belle’s hot pussy, the velvet feel of her body sliding against mine.

  I became aware of a chorus of moans, a soft harmonization of female voices singing out with pleasure, and realized that it was my voice that echoed around the spherical chamber. My voice and Belle’s, our hot cries of desire signalling our ultimate destination.

  Sure enough, I felt a looming presence inside myself. A dark oblivion that welled up from my pussy and enticed me with its sordid promise. I tried to turn away from it, to push it back and prolong the moment, but the temptation was too great. I allowed it to approach, allowed it to fill my senses and I readied my body for the tsunami to come. My breath quickened to short, sharp pants and, distantly, I became aware of Belle’s doing the same.

  With choreographed ease, we both responded to our impending climaxes by working our tongues harder and faster, lapping and licking, sucking and biting. I pulled Belle’s delicious folds into my mouth and sucked at her, flicking the pulsing bud of her clit repeatedly in time with her frantic breaths. She responded in kind, pushing a third finger inside of me, pounding me with her hand and swirling her tongue around in hard, tight circles.

  And then, my awareness was overwhelmed with a sudden burst of pink light. I felt a furious fire race through my body, making my muscles go rigid, causing my spine to arch, my head to push back and the tiny tendons in my neck to bulge out. My body clamped down on Belle’s and she did the same, fighting her own climax, the pair of us becoming los
t in our own worlds of total pleasure.

  As the forces raged, our conjoined body hurtled around the room, spinning wildly, the dizzying motion adding to the sense of overwhelming pleasure. I felt myself begin to blackout, struggling to contain the intense pleasure that roared through me. My sense of self collapsed, my awareness attained a singular focus, centered on the roaring maelstrom in my pussy. I felt a rising panic, a sense that I was slipping the bonds that anchored me to this reality. From somewhere far away, Belle cried out in a sing-song language that I didn’t recognize, and her attempt to release her own orgasmic energy pulled me back, locking me in the world and allowing me to control the raging energy inside me.

  And then it receded, as quickly as it had started, the orgasm pulled back and released me. My muscles went limp and my head fell forwards, coming to rest in the damp space between Belle’s long legs. I sensed Belle doing the same, felt her body go limp, attached to me by the weakest of grips.

  The pair of us floated lazily, neither one wanting to end the intense joining, any thoughts of what was to come the following day a distant consideration at best. I felt myself drifting off, content to stay like this for the rest of my life.

  Chapter 2: Forced Re-entry

  Returning to Earth wasn’t quite as traumatic as leaving it. This time, I was prepared for the Orgasmium phaseshift, and steeled myself in preparation, gripping Belle tightly around the shoulders. It probably helped that I wasn’t half-naked, cowering on the roof of my building and pursued by Kyla’s heavily armed Sextroopers, but whatever. This time, the feeling of pink oblivion poured over me like a comfortable blanket, and the strange sensation of falling wasn’t anywhere near as disorienting. Before I knew it, I was crouched down in a forest clearing, with Belle beside me. I breathed in deeply, taking in the familiar smells of home, relishing the cool air that seemed so natural and real. It felt so different from the mechanically reclaimed, strangely alien air on Belle’s ship.


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