Climax: Volume 2

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Climax: Volume 2 Page 41

by Ella Ford

  “We’ve arrived,” said Belle, being as maddeningly literal as she always was. She lifted her head and looked around, then jumped up to her feet and started prowling around the small clearing. It was just before dawn and the eastern horizon was beginning to glow a ruddy orange. It felt warm already, a sure sign that today would be another record breaking summer day, perfect for tourists and annoying for residents.

  I found myself wondering how many of them knew what was happening in their small town. Was anyone even remotely aware that an invasion was taking place? That hostile forces intended to enslave the men of the town, and subject the women to a very different fate? Probably not. Belle had told me that Kyla worked under cover of existing systems, inserting herself into the bureaucracies that ensured the smooth running of society, persuading people to help her with her sinister technologies. By the time anyone realized her sordid intent, it was too late. I sighed to myself, a part of me still utterly unable to believe that this was happening.

  “Jolani is coming,” said Belle suddenly, pointing off to the west. I followed her gesture, squinting in the dim light of early morning, but couldn’t see anything. Seconds later, I heard the soft rustle of leaves and the snap of twigs as a figure approached us. I craned my neck forward and strained to see more as the newcomer resolved into clarity. Then I gasped, and moved instinctively to stand behind Belle.

  Into the clearing stepped another woman. She was dressed in the distinctive uniform of Kyla’s Sextroopers. Dark leather jacket, short black miniskirt, sheer black pantyhose and high heeled knee-length boots. Her hair was slicked back and pulled taut into an efficient ponytail and she was heavily made-up - dark, smoky eyes and full lips, colored a deep burgundy. The woman was a good half a foot taller than me, and had a powerful, sensual presence that caused me to shudder involuntarily.

  “Don’t be afraid Laura,” said Belle, reaching back and touching my bare upper arm. “This is Jolani, Trina’s fourth wife. She is on our side.”

  I stepped out from behind Belle, ashamed at my obvious cowardice. “Hi,” I said with a jovial wave of my hand. I really need to get better at the whole greeting aliens thing, I thought to myself.

  Jolani looked at me with an amused smirk, her gaze flicking up and down my body, then her eyes snapped back to Belle and a look of serious intent crossed her face. “Welcome to Earth, Princess,” she said and bowed her head slightly.

  “Thank you. I’m finding the place to be quite agreeable,” replied Belle and flashed a glance at me that was heavy with desire and shared emotions.

  Her look didn’t escape the attention of Jolani, and the other woman grinned knowingly. “I hope this one is ready Belle. Governor Lyanda is no fool and she’ll see through your disguise in a single second if you let your attention drift.” Jolani directed this at Belle, but I sensed she was really talking to me, preparing me for what was to come.

  Belle nodded solemnly. “Laura has proved herself capable,” she replied, and a sudden memory of the battle in the cargo hold of Belle’s ship flashed through my mind. “Now come, let’s go through the plan again,” she said.

  “As I understand it, you want to get access to city hall, is that right?” said Jolani.

  “Yes, that is correct. We wish to gain access to Kyla’s mainframe, and this is the only place to do it,” said Belle, nodding.

  Jolani fell silent, then squatted down, resting back on her heels and lifting a bag off her shoulder. She opened the zip and began to rummage inside. “Lyanda has very… particular tastes,” she began, “she likes the innocence of youth, she seeks out the freshest, most gullible females for her harem. Then she breaks them and discards them.” I shuddered, repulsed by the notion of the town’s young girls being corrupted in this way. Jolani continued. “It is this preference of hers that we will exploit.”

  “What did you have in mind,” said Belle.

  “Lyanda has instructed us to round up girls with particular characteristics and bring them to her. She requires college aged girls, pretty and youthful, full breasts and long legs. If she finds them… appealing then they will be housed in her city hall base until the slave ships arrive. If any retain their innocence that long that is,” she paused and a dark look spread across her pretty face. “I’ve never seen Lyanda so hungry. She is normally insatiable, but somewhat reserved. There seems to be something about Earth girls that has caused her appetites to increase. Already, her harem is well stocked, and I fear for the girls that have fallen to her already.”

  Belle nodded grimly. “We will help them Jolani, with your help.”

  “I hope so.” She leaned forward and reached into the bag and pulled out a bundle of clothing. I recognised a tartan skirt and tan pantyhose. “You will put on these outfits. I will take you to Lyanda, tell her that I found you in town. You’ll pretend to be home from college for the summer, two high school friends who are bookish and quiet. It is very important that you appear to be innocent and nervous, or Lyanda will reject you and you’ll be sent to the Orgasmium mines.”

  She reached into the bag again and pulled out a tiny metal pebble that was smooth and featureless. “Lyanda will attempt to use her persuasion technology on you. She will attempt to control you into doing her bidding. But if you put this in your ear, then her Orgasmium field will be disrupted and you’ll be unaffected. But,” she said with a sudden emphasis, “it is very important that she believes she controls you. If you falter for a second, if she has any reason to believe that you are not fully under her power, then she will have you taken to the mines and the plan will fail. Do you understand?”

  I nodded numbly, the reality of the plan suddenly hitting home. “I have a question,” I said meekly.

  “Go on.”

  “Won’t Lyanda be able to see through Belle’s disguise? Won’t she recognize her as a Vulvan?”

  Belle and Jolani flashed each other a knowing look, and a smile spread across Jolani’s face. “You are right to be concerned Laura. But the Princess here has some secrets that even Kyla does not know about. Our scientists have perfected the Orgasmium perception field to such an extent that it can be made to fool even our own people. There is but one limitation,” she said and turned to face me directly. “For Lynada to see Belle as human, she must be exposed to the perception of another human. Belle’s perception field will effectively reflect your view of her, so Lyanda will see Belle as you do. But this will only work if you are within perceptual range of her. If you are within twenty feet of Belle, then Lyanda will see her as you do. But if you become separated, then the disguise will fail. Do you understand?”

  I nodded again. I felt a rising sense of panic wash over me, a feeling of being out of my depth, of being far from shore and unable to swim back. Belle sensed my trepidation and moved to stand beside me, placing her hands on my upper arms and locking her eyes on mine. “We can do this Laura, we can save your people. We’ll be together the whole time, do you understand?”

  I felt my panic ease, calmed by the reassuring touch of Belle’s hands and the steadfast look in her eyes. I realized then, for the first time, that my feelings for the strange alien princess went deeper than physical attraction. I felt safe in her presence, steadied by her in a way that no-one had made me feel before. I wanted to be with her, and couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.

  Before I could consider the matter further, Jolani spoke once more. “It is time. We must get you to the Governor before sunrise. The town will be crawling with Kyla’s soldiers and the natives soon. We can’t risk anyone recognizing Laura.”

  With a firm nod, we set to work changing into the elaborate costumes that Jolani had brought and silently contemplated the ordeal to come.

  On a normal day at seven o’clock in the morning, the city hall would ordinarily be deserted. But today, the stately corridors were alive with the constant click of stiletto heels on hard wooden floors. We wandered through the complex labyrinth of bureaucracy, trailing behind Jolani like lost dogs, lowering our eyes and hoping that the
countless Sextroopers we passed didn’t recognize us. But the sensual soldiers seemed to be preoccupied with the process of planetary invasion, clutching piles of paper to their chests and hurrying off to do goodness knows what. We didn’t see any of the building’s usual human staff and I wondered to myself what had happened to them. Was it just early, or had a more sinister fate befallen them?

  Occasionally, a passing alien would flash the pair of us a filthy look, her eyes crawling over our bodies with barely concealed desire. I couldn’t really blame them, we were dressed provocatively to say the least. Jolani had given us matching costumes that seemed to be plucked from the pages of Playboy magazine or some lurid schoolboy fantasy. We both wore short tartan skirts that barely covered our asses, and tan thigh high stockings with cute black low heeled shoes. Our white short sleeved blouses were tight and tied in a knot around our midriffs, exposing the flat expanse of our stomachs and emphasising the swell of our breasts. Belle’s short hair was tied back in a tight ponytail, while mine was allowed to fall free, a tumbling cascade of honey blonde that fell down my back and shoulders.

  Despite the danger, despite the desperate circumstances we found ourselves in, I found myself sneaking sly glances at Belle, relishing the silky smooth length of her legs or the gentle heave of her breasts beneath the tight blouse. She looked innocent and vibrant, a being designed for only one purpose. And I longed to fulfill that purpose.

  The three of us wandered through the echoing halls of the old building and made our way upstairs to the mayor’s offices, high up on the fifth floor. As we made our way deeper in, I tried to focus my mind, to concentrate on looking docile and controlled. Without thinking, I reached out with my fingers and gripped Belle’s hand. The pretty blonde turned to me and smiled, then took my hand in hers, lacing our fingers together.

  Eventually, we reached a pair of large wooden doors at the end of a corridor. The surface of the door shimmered with a faint pink light, causing the wood to ripple and pulse. It reminded me of the mouthwash that dentists give you, and I realized that it was some kind of force field - like something out of Star Trek.

  “Wait here.” We stopped and Jolani stepped over to the keypad on the wall. She began to move her hands over the unfamiliar symbols with graceful speed, jabbing at the flat screen with her fingers. After a few seconds, the pink light shimmered and parted, and the door lock clicked. “Come with me,” said Jolani, stepping towards the opening.

  She gave the door a slight push and it creaked open, then she held it while Belle and I hurried through. We emerged into a large office, an imposing room that was ornate and rich, with three walls dominated by floor to ceiling bookshelves containing hundreds of volumes of varying shapes and sizes. The fourth wall featured a row of windows, tipped with a gothic arch and filled with intricate, stained glass depictions of the city’s history. Through a pane of clear glass, I could see the roofs of the town and the sleepy sight of Main Street coming to life. The world outside seemed a million miles away from where I was and I found myself longing for my old, uncomplicated life.

  In the middle of the room was a huge desk, a slab of rich mahogany with thick legs carved in complex designs, and sitting at the desk was a woman. Seemingly older than the other aliens I’d encountered before, she appeared to be in her mid-thirties, and held herself with a regal comportment that seemed strangely fitting in the plush office. Distantly, I wondered why I visualized Belle and her friends, and even Kyla’s sex troopers, as young and vivacious; but Governor Lyanda appeared to me to older and more commanding. Was it that I feared her, that she put me in mind of a school teacher or other authority figure? Nevertheless, despite her age, Lyanda was deeply attractive. She had a stern face with high cheekbones that was framed by a perfectly cut bob of raven black hair and librarian glasses.

  As we stepped into the room, she looked up from her papers, peering at us over the top of her spectacles. I sensed her gaze sweep across my body, lingering on my stockinged thighs and full breasts. Then she shifted to Belle and I felt a momentary panic, suddenly convinced that Lyanda would recognize her people’s princess. But she looked away with no hint of recognition on her face. She slowly closed her file and took her glasses off, folding and depositing them neatly beside the papers. Then she stood and casually stepped around the other side of the desk, leaning against its rippled edge and folding her arms. The older alien was wearing a pristine skirt suit that was cream in color and perfectly crisp. Underneath the jacket she wore a black satin blouse that seemed slightly too small for her, causing her breasts to stretch the fabric around the buttons.

  “Well Jolani, you appear to have brought guests to visit,” she purred and lifted a finger to her ruby red lips.

  “Yes Governor,” replied Jolani, “I found these two in the local shopping mall. Thought you might like to look them over.”

  Lyanda licked her lips and studied us with sordid concentration. Then she stood and approached us, stopping before me and lifting a hand to my cheek. “What’s your name, little one?” she purred.

  I gasped at her touch, half playing the role of nervous virgin, half genuine fear and surprise. “L-Laura, ma’am,” I stammered, staring down at Lyanda’s shoes.

  “Do you know why you’re here Laura?” she asked me, stroking her fingers down my burning cheek.

  “No, ma’am. We were told that the mayor wanted to see us. Where is she?” I said, looking around the room, attempting to sound lost and confused and deliciously naive.

  “Oh, she’s around,” said Lyanda with a smile. Then she turned to Belle and stepped in front of the pretty blonde. She raised her hands again, but this time gripped Belle’s chin and lifted her face upwards. “And what about this one? What is your name child?”

  Belle blinked, appearing perfectly mesmerized by the older woman. “J-Jenny,” she whispered, using the name that we’d agreed on earlier.

  Lyanda leaned forwards and peered into Belle’s eyes, studying her with an uncomfortable scrutiny. “Have I seen you around… Jenny? You seem, familiar,” she said and my heart skipped a beat.

  Belle shook her head. “Maybe ma’am,” she replied with a meek tone, “I have a summer job across the street in the library,” she lied perfectly. Lyanda straightened up and released Belle’s chin, then stepped back to the desk.

  “Well, you’re both delightful,” she drawled, her tongue flicking across her lips with a reptilian speed. “But I have a naughty confession to make,” she purred, nibbling on her index finger.

  I looked around at Belle and she looked back at me, the pair of us making a show of mock confusion and growing fear.

  “Jolani, you can leave us now,” said Lyanda with a wave of her hand. Jolani nodded and turned on her heel, then hurried out of the room and slammed the door behind her. As I watched, the familiar pink shimmer settled on the doors once more, ensuring that we wouldn’t be disturbed and that we couldn’t leave.

  “Wh-what is going on here?” said Belle, her voice timid and scared. I wondered if she was entirely pretending, or whether there was a part of her that was really nervous. I knew that I certainly didn’t need to go to great lengths to fake my fear - it felt as though my entirely body was trembling uncontrollably.

  Lyanda smiled and fluttered her eyelashes. “I had Jolani bring you here for a particular reason,” she began, “you see, I am a collector of sorts. I like to acquire souvenirs from the places I visit, something to remember the place by.”

  “What do you want from us?” I demanded, surprised by how convincing I sounded.

  “My dear,” purred Lyanda, leering at me with a barely concealed hunger, “isn’t it obvious yet? I want the pair of you for my collection!”

  I gasped and Belle did the same. “You can’t! Let us go right now!” Belle cried out.

  Lyanda moved her hand in a lazy arc and I felt a sudden urge wash over me, a curious compulsion that made me want to do nothing more than stand exactly where I was and not move. It felt good here, it felt right to do what Lyan
da wanted. But no sooner had the compulsion taken me, than I felt a tiny buzz in my ear and the feeling vanished. Jonali’s device I remembered, it was working!

  “I think you’ll be staying right where you are, won’t you?”

  “Yes… ma’am,” we both replied with a robotic intonation that I found both terrifying and hilarious in equal measure.

  “Now, tell me, have you ever eaten pussy?” she said with a lurid smirk.

  Belle and I both looked at each other, fake expressions of shock spreading across our faces. I felt a warm flush crawl up my neck and face, not entirely part of the act.

  “No!” spat Belle. “We’re not lesbians!”

  Lyanda smiled and raised an eyebrow. “We’ll see about that,” she purred and hopped back onto the desk, crossing her stockinged legs and twirling her foot in a slow circle. “Why don’t you kiss for me?”

  I gasped. “No! You can’t make us! We’re friends!”

  “Oh honey, we’re all friends here. You’re about to make lots of new friends, lots of very close, intimate friends.” She lifted her hand and moved it in a gentle arc once more. “Now kiss each other,” she repeated firmly.

  I felt another wave of compulsion sweep through my mind, and I found myself turning to face Belle, fixated on the moist softness of her lips, filled with a deep urge to touch my mouth against hers. The device in my ear vibrated and hummed again, causing the involuntary urge to dissipate. As I regained control of my thoughts and urges, I realized that the compulsion hadn’t entirely vanished. I was still facing Belle and she was facing me, and I still had the same compelling drive to lean in and kiss her. But before I could move, Belle stepped forwards and lifted her hands to my face, then pressed her lips on mine.

  It was a hesitant peck at first, a tender brush that sent electric tingles down my spine and out into my arms and legs. She pulled back and stared at me, a look of confused longing on her face, mimicking the expression that Lyanda would expect to see on a her victims. I gazed back at her, clearing my own expression and replacing it with one of blank docility.


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