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Climax: Volume 2

Page 43

by Ella Ford

  “But you know what I do like?” she asked rhetorically. “I like fucking Earth girls. With your pale skin and docile eyes, your hot, pert, tits. I love how easy you are to control, how mindless and willing you become.” Her face was inches from mine now and I could feel her hot breath on my cheek. I felt myself trembling with fear and struggled to maintain my blank demeanour. She took a step back and crossed her arms under her ample bosom, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. “That bitch Lyanda tires of girls like you two in hours. Once she’s taken your purity and fucked you within an inch of your lives, she’ll get bored and hand you over to me and my sisters. And then we’ll get to know each other better, you can count on that.”

  She stepped forwards and lightly stroked the grey manacles boxes between our wrists, catching the featureless slabs as the pink circles of hard light disappeared and the boxes fell from our hands. Then she returned to me and grabbed me around my neck. She leaned forwards and licked her lips then kissed me roughly, forcing her tongue into my mouth. I allowed myself to capitulate, parting my lips and letting her enter me, but I didn’t return the kiss. The repulsive sensation of her mouth on mine caused a shudder of revulsion to ripple up my spine, but I held firm. After seconds of frantic probing, Sarina pulled back and gazed at me. She was breathing heavily and her mouth was slick with my saliva.

  “You and I will see each other later, you can be sure of that,” she whispered, then turned on her boot heel and left the room, slamming the door and locking it behind her.

  Belle and I stood motionless and blank for several minutes, until we were sure that she had really gone and wasn’t going to come back. Then, as one, we turned to each other and hugged tightly. I felt my eyes well up once more and I began to sob uncontrollably, hot tears spilling down my face onto Belle’s back.

  “It’s okay Laura, it’s okay,” breathed Belle into my ear. “She’s gone now, you’re safe.”

  “Oh, Belle,” I sobbed, “what are we going to do?”

  “We’re going to stop them, I promise you that,” she said with steely resolve, and I felt a flush of attraction surge through my body. Her unflinching confidence, the steady tone of her voice, the strong grip of her arms, all of this and the soft warmth of her body against mine awakened a familiar feeling inside me. I pulled back, still sobbing quietly, and looked at her. She reached up and stroked my hair, leaning her head to one side and smiling tenderly.

  It seems crazy now to think that even in such dire circumstance, my mind turned to sex. But I was suddenly overcome with a burning need to devour her, to please her and let her please me. I leaned forward and kissed her, sliding my lips over hers, the taste of her mouth dispelling the revolting memory of Sarina’s forced kiss in an instant.

  In an instant, I felt a wild urge rush through me, an animalistic need for satisfaction. My hands began to paw at Belle’s body, gripping her breasts, her ass, her neck. She lifted her leg and wrapped it around mine. I lowered my hand, taking the firm flesh of her thigh in my hand, relishing the silky smooth material of her stockings beneath my fingertip and stroking along the length of it to the bare flesh of her ass. She responded to my advances, returning the kiss and pushing her tongue against mine with a hot intensity that was like nothing I’d ever experienced.

  We staggered as one across the room, hands and mouths moving in a blur, a frantic whirlwind of female limbs. We reached the low camp bed and fell backwards onto it, causing the delicate frame to groan and creaked. But I didn’t care, didn’t even stop to consider that it might alert the guard outside the room. Any thoughts of Kyla or Lyanda or Sarina and their sordid plot to enslave the human race had vanished from my mind in a selfish flash of desire, replaced by the radiant image of Belle and her delicious body.

  Our bodies rolled together on a narrow mattress, each of us struggling for dominance, legs and arms snaking around the other in a constantly changing topology of control. Hands clutched at wrists and I succeeded in pinning Belle to the bed, then began to grind my dripping pussy against her stockinged thigh, hips moving without conscious thought, needing only to achieve what I so desperately craved. But then she arched her back upwards and toppled me, moving with feline speed to mount me and grip my leg between hers. It was her turn to seek that glorious friction, gazing down at me with primeval longing, grabbing my tits and kneading them with both hands, squeezing my tender nipples until they became hot points of rigid flesh. I squirmed beneath her, desperate to share the sensation that she now enjoyed.

  She fell backwards onto the bed and her leg kicked out. I reached up with my hand and grabbed her ankle and pulled her body towards me, pressing my pussy against hers, interlocking like scissors. She saw my intent and grabbed my own leg, lifting my foot and pulling off my low heeled shoe. Then she wrapped her lips around my foot and closed her eyes, engulfing my toes in the warm embrace of her mouth. I gasped and moaned, feeling a surge of pleasure of rush out from my pussy as Belle’s frantic attention continued. With both hands, I grabbed her leg, resting her calf of my shoulder and pulling her body towards me as hard as I could. I began to grind my hips back and forth, undulating my pussy against hers in a perfect sine wave. She responded by doing the same and our bodies matched in perfect resonance, slick pussies rubbing together, the hard bulge of my clitoris pressing against hers in a rhythmic dance that sent pulses of electricity through my body with every rough touch.

  All thoughts of the mission or danger had fled now, replaced by the burning need for release, the strong compulsion to achieve what we so desperately needed. In this focus, we seemed to be uniquely aligned - Belle’s frantic, feverish devouring of my body was matched only by my own and she seemed as lost to this ill-advised coupling as I was.

  “Ah, ah, ah,” she moaned, biting her lower lip and throwing her head back in an attempt to contain the rising energy in her body. I began to feel a similar sensation within myself, a burning fireball in my midsection that pulsed and rolled, sending hot tendrils of pure pleasure out into my limbs.

  Our bodies twisted and turned on the bed, each of us possessed with a need to perfect our positions, to achieve that glorious peak of enjoyment, a golden angle where two clits met in sweet unity. I twisted my hip, mashing my pussy lips against hers at an oblique angle, hitting her clitoris from a different direction and causing her body to lift from the bed and the frantic sucking of my stockinged feet to cease for the briefest moment while her mind struggled to process the new sensation.

  Ever faster our bodies moved, a writhing pile of womanhood, locked in a neverending struggle for fulfillment. I felt tiny pinpricks of sweat erupt on my burning skin, lubricating my flesh, helping it slide over Belle, who was slick with perspiration herself. Our pussies were a blur of motion, hot and wet and glowing. I caught fleeting glimpses of tender labia, mashed together against each other, the dividing line between us no longer certain.

  And then Belle’s head pushed back and her neck pulsed with strained tendons. Her mouth fell open and she exhaled an endless sigh, gripping my leg harder than ever before. As she came, I felt my own orgasm break inside me, washing over me with a flash of white light and a wave of impossible sensation. My pussy felt as though it was on fire, a burning core of pleasure that centered my being and focused my awareness. I felt my limbs go hard and stiff, clawing at the flimsy mattress with curled fingers and toes. I pulled at Belle’s leg, kissing our pussies together with one final gasp, not willing to let this slick point of contact be lost.

  Then, as one, our bodies fell back, lifeless and limp, breathing heavily, skin glistening with sweat. We lay there like that for many minutes, not daring to move, not wanting to disturb the wonderful tableau that we had created. I felt myself drift into a fitful sleep, a light doze punctuated by images of pink light and helplessness.

  “Laura, wake up, we have to go.” I felt a firm hand grip my shoulder. I forced my eyes open to find Belle leaning over me, her pert breasts, hanging over my own chest. “Shhh, don’t make a sound,” she whispered.

  “How long was I…?” I breathed, struggling to regain my wits.

  “Not long, about thirty of your minutes,” replied Belle as she stood up and stepped over to the door, leaning her head against the frosted glass. “There’s one guard outside, it shouldn’t be a problem getting past her,” she said.

  I reached down to the floor and picked up my shoe, then placed it back on my foot, noticing that the material of my stocking was still damp with Belle’s saliva. I shuddered as the memory of our feverish imprisonment returned to my mind. “How will we get past her Belle, we have no weapons?”

  Belle’s face lit up with an impish smile, then she lifted her hand. She was holding an ovoid silver object that was perfectly smooth and featureless. “I took this from the guard who brought us here, while she was kissing you.”

  I gasped, shocked and impressed in equal measure. “What is it?” I asked, trying not to appear too much like the dumb hick that I was.

  “It’s an Orgasmium distrupter. Similar to the Orgasmium amplifier we used on our ship,” - I thought back to the frantic scenes in Belle’s cargo hold, how the simple metal bracelets and their expanding spheres of pure pink light had reduced the boarding Sextroopers to writhing bodies intent only on pleasuring each other, and another shudder passed through me - “but this device is more focused and will cause its target to be debilitated with an intense orgasm.”

  “Do your people have any technologies that don’t involve making women come?” I asked with a wry smile.

  Belle looked back at me and blinked, appearing straight-faced and serious. “Why would we want that?” she asked, and I shook my head, realizing that I would never fully understand Belle and her people. “Lie back on the bed, and spread your legs,” she said, casting off the previous conversation like a snake shedding its skin.

  Without thinking, I leaned back on the bed and parted my knees. “Do we really have time for this?” I said.

  She looked at me with a withering expression. “This isn’t for me. This is to attract the guard and give her something to focus on while I hit her with the disrupter.”

  I blushed and nodded. “Oh…” I replied, wondering, not for the first time that day, whether the life of daring lesbian heroine was really the life for me.

  “Play with yourself,” said Belle as she moved back to stand behind the door. “Please,” she added with a coquettish smirk.

  I nodded again and reached down between my legs. My lips were raw and aching, still tender from the frantic attention of Belle’s pussy, but I dipped in with my fingers and felt a familiar sensation wash over me as I found my sensitive core. Almost immediately, I began to pant and moan, feeling my heart beat faster with every firm press of my fingertips. As I worked my clit, I stared at Belle, lurking behind the door. Her body looked magnificent, pale and regal with firm breasts and well defined nipples that heaved up and down as she breathed. She stared back at me, her eyes fixated on my pussy as I massaged it with my hand. Her ruby lips were parted and her eyes with alive with desire.

  My moans became cries, loud gasps that I didn’t attempt to suppress. “Ah, ah, ah,” I sighed, closing my eyes and letting the warm feelings of liquid pleasure rush through me.

  A dark shape appeared at the door, fuzzy and indistinct. “What’s happening in there?” came a female voice. She sounded uncertain and afraid, not at all like the confident tone of Sarina and Lyanda.

  For some reason, her hesitance thrilled me and I pushed down harder on my clit. “Ah, oh fuck, yes, yes,” I moaned, exaggerating my pleasure, but only slightly.

  The door handle began to turn and Belle tensed, holding the silver, egg-shaped weapon out in front of her. As the door pushed open, I saw the guard step into the room. She was another pretty face in Kyla’s legion of Sextroopers, but this one seemed young and inexperienced. There was a hesitancy about the way she peered around the door.

  Her eyes landed on me and fell to my dripping pussy as I continued to press down with eager fingers. The sight of the young guard only served to heighten my arousal and I began to notice the firm bulge of her breasts under her leather jacket and the toned flesh of her thighs, clad in sheer black nylon.

  The girl stepped fully into the room, mesmerized by the sight of my masturbation. “W-what is happening here?” she stammered. “Wait… where is the other one?” she added, realizing a moment too late that Belle was nowhere to be seen.

  The guard spun around quickly and there was a flash of pink light from the corner of the room. The girl staggered back on high heeled boots and the weapon she was holding fell to the floor. Then her legs buckled and she dropped to her knees, moaning as she fell. Her hands began to frantically touch herself, fingers clawing at her clothing, stroking her bare skin and long legs. Her head lifted up and turned to me. I caught a glimpse of her face, locked in a rictus mask of pure pleasure, her pretty features contorted in the moment of orgasm. Her lips parted and her gaze fell to my pussy once again and locked there, eyes narrowing to slits. “Ah, ah, ah, ah,” she panted and then threw her head back and opened her mouth in a silent scream. Her neck bulged and I feared that she might injure herself. But the orgasm released her after several seconds of glorious tension and she fell to the side, curling up into a tight foetal position, arms and legs trembling.

  Belle stepped over to the bed and took my hand, her fingers still slick with my juices. “Well done,” she said with a grin, “I almost didn’t need to use the disruptor on her!”

  I stood and glanced down at the quivering girl. “Thanks, I think. Say, will she be okay?”

  Belle nodded. “Yes, the disruptor causes an intense orgasm, but it is not harmful. She will start to regain control of her body in ten minutes. We should bind her arms and legs.” She stepped over to the comatose girl and reached under her jacket, producing two of the manacle boxes that Sarina had used on us. “Take off her boots and put this on her ankles.”

  I nodded and joined her, then pulled the girl’s knee-length boots from her slender legs. Belle handed me one of the graphite blocks and I held it between her ankles, then stroked the surface, mimicking the motion that Sarina had made earlier. Sure enough, the device emitted a tone and two tendrils of pulsing pink light emerged to wrap around the guard’s pantyhose-clad legs. I tugged on the block, ensuring it was secure and the girl moaned.

  “Got it,” I said as Belle finished fitting her manacles to the girl’s wrists.

  “Okay, let’s go,” she said, touching my upper arm tenderly.

  As an afterthought, I reached across the floor and picked up the guard’s weapon. I didn’t have the faintest idea how to use it, but its weight felt reassuring in my hands. At the very least, I could point it at an approaching enemy menacingly!

  “Where are we going? Shouldn’t we find some clothes?” I demanded, the reality of the situation catching up with me once more.

  Belle simply smiled and leaned her head to the side. “We’re going to the basement to access Kyla’s mainframe. And if we get caught, being naked will be the least of our worries!”

  With that, we stood and left the room. As I stepped out of the door, I sneaked a final glance back at the bound girl on the floor beside the bed. Her pretty face was still flushed and breathless as she struggled in vain to free herself from the glowing pink bracelets. To my surprise, a flash of hungry desire swept over me, radiating out from my pussy and making the small hairs on my neck stand up.

  Chapter 4: Escape Velocity

  We made our way back across the deserted third floor, inching our way around corners and ducking into doorways whenever we heard a sound. “The majority of Lyanda’s staff must be focused on getting the mine up and running,” Belle assured me. “They won’t be concentrating much effort on acquiring girls for transport at this stage.” She was right, the detention floor was virtually empty.

  Outside the building, I could hear the distant sounds of the town coming alive for the day. Just a normal Tuesday to anyone making their way to work, blissfully ignorant
of the quiet invasion around them. I wondered if any of them had missing daughters or sisters. Did they assume they’d taken off with friends to spend a few days at the lake? Did anyone even suspect the truth behind their sinister fates? It was doubtful - even seeing all the things that I’d seen, having done all the things that I’d done, I still didn’t fully believe it.

  Eventually, we reached the elevator. “The mainframe will be in the basement,” said Belle.

  “How do you know?” I asked, wondering how she could be so self-assured and confident.

  “Our computing technology is powered by the energy contained within the planet. It makes sense to locate it down at the lowest point of the building.”

  I nodded mutely, feeling unjustly stupid.

  The elevator arrived and we stepped in, careful to make sure it wasn’t occupied already. But like the third floor, the car was fortuitously empty. I turned to the keypad and jabbed at the “B” button while Belle covered the door with the metal ovoid shaped weapon. With a polite and maddeningly normal “ding” the elevator doors slid slowly shut and the car began to lazily trundle downwards. Each time we passed another floor, Belle and I tensed, fearing that someone would call the elevator and attempt to join us. If they did, the game would be up, I realized.

  The thirty seconds or so that it took the car to traverse the four floors seemed like a million years, but we eventually arrived in the basement without incident and the doors pinged open.

  Like two naked secret agents, Belle and I peeled out of the car as one, covering our exit with the alien weapons. In hindsight, I should have asked how to use mine, but in the heat of the moment, it never occurred to me.

  The basement was dimly lit and dusty, and I felt the chilly air on my bare skin. At least I managed to keep my shoes, I thought to myself, absurdly grateful for the cute, low heeled pumps.


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