Climax: Volume 2

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Climax: Volume 2 Page 46

by Ella Ford

“Two hundred… one hundred…” droned Trina, her voice the only sound in the darkened ship. “Okay, we’re here. Shut it off Melia.” Melia lowered her hand with a downward chop like an executioner’s blade and the ship’s constant mechanical hum ceased immediately. “Okay girls, let’s move to the radiation shelter. The deeper into the ship we are, the less chance they have of detecting our heat signatures. Laura, are you okay?”

  “Y-yes, I-I think so,” I stammered, before realizing that I was gripping the chair’s armrest with a force that was making my knuckles turn white. I forced my fingers to unclench and pushed myself up from the comfortable couch, joining Trina and Melia as they rose from theirs.

  As one, the three of us hurried out of the bridge, ushered by Trina, the sharp click of our heels echoing around the strangely silent corridor. We reached yet another nondescript panel on the wall and slid to a halt, then Melia flashed her hand out and the wall melted apart to reveal a small, waist high opening.

  “Get in,” said Trina and before I could protest, she placed her hand on my head and pushed me down and forwards. I climbed through the hole and emerged into a padded capsule with an octagonal cross section that was perhaps six feet across, and ten feet long. The tiny space was illuminated with a ruddy orange light that made it seemed strangely comforting and warm. I pulled myself through to the far end and turned, drawing my knees up to my chest and watching the other girls climb into the shelter.

  When the three of us were inside, Melia waved her hand again the the far wall coalesced to solidity, sealing us inside.

  “Now what?” I asked, realizing that I sounded meek and reedy, bordering on the feverish embrace of panic.

  Trina pulled herself beside me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder, pulling me towards her body until my head rested on her chest. “Now, we wait,” she said with grim resignation.

  I sighed and allowed my eyes to close, forcing myself to relax, pushing back at the feeling of helplessness that threatened to overwhelm me. I tried, instead, to focus on Trina, the warmth of her arm on my bare skin, the softness of her silver dress and the gentle rise and fall of her breasts as she breathed. I became aware of another presence to my left as Melia nuzzled in beside me, resting her head on my upper arm. The three of us held each other, locked together by circumstance, each dealing with the bleak situation in our own way.

  Suddenly, I felt a touch on my thigh. A soft caress as Trina’s fingers brushed lightly over the soft material of my tan stockings. I gasped and squirmed a little, trying to ignore the gentle shudder that passed through my body. Then, another caress, this time on my back, the lightest of scratches, sharp nails against soft skin. Melia lifted her head as I turned, catching my eye and smiling seductively. Her red lips were parted slightly, her breath deep and pronounced.

  I shook my head and lifted my arms, pushing away the two girls as they touched my naked body. “This… I can’t…” I said, pulling my legs towards my body and curling into a defensive ball.

  Trina flashed Melia a look of hurt confusion. “Wh-what is it Laura?” she asked, leaning her head to the side and studying me.

  “It’s… Belle and me, we’re… well… you know. I can’t… not with you guys, her friends.”

  Trina looked at Melia and the girls smiled knowingly.

  Trina’s hand returned to my leg, resting on my knee. “Do humans not seek comfort in bodily pleasures?” she asked me with genuine interest.

  “Y-yes, I guess, but mostly with one person at a time,” I asked, feeling strangely backward and primitive.

  Trina looked at me with quizzical fascination. “Interesting,” she paused, her eyes flicking down to my naked breasts. “My people see sex as a gift to be shared, as much a comforting solace in difficult times as a recreational act of joining. As such, Belle would not object to you being with us, she would see it as our duty to set your mind at rest, to use our bodies to bring you pleasure,” she breathed, leaning in towards me and touching the back of her fingers to my cheeks. I felt a hot flush rise across my chest and neck, causing my face to burn.

  To my left, Melia shifted her body, stretching her long legs out in front of her. Then she raised her hand and clicked her thumb and index finger together three times, quickly. At once, her clothing began to ripple and shimmer, soft fabric becoming molten and liquid, swirling currents of light flowing over the curves of her body. Trina pulled back from my face and watched her blonde lover with rapt fascination, then she too raised her fingers and clicked them. As her clothing began to change, the two girls seemed to transform into shimmering beings of radiance, wrapped in a glowing warm skin that rippled and pulsed around their bodies, emphasizing every rise and undulation with a seductive insistence.

  Then, as one, their liquid cloaks slid off their bodies with a low slurping sound and coalesced into rippling balls of resonating metallic light, hovering in the air beside them.

  I watched with utter bewilderment. No matter how many times I saw the alien women undress, it would never seem anything less than entirely magical to me. But thoughts of the strange technology were soon banished as my eyes settled on the two girls and their naked bodies. My eyes flicked left and right, greedily eying up the soft flesh and heaving breasts as the pair kneeled beside me. Concerns about the pursuing alien ships or the cold vacuum of space seemed like distant considerations now, the nagging preoccupations of another life.

  I found myself breathing heavily, my body slowly relaxing. I reached out my hands, releasing my knees so that my legs fell slightly apart. With trembling fingers, I touched first Trina, then Melia, lightly caressing their naked thighs, relishing the way each girl sighed as my warm fingertips made contact. “Are you sure… this is okay?” I whispered, my voice barely more than a sigh.

  Trina nodded and fell forwards on her hands, moving her mouth to within an inch of mine. “Yes,” she breathed and I felt the hot kiss of her breath on my lips. To my left, Melia placed a hand on my thigh, pushing my knees apart with a gentle insistence, then stroked her digits upwards with glacial slowness. I shuddered, allowing the pair to explore me, succumbing to their alien ways with barely a single note of resistance. Inwardly, I marvelled at how unlike me this was, how sensual and sexual my thoughts were now. I should be terrified in this situation, a thousand miles from home, pursued and hunted by forces unknown, my lover held against her will, her fate uncertain. But yet, all I could think of was my own needs, and the tender touch of these two peculiar women.

  I lowered myself back on my elbow, resting against the padded slope of the shelter’s wall, then reached up and wrapped my hand around Trina’s neck, pulling the pretty brunette down with me. She shifted forwards and lowered her head, brushing her lips against mine and lingering there with the faintest of touches. I shivered and moaned, thrilled by her touch and her warm proximity, then I pulled her down and pushed my mouth forwards, locking my lips on hers. She gasped in surprise, obviously not expecting the backwards Earth girl to be so bold. But she returned the kiss, parting her lips and inviting me in. I pushed my tongue towards her, licking at the soft portal of her mouth. She responded with her own tongue, meeting mine and rolling against it, as hungry for the taste of me as I was for her.

  Meanwhile, Melia shifted her body between my legs, planting hot kisses on my inner thigh, reaching the lace top of my tan stockings and licking at the naked flesh of my upper leg. Instinctively, I spread myself open, lifting my knees backwards and feeling a cool rush of air breeze over my exposed pussy.

  Trina began to kiss me harder, seizing my earlier control with hungry determination. She gathered her body over me, dropping her hand to my naked breast and squeezing it roughly. I felt my nipples harden, the taut nub of flesh rubbing against her palm, sending waves of sensation through my body, igniting a core of warmth in my midsection. I moaned softly, pulling away from Trina slightly, only to be quickly pulled back as her tongue snaked into my mouth, dancing against my own probing tongue. With frantic hands, I began to paw at Trina’s body, grippin
g her arms, her hip, her ass. Her skin was slick with perspiration, the heat of our passion and the claustrophobic space of the radiation shelter warming our bodies until my touch slid across her wet skin.

  Then, from far away, I felt a sudden jolt as Melia touched her tongue to my labia, lapping greedily at my dripping folds, plunging deeply into my wet lips. I arched my back and moaned loudly, pushing Trina away from my mouth. The raven-haired girl simply shifted her focus, moving her head to my breast and sucking hungrily on my nipples.

  “Oh god, oh god,” I moaned as the pair lavished lusty attention on my body. I felt myself gripped by the hot presence in my pussy, fueled by the action of Melia’s tongue, intensified my Trina’s wet mouth on my nipple and the roaming touch of her fingers. I pushed my head backwards into the soft padding of the capsule and nibbled at my lower lip, lifting my hand to massage the breast that Trina wasn’t devouring.

  Between my legs, Melia stabbed forwards with her tongue, pushing her way into my slick hole as far as she could. Then she slowly licked upwards, pressing down with the flat of her tongue on my dripping lips, squashing the tender bud of my aching clitoris against my pelvic bone. I squirmed at her touch, electric pulses of pure pleasure coursing through my body with a rhythmic beat that matched the motion of her tongue.

  For an eternity, our bodies writhed together, naked and soft, skin glistening with tiny beads of sweat in the low light of the cramped space. A distant part of me marvelled at how skillful each of the alien girls was, how intimately they knew my anatomy, charting my sensitive geography with practiced skill and honing in on the regions that provoked the most response.

  Faster and faster they worked; Melia’s quick tongue swirling in random patterns on my throbbing clit, Trina’s wet mouth planting hot kisses that burned on my breast like tiny scalds. I felt the fireball within me pulsate and grow, a boiling core of sexual tension that sent waves of sensation outwards through my body, causing my arms and legs to tremble with a barely contained energy. My head thrashed from side to side, breath coming in sharp pants that quickened with every passing second.

  As I felt the looming presence of my orgasm approach, I forced myself to picture Belle, holding her seductive image at the forefront of my mind, rationalizing away the lingering guilt of my human infidelity with her presence in my thoughts.

  Then I felt a sudden lurch and something clicked inside me, passing a point of no return as the cauldron of hot lust in my pussy bubbled over uncontrollably. I felt a wave of sensation pass upward through my torso, spilling over into my arms and legs, causing an unbearable tension that ignited every sensitive nerve ending. As my body spasmed, I sensed Trina and Melia grip me tightly, arms and legs coiling around me, tongues and mouths locked on their exploding contact points.

  I forced my head backwards and arched my spine, pushing my body towards them, desperate for more of their continued provocation, aching to get away from their ceaseless attention. I heard myself laugh out loud, suddenly feeling dislocated from my body as the intense and never ending surge of pleasure gripped my mind and soul. I sensed myself floating upwards, gazing down at the cavorting pile of female flesh below me, a writhing tangle of arms and legs and mouths and pussy. For endless seconds, I watched as my body quaked and rocked, tormented by the thrill of sensation and the surge of desire.

  Then it stopped and my mind was yanked back to my head, sighing deeply as the unbearable tension left my body. My arms collapsed to the side, hand sliding down Trina’s back and coming to rest on the firm bulge of her ass. I panted uncontrollably, muscles twitching as the cooling ember of my spent pussy glowed with the memory of climax. I sensed Trina and Melia stir, lifting their mouths from my body, turning to study me with concerned intent, their only thoughts being of my comfort and reassurance. Mission accomplished girls, I thought with a sordid smile, mission accomplished.

  For many minutes, we lay there, none of us wanting to move and disturb this sapphic diorama of contentment. And then, an ambient tone sounded from the capsule’s wall. The monotone female voice of the ship’s computer began to speak, dragging us back to reality, reminding us of the grim situation that we were in.

  “Interceptor radar pings have ceased. Setting condition to amber.”

  Later, we gathered in the ship’s conference room. I’d been able to change out of the skimpy underwear that I’d worn on my mission, and now wore the outfit that I’d come to think of as the ship’s uniform. It felt good to be clothed again, less like a sexual plaything and more like the daring heroine that I’d need to be to help rescue Belle.

  “Okay. We’ve got the advantage of surprise,” said Trina, outlining her bold plan to us. “Kyla’s people think that we’ve left the system, they have no idea we’re here.”

  “How does that help us?” I asked, leaning forwards on my elbows on the smooth, white surface of the conference table. “We don’t know where Belle is being held.”

  Trina smiled and gestured with her hand at the far wall. A liquid rectangle coalesced from the hard, white surface; another space scene. She lifted her hands again and pulled out her fingers as though she was framing a photograph. The screen responding by zooming inwards, focusing on a bright pinprick of silver light. As the picture magnified, the pinprick resolved into a complex shape of intersecting sections, a chaotic conglomeration of grey, ovoid modules forced together like bubbles of soap.

  “Remember the device that Jolani gave you,” began Trina, causing me to think back to our encounter with Trina’s fourth wife back on Earth. The tiny earpiece had disrupted Governor Lyanda’s nefarious thought control technology and allowed us to evade her influence. I wondered wistfully where mine had ended up, it would have made a nice souvenir. “Belle still has hers. It’s trapped in that slab of Orgasmium inside her pretty little ear and merrily broadcasting her location to our computer!” she continued with a self-assured smirk.

  Melia and I both gasped simultaneously. “You mean… we know where she is?” I asked.

  “Yes.” She turned and pointed at the screen, which now showed the strange spaceship with perfect clarity. “She’s been transported to Kyla’s command ship. As far as the computer can tell, she’s being held here,” she swept her fingers apart again and the screen lurched forwards to focus on a swollen egg-shaped blister that clung to the top of the ship like a barnacle. “The harem level. Where Kyla keeps her playthings.”

  I turned to Melia and found the blonde frowning at the screen. “I-I don’t mean to sound all defeatist and all,” I began, “but how does this help us? How do we get Belle out of there? Can we use phaseshifting?”

  Trina shook her head. “No, phaseshifting won’t work. Kyla’s ship is too well defended. We’re going to have to go in there and get her personally.”

  “B-but, how…?” I stammered, not liking the knowing look that flashed between Melia and Trina.

  “We’re taking the backdoor,” she replied with a smirk.

  Chapter 2: To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

  “Okay Mel, on my mark cut the thrust and shut down the engine,” said Trina, staring into the pod’s diminutive control surface. “Three, two, mark!”

  Melia waved her hand to the side and the pod’s gentle vibration ended instantly, leaving an eerie silence in its wake. Melia and I held our breath, staring at Trina as she double checked the numbers floating up the green screen that hovered in front of her.

  The pod we were in was small, barely bigger than the ship’s radiation shelter. The three of us were squeezed into a tiny flight cabin at the front of the elongated egg-shape, with most of the craft’s volume given over to a small engine and life support capabilities. Trina had the pilot’s seat, with Melia beside her on the long couch. Meanwhile, I was folded into the back of the cabin in a space that was clearly not intended for human or Vulvan forms.

  “How does it look?” I asked, trying to sound interested rather than concerned, but not doing a great job.

  “Numbers all check out,” said Trina dis
tractedly, peering into the flowing waterfall of pale green symbols. “Our vector matches the micro-meteorite storm. If nothing changes, we’ll be travelling quick enough to bend around the Earth’s gravity well under cover of the meteor swarm and pass within fifty kilometers of Kyla’s ship. Then we pop the thrusters for a second and we’ll be on top of them before their radar can ping us.”

  I didn’t ask what happened next, what happened when we reached the enormous mothership. It was a part of the plan that I found myself not wanting to know about. Did we just ring the doorbell and waltz inside? Were we going in guns blazing? The whole thing was beyond my ability to comprehend, so it felt safer to shrug my shoulders and just tag along, content to let Trina and Melia do the big thinking.

  Instead, I concentrated on Belle, on getting her out alive… and the things that I would do to her when I did! God, I was such a space-minx these days, I thought to myself.

  We held our current course for another hour, the shimmering screen on the egg-pod’s forward surface showing the looming bulk of home rotating beneath us, and the tiny pinprick of light that was Kyla’s ship gradually crossing the horizon and rising into view. Over the next thirty minutes, the pinprick of light expanded, becoming first an indistinct fuzzy blob, but then resolving into individual structures and discernable features. I shuddered as the ship began to fill the screen, studying the intersecting bubbles and chaotic modular design of the chillingly vast craft. In no time at all, the off-cream structure loomed large before us, illuminating our faces with reflected light.

  “There,” said Trina, pointing at the ship, singling out a particular blister on the frothy surface. The harem module. “Give me five seconds of maneuvering thruster Mel,” she added, turning back to her screens.

  As Melia waved her hand and the ship began to vibrate once more, I pulled my knees up to my chest and suppressed a shudder, suddenly wishing that I was somewhere a long way from where I was. On the screen, the ship’s surface rolled lazily clockwise and the harem blister drifted down to the center, stopping about five degrees above the middle of the shimmering surface. The picture began to zoom in as our velocity increased and I could see that we were heading for a spot just below the enormous hemisphere.


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