Climax: Volume 2

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Climax: Volume 2 Page 47

by Ella Ford

  Seconds passed and we continued our approach. I strained to make out detail on the surface, finding myself unable to judge scale on the unfamiliar sight. Was I looking at details that were meters across or kilometers across? I had no idea, and no frame of reference to discern. Slowly though, our target became apparent - a tiny hatch shaped object, an ugly imperfection on an otherwise smooth surface.

  Trina and Melia jumped into action, hands tracing out complex instructions that caused the ship to roll and jump with tiny bursts of the small pod’s thrusters. Trina whispered quick instructions to Melia, chattering away in a language that I assumed was their own, and Melia responded with curt nods and purposeful motions of her slender fingers. On the screen, the hatch loomed large, elongating to perfect symmetry as we aligned our approach vector and inched forwards. Then it slewed downwards, disappearing off the bottom of the screen as Melia fired a rotating burst to position us with our mating surface towards the bulk of the ship. I found myself gazing over the beige surface of the vessel, an endless landscape of smooth mountains and intricate details not yet seen on our approach.

  “Contact in five, four, three,” droned Trina. I braced myself, grabbing the back of the pilot’s couch with a vice like grip. “Two, one, contact!”

  I leaned my head to the side, expecting to hear a loud bang, but there was barely even a sense of deceleration, so gentle was the approach.

  Trina turned to me and smiled, appearing as cheerful and flippant as ever. But there was something else beneath the surface, repressed and hidden though not totally. Was it relief? Fear? Before I could consider the matter further, she winked and spoke. “We’re here! Now, let’s go and get Belle shall we?”

  I lowered myself through the narrow hatch, dropping down from the comforting blandness of the pod into a dark chamber that was lined with complex looking screens and intricate etchings. I recognized the chamber as an airlock, silently thanking my love of television sci-fi for my suddenly useful knowledge.

  “I’ll set the pod to respond to your presence Laura, as well as Melia, Belle and myself. If we happen to get separated, come back here and the pod will allow you to enter.”

  I nodded numbly, secretly thinking that if I was in this strange place on my own, the only thing I’d want to do would be to curl up into a ball and wait for someone to claim me.

  Trina waved her hand and the pod slid shut with a low clunk, then the chamber was filled with a fast hissing sound as the pressure equalized with the inside of the mothership. Finally, the inner door rippled and pulsed, then melted into two curtains of flowing light which parted to allow us through.

  The three of us peered out into the corridor beyond, a palpable sense of trepidation making the recycled air thick with tension. It was dark and damp, feeling uncomfortably warm and humid.

  “Where are we?” I breathed.

  “We’re in the maintenance tunnels that line the outside of the ship. They carry the steam pipes to every part of the vessel, including the harem module,” said Trina with a self-assured air of confidence. She leaned out into the corridor and looked around, then beckoned us out and started walking to the left. The three of us were clutching Orgasmium disruptors, the strange ovoid weapons that incapacitated their targets by inducing uncontrollable orgasms in them. I hoped I’d never have to use mine, having seen the debilitating but arousing effect they had on their targets.

  “How do you know so much about the ship? Have you been here before?” I asked, keen to break the unbearable tension with small talk.

  Trina turned and looked at me with a wry smile and a quiet laugh. “You could say that,” she replied, “I built it!”

  I blinked, shocked at the revelation. “You… you built Kyla’s ship?”

  “Yes,” she nodded, “I guess Belle didn’t tell you, huh?”

  I shook my head.

  “Kyla was my first wife. Long before I met Belle or Melia. She was my first lover, my sensual mentor. She taught me about my body.”

  “But… she’s…”

  “Evil? Wicked? Perverted? She is now, but not back then,” Trina continued, a wistful look of regret gripping her pretty face. “Back then she was bold and adventurous, an explorer, a diplomat, an accomplished lover. We built this ship together to travel the galaxy and bring the Vulvan philosophy to other worlds…”

  “You built it to meet chicks?” I interrupted with a grin.

  Trina blushed and smirked shyly. “Something like that. But something changed in Kyla. She became obsessed with conquest and control. She began taking girls from the planets we visited, forcing them to pleasure her, using them with ever darker intent.” She paused and motioned for us to halt behind her, then peered around an abrupt corner. After a few seconds, she beckoned us forwards.

  “What happened to her?”

  Trina sighed and looked at me. “I found out that she had become addicted to Orgasmium. Taking the cursed ore directly into her body. It changed her, warped her with its strange power. Making her obsessed with sex and domination, forcing her to stop at nothing to get what she wanted.”

  “So, she could be saved? If we could just get her off the Orgasmium…”

  Trina shook her head. “It’s too late. The Kyla that I loved is gone now, the damage to her mind is too great.” She paused again and leaned her head to the side, drawing her hand across her throat in a universal appeal for silence. Melia and I stopped and fell into line behind Trina.

  “The exit hatch is up ahead,” she pointed forward and I squinted into the dark. A recessed circle was inset into the wall about twenty feet in front of us.

  “Where does it lead to?”

  Trina frowned and furrowed her brow. “Harem level,” she breathed, “habitation chamber.”

  I blinked, impressed by her memory.

  Trina looked at Melia and Melia nodded back. “The chamber is where Kyla keeps her willing servants, girls who have submitted to her voluntarily and don’t require heavy security. She lines the chambers with a thin layer of orgasmium ore that keeps the girls in a perpetually heightened state of arousal.”

  “They’re always horny you mean?”

  She nodded. “We’ll have to pass through, but we don’t want to alert the guards.” She paused and flicked her eyes over our bodies, then clicked her fingers together quickly, three times. “We’ll go without clothing, it’ll help us blend in,” she said as our clothing began to melt off our bodies, leaving the three of us completely bare.

  I nodded again, feeling not in the slightest bit surprised that a part of this plan involved being naked around cavorting women.

  Trina stepped in front of me and rested her hand on my shoulder. Then she fixed her eyes on mine and spoke with a lowered voice. “Try to focus on getting through this. You’re going to see things… temptations that you will want to surrender to. But we must hurry on. Concentrate on Melia and me, don’t let yourself be distracted.”

  I swallowed hard and set my chin with firm determination. “I won’t let you down,” I whispered.

  Trina frowned. “We’ll see,” she whispered. A look of concern flashed between the brunette and Melia.

  The maintenance hatch rolled to the side at our approach and I stepped through, lowering my head to avoid bumping on the low entrance. I blinked as I emerged into a dimly lit room, the low light a stark contrast to the dank passageway that we’d entered the ship through.

  Immediately, I was overwhelmed with a cacophony of conflicting sensations. I gasped and looked around, struggling to process what I was seeing and feeling.

  The harem chamber was low ceilinged, lit by warm lights in recessed holes in the curved walls. The space was cavern-like, lacking symmetry or order, a wide expanse of nooks and alcoves. Hanging from the ceiling, obscuring my lines of sight, were flowing curtains of pink chiffon, sheer and opaque, they provided only tantalising glimpses of what lay beyond.

  I stepped forwards, unable to resist the need to see more. Everywhere I looked, I saw low beds, thick mattresses l
ining the floor of the honeycomb of alcoves, wrapped in satin sheets with plump pillows and fancy frills. And, on every bed, a writhing knot of female flesh, naked bodies locked together in a tangle of limbs and hair.

  The room was alive with the sound of these countless couplings, a low chorus of moans and cries and quick, shallow breaths. Every minute or so, the ambient noise would rise to a frantic pant as a high voice reached the crescendo of orgasm, and then it sank back to the constant background hum of ongoing pleasure.

  My eyes glanced this way and that, never settling on a single scene for more than a second, a desperate urge to absorb as much of this sordid sight as I could. I focused on a pairing of human women - a redhead and a blonde - pawing at each other with frantic abandon, naked bodies rolling together as their mouths locked in a passionate kiss. I flicked my eyes to the left and settled on a triplet of two Vulvans and another human woman, the pale flesh of my fellow Earthling contrasting sharply with the unmasked emerald green skin of the two naked aliens. The brunette human’s face was buried between the legs of one of the Vulvans, lapping hungrily at the exotic pussy, while the other Vulvan’s tongue was rammed into her asshole. The three of them were moaning together in perfect harmony, their bodies moving in hot union.

  To my right, I found a scrum of naked flesh, a squirming core of Vulvan skin, orbited by four kneeling humans. Each of the young girls focused on an alien body part - hands, feet, legs and arms - worshipping, licking, kissing, working their way in towards the object of their attention, a glacial race to reach pussy or breast or soft, yielding mouth. As I watched, the four human girls lifted their heads as one, turning lazily towards me like a startled troupe of meerkats. Their eyes appeared sleepy and content, expressions sultry and seductive, beckoning me forwards to join them in their asymmetric tryst. The closest girl - a short haired beauty with twinkling blue eyes - winked at me knowingly. Then the Vulvan girl between them moaned impatiently and the Earthlings returned to their hot work.

  I felt myself grow dizzy, overwhelmed by the endless exhibition of lesbian sex, intoxicated by the rich smell of desire and pussy that made the air thick with sensual promise. I became aware of a pulsing presence in my midsection, a burning core of desire centered in my pussy, flicking hot tendrils of warm lust out into my body.

  A solitary Vulvan caught my eye as she reclined on her satin bed. As I watched, she rolled over onto her back and parted her legs, revealing her smooth pussy to me, dropping her hand to part her wet folds. She began to slowly work her fingers in lazy circles around her clitoris, licking her lips and panting softly. She lifted her finger and beckoned me forwards, inviting me to join her with a quiet insistence that was impossible to ignore. I felt myself turn to her and start to walk. My mind was filled with a need to taste her, to fill myself with her aroma, to feel her hot tongue on my body.

  Suddenly, I felt a firm hand on my upper arm. I gasped and turned my body to face the maddening interruption. It was Trina. The brunette looked woozy and strange, her mouth was open and she was breathing heavily.

  “L-Laura… You… We’ve got to keep… going,” she stammered, swaying back and forth before me as my vision swam in and out of focus. “The Orgasmium, it’s amplifying your desire…”

  She stopped talking and nodded to her right, across the swirling space to the distant door. She seemed to be suffering as much as me, constantly glancing around the room, pupils dilated and large. I found myself studying her body, the gentle curve of her hips, the swell of her breasts. She still appeared human to me, her perceptual mimetic field mimicking my desires and subconscious urges. I felt a strong need to reach over and kiss her, to touch my hand to her soft breasts, to squeeze her nipples between my fingers.

  Behind her, Melia sidled up to stand behind the brunette and began to stroke her slender fingers up her arms, turning Trina’s skin to gooseflesh instantly. Trina moaned and pushed her head back, turning to face the petite blonde and kissed her tenderly. I longed to step forwards and sandwich Trina between us, to feel her body against mine, to push my breasts against hers and feel her hard nipples rubbing against me.

  Suddenly, Belle’s image swam into my mind, coalescing out of the foggy murk of my raging desire. I shook my head and turned away from the pair, attempting to fight the overwhelming grip of the ambient Orgasmium field that pervaded every corner of the heaving room.

  I set off walking, forgetting about Trina and Melia, focusing only on making my way across the room. It wasn’t that I had no control over myself, or that I was being compelled to act against my wishes. In fact, I was completely aware and knew exactly what I was doing. It was more that every urge and desire present in my psyche seemed heightened and boosted, rising from the back of my mind to occupy my awareness entirely. But I pushed it back, ignored the maddening need to seek pleasure in the arms of one of the countless naked women that writhed and cavorted on soft satin sheets around me.

  I made my way between the scattered beds, staggering forwards, keeping my eye on the far wall and the tantalizing sight of the exit. As I passed, hands reached out to me, soft fingers with painted nails, slender limbs that craved the sensation of touch. I weaved between the grasping digits, knowing that if I felt their tender caress, my resolve would crumble and I would allow myself to be drawn into a fevered tryst. I glanced around, looking for Trina and Melia in the boiling sea of flesh. They were behind me, perhaps ten feet, inching forwards hand in hand. Trina caught my eye and nodded, a look of firm resolve and utter concentration on her face. Her eyes flicked to the door, an unspoken word of encouragement flashing between us.

  I turned again and set off walking, head down, eyes narrowed. Too late! I realized that I had strayed too close to one of the beds, a low platform with red satin sheets, occupied by a fresh faced and youthful human girl with long tresses of wavy blonde hair and seductive blue eyes. She reached out and her hand found my arm, clutching at my wrist and pulling me towards her. Where we touched, I felt waves of hot sensation ripple outwards, sending shivers down my spine and causing my pussy to throb and ache. I struggled half-heartedly against her, attempting to twist my arm out of her grip, a fading thought of escape dissipating in my mind.

  I became aware of myself kneeling down beside her on the bed. The girl rose to meet me with a wicked grin, pushing upwards on long, coltish legs until her body was beside mine. She was panting heavily, her chest rising and falling with every deep inhale and exhale. Our fingers intertwined, coming together without conscious thought, and I felt myself falling forwards towards her. All thought of escape fled my mind in a flash, replaced by a keen awareness of her body next to mine, the touch of her nipples of my nipples, her warm breath on my face and neck.

  I leaned forwards and kissed her, locking my lips on hers and pushing our mouths together. She leaned backwards, surprised by the intensity of my advance, then she parted her mouth and granted me the access I so craved. I pushed out my tongue and found hers, savoring the hot wetness of her wet flesh, the sticky sweetness of her lip gloss and the constant pounding of her heart against mine. She released my hands and lifted her arms to encircle my shoulders, fingers pawing at my back and stroking down my spine to roughly grip my ass.

  I gasped, and kissed her harder, our mouths sliding together in a frantic battle for supremacy. I dropped a hand to her waist and steadied myself, then slipped my other hand between her legs, rotating my wrist until my fingers rested on her mound. Then I dug in, plunging my digits into her waiting folds. She was slick with a hot wetness that coated my caress, slippery layers of flesh sliding between my eager fingers.

  She moaned out loud as I found her clitoris, pressing on the pulsating nub and circling it with tidy spirals. I felt her mouth go slack as the waves of sensation overwhelmed her. I took advantage of the pause, shifting my mouth to kiss at her exposed neck, biting her, nibbling at her skin, lapping at the hot flesh beneath my tongue while my fingers did their work.

  As one, we fell backwards onto the bed. I landed on top of her an
d she barely seemed to notice. I pressed my advantage, securing my hold on her pussy, sliding two exploratory fingers into her slick hole and returning my mouth to hers. Then she returned to life, spurred on by my feverish kiss. She reached up and grabbed me, then flipped our bodies over, pinning me to the silky sheets beneath us. I gazed up into her eyes, suddenly awed by her intensely animalistic expression of intent. Her eyes flicked over my face, my neck, my breasts, studying me as a lioness studies prey. She shifted herself, sliding off to the side and wrapping her long leg over mine. Before I could move, she snaked her foot between my legs and forced my knees apart, then reached up with one arm and pinned my wrists above my head.

  I made a token attempt to struggle, any real thought of escape a distant consideration at best. I longed to feel her touch, to surrender to whatever sordid wish she had in mind. I didn’t have to wait long; with her free hand, she reached down and pressed her fingers on my pussy, slipping between my wet lips and flicking her fingertips back and forth. I moaned loudly as she brushed against my clitoris, squirming under the weight of her body, forcing my hips upwards to meet her touch.

  My pussy roared its approval, burning waves of pleasure radiating outwards from my throbbing core with every rhythmic stroke of her hands. She leaned down and kissed me again, a further point of electric contact that held me in place. I kissed her back, pushing my mouth against hers in a desperate bid for unity. My mind was racing, alive with sensation and the intoxicating thrill of this forbidden act. All thought of the mission had vanished, Trina and Melia were no longer actors in my reality. There was simply my body and the body of the frantic young girl that held me in thrall with her deft touch and warm mouth.


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