Climax: Volume 2

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Climax: Volume 2 Page 48

by Ella Ford

  Her hand began to move faster and faster, squashing the pulsating bud of my clitoris against my pelvic bone, provoking endless bursts of intense pleasure to ripple outwards from my pussy and ignite every nerve ending with electric sensation. I felt my breathing change, deep pants quickening to short, sharp gasps. I moaned again, my fevered voice joining the sapphic chorus that filled the room.

  And then my world exploded, a sudden hot wave of crippling intensity flooded out from my pussy and blanked my mind, cancelling out any rational thought and causing my universe to collapse down to a single pinprick of utter ecstasy. I held it for a second, an epoch of time that felt eternally long and ridiculously bright. And then I released it, allowing the orgasm to wash over me with pulsating fury. My muscles spasmed, arms and legs thrashing about, breaking free of the girl’s grip. My back arched upwards, hips pushing off the soft bed. I opened my mouth in a silent scream, unable to find my voice, neck straining with bulging tendons.

  Then it left me. My body collapsed back onto the bed. I turned over and curled up into a tight ball, exhausted muscles in my arms and legs firing with futile sparks, every inch of me quivering with the fading memory of utter fulfillment.

  For a brief moment, rationality returned, a narrow window through the thick wall of desire. I blinked, suddenly remembering where I was, what I was supposed to be doing. From deep inside me, I sensed the debilitating lust returning, small now but growing ever stronger. I realized that I had little time before it overwhelmed me again.

  I slid out from under the blonde girl, ignoring her moans and the clutching touch of her hands. I lifted myself up from the bed and stood, pressing the heel of my hand to my forehead as I fought off the pervasive hum of the Orgasmium field. I glanced around, eyes flicking over writhing bodies and entangled limbs.

  There! On a bed about ten feet away from me, Trina and Melia were locked in a frantic formation with another Vulvan girl. The three women were arranged in a tight ring, each girl’s head nestled between the legs of the girl above her, an endless loop of mutual satisfaction. The three of them looked like a lesbian Escher painting, a tryst with no beginning and no end, only pleasure.

  I staggered over to where they writhed and reached down, grabbing Trina’s arm and Melia’s ankle. Then I tugged at them, roughly separating the girls from their fleeting partner. The stranger moaned and cried out as Melia’s mouth left her pussy, then she flashed me a filthy smirk and parted her legs, inviting me to take Melia’s place. I felt myself drifting forwards, drawn back into the deep well of temptation from which I’d just emerged.

  “N-no,” whispered Trina in my ear, disturbing me from the trance I was falling into. “We have to go,” she added urgently.

  Trina leaned over and helped Melia up. Both girls looked confused and shocked, faces still wet with the juice of the other girl and each other. I shook my head and turned away from the alluring sight of the Vulvan’s wet pussy, then grabbed Trina and Melia’s hands. The three of us hurried across the cavernous space, not stopping for anything.

  The door rolled to the side as we approached and we stumbled through, falling to our knees in the corridor beyond, breathless and naked. For an eternity of seconds, we held each other on the hard plastic floor, bodies shaking with relief and arousal, not caring if anyone caught us.

  Chapter 3: The Quick Release Of Stored Energy

  “Come on, get up,” said Trina impatiently, tugging at my arm.

  Melia and I stirred and moaned, our heads still swimming from the effects of the Orgasmium laced harem chamber and its insatiable occupants. I rolled over onto my hands and knees and shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts and concentrate on the mission.

  “Where do we go now?” I asked.

  Trina jumped up to her feet and peered down the stark white corridor in both directions. The sterile passageway extended off with a slight curve, disappearing around a gentle corner about one hundred feet from the exit to the harem chamber. Along the length of the curve, spaced equidistantly, a number of identical hatches like the one we’d stumbled through earlier. A sinister thought gripped my mind.

  “Are all of those rooms like the one we came through?” I breathed.

  Trina nodded grimly. “Some. Others hold the less… willing captives. The girls who resist to the last, forcing Kyla to use her most intense technologies on them, reducing them to little more than simpering puppets.”

  I thought about the chamber we’d just exited, how content and cooperative the women had seemed. “I don’t understand how girls can come to Kyla willingingly, how they can surrender so easily...” Did I think the Earth women we’d seen were traitors? Treasonous collaborators no better than those who had cooperated with the Nazis in World War II? I shook my head, unable to believe it, remembering the sinister influence of the Orgasmium, how addictive and compelling it was. These girls were victims in the same way that drug addicts were victims, they needed our help.

  Trina studied me as I struggled with my thoughts. “You have to understand that Kyla can be very persuasive, even without the Orgasmium. She is sensual and seductive, and comes with grand promises and bold claims. For many months she has orbited your world, intercepting your communications and looking for a particular kind of girl - a girl who is outcast from society, a loner, isolated and rejected by her more popular peers. Someone who simply needs the right words and some simple encouragement to realize her inner and outer beauty.” She paused and glanced at Melia, a look of sadness washing over her face. “When she finds such a girl, it doesn’t take much effort to lure her into Kyla’s ranks of sexual followers.”

  I followed her gaze and studied Melia. The mute blonde was looking at Trina with a sad stare, her thoughts far away as the brunette spoke.

  Realization bloomed in my mind with a sudden flourish. “Kyla did something to Melia didn’t she?”

  Trina nodded and Melia lowered her eyes to the ground. “Yes. When Kyla first embarked on this sordid quest for domination, she began to populate her harems with members of our own species. The Royal Family - Belle’s mother and father - opposed her at first, threatening her with the worst punishments my people had. So Kyla began to seduce Belle’s cousins and her sister, Melia. Most came willingly, but Melia resisted. So Kyla subjected her to the most intense persuasion technology imaginable, damaging her mind forever and leaving her unable to speak. But she resisted to the last. When Belle and I finally were able to rescue her, Melia still held firm.”

  Trina reached up and stroked Melia’s cheek, a look of pride and admiration on her dark face.

  “Oh god, that’s…” I began, scarcely able to believe the depths of depravity that we faced.

  Trina turned and smiled, banishing the look of preoccupation that had overtaken her. “We can talk later, for now, we need to rescue Belle.”

  “Do you know where to go?”

  Trina looked up and thought for a second. “If I know Kyla, she’ll make an exhibition of Belle, a visual lesson for all who would think of defying her. The central chamber in this module is Kyla’s throne room, an imposing space where she greets new converts and unwilling prisoners. That’s where she’ll hold Belle.”

  With that, she set off at a trot down the stark corridor. I looked at Melia and the pretty blonde smiled back at me, her normally vibrant eyes dark and haunted. Then she gripped my hand and we took off after Trina, our bare feet slapping against the smooth white floor.

  “It’s gotta be some kind of trap,” I said, gazing down at the throne room floor below. The three of us were squatting on a balcony high above an opulent and expansive chamber, peering over a low barrier. Twenty feet down from the balcony was a deserted space, lined with intricate wall hangings depicting scores of green skinned women performing heroic acts against desperate and downtrodden looking women of every hue. At the far end of the long chamber was a large seat, a classical throne with an ornate appearance that seemed at odds with the stark, clinical lines of the wider ship. Its high back bristled with tiny
pink gemstones and was padded with a thick velvet cushion.

  And there, pushed back into the corner, behind the throne and framed with a pair of plush curtains, was Belle. Encased in the Orgasmium prison, her face and body frozen in the pose that I’d last seen her in back in Sycamore Falls. I’d nearly cried out when I first set eyes on her, gripped with a sudden wave of relief that we’d found her, but suddenly terrified about what we still had to do.

  “Laura’s right,” said Trina with a frown. “It’s too quiet.” The throne room was eerily empty, no guards or harem girls to be seen.

  “Could they know we’re here?”

  Trina thought for a second. “It’s possible. At the very least, Kyla will be expecting us to try to rescue Belle.”

  “What do we do?”

  Melia and Trina flashed each other a worried look, speaking in the silent language of lovers. “We have no choice, we have to get Belle,” said Trina with a resigned shrug. “We’ll deal with whatever happens when it happens.”

  I glanced around at the three of us. We looked like unlikely space heroines at best. Each of us completely naked, Trina and Melia clutching their Orgasmium disruptors tightly to their chests, mine lost in the tangle of limbs back in the harem chamber. I sighed, and wondered to myself exactly what we could accomplish if it was indeed a trap.

  “Let’s go,” said Trina, and stood up with a bounce.

  With Melia and myself following, we made our way to the rear of the balcony and cautiously tiptoed down the steps at the back to the throne room floor. Trina led us, holding her disruptor out before her, studying the room for hints of a trap being sprung. But nothing happened, and we eventually reached the floor of the long chamber.

  We moved immediately to the wall, taking what scant cover we could, and made our way to the far end. Melia covered the rear, stepping backwards, her own weapon pointed at the grand double doors that formed the entrance of the room. Meanwhile, I followed along between the two, feeling utterly useless and out of my depth. Without a weapon, I was just dead weight, slowing down the alien girls with my hopeless human failings.

  We reached Belle without incident and crouched down beside the Orgasmium slab, still wary of a surprise attack, but grateful to be in the cover of the enormous throne.

  I turned to the translucent pink surface and laid my hands on it. It was smooth and rippled, like melted glass, and it hummed with a peculiar vibrancy that resonated around my body. I found myself glancing at Belle’s pussy, frozen and perfect in the rose prison. I felt myself being drawn forwards, studying every captured detail of that smooth slit - the bulge of her mound, the briefest glimpse of her folded lips peeking out invitingly - I felt as though I could gaze at it forever, studying that familiar geography, that mesmerizing core of sexuality…

  Suddenly, Trina grabbed my wrists and pulled me away from the pink slab. “Ow!” I cried, awakened from the strange trance that had gripped me.

  “You were falling in the spell of the Orgasmium, Laura. You must be careful,” she said with a stern tone that reminded me of my mother. I felt naive and foolish, allowing myself to make such a rooky space-heroine mistake. Trina turned to Melia and gestured with her eyes, then Melia hopped to the side of the Orgasmium prison and pulled aside the curtain.

  Underneath the plush material was a small control panel, attached to the pink slab with a series of long spikes that penetrated the surface. At once, Melia set to work, her hands waving over the the control panel with eerie speed. The panel flickered into life, buttons and screens glowing with a sickly green hue.

  “Laura, you must listen to me,” said Trina, gripping my shoulder and turning me towards her. “We can get Belle out, but when we do, she will be suffering from Orgasmium sickness.”

  “What’s that?” I said, feeling suddenly concerned by the serious look on Trina’s face.

  “Such prolonged exposure to the ore will place a person into a heightened state of arousal. From the second she emerges from the slab, she’ll basically want nothing more than to fuck the first thing she sees!”

  “Oh,” I said, not feeling remotely surprised.

  “It’s important that you keep her occupied. I have a feeling that Melia and I are going to have our hands full as soon as Kyla detects that we’re here.”

  “You mean…?”

  “Yes, this device is hooked up to the ship’s central control systems. They probably knew that we were here the moment Melia started to free Belle!”

  I gasped and glanced around, suddenly feeling the eyes of the ship on me, suddenly feeling very exposed and naked.

  Trina griped my forearm and flashed me a reassuring smile. “You can do this. We can do this.”

  I swallowed hard and turned to the Orgasmium slab. Melia’s hands were working furiously now, fingers moving in a blur of motion over the flickering terminal.

  Suddenly, the pink surface of the translucent material began to shimmer and pulse. Complex, intersecting ripples started to radiate out from countless points, as though someone was dipping their hand into a glassy pond. The slab began to glow and the three of us were illuminated in a soft pink light, a rose fog that surrounded the strange prison. Then, imperceptibly at first, the surface began to melt, receding slowly back like soap bubbles in a long bath.

  I blinked, trying to capture the slow progress of the retreat with my eyes, but I was dazzled by the increasing glare of the evaporating Orgasmium. I shut my eyes and turned away, unable to look at the weird transformation any longer.

  And then I heard it. Soft at first, but gaining strength. A sigh, a tiny moan, the sound of air being drawn into long dormant lungs. I opened my eyes and turned my head, forcing myself to gaze into the shifting cloud of pink before me.

  At the center of the swirling mist, a dark shape began to resolve. I craned my neck forwards, desperate to see, eager to know. Slowly, the mist parted and began to dissipate, and there, head bowed and panting heavily, was Belle, my alien lover!

  In an instant, before I could even react, the Orgasmium vapor faded to nothingness and Belle collapsed down on to her knees and fell forwards onto her hands, her eyes still tightly closed. She was naked, but for the tan stockings and low black heels that we’d worn to seduce Governor Lyanda and she looked no worse for her experience in the slab of Orgasmium.

  I squatted down beside her and reached out to touch her skin, to let her know that I was here. But as I held my hand out towards her, her head snapped around and she fixed me with an intense, breathless glare. I gasped, and recoiled, pulling my hand back away from her burning skin. She continued to stare at me, eyes alive with a tangible hunger, ruby lips parted and panting. There was a passion in her that I’d never seen before in another person, an animalistic need that would not be ignored. I knew that it was the Orgasmium sickness deep down, but nevertheless felt a wave of fear spread over me, awed by the singular focus of the alien princess’ intent. Beyond that, something else, something primal and insistent awoke inside me. To see her like this, possessed by a lusty force that I couldn’t explain, knowing that only I could free her from the grip of her temporary madness, it set my pussy throbbing with a need that was unparalleled in my experience.

  I leaned forward again, this time lifting my hand to her face, approaching her with the same kind of gentle care that you would approach an angry dog. I touched my palm to her cheek and she appeared to calm, her breathing becoming slower and deeper. She closed her eyes and leaned into my hand, rubbing her velvety smooth skin against mine. I sighed deeply, feeling relieved and grateful that we were together again.

  Suddenly, Belle’s eyes flicked open and the smouldering intensity returned with a flash. She turned her head and flicked her tongue over my pulse, leaving a hot trail of wetness across my arm. Then she reached up and grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards her with a single motion. I fell forwards on my knees and held out my other arm to prevent me falling over, landing with my face inches from Belle’s. I could feel the warmth radiating off her, the moist heat
of her breath on my face, fast and insistent.

  Before I could react, Belle moved her hand to my neck and gripped me roughly, locking me in place while she leaned in for the kiss. I tried to resist at first, but soon capitulated, allowing her frantic lips to press against me, her probing tongue to push into my mouth. As she kissed me, a low snarl emerged from her chest, a deep rumble of primal hunger.

  I became a captive to her passions, as powerless to act as Belle had been during her Orgasmium imprisonment. I relaxed into her feverish advances, offering my body to her to use as she wished. She took my gift and began to explore me hungrily, shifting forwards until we were kneeling together, forcing my legs apart with her knee. Her free hand roamed over my body, pawing at my sweating skin, gripping my breasts, tweaking my nipples. She was a flurry of sexual intent now, an unstoppable whirlwind of desire and I was caught in the eye of the storm. My pussy raged with my own needs, burning with an intense longing that gave no thought to the danger we were still in.

  Belle shifted her body again, shuffling forwards until her body was over my thigh, then she pressed down and began to grind her hips against my leg. Her pussy was slick with a warm wetness and her lips slid over my skin with a maddening friction. As she humped my leg, she returned her mouth to mine and kissed me deeply, forcing her tongue against mine, a desperate quest for fulfillment.

  I felt like a puppet under her control, a mere ragdoll intended for only one use - her pleasure. Our hot bodies slid together; breasts brushing against breasts, arms wrapped around shoulders in a constantly shifting battle for control and dominance. I felt myself losing control, succumbing to the same strange attraction that had gripped Belle. Was it the lingering traces of Orgasmium? Or was it simply the need to feel my lover against me, the warm taste of her tongue, the frantic touch of her feverish fingers?

  From somewhere far away, a sudden burst of light and the quick tap of heels against solid floor. I gasped and turned my head, causing Belle to attack my exposed neck with tongue and mouth, licking and lapping at me. I tried to ignore her and focus on the disturbance.


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