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Climax: Volume 2

Page 58

by Ella Ford

  “I will,” she spat. “She’ll believe me as well. She believes everything I tell her. You’ll be finished in this town, just another dyke widower who liked the taste of common pussy!” She was almost hysterical now, not at all in control of the situation, driven by her own sense of entitlement and a history of getting her own way. In her mind, there was no difference between whatever sordid intent she had in mind for me, and getting the latest Gucci handbag or diamond heels. She was Chloe Phelps-Roper, she got what she wanted.

  I considered leaving anyway, letting her tell her awful aunt exactly what she wanted. But something held me in place. It was the thought of my dolls, my growing collection of girls. The last thing I wanted was for Tabitha’s loose tongue to invite interest in my life, to provoke the unique interest of the concerned conservative mob. I couldn’t leave, I was trapped by this willful brat and her clumsy threat. Damn.

  “Wh-what do you want from me?” I said, feeling a twinge of genuine concern. But for all the resentment and anger I felt towards this bratty redhead, there was something else beneath. The sight of Violet’s pretty pussy on the bed beside Chloe, it’s glistening wetness a hint of obvious arousal. The hungry way that Chloe was studying me, a sexy inexperience in her eager eyes. I found myself wondering just how many women she’d been with. Was she as prolific as she claimed, or were her sapphic adventures limited to just her vacation plaything? For the time being, I decided to play along with her sordid game. “P-please, promise you won’t t-tell your Aunt,” I added, sounding as pathetic as I possibly could.

  Chloe’s face lit up and she clapped her hands together. She seemed surprised by my capitulation. “Why don’t you come over here?” she said.

  I stepped slowly over to the bed, teasing out every step, never once taking my gaze off Chloe’s gleaming emerald eyes. Then I lowered myself down, sitting on the edge of the bed behind Violet’s naked ass. Chloe shuffled forwards until she was beside me, and she idly caressed Violet’s back. “Do you like her?” she purred.

  “I-I suppose,” I stammered with faux reluctance. I did like her. I wanted nothing more than to plunge my tongue into that young pussy and devour her wet flesh. But, for now, I was playing the role of reluctant participant, goaded into a situation she wasn’t comfortable with.

  Chloe smiled sweetly, like a child with a new toy. “I’ve never been with an older woman before,” sounding like a caricature of a seductress, a simple facsimile of what she expected a dominant to sound like. I realized then that Chloe was playing a role as much as I was. There was a hint of nervousness in her voice, a sense that she was unsure of herself, that she was improvising.

  At once, she leaned forwards and kissed me, touching her lips to mine clumsily, like high school sweethearts experimenting in a drive-in theater. I gasped and flinched, shocked by the sudden kiss and the intensity of her presence. She tasted fresh and clean, with full lips that glistened red. She pulled back from me and looked shocked herself, then she leaned forwards again and kissed me properly, sliding her mouth over mine with a hungry energy. I allowed myself to be kissed, didn’t flinch away this time. I opened my mouth slightly, granting her the slight access that her probing tongue demanded. She darted forwards, entering my mouth with her wet advance.

  I felt her hands on my shoulders, trembling fingers finding their way to my neck, holding me in place. But I was going nowhere, feeling the familiar warmth of desire building in my midsection. I reached up and plunged my hands into her hair, relishing the soft thickness of her red mane. I wanted so badly to grip her, to take her in hand and dominate her, but I resisted, allowing her this fantasy of control, intrigued by where she was going to take it.

  The kiss continued, our tongues dancing together, rolling over each other in the endless pursuit of taste and sensation. Her hands began to roam over my body, down my back, finding my soft thighs. She pushed my legs apart, probing upwards with trembling digits. Once again, I allowed her, granted her this access, needing to feel her youthful touch on my throbbing clit.

  Then she pulled back from me, panting and dishevelled. Her face was sultry and wanting, mouth hanging open as her eyes flicked up and down my body. “I want… I want to see you… eat Violet’s pussy,” she stammered, unsure of herself, unable to determine where the limits of her power lay. She wasn’t a natural dominant, her weaknesses were too apparent. When commanding girls, I knew with glorious experience, you could show no doubt, no uncertainty. When giving orders, you needed to believe what you were commanding without hesitation, or your authority would be weakened.

  But I was not there to submit to Chloe, I was there simply to play along, to seek my own enjoyment from these two young girls.

  “I-I… I don’t know how…” I lied.

  Chloe beamed her amusement, thrilled by my faux-reticence. She lifted herself up on her knees and leaned over Violet’s back, then she gripped the blonde’s ass cheeks and pulled them apart, opening up her pussy and asshole before me. I gasped, and touched a nervous hand to my lips.

  “Doesn’t it look good,” purred Chloe, locking her gaze on mine.

  I nodded with an eager reluctance that was only half fabricated. It did look good.

  Violet moaned and shifted on the bed beneath Chloe. The redhead frowned and lightly tapped her ass. “Quiet you!” she scolded and Violet whimpered. She turned back to me and raised her eyebrows expectantly. “What are you waiting for? Do you want me to tell Aunt Tabitha?” she added.

  I shook my head, then swept my honey blonde curls to one side and leaned forwards. Inches from Violet’s sex, I was overwhelmed by the scent of her desire, rich and intoxicating, a heady cocktail of youthful vigor and innocence. I wanted nothing more than to plunge forward and sink my tongue into that inviting place. But I held back, maintaining my pretence of reluctance.

  Gingerly, I poked my tongue out and screwed up my eyes, then lightly licked at Violet’s labia. I sighed, stifling my lust as the taste of the girl ricocheted around my senses, threatening to overwhelm me. Instead, I pulled back and looked at Chloe, shaking my head.

  “Again!” the brat demanded impatiently. “I want to see you eat her like you mean it,” she added.

  I nodded and closed my eyes, then leaned forwards, reaching up to grip Violet’s stocking-clad thighs. Then I plunged forwards and locked my mouth on her hot sex, unable resist the temptation any longer. The girl squealed and moaned, attempting to rock forwards away from my hungry mouth but held in place by Chloe.

  I began to lap at her, sweeping my hungry tongue along the dripping cleft of her labia, licking at her wet flesh. My probing advance found her clit, a bulging nub that spoke of her obvious arousal. I focused my attention there, drawing that sensitive nexus into my mouth and sucking at it like a practiced whore. She tasted exquisite, innocence and femininity, a stupefying blend of nervous energy and sapphic desire.

  I glanced up from my work, peering along the length of Violet’s body. Chloe had moved back up the bed and was studying the pair of us with rapt attention. As I watched, she began to wriggle out of her dress, clumsily slipping the tight, black material over her womanly curves. She slipped free and tossed the expensive garment aside without a second thought, then turned her attention to her bra and panties.

  I returned my focus to Violet’s pussy, and drew broad strokes of my tongue through her moist lips, pressing the flesh of her clit against her pelvic bone, eliciting cries of pleasure and longing from the serving girl. A frisson of nervous excitement filled the room with every sordid moan and pleading cry. Could anyone hear us? What if someone wandered this way looking for the bathroom, as I had? The prospect thrilled me all the more, causing the raging torrent of pleasure in my body to amplify and lurch upwards. I felt alive with lust and driven by instinct, devouring this young girl with endless enthusiasm.

  Chloe, by now completely naked, bent her body down and gripped Violet’s chin, lifting the other girl’s head to face her. Then the pair kissed, a deep and passionate exchange that seemed famili
ar and knowing. Different to the clumsy advance when the redhead had kissed me, this embrace was intimate and practised. The two girls were no strangers to each other’s bodies and I wondered how long Chloe had been enjoying her Aunt’s help like this.

  Before I could ponder the thought, Chloe fell back on the bed, resting on her back and drawing her legs up and apart. She began to idly toy with her pussy, drawing two slender fingers through her pink lips, massaging and squeezing with knowing familiarity. She began to nibble on her lower lip and fixed Violet with a sultry stare, then lifted her finger and repeated her beckoning action. I sensed that Chloe got what she wanted more frequently than not, who could resist that porcelain face, those regal features? It was a shame that she was so entitled and aware of her own power.

  Without hesitation, Violet moved forwards, pulling away from my mouth to find her lover’s pussy. She lowered herself down and locked her mouth there, covering Chloe’s shock of neatly trimmed, auburn bush with her head. Chloe cried out and threw her head back, mouth hanging open and eyes squeezed tightly shut. Her hands plunged into Violet’s short, blonde hair and she pulled the other girl forwards, cementing the bond between them.

  I began to feel a little left out, and moved forwards again. This time, I flipped over onto my back and forced my head between Violet’s stockinged thighs, then reached up and grabbed her ass, pulling her hips down onto my face. I sensed Violet’s body tense as my tongue resumed its work, deeper this time, more intimate. She cried out and caused Chloe to signal her disapproval at the unwanted pause in service.

  The three of us fell into a sultry synchronization, a chain of lesbian desire and relentless pleasure. My mouth on Violet’s pussy, hers on Chloe’s, each eager tongue provoking cries of delight and ecstasy from the girl above. I felt myself give in to desire, a familiar release as my needs took control my actions. I dropped my hand down to the hem of my short dress and pulled it up my thighs with subconscious movements, never shifting the weight of my focus from Violet’s pussy. Without thinking, my fingers slipped under my wet panties and found my sex, falling instinctively into a welcome rhythm there. I began to press and knead my fingertips, gripping my moist folds and swirling around my clit in tight, eager spirals. I felt my body lurch, animated by the pleasure that my touch had awakened inside myself. I sensed an urgency, a hot need for release. With my free hand, I coiled my arm around Violet’s leg and pulled her downwards, pushing my tongue onto her with ever-intensifying pressure. She squealed and her body spasmed. I felt her legs clench together, locking my head in place.

  From somewhere far away, I heard another moan and another sigh as Chloe’s young pussy reaped the rewards of my renewed vigor. The chain of desire was formed, a self-sustaining engine of lust, fueled by want and need, building to an inevitable end.

  As my mouth worked on Violet, my hands continued their exploration. My legs splayed apart, no longer caring how exposed I was, no longer concerned that my pussy was open for anyone who walked into the room. All that I cared about was the mounting crescendo in my body and the rising chorus of moans and cries as I led these two young girls in our feminine concerto.

  Sure enough, I sensed a presence in my pussy. An insistent nuisance at first. Nothing more than a twinge or a spark, but something that couldn’t be ignored. I tried to push back the building sensation, to prolong this moment of ecstasy for as long as I possibly could, but it grew before me until it was looming and urgent. I gave into it with scarcely a whimper, allowing my mind to plunge after the building tempest, causing the pleasure in my body to soar to intolerable levels. I cried out and gripped Violet harder, pressing my tongue on her clit with the last of my will, imparting whatever energy I could to the hot blonde before I was lost to oblivion of release.

  I sensed the young body above me go tense, a shuddering spasm that rocked her forwards, temporarily releasing me from the moist constraint of her body. Her spine arched upwards, lifting her body from the bed as her orgasm raged inside her. I pushed my own head back and caught a glimpse of Chloe, legs spread, pink pussy glowing with a hot energy and dripping with her lustful juices. She was caught in the throes of her own orgasm, face locked in a rictus of ecstasy, mouth open and eyes tightly shut, the thin cords on her neck standing out like steel i-beams.

  The sight of the climaxing pair was too much for me, and my own raging orgasm broke inside my body. I felt a hot jolt, a deluge of molten pleasure spilling through my body. It swept out from my pussy, igniting my senses and overwhelming my nerve endings. I felt the tension reach my arms and legs, causing me to pull Violet’s hips down and burying my face in her pussy once more. She screamed out, but the cry seemed distant and unimportant to me as my mind roared with the unleashed fury of my orgasm. I felt my consciousness collapse, shrinking down to an endless tunnel that was illuminated by the writhing flesh of Violet and Chloe. I felt as though I couldn’t take it any more, felt as though my mind would simply be extinguished from the sheer force of sensation.

  And then it departed, leaving my body like a passing tornado. All was still. The three of us collapsed to the beds, our animating energy of mutual desire leaving our bodies deflated and limp. Each of us panted heavily and the air was heavily with the scent of lust.

  In time, I shifted, looking around to find Chloe and Violet sprawled out on the bed, spent flesh unable to move. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, then stood up, straightening my hair and my expensive dress. With the back of my hand, I wiped Violet’s wetness from my face, and did what I could with my lipgloss, realizing that I looked a state and the best thing I could do was to leave now and return home immediately.

  As I was leaving the room, I glanced back at the bed, drinking in the sight of the two hot bodies dozing there. Naked flesh cooling like the embers of a dying fire. It had been a pleasant fantasy, though I never expected to see either Chloe or Violet ever again.

  Well, I was half right, I suppose.

  Chapter 3: Capitulation


  After the party, I returned to my life, thinking little more of the sinful encounter with Chloe Phelps-Roper and Violet. It was just another thing that had happened, another notch on my belt. Sexy and intense, but ultimately fleeting.

  Instead, I dedicated my focus to an acquisition project that I’d been pursuing. Her name was Madison Drucker, a grad student researcher at the local university. Madison was a borderline genius with model looks and a feminine figure. She seemed destined for great things. But a chance finding about Madison’s life had persuaded me that she may be amenable to a tenure position at a very different institute. I’d discovered that Madison posted on internet fetish boards, roleplaying a highly sexualized bimbo archetype, all childish talk and ponderous breasts.

  In my usual obsessive way, I’d bought my way into the confidences of the fetish board owner and devised my own profile of Madison based on her browsing habits. As well as the bimbo boards, she also liked to read submissive confessions, especially those in which the sub’s owner practised objectification of their playthings. Madison, it seemed, was not comfortable with the over-achiever lifestyle that she’d been gifted.

  So I’d struck up a conversation with Madison, playing along with her bimbo persona roleplay, posing as an internet voyeur. Our conversation had spilled out into private messages, sordid exchanges that were insanely erotic and very explicit.

  Late on a Tuesday night, about a month after the party at Tabitha’s house, I was sitting in my office, alone with my computer. I was about to seal the deal with Madison, about to set in motion the chain of events that would lead to the beautiful genius taking her place on one of my mannequin plinths, becoming my latest toy. Then, out of nowhere, an email arrived and I was forced to put Project: Bimbo Madison on hold for the foreseeable future.


  Do you mind if I call you Claudia?

  I am in town visiting Aunt Tabitha again. I enjoyed our time together at the party and would like to continue our “conversation”. I’ll come ove
r to your house at 7pm on Friday night.


  Chloe Phelps-Roper

  PS: My aunt doesn’t yet know about what we did together. Though I’m sure she’d be very interested to learn about you.

  Oh hell, I thought to myself, I have a stalker! And then, after several seconds, exclaimed aloud, “the little bitch.”

  I sat back in my chair and allowed the weight of implication to settle over me. I could scarcely believe that this little spoiled brat thought herself able to enter my life like this, to hold me to ransom, blackmailing me like a common thug.

  My initial disbelief and surprise gave way to a smouldering anger. I considered ignoring her, hoping she went away and got bored, as brats often did when they didn’t get the attention they demanded. But the consequences of her threat loomed large on the horizon of my mind. I didn’t want my reputation to be destroyed, I didn’t want to become the subject of idle tittle-tattle among the concerned housewives of suburbia. I liked my privacy, enjoyed my secret, sordid life. How dare she do this to me?

  But gradually, anger gave way to something else. I glanced down at the monitor on my desk, the display terminal for the house security cameras. It was currently configured to view the bedroom where my dolls slept. I panned the camera around, focusing on the large bed in the center of the room. It was dark, but the camera provided night-vision which allowed me to discern four naked bodies, entwined in each other's arms as they slept. Four perfect, nubile, submissive toys - Beth, Sarah, Christa and Mai. They were mine, all mine, to do with as I pleased.

  I felt a surge of arousal race through my body, a strong need for satisfaction. The creeping warmth displaced the anger and rage, the sense of violation that Chloe’s email had provoked. And slowly, deliberately, I channeled that erotic energy into something else - a plan.


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