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Climax: Volume 2

Page 83

by Ella Ford

  She turned, backing against the door, hoping maybe to fall right through it. She could no longer hear anything, had no idea where the beast had gone! Her head turned this way and that, convinced that something would pounce out of the dim light and take her. For an eternity, she strained to see, banging her fist on the door at her back. She felt a scream building in her throat, her panic finally overwhelming her. She opened her mouth, drew her breath… and fell backwards into darkness.


  Evie groaned as she opened her eyes, her hand reaching behind her head to touch her throbbing skull. She was on her back, lying on a wooden floor inside the cabin. She must have hit her head hard when she fell backwards she realised and grimaced as the pain radiated through her head.

  At her feet, the door was still open and she suddenly remembered where she was and the beast outside. She swung her right foot and kicked the large wooden door closed. It clicked into place and she lay back, closed her eyes and sighed deeply.

  From behind her, she suddenly heard someone clear their throat. She opened her eyes and sat up quickly, turning and backing up against the door once again. She blinked as she became accustomed to the dim light in the hallway. Standing in front of her was a man, a very tall man. He loomed over her as she cowered by the door.

  “Can I help you up?” he finally asked. His voice was deep, his accent refined and precise.

  Evie’s eyes focused, and she realised he was naked but for a silk robe. As he reached forwards to offer her a hand, she caught a hint of his scent. He smelled of the outside, earthy and fresh, not artificial and perfumed like the men she usually knew. The smell invigorated her, made her briefly forget her panic. She took his hand and with barely any effort at all, he pulled her to her feet. She steadied herself and straightened her jacket.

  “I’m sorry,” she spoke, “There was something out there, it was chasing me!”

  He grinned, “Yes, the woods are no place for a young lady after dark. Unseen horrors lurk, ready to pounce on the unexpecting.” She realised he was lightly mocking her, his tone was friendly yet flippant. “Come let me get you a drink and you can tell me what you’re doing way out here.”

  Evie mutely followed him as he set off through the hall and into another room. Was this the mysterious Blaine Chambers? she pondered. He certainly looked the part. He was young, maybe mid-twenties, with a full head of jet black hair and broad sideburns that stretched beneath his ears. His face was square and well-defined, a strong jawline that reminded Evie of Grayson Chambers. Little surprise, since this was apparently his long lost son.

  They entered a seating area. It was homely and warm, a fire burned in the stone fireplace on the far wall. Chambers motioned for her to sit, pointing at the worn sofa in the centre of the room. She sat, wriggling out of the rucksack she still carried. Chambers walked to a cabinet under the window and reached in, pulling out a bottle and showing it to her.

  “Brandy? It is French, I hope that’s okay,” he said and started pouring before she could answer. He poured two generous measures and handed one to Evie. She took a large sip and shuddered as the warmth spread down her throat and settled in her belly. Chambers sat down in a chair by the fire and crossed his legs, seemingly unconcerned that he wore only a robe.

  “Now, to business,” he began, smiling warmly at her, “What is a nice girl like you doing way out here? Did my father send you?”

  Evie blushed as he looked at her, she felt curiously awed by this man. His poise and demeanour hinted at a man in complete control of his destiny. Evie felt humbled by him, suddenly safe in his presence, the scare of her arrival forgotten completely.

  “My name is Evie Murray, I’m a journalist. Your father didn’t send me. I’ve been looking for you.”

  Chambers raised an eyebrow, his frown signalling his disapproval. “Miss Murray, I live out here for a reason. I value my privacy above all else.”

  “I-I know, and I’m sorry. I’m not going to reveal where you are. But you have to realise that your disappearance has caused quite a stir back in the world. Your father won’t talk about you anymore, your friends no longer see you. You simply dropped off the face of the planet!”

  “For good reasons, as I said,” he replied taking a long sip of his brandy.

  Evie continued, “The world just wants to understand. What happened to the ‘boy who beat the odds’?”

  “Is that what they call me?” he said with a chuckle.

  “Yes. And with good reason. You were dying, hours away from being claimed by the infection that ravaged your body! Yet something pulled you back and you survived.”

  “My father’s serum…” Chambers stared beyond her, lost in some internal conflict. Evie realised that this was hard for him to talk about, but she had to know and pressed on.

  “The serum developed by Chambers BioTechnics, your father’s genetic research laboratory. The medicine cured you, made you healthy again when modern science had written you off. You became a media celebrity, known throughout the world. And then you disappeared, snatched from the public eye never to be seen again. Your father denies you even exist. I know, because I spoke to him!”

  Chambers smirked, his eyebrow raising again, “You spoke to my father? I’m impressed Miss Murray, you must have quite the nose for a story. The only women my father usually speaks to are the empty headed puppets from that damned Alpha Exchange he runs.”

  Evie nodded, she’d heard the rumours about Grayson Chambers and his harems of obedient women. Another story for another day. She waited for Blaine to speak again.

  Chambers took another long drink and spoke again. “It was necessary for me to disappear Miss Murray. There were certain… unforeseen consequences from my treatment. Consequences that made it difficult for me to remain a part of society.”

  Evie leaned forwards attentively, suddenly aware that she knew more about Blaine Chambers than pretty much anyone other than a handful of people. But still she knew nothing at all really. She willed him to continue.

  His distant gaze suddenly broke and he stood, “But it’s getting late and I was about to retire. I trust you will stay the night, as I said, the woods are no place to be walking at night. Can I show you to the guest room?”

  Evie cursed her luck, but nodded glumly and thanked him for his hospitality.

  Chapter 3

  Evie lay awake, the light from the full moon shone in through the window making it hard to drift off. The guest room of Chambers’ cabin was sparsely decorated with no drapes, but the bed was cosy and warm. She thought about the day, about Chambers. For all of his monumental presence and wealth, he cut a quite tragic figure. Cast out from society for reasons she didn’t yet fully understand, there was a deep sadness to him. Evie wondered if her presence was a comfort to him, or whether her snooping deepened his distress.

  She was suddenly distracted from her thoughts by a crash from down the hall. She sat up, clutching the thick quilt to her naked breasts. She strained to hear anything, but found only silence. She shivered, suddenly remembering the ordeal out on the road. Could the beast that stalked her have got in the cabin? Should she wake Chambers?

  Her curiosity got the better of her and she stood, wrapping a blanket from the bed around her naked body. She leaned against the guest bedroom door and pressed her ear against the cold wood. Nothing.

  Hesitantly, she reached for the handle and pulled the door open. It creaked, the ancient hinges badly in need of maintenance. She leaned out into the corridor and looked around. Again, it was empty, lit only by the pale light of the moon shining in through the small window.

  To her surprise, she found herself stepping out of the room and tip-toeing in the direction she thought the noise had come from. This is a bad idea, she thought, yet continued to walk in spite herself. She turned a corner, frowning as she stepped on a creaking floorboard. Ahead of her was the kitchen, she stepped through the doorway and emerged into a large, darkened room with a huge table in the middle. She stopped, suddenly aware of
a presence, a familiar feeling of eyes burning into her. She froze in place, unable to move, eyes scouring the shadows for any sign of the animal from before.

  From behind her, she heard a low snarl. A deep rumble that was felt rather than heard. Her blood turned to ice, and the blanket dropped from her hands, leaving her naked and exposed. With no thought of modesty, she spun on the spot, stepping backwards against the table and faced the corner of the room.

  A figure stood in the shadows. Tall and muscular, covered in a thick, coarse fur. It was upright, standing on two legs, yet its head was canine, elongated and savage. As she looked on, the beast’s lip raised in a snarl, revealing rows of razor sharp teeth, a further low growl emanating from its drooling maw. Her stare fell to the thing’s hands, its fingers ended in curved claws as sharp as knives.

  She stood rigid before the animal, unable to move, cowed with terror. She gasped for breath, but couldn’t find it within herself to inhale. Finally, her paralysis broke and she breathed deeply and held it inside her, finally releasing her breath in a piercing scream. The creature flinched backwards, withdrawing into the shadows as it did so and Evie took the opportunity to back off, stumbling back against the kitchen sink. She didn’t take her eyes off the corner, no longer able to see the animal. She grasped behind herself for a weapon, something to use against it, but she could find nothing. Her trembling legs folded and she collapsed to the floor, squatting on her heels, warm tears spilling down her face.

  For minutes she remained there, unable to move. From the dark corner, she heard nothing more. Her racing heart settled and she began to consider that she had imagined the whole thing. The scare that afternoon, the strange place she found herself in, could she have imagined the strange wolfman creature? The thought took hold and she began to pull herself together, suddenly aware of her nakedness. She stood, intending to recover the blanket that had fallen to the floor by the corner.

  Gingerly, she inched back across the room, never taking her eyes from the shadows ahead of her. As she approached the blanket, she became aware of a sound. A shallow breathing. Not the animal panting that she’d heard before, but the sound of a person. She strained to see, eyes settling on a pale shape on the floor. She stepped forward, suddenly intrigued.

  Laying at her feet in the corner of the room was the unmistakable form of Blaine Chambers. He was curled in a fetal position, legs folded against his chest, held in position by his strong arms. His eyes were closed, his face frozen in a tortured grimace.

  She leaned forwards, touching his shoulder. He flinched from her touch, sitting up suddenly and turning his body to sit with his back against the wall. He pulled his legs towards himself again and eyed her warily.

  She reached out to touch his knee, mind racing, “Shhh,” she said, her voice hushed. He allowed her to touch him, not speaking a word. She raised her hand to his cheek, whispering as she did so, calming him from whatever turmoil raged in his mind. As she leaned in, her skin brushed against him and a shiver ran down her spine. He was warm, and he smelled musky and alive. Between his legs, she could she his large cock hanging limp, it twitched as she touched him, responding to her caress.

  He relaxed his arms and reached out to her, the back of his large hands stroking the flesh of her thigh. She sighed at this, gazing into his eyes. Oh god, what is happening? her mind demanded. What had happened to him? Why was she unable to resist him?

  Chambers pulled himself to his knees, pushing himself up beside where Evie squatted. Again, he loomed over her, his breath coming through his nose, deep and fast. She fell to her own knees, raising herself so that her head was level with his broad chest. She looked up, lost in his steely gaze, unable to look away from him as he regarded her hungrily. His hand reached out and wrapped her cheek, fingers curling behind her head, plunging into her hair. She leaned into his massive palm, eager to feel his warmth on her. When he leaned in to kiss her, she didn’t resist, couldn’t resist. She gave herself to him, wrapping her arms around his thick body and pulling him closer.

  His hungry tongue danced with hers, exploring her mouth as she yielded to it. She felt the strong beat of his heart against her chest as their skin touched, her breasts pressed into him. She moaned as the fire within her ignited, her hands crawled down his wide back.

  He pushed her backwards firmly but gently, cradling her in one massive arm. She let him lower her to the floor, her weight supported by him entirely. She lay back and spread her legs, exposing herself to him, inviting him forwards. She gasped as he grabbed her ankles, lifting her legs back above towards her head, and held them in place with his massive hands. Greedily, he looked over her body, surveying her curvy form, eyes settling on her exposed pussy. He seemed lost in an animalistic trance, breathing heavily and grunting as he stalked his prey. He shifted forwards, raising up on his haunches and guided his cock into her. She felt the weight of him settle on her, pinning her back, trapping her in position as he impaled her. Her pussy exploded with waves of pleasure as his rigid length filled her completely. She squealed with the intensity of it, her head thrashing to the side on the cold stone floor.

  As her self control faded, she glanced upwards and caught sight of his face above her. Lit by the pale moonlight it appeared almost feral, lips pulled back in a hungry snarl, eyes shining as he stared down at her. His intensity thrilled her, pushing her back to the place that her passion had taken her and she was washed away on a tidal wave of lust.

  Faster and deeper he pounded, never allowing respite, and her own fire burned hotter and hotter. Her hands rose to her breasts and massaged them roughly, her whole body aflame beneath this beast of a man.

  He slowed his strokes, controlling himself, a glimmer of reason returning to his beast-like mind. She took the opportunity to push him back, release the weight from her and freeing her legs. His cock fell out of her as he withdrew and she quickly flipped over onto her front and raised herself onto all fours, arching her back to offer her pussy to him once more.

  Without hesitation, he gripped her hips and pulled her back onto him. He entered her once again and her mind exploded and he plunged deeper than before. A fireball formed in her pussy and rose throughout her body, igniting her arms and legs and flushing her face till she thought that she might surely suffocate under such relentless intensity.

  Her body and mind finally relented, releasing the energy of her orgasm throughout her whole being. Her body jolted, throwing her head back and she howled into the night air. Chambers heard her call and added his own cry to hers, thrusting forwards one last time to fill her full of his seed. His own body tensed, gripping her hips with a force that she feared might break her. Finally, he fell forwards onto her, gripping her body against his and breathing against her neck.


  They both collapsed to the floor and Chambers wrapped them in Evie’s discarded blanket. They slept there, too exhausted to move, her body cradled within his, not even thinking about the strange events of the evening. For now, she was content to give herself to his warmth and drift away beside him.

  Chapter 4

  Evie awoke, suddenly aware that Chambers was not beside her. She gathered the blanket around her, shivering in the cold air of the cabin and stood to see where he was. The sun was up, and the cabin was flooded with warm, orange dawn light. She wandered out of the kitchen, back up the hall and into the living room. Here she found Chambers, kneeling beside the fire which crackled in the hearth.

  “Good morning,” he said without turning.

  “Uh, morning,” replied Evie, not sure what to say to him but desperate for answers. “Was that you last night, the creature that I saw?”

  Chambers laughed to himself, “Yes. That was me. I guess you know my dark secret now.” He reached forward to cast another log onto the fire, letting his cock hang down between his legs. Evie noticed and flushed.

  “Was that the ‘unforeseen consequence’ of your treatment?” she asked, remembering the conversation from the night before.

He nodded, but said nothing. She approached and knelt beside him, extending an arm to wrap the blanket around him. He shuddered at her touch.

  “It first happened when I hit puberty. I kept waking up naked in the grounds of Father’s estate, unable to explain how I got there. The doctors said I was a sleepwalker, that I would grow out of it. But I didn’t.”

  Evie pulled him close, this story was clearly hard for him to tell.

  He continued, “My father only really took it seriously when livestock started disappearing from farms around the estate. The farmers demanded compensation, thinking one of father’s guard dogs had got loose, but my father knew the truth. The serum his lab had developed was based on wolf DNA. Somehow, this had altered my own genes, transferring certain traits to me. Father showed me a video from one of the security cameras he’d had installed to keep an eye on me. Video of me changing, becoming - that thing. I didn’t believe it at first, couldn’t believe it. But deep down, I knew it to be true.”

  Evie spoke, full of questions, “Can you control it? Is it a … uh … full moon thing?” She thought of the pale moonlight from last night.

  Chambers chuckled, “You’ve seen too many movies! No, I soon learned to control the transition, able to trigger it at will. I also gained an awareness of my actions while in wolf form. It is hard to explain how it feels. I am still myself, yet my senses are different and I need different things. It is quite … exhilarating to run through the forest at night, to stalk prey, to fill myself with the a total awareness of my surroundings.”

  She nodded, not quite understanding but relieved that he seemed to have some measure of control. “If you can control it, then why are you out here? Why live as a recluse?”


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