Book Read Free

Murder at Granite Falls

Page 9

by Roxanne Rustand

  She felt her heart warm at his concern. “Good. But you’re the one who was outside so late. You must be exhausted.”

  Luckily, the final two float trips of the day both ended at five o’clock, and the last of the passengers were out of the parking lot a half hour later. As soon as the equipment was stowed away, Tina waved goodbye and headed for her pickup, and Logan took off for some supplies in Billings.

  “Thanks for helping out, Carrie.” Penny looked at her watch. “We’re actually done a little early today, and the theater in town changes its shows on Tuesdays. Want to grab some dinner in town and catch a movie afterward?”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  “We could meet at my aunt’s place in town at six or so, then go to Northern Lights Steak House—a little pricier but fabulous—or Lindy’s, good food, woodsy atmosphere. You choose.”

  “My heart says Northern Lights. But…”

  “Lindy’s it is.” Penny grinned. “I don’t know when I last had a night out like this. I’ll send Logan a text message. If he gets back in time, maybe he’ll want to join us.”

  Dinner, a movie. Harmless good times with friends and nothing more. “Um…that sounds fine.”

  Penny eyed her closely. “Are you sure?”

  “Of course. Sort of a coworker night out, right?”

  “Exactly.” Penny paused at the door of her truck and looked back. “We can leave Murphy with Aunt Betty for the evening, then you can pick him up on your way home so you don’t need to come back here alone.”

  Carrie glanced around, remembering just how quiet this place was when everyone was gone. Even if she’d been longing for an early night, it would be nice not to spend it by herself. “Good idea.”

  Carrie waved as Penny drove away, then leaned down to give Murphy’s shaggy neck a hug. “You need a bath, buddy, if you’re visiting Aunt Betty, and then I need a shower. I guess we’d better get moving.”

  Dinner at the rustic little restaurant overlooking a rushing mountain stream—a crispy Caesar salad, perfectly grilled rib eye and a fluffy baked sweet potato slathered in cinnamon butter—was perfect.

  Now they walked out of the small family-run theater with its uneven wood floors and movie memorabilia on the walls from its early days back in the thirties, and slowed to a halt in front as several dozen other patrons drifted away.

  “I guess I forgot to mention that they run mostly vintage and second-run family movies here,” Penny said. “And the titles on the marquee don’t always match what’s running inside. Gramps Anderson doesn’t like climbing the ladder much anymore, and all his grandkids have moved away. The locals don’t think about it.”

  Carrie grinned. “I’ve always liked Maureen O’Hara and John Wayne in McLintock. The real butter on the popcorn was wonderful, and I never thought I’d get to see that film on a big screen. It’s been a wonderful night.”

  Both of them turned on their cell phones at the same moment, then looked at each other and laughed when both phones instantly emitted goofy rings indicating phone messages.

  “Logan,” Penny said after listening to her messages. She glanced up and down the sidewalk. “He got a late start out of Billings, but hoped he’d get back in time to meet us at Francie’s Ice Cream Parlor after the show. I don’t see him yet, but maybe he’s already there.”

  Their shoes thunking on the old-fashioned wooden board-walk, they fell in step and headed toward the end of the next block, to where a whimsical pink-and-green neon ice cream cone hung out over the sidewalk and a mom and two children sat on the bench out in front. A trio of teenagers leaned against the hood of an old Chevy truck parked nearby, and a few stragglers from the theater were following Penny and Carrie toward Francie’s.

  “Francie’s is the hottest place in town,” Penny said. “Wait till you try their hot fudge, triple-scoop peppermint bonbon sundae with mixed nuts and real whipped cream.”

  “Sounds decadent.” Carrie checked her own list of missed calls as they walked. “Just Trace and Kris, probably wondering when I can get back to look for my maid of honor dress. I’ll follow up with them tomorrow.”

  “That’s sweet. How big of a wedding party will it be?”

  “Intimate…just me and one of Trace’s friends. Kris and her sister were orphaned as kids, but Emma disappeared into the foster care system years ago. I don’t know what happened to the records, but Kris says it’s as if she never existed.”

  “That’s so sad.”

  “It is. Kris has never given up on her search, but hasn’t found so much as a clue. My guess is that Emma probably died years ago.”

  “Kris doesn’t believe it?”

  “Nope. She says she would know, deep in her heart, if her sister had died. She says she’s been praying for just one hint of where to look next.”

  “How could someone drop from sight like that? It’s pretty tough to disappear.”

  “I know, and Kris has tried everything. These days, you can look up names on the internet and find birth dates, addresses, phone numbers—even legal records with the click of a button and your credit card number.”

  “The people who decided all that should be available are idiots. It’s scary, knowing what’s out there.”

  Carrie nodded. “My next guess is that if Emma is still alive, she doesn’t want to be found. What a blow that would be, to find out she’d ended up on the wrong side of the law.”

  They reached the corner of Main and Pine, a dark cross street leading just several blocks in either direction. On the opposite side, along the shadowed wall of Goode’s Drug Store, a broad-shouldered masculine form shifted, then moved forward to meet them.

  “Logan? I—” Penny’s cheerful greeting faltered to a stop.

  At the same moment, Carrie felt a prickle of apprehension crawl on spider’s feet up the back of her neck. “Billy,” she managed to whisper on a resigned sigh.

  The moviegoers behind them swung wide and continued on toward the ice cream parlor. Carrie grabbed Penny’s sleeve and tugged her back into the brighter light of the streetlamp at the corner.

  Billy stepped into their path, his face backlit by the light, but Carrie had no doubt that his mouth was lifted in his familiar, faint sneer.

  “You’re hard to find, sugar,” he drawled. “Imagine your poor husband trying all this time—”


  “Imagine me, turning up in Battle Creek, looking forward to seeing you. Only you’ve disappeared.” His voice took on a harder edge. “So I had to start hunting. Why’d you do it, just take off like that? We have history, babe. We oughta stay in touch.”

  “I have no plans for that, Billy. You know better.”

  His hand snaked out to grab her wrist, but she’d expected it and sidestepped his grasp. “Don’t touch me.”

  “Come on, Carrie,” he wheedled. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “No. Penny’s brother is waiting for us up ahead.”

  He gave a hard laugh. “Who, Logan? I don’t think he’s in town. His truck sure isn’t.”

  “How would you know that—or even know who he is?”

  Penny shot a startled glance at Carrie and gave Billy a wide berth. No wonder. But just one more block, and they’d be at the only store open at this hour, with other people close by. Witnesses. Safe.

  Billy moved even quicker, and once again stood in their way, and this time he grabbed Carrie’s shoulder, shoving her away from the crosswalk and toward the darkened side street. “I came all this way, and you’re being rude. Your little friend can go on home, but you and I need to talk. Now.”

  Penny hurried on ahead, her cell phone at her ear as soon as she reached the opposite street corner, and Carrie could see her beckoning to someone, as well.

  “How long have you been here, Billy?” Carrie said flatly, twisting out of his grasp.

  “Long enough. Pretty sweet setup you have here—nice job, good friends. Another man already sniffing around. You must think you have it made.”

��I don’t want to argue with you. You need to leave.”

  “Do I?” he snapped.

  “You don’t remember that no-contact order? Or the fact that you have some sorry legal history back in Battle Creek and at least three other towns we lived in? Lay a hand on me again and I’ll press charges.”

  “Good luck, ’cause I sure don’t see any witnesses. Even so, a slap on the wrist doesn’t mean anything.”

  He moved closer and she took another step back, belatedly realizing that she’d been focused on his expression and words while he’d been subtly herding her down this quiet street, farther out of sight. The one comfort was that he’d chosen this moment, in town. So maybe he didn’t know where she lived after all.

  “How did you even find me here?”

  He snickered. “It isn’t that hard, when you know who to ask.”

  But Trace and Kris would never say a word; she was sure of it. And as a lawyer, Sam certainly understood the principles of privileged information.

  Which left the possibility of Sam’s high school niece, who worked in his office part-time. She was about as giddy as a teenager could be. She might’ve listened to Carrie’s messages on the answering machine in the office, or overheard Sam talking on the phone. And Billy could just about charm the socks off anyone in a skirt, if he tried—especially a naive teen.


  His self-satisfied laugh grated on her nerves. “Like I said, it ain’t hard.”

  “Maybe you could tell me exactly want you want. I know it isn’t sharing my company.”

  “Just five grand. Make it ten, and I’ll disappear for good. And I’ll even throw in some information that could save your life…maybe. Something you really ought to know about someone here.”

  Which meant he’d probably picked up on a well-worn rumor about Logan. “No dice. It won’t do any good to deliver your little threats. You might as well have asked for a million dollars, because I don’t have anything to spare.”

  “But I know you can get it.”

  “No, I can’t.”

  “Don’t play games with me.” His voice turned venomous. “I don’t have time, and I’m not gonna wait. I—”

  At the periphery of her vision, Carrie saw several people approaching. Rachel Graham’s mother, Ivy. An older man and a woman, who was probably his wife. Oscar, the pharmacist. And Penny, who had obviously run ahead to round them all up.

  And then through them all, a much taller figure strode into view, emanating such determination and power—so much like the hero in the movie she’d just seen—that she suddenly felt more protected and safe than she’d ever felt before.


  “Carrie, is this your ex-husband?”

  Embarrassment burned through her. “Unfortunately, yes.”

  Billy shrank back when Logan halted well within Billy’s personal space and towered over him, sweeping him with a disparaging glance.

  “Now that you have an audience, maybe you’d like to address your exact concerns before you leave town,” he growled. “Or do you just like using intimidation to get what you want?”

  Billy was a tall, well-built man, but he was no match for Logan and he clearly knew it. He swallowed hard. Took a furtive look to the left and right. “I was just here visiting with my ex-wife.”

  Logan didn’t take his eyes off his quarry. “Carrie, is that right?”

  The others had drawn closer, curiosity and a touch of pity for her in their eyes. The truth was so much harder than trying to save face, though it was probably too late for that anyway. She could only imagine the gossip blossoming about the new teacher in town, the next time the locals gathered for coffee at the Silver Bear Café.

  “No. He was demanding money. Again. But I don’t have it, and I don’t owe him a dime. When we divorced, everything was split equitably.”

  Logan took another step toward Billy, crowding him until he again took a step back. “So the emails can stop. And the phone calls. And the unwanted visits. I can’t tolerate bullying in children, and in a grown man, it’s flat disgusting. A man stands on his own two feet. He doesn’t come sniveling around, trying to strong-arm a woman into paying his way.”

  Billy shifted uneasily, and he glanced behind him.

  Logan’s voice lowered. “So here’s your one chance. Get out of here now, before I truly lose my temper.”

  A patrol car appeared at the corner of Main and Pine. Slowed, then stopped. The officer inside bent over to peer through his passenger-side window, then his door swung open and he stepped out to look over his car roof. He was the burlier of the two local deputies, the friendly one she’d met on her first day in town. Vance Munson.

  “I got a call about some trouble. What’s going on here?”

  Penny glared at Billy. “That was from me. This guy came into town to cause trouble. Maybe you can send him on his way—or even arrest him. He was threatening my friend, here.”

  Billy edged farther back into the shadows, his face pale and his eyes pinned on the deputy.

  Now other people were gathering, and Carrie wished she could simply melt into the street. This was escalating into an even bigger scene, and there was no way to stop it.

  And once Billy switched into defensive mode, there was no telling what he’d say—but it wouldn’t be true, and it wouldn’t be good. She turned to look at Billy. “If I were you—”

  But during the moment when she’d looked away, Billy had disappeared.


  After Billy slipped away in the dark, Deputy Munson shooed the crowd away and then questioned Carrie and Penny on the street for a few minutes. After promising to file a report and keep an eye out for Billy in the future, he drove off.

  Logan followed Carrie and Penny to Aunt Betty’s house, where Carrie picked up Murphy and her SUV. Logan followed her out to the rafting company property.

  At the foot of the stairs to her apartment, he studied her intently. “You know Billy better than the rest of us. He has to realize that there were witnesses who saw him in town, even if the deputy didn’t get a good look at him. He’s hardly here on the sly anymore. Will he leave or stick around?”

  “I’m not sure.” She glanced out at the faint outline of the towering pines rimming the parking lot. The moon was barely a sliver tonight, and the darkness seemed to close in on her from all sides. “I have no doubt that he knows where I live, though. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been lurking around here, debating his next move. But I don’t think he’d be foolish enough to come out here tonight—not after being seen by so many people in town.”

  “I didn’t see any headlights behind me.”

  “And I didn’t see any behind me on the highway except yours, either. He couldn’t have driven that road with his lights off. It’s too dark, and on the hairpin turns he would’ve ended up over the edge or a ravine somewhere along the way.”

  “So now his options are limited. He can hang around town, where people might start to think he’s a suspicious stranger and point him out…”

  “Or he could lie low and watch for me coming and going from school. I don’t think he’ll risk coming out here again…not after you confronted him face-to-face and made him back down. He did say something about how giving him money ‘could save my life’…but that was just another one of his empty threats.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it. Not after seeing his expression, when he thought he could bully you into giving him exactly what he wanted.” Logan looked down at her, the faint moonlight shadowing the planes and angles of his lean, rugged face. He rested his hands on her shoulders. “Munson said he’d alert the other officers about keeping an eye out for him, using the description and photo you gave them. But until Billy is gone for sure, I’ll be staying in the boathouse at night.”


  “No arguments.” A corner of his mouth quirked up in a grin. “It’s actually not too bad over there. I may even do some renovating and move in there for good. My cabin is a good hundred yea
rs older.”

  She looked up at him, grateful for his presence. “You are one very sweet guy.”

  He laughed at that. “Don’t tell Penny that. It’ll ruin my image.”

  He started to turn away, then paused, turned back and pulled Carrie into an embrace. “You’ll be fine,” he whispered against her hair. “We’re going to make sure your problems are taken care of, once and for all. And then you won’t need to worry anymore.”

  A sense of warmth rushed through her, clear down to her toes, and she curved her arms around him in response. “Thank you,” she breathed.

  He pulled back, his arms still around her, and dropped a sweet, gentle kiss on her lips. Lingered.

  And then he walked away.

  Two nights later, Carrie still had trouble sleeping. Early Saturday morning she remembered seeing the dial of her alarm clock at two, three-thirty and four, her emotions still in a turmoil after the encounter with Billy and the deputy, followed by the most amazing kiss of her entire life.

  But she must have finally dozed, because the first unearthly scream made her launch out of bed, dazed and confused, her heart pounding.

  The second sent her racing to the window.

  Penny’s and Logan’s vehicles were by the boathouse, along with several other cars—probably tourists who’d arrived early for the seven-o’clock breakfast float trip.

  Carrie caught a glimpse of colorful T-shirts moving through the trees close to where the driveway opened up into the parking lot. Another voice cried out, then Penny appeared, herding a group of four or five clearly distraught women out of the trees toward the raft company office.

  The hubbub of voices grew louder as they all drew closer, then stopped when Penny ushered them into the office downstairs and shut the door.

  It’s not my business to interfere, Carrie reminded herself, reining in her immediate impulse to find out what was going on. And it was probably nothing.

  Maybe one of the tourists had simply stumbled and sprained an ankle, or had taken sick. Things were obviously under control, and it was time to shower and dress so she could make it to school in time.


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