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Murder at Granite Falls

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by Roxanne Rustand

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  At the beginning of the book, Carrie hopes that she can avoid revealing her past as a woman who was in a marriage with an abusive and unfaithful man. She wants to leave all that behind and start life over again, without the past clouding her future. For a woman who has been through a difficult marriage, is it ever possible to leave those emotional wounds behind? Or will it tend to affect her forever? What advice would you give if you had a friend who was in a difficult marriage like Carrie’s?

  Carrie wanted her marriage to last for a lifetime, but tough circumstances—and the insistence of her husband—resulted in divorce. What are your feelings about divorce?

  When Carrie senses a prowler outside on her first night in her new apartment, she says a quick prayer for help. How often do you pray? Throughout the day, or just at set times such as bedtime and meals? Discuss the kinds of things you pray for, and what kinds of answers you’ve received.

  At the beginning of the story, Logan thinks about his sister’s encouragement regarding his faith, and feels that she should just give up on him. Given the various tragedies and difficulties in his life, he doesn’t feel God listens or even cares about him. Do you know someone who is struggling with their faith? Is there anything you could say or do that might help?

  The killer in this story murdered two people and at the end, is contemplating killing again. He contemplates his situation and blames much of it on bad luck and circumstances out of his control. Do you think a person like this can repent and be fully forgiven for his sins?

  Dante is homeless by choice, and chooses to live out in the woods alone. Do you see people like this in your own community? Have you ever volunteered at a shelter, meal program or other welfare service for the homeless? How would you characterize the people in this situation? Is there anything you could do to help?

  Logan lost a beloved girlfriend in a car accident, and it took him a long time to heal. Have you lost a loved one? What things did well-intentioned people say that upset you—and what did they say that helped? Has it affected how you try to help others who are facing loss?

  The sheriff questions witnesses who were close by when Billy confronted Carrie and Logan in town. One friend later says she felt badly about testifying because she had to truthfully describe the scene as she saw it even if it didn’t reflect well on Carrie and Logan. Have you ever been in this type of position—torn between telling the truth or a “white” lie—knowing that the truth might harm someone else? How did you handle it?

  Noah has suffered the loss of his mother. Do you think children react differently than adults to tragedy and grief in their lives? Why, or why not? Have children in your own extended family suffered losses? What helped them the most?

  Logan has been harmed by ongoing gossip in the community. Can you think of one of the Ten Commandments that addresses this issue? It’s easy for people to slip into gossip when they get together for coffee. Is it ever harmless?

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-8986-8


  Copyright © 2011 by Roxanne Rustand

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  *Snow Canyon Ranch

  **Big Sky Secrets




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