You Complete Me

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You Complete Me Page 9

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “Yes, Hagan.” Emily wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him on top of her. “I do.”

  Thank the Goddess for the idea to sleep in the nude. Made having sex so much easier and hassle-free. Hagan eased his cock into her pussy. “I love you, Emily Cross.” Loved her so much his heart, damn near burst with admiration.

  She pulled him closer and curled her legs around his backside. “I love you, too, Hagan Dean.”

  He buried himself to the hilt in her cunt. “Before the Sources, the heavens and all who look on, I take you, Emily, as my mate. Forever.” He tilted his head back and his fangs elongated. Goddess, he needed this moment. He leaned over her and sank his teeth into the tender spot connecting her shoulder to her neck. The moment a bit of her blood spilled on his tongue, he eased back. Her nails bit into his shoulders and she whimpered again. She tightened her legs around his waist.

  Hagan licked her wound closed and then rested his forehead on hers. “My lover, my partner and my mate.” He rocked his hips, filling her and then pulling out. His skin prickled and a bead of sweat slipped down his temple. He balanced himself on his knees and hands. Each thrust, each push into her body nudged him closer to release.

  Her legs trembled again and she arched beneath him. Her breasts heaved with every breath. “I’m so close, Hagan.”

  The power in her body as well as her blood washed over him. He’d found himself a woman his equal who could bring him to his knees or love him for the rest of his life.

  You have found your mate.

  Hagan continued pistoning his hips. He’d heard the voice. The Sources were addressing him. I have accepted Emily as my mate and marked her.

  She is truly worthy of you. Your Hunter shall bring out your full power. We bless this union. You’ve both been an asset to the cause.

  Thank you.

  He shook his head. Everything sizzled. He’d never felt so alive.

  “Hagan.” She dug her nails into his biceps. “I’m vibrating.” She held onto him tighter. “What’s happening?”

  “We’re one.” He thrust into her harder. He sat up and tugged her onto his lap, sending his cock deeper into her cunt. “Forever. Come with me, Emily.”

  Her breath warmed on his cheeks. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back. From her head to her toes, she shuddered. Her body tensed, and then she collapsed against him. He surged within her and deposited his seed in her pussy. The orgasm washed over him, bathing him in sweet relaxation.

  He sagged forward and turned enough to land on his shoulder, protecting her as he went down. He kept her tight to his chest and cradled her body. His now-flaccid cock slid out of her.

  “Holy crap.” He snuggled her in his arms. “We’re one.”

  “We are.” She rested her head on his chest. “We’ll have our full power.”

  “We’re officially stuck together for…life, or whenever we die.” He stroked her arm. He’d found his mate and his reason for living. He’d helped to defeat Maslow. Hell-freaking-yeah.

  “I don’t mind being stuck to you.” She shifted enough to look him in the eye. “I’ve been in love with you since the night I met you, even if I didn’t realize it was love.” She kissed his chest. “You’re the best mate a Hunter could have. You’ve got my back and my heart.”

  “You’ve got mine, too.” Hagan closed his eyes. He could sleep. His mind eased and his body rested. He’d found his mate. Life, even as a vampire who was one of the undead, was good.


  The next morning, Hagan followed his mate to the main living room. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around the idea he could walk in the sunshine. Vampires weren’t supposed to be day-walkers. They lived for the night. Now he was able to do more than skulk around in the darkness. He saw everything in glorious daylight with vivid color.

  “I hope this doesn’t take long,” Emily whispered. She wound her fingers around his hand. “Now that we’re mated, I want to make love again. I can’t get enough of you.”

  The tips of his ears burned. He’d never get over how much he loved her or knowing down to the pit of his soul that she loved him, too.

  Hagan sat beside Emily on the couch. The rest of the group sat around the room. Vanessa and Creighton, Greer, Ricky and Paul, Lexa…and Ava with her two mates, Joachim and Padraig. He’d thought he’d hate the two men. He thought he’d want them dead. Once he’d gotten to know her mates, he actually liked them and saw why they complimented Ava. Truth be told, Ava was the one he didn’t care much for any longer. He saw the real woman—the bitterness, the neediness and the self-centeredness she’d displayed when they were together. He’d loved the impression of her he’d formed in his mind. Having the real, honest love of Emily changed his mind and outlook. A small part of him would always care for Ava, but he didn’t love her any longer and that feeling was so good.

  “Is everyone here?” Kynan clapped his hands. “I’ve got…news. Lexa and I met with the heads of the Hunters, Josef and Michael. According to them, the group had already splintered from Maslow, but they hadn’t come out telling anyone they were splitting. Since they’re now in charge, I’ve worked with them to create a council. The Hunters, Defenders and heads of the various Super people are coming together to make sure we don’t have another episode like Maslow.”

  “Good thinking,” Creighton said. “We need to keep things democratic.”

  “The council will. As to who will be on the council, I’ve agreed I’m not going to lead us. We’re a mixture of all the groups. I’m tired of leading. You choose your reps.” Kynan opened his arms. “As for living quarters, you’re free to stay here as long as you like. Some of you don’t have homes and I refuse to kick you out.”

  Beside Hagan, Greer, Ricky and Paul collectively sighed.

  “I’ve got one other announcement.” Kynan paused. “The Sources want to see us. All of us.” He bowed his head.

  Smoke filled the room and the lights extinguished. Emily gripped Hagan tighter. “Where are we?” she whispered.

  He glanced around the space. He’d been there before. Rocks…darkness… “We’re in the cave of the Sources.”

  “Very good, vampire.” A shaft of light filtered down from the ceiling. A being stepped into the light. Like before, the male Source refused to show his face. The light caught in his beard and the snowy white robes covering his body. A thick hood covered the top of his head.

  “Sit,” the Source said. He waved his hands. “I’ve brought you all here for a reason.” He paused as some of the smoke dissipated. “You’ve all fought bravely for the cause and the war is over. The cancer on our kind removed. True, Maslow was not of Super blood, but he found a way to see in the darkness. You’ve also managed to bring light into the darkness. In your own ways, you’ve overcome adversity and found your way to your happy ending. I warn you, the war is never truly over. Where one cancer is removed, another can grow. It’s up to you to remain vigilant, to allow the council to work with balance and to challenge when the balance has shifted. You are all needed for our race to survive. Are you willing to come together again, when asked, in order to protect the Supers and the humans?”

  Kynan and Lexa nodded. Creighton and Vanessa joined in.

  “Yes,” Joachim and Padraig said in unison.

  “I will,” Ava said.

  “We’re in,” Greer said and waved her hand around, pointing at Ricky and Paul. “Totally.”

  “Vampire? Hunter?”

  Hagan couldn’t see the Source’s face, but he felt the being’s stare boring into his chest. Hagan glanced over at Emily, who nodded. “My job is to protect, serve and keep the peace. I’m in.”

  “I am, as well.” Hagan draped his arm around her shoulders.

  “The will of the Sources has been done.” The being bowed his head. The light disappeared, plunging the group into darkness.

  Emily grasped him tighter and buried her face against his chest. Hagan braced himself for the falling feeling. The last time he’d been sent out of the
cave of the Sources, he’d felt like he’d been shoved. Smoke flowed around them again, but this time when it filtered away, they were all back at the mansion. Everyone looked around at each other, but no one spoke.

  Kynan sank onto the arm of the chair beside Lexa. He finally broke the silence. “I trust you all to select your representatives. I’m bowing out. I’m old compared to quite a few of you and I’d like to spend some time with my mate. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.” He held out his hand to Lexa. “Good evening.” Without a backward glance, he and Lexa left the room.

  No doubt to have a weeklong sex-a-thon. Emily smothered a giggle against Hagan’s pec.

  Sounds like a great idea to me. He kissed the top of her head. He’d spent so much time trying to prevent the ending factor of the sun, he wasn’t sure he wanted to devote his time to a council. “I nominate Creighton and Vanessa. Other than Kynan and Lexa, they’ve done the most to keep the group together and safe.”

  “What do you think, V?” Creighton squeezed her hand. “We’ve got this leadership thing down pretty well.”

  She shrugged and blushed. “I never…why not? We don’t have to be in charge forever. Sure.”

  “Anyone object?” Creighton asked. He stood and tugged Vanessa to her feet. When no one spoke, he nodded once. “Fine. We’ll let Kynan know.”

  Ava glanced over at Hagan once more before leaving the room with Joachim and Padraig in tow. Greer grinned and shrugged. “You could’ve been a good leader, too. Come on, guys. We need to get out of here and leave the newly mated ones alone.” She giggled and bounced out of the room with Ricky and Paul behind her.

  Leaving the newly mated ones alone? Guess everyone can see that glow. He trailed his fingers down her spine to the waistband of her jeans. He slipped his hand over her ass. There’s a certain Hunter who has my heart. I’d like to make love to her. Know where she is?

  Emily elbowed him in the ribs. She’s right here, but she’s going to do the leading, vampire. She kissed him hard on the lips. I’m rather fond of you and my protective streak has grown much wider.

  Just fond of me? He gathered her in his arms. His erection jabbed against her thigh, no doubt giving her the hint as to what he wanted.

  I love you, mate. She eased her fingers over his constrained erection. I can’t wait to play with this.

  Holy shit. He couldn’t wait for her to play with it, either. I love you, too. Let’s go upstairs and show each other how much we…care.

  Care? You mean fucking like rabbits. She grinned. I’m all for making love until we collapse. One condition—the last one to the room is the bottom. She slipped free of his grasp and sprinted out of the room.

  Any other time he’d have used his intensified speed to beat her to the room, but since he’d learned to give over control, he preferred having her on top. Hagan rubbed his hands together. She completed him. His undead life was better because he’d found her. His journey wasn’t over—not by far. The war was done for the time being and they’d all found their intended futures. Nothing could be better.

  Time to make love to his mate.


  To my readers…

  Thank you for coming with me on this fantastic journey into the world of the Supers. I’ve had a great time bringing them to you.

  Did you have a particular favorite character? I love them all. Hagan was probably my favorite, though. He’s a wounded soul and trying to find his way. I could identify with his struggle and wanted him to get the happy ending he deserved.

  Were there any characters you wanted to read more about? Then let me know! I’ve enjoyed exploring their world and am always willing to check back with them. You never know, I might let your favorite character do some more talking, so do let me know.

  Thank you for reading the series and coming along with me. I wouldn’t be where I am without you, my readers. You’re all wonderful.

  EXCERPT from Book 1, You Have Me

  “I can’t promise I won’t find someone else.” Alexa pulled the jacket tighter around her slender body. Her blue eyes glistened in the moonlight. “I can’t.”

  “I understand.” Kynan bowed his head. From the moment he’d met her, he loved her. But he’d learned the hard way. Love meant saying goodbye and having his heart ripped out all over again. But if she needed him, he’d protect her. Always.

  Tears slipped down Alexa’s cheeks. “This thing we share, this bond, it can’t be healthy. You’re dead. You should be with other dead people…right?”

  “I’ll always be with you.” He kissed her hands. Part of him longed to run his fingers through her hair and taste her kiss. He hated himself for wanting her as more than a friend, but she’d been off limits. Now she didn’t see him as anything other than a dead freak. “I’m always on your side. If you need me, say my name. You’ll have all of me in your hands. Forever.”

  “Don’t make this any harder than it has to be.” She wiped her cheeks with the back of her hands. When she closed her eyes, her chin quivered. He felt her internal struggle to walk away. Staying with him wasn’t part of her future. Not at the moment.

  “The sun’s rising. I can’t stay now, but I will watch you.” He knew this day would come. The day she left him and struck out on her own. She’d turned eighteen a month before and graduated high school. She needed to figure out who she was. He couldn’t expect her to want him, but Christ, the quiet little town wouldn’t be the same without her.

  “Goodbye, Kynan. I love you.”

  He only hoped she truly did. Kynan watched her walk away, her footsteps soft on the limestone path. He perched on the tombstone and massaged his temple. Being sent to Erie View sucked until he realized who he’d been sent to watch. Alexa made him smile. She made him wish to be alive and to have a heart once more.

  Kynan rubbed his chest. The hole from the staking had closed, but the divot remained. He’d go to hell for her, but she wanted freedom.

  “Just don’t forget me, Lexa,” he whispered. “I’ll never forget you.”


  Like spicy romance? So do I! Come along on this journey with me. I’ve always dreamt of writing the stories in my head. Tall, dark, and handsome heroes are my favorites, as long as he has an independent woman keeping him in line. I love playing with words and letting the characters run wild. NASCAR, Ohio farmland, dirt racing, animals and second chance romance all feature prominently in my books. I also write under the pen name of Megan Slayer. Come join me for this fantastic journey!

  If you like my work, tell your friends and email me ([email protected]). I love hearing from readers!

  Check out my other TMP Releases…

  Best I Ever Had

  Simply the Best

  Saturday Night Special

  You Have Me, Battle Scars Book 1

  You Own Me, Battle Scars Book 2

  You Belong to Me, Battle Scars Book 3

  Connect with me on Twitter and visit my FaceBook fan page.

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