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Count This Cowboy In

Page 6

by Malone, Misty

  But he had to slow things down. Even if he felt something for this lovely little lady, she was his employee, so he probably shouldn't be thinking of her that way at all. But then again, what would it really hurt? There'd only been a couple other times he'd felt this way about a woman and never anywhere near this quickly, so maybe he shouldn't rule anything out. Especially if she seemed interested, as well. But he was determined not to push anything.

  He looked up and realized that while his mind had been wandering, she was deep in thought herself. He gave her all the time she wanted and eventually she asked, "So you're saying that if I want to work here I might be ––"

  He smiled at her and said, "I'm saying that if you work for me, which I truly hope you do, anytime you break a rule you will be spanked. Now, if you watch your language and sarcasm and follow all my rules, you'll have nothing to worry about."

  She was the cutest thing he'd ever seen when her face started to blush again.

  "However, if you still have a bit of that spoiled little brat inside you, you just need to know what will happen and be willing to accept it."

  She thought a bit, looking at him the whole time. "What do you mean, be willing to accept it? Because if you mean you expect me to lay there over your lap and let you turn my butt into an inferno without moving or trying to stop it, I can tell you right now, that won't happen." Her face turned red again, but bless her brave little heart, she looked straight into his eyes as she said, "That really hurt. Worse than anything I can remember ever hurting before. And if you're saying you expect me to lie there and take it, I can't. I have to yell and I have to try to avoid it, get away from it."

  His heart was pounding in his chest. She was so cute, red face and all, standing up to him like that. And she didn't seem to be objecting to the basic concept. "Darlin', you can yell and wriggle all you want. It won't do you any good, but you can do it all you want. All I meant is I want you to know what'll happen and not be surprised or expect to be able to talk your way out of it."

  Darn if the little lady on his lap didn't work her way deeper into his heart when she grinned and said, "First of all, when you said yelling and wriggling won't do me any good, you're wrong. It'll make me feel a little bit better because at least I'll be trying to stop the awfulness. And you said I shouldn't expect to talk my way out of it. I'm glad you didn't say I can't try."

  He chuckled and tightened his arms around her. "Awfulness?"

  "Yes, awfulness. I'm sure you don't know your own strength or it wouldn't have felt that awful."

  "Or maybe I do know my own strength and it could feel even awfuller."


  "It's in the dictionary right above awfulness."

  She smiled at him, but then settled back in against his chest. "I'll have to give that awfuller concept a bit of thought."

  "That'd be a good idea."

  She leaned against him, looking peaceful for a few minutes before asking, "Can I ask another question?"

  "Absolutely. Ask me any questions you have."

  "Does this always happen after a spanking?"

  "Absolutely. This part is very important. After a spanking it's important to me that you know that yes, you made a mistake, but now you've paid the price. There are consequences for bad choices, but after the consequences, we're good again. I won't stay angry or upset once the debt is paid."

  The only part of that Sam really heard was that after any spanking she would get to cuddle with Trevor again. That was fantastic. Leaning against his chest, smelling the wonderful blend of Trevor's after shave and the pure man himself, she could stay there forever. If only her butt didn't hurt so badly.

  They stayed there, just as they were, talking a little bit now and then about nothing in particular, just enjoying their closeness. The sun had dropped below the tree line, though, and the temperature had gone down with it. Trevor cleared his throat. "Sam, if we don't get back to the house pretty soon Grant will be sending out a search party for us."

  "Yeah, I guess you're right and I have to get back to the motel yet. But it's so pretty here. I could stay here longer, just taking in the sight. I love it."

  "I know. I like it here, too. But remember what I said about coming here without me."

  "At the moment I don't know how I could ever forget."

  He chuckled as he stood, gently standing her next to him. "That's part of the idea behind a spanking."

  She helped him fold the blanket before they went back to their horses. He put the blanket back in his saddlebag and glanced over to see Sam staring doubtfully at her horse. Hiding a grin, he put a stern face on and said, "Yes, you have to ride back to the house. That's another part of the idea behind a spanking."

  "So what; if you ever spank me again you're going to make me ride a horse afterward?"

  "No, of course not. But after a spanking you go on with life, no changes. No pillows on your chair, no walking your horse part of the way instead of riding it."

  She looked angry, but she looked down and didn't say anything for a bit. He held his breath, hoping she didn't lose her temper again and was happy when she quietly asked, "Can we go back to the cuddling part? I like that better."

  He chuckled, glad to see she was indeed accepting the whole concept. "I do, too, Darlin', but we need to get back to the house. Mount up."

  She sighed, but gave him a bit of a smile. "Yes, boss cowboy."

  He laughed. "And don't you forget it." He watched her wince as she tried to get comfortable in her saddle, but she didn't argue or jump off her horse. She took the reigns and turned her mare back toward the way they'd come.

  "I'm proud of you, Sam," he said as he started off toward home, with her right beside him.

  "For what?"

  "You took your first spanking well. Real well. And you're not arguing with me now about sitting your saddle." He looked over at her. "I think we're going to get along just fine."

  He loved seeing the big smile on her face.

  He kept a slow pace going back, making it easier for them to keep up a casual conversation. He also knew that although it extended the time she spent in her saddle, it would be much less painful than a faster pace with more bouncing.

  When they got back to the barn, Grant was standing outside waiting for them. "Everything okay, boss? I was about to get a search party together."

  With an easy chuckle Trevor assured his foreman. "Everything's fine. I was just showing Sam around the ranch a bit." He smiled at her and said, "And I took a little time to see how she handles a horse, as well. She's no rookie. She's quite accomplished."

  Sam beamed at him. "Thank you. But it's because I've been riding since I was little. I love riding."

  "It shows."

  They smiled at each other, while Grant smiled to himself. He wondered how much of the time they'd actually spent in their saddles. His boss didn't often look at a lady that way and in his opinion it was about time he did.

  The next day Sam got to the ranch a bit earlier. She was anxious to get started on the books. She wanted to get them brought up to date from the point where his mom was still doing them. Something was bothering her and she hadn't figured out yet what it was.

  She had worked a couple hours before she even thought about washing curtains and bedspreads. She went to the kitchen, headed for the back door and the guesthouse. Consuela was in the kitchen and asked, "Ready for a break, Miss Sam?"

  "I was so anxious to get started on the books that I forgot all about washing the bedspread and sheets. I wanted to get started on that early today. I can't believe I forgot it."

  She was headed for the door when Consuela said, "I'll go help and we can get the curtains down. I have the sheets in the dryer and some towels in the washer. The bedspread is hanging up on the line. I need some help for the curtains, though, to get them down."

  Sam stopped walking and turned to look at Consuela, who almost ran into her. "You already washed all that stuff up?"

  "Of course. I'm anxious to have Miss
Sam move in, so I started early."

  "But I was going to do it. You shouldn't have had to do it."

  "I didn't have to do it. Trevor didn't tell me to do it. He just asked if I had time and would mind helping you. I knew you would be busy because the books have been neglected for a long time, so I thought I will do the wash, you do the books. Then they will both get done."

  "Well, thank you very much, I really appreciate it."

  "You're very welcome. It will be so good to have another woman around this ranch."

  They walked out to the guesthouse together, talking about how men just don't understand some things like another woman does.

  Sam was happy to see the windows were open so the house would be aired out nicely. She heard some pounding coming from inside and asked, "Is someone hammering in there? What are they doing?"

  She opened the door to walk in and was surprised when Trevor said, "We're making a few repairs for you. While we were cleaning it up we found a few things that needed fixed."

  "Trevor. I'm surprised to see you here."

  He looked up at her, grinning. "Why? I live here."

  "Oh, you know what I mean. I figured you'd have other things you'd have to do."

  The ranch hand that was working with Trevor quickly picked up on the teasing banter between his boss and Sam and caught the way they looked at each other and the way Consuela was watching the two of them and smiling. He winked at Consuela and told Sam, "He wanted to be sure this was cleaned real good and in good shape for you to move in. I guess he cared enough to oversee it himself."

  Trevor looked at his helper and growled, "You got that lock on the window fixed yet, Jeb?"

  The two ladies looked at each other and smiled. Trevor quickly recovered and said, "I did. I wanted to be sure if there were anything that needed a little attention it would get it. If someone's going to be living on my ranch, I want to be sure they're safe and comfortable."

  Jeb smiled at Consuela again and told Trevor, "Well, if you want everyone living on the ranch to be comfortable, we could sure use another TV in the bunkhouse. Some of the men like to watch the ten o'clock news before they go to bed, but they don't all like the same channel."

  "Jeb, go get the ladder so we can check out the roof, make sure there's no loose shingles."

  "But boss, I just ––"

  "The ladder, Jeb."

  Sam thought Jeb had a pretty satisfied look on his face as he headed off toward the barn. Apparently the hands all felt comfortable around Trevor. She could already tell they had a great deal of respect for him, but she was happy to see they felt free to joke with him, as well.

  Consuela had moved over to the window and started taking down the lower curtains. Sam got a chair from the kitchen and took it over to the window. She climbed up on it to get the top curtains, but before she could get the first side she felt a pair of strong hands around her waist and before she knew what was happening she was standing back down on the ground. Trevor was looking down at her with a frown on his face. "What do you think you're doing up there, young lady?"

  With hands on her hips and her eyes wide, she answered, "Taking down the curtains so we can wash them. What do you think you're doing putting me back down here?"

  Now his eyes opened wide, as did Consuela's. Trevor looked over at his long time friend and cook and asked, "Have you ever seen such a feisty little minx?"

  "I think you have met your match, Mr. Trevor."

  Looking at Sam, he said, "Or perhaps she's met hers." He reached up and started taking the curtains down as he said, "Sam, I don't want to see you climbing on a chair again, it's too dangerous. I'll take these down and put them back up for you."

  "I've been getting on a chair to reach things my whole life and I've never fallen off yet."

  "I'm glad you've been lucky so far, but I don't want to see you doing it again."

  "Then turn your back and don't look."

  "Sam," he warned.

  "Trevor, in case you haven't noticed, I'm not as tall as you."

  "I have noticed that, Sam, which is why I'm doing it for you." He saw her open her mouth to argue further, but he put his finger over her mouth. "Protective, remember? As long as I'm here and can easily do this for you there's nothing else to talk about." When she opened her mouth again he again put his finger over her mouth and said, "And before you argue with me further let me remind you," he said as he caught her eyes with his, "give you a little verbal reminder to watch your attitude." He gave her a moment to catch his meaning before quietly saying, "We can talk more later if you want."

  He turned around and took the top curtains off the window and handed them to her. Consuela saw the tension between them and said, "Miss Sam, if Mr. Trevor is going to help you with these curtains, I'm going to go check on lunch. I need to stir the stew and get a salad ready."

  Trevor smiled at her and said, "By all means, Consuela, go on and check on lunch. We don't want it to burn. I'll help her get the curtains."

  Consuela nodded and left, leaving the two alone.

  Chapter 5

  Once they were alone Sam looked at Trevor and said, "Look, I know you want to protect me, but ––"

  "Shhh, listen to me a minute, Sam. I may be a bit overprotective; I get that. I'll work on it. In the meantime, can you please just humor me and let me do this since I'm here? I'll give this some serious thought, though, I promise. I understand your frustration. Please understand mine. I don't know why I feel so protective of you, but I do. For right now can we both agree to try to be tolerant of each other?"

  Sam looked at him, a bit surprised. She smiled at him and held her hand out toward him as she said, "Deal."

  He laughed as he shook her hand. "Thank you. I really don't want to see you get hurt, Sam."

  "I know. It just seems to me that you're worrying too much over nothing. I've done this my whole life." He just smiled as he went through the house taking down the curtains.

  She took the armload of them into the kitchen and through to the laundry room. She put them in a basket and before she could open the washer Consuela was behind her, asking, "Miss Sam, everything okay with you and Mr. Trevor?"

  She turned to her new friend and smiled. "Yes, it is, Consuela. Why?"

  Consuela turned to look behind her before leaning closer to Sam to say quietly, "I think he's sweet on you, Miss Sam, so he will worry about you. He will not want you to get hurt."

  Sam turned to look at Consuela. "What do you mean?"

  After again checking to be sure no one was around, she answered, "Because I believe Mr. Trevor is very much like his father." She paused and added, "And very much like my Felipe."

  "Your husband?"

  "Yes. He was a wonderful man. He passed away two years ago."

  Sam took her hand and squeezed it. "I'm sorry, Consuela."

  "Don't be sad. He is in a better place now. He was very sick. But he was a very good man. Just like Mr. Trevor and just like Mr. Trevor's father. That type of man is hard to find today, but very special."

  "In what way?"

  "They find one woman they love and one woman only. Then they care very, very much for their woman. They look out for her, protect her, guide her. They would give their life for her. They do many, many special things for her, but they will not tolerate any harmful or dangerous action on her part." She looked over and saw the understanding in Sam's eyes and knew she was right in her beliefs about Trevor. He had found his one woman and was already trying to protect her.

  Sam was deep in thought several moments. Finally she said, "But he's being ridiculous. There's nothing dangerous about standing on a chair to reach things."

  She smiled in a very friendly, yet understanding way. "No, Miss Sam, he is not being ridiculous. He is protecting the woman he cares a lot for. It is possible that you could fall off the chair or the chair could tip and fall. He doesn't want to picture that happening, so it's easier to make sure it's not possible for it to happen. Do you understand?"

, I guess so."

  "But what you don't realize yet is that these men, as careful as they are that you will not get hurt, they are just as careful to be sure you are happy."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Sometimes my English is not real good and I am not able to make things real clear. I will try and explain again. They are very, very diligent to be sure their woman will not get hurt; yes?"

  "Yes, I follow you there."

  "They are just as diligent to be sure their woman is happy, all the time." She stopped suddenly, turning red. "Well, most of the time."

  Sam looked at Consuela, trying to understand what she was trying to tell her. Consuela went on, "Except if you do something they say do not do, is dangerous." Sam immediately understood what she was saying now and turned red, as well. The older woman smiled and said, "You have found out what happens in that instance; yes?"

  "Yes, yesterday," Sam quietly admitted. "But you mean you ––"

  Once again looking around before answering, she said, "Miss Sam, my Felipe would spank my bottom when I did not listen to him when he tried to keep me safe. And Mr. Trevor's papa, Hank, would spank Trevor's mama, Mary, for same reason. If Mr. Trevor spanked you yesterday, then I am right. He is very sweet on you." She smiled ear to ear as she said, "You are very lucky woman, Miss Sam. Mr. Trevor is a good man."

  Sam rubbed her bottom as she said, "Lucky isn't exactly what I was feeling yesterday."

  Consuela laughed out loud. "No, I am sure it is not. But you think about this, Miss Sam. What I am telling you is true."

  Sam had been standing there in awe, thinking back to yesterday and again to what Trevor had said just a short time ago. She looked over and for the first time realized she'd let Consuela put all the curtains in to wash and was folding up the towels. She quickly picked up a towel from the basket. "I am so sorry. I've stood here and let you do all this again. I'll finish this. Thank you for your help and for the talk."


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