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Count This Cowboy In

Page 11

by Malone, Misty

  "Thanks, Clay. I'm not going to say anything to Sam in case you don't find anything wrong, so don't say anything to her about it, please."

  "I understand. I'll let you know if I find something."


  The men talked a bit longer about Sam's father and different things Clay could check. Their conversation turned to other things then and they visited for a couple hours.

  Sam, who fell soundly asleep shortly after Trevor literally tucked her into bed, woke up and spent some time thinking. She went over in her mind everything that had happened since she woke up that morning. Now, in hindsight, things looked very different than they had at the time they happened.

  She wished she'd have done a lot of things differently, obviously and she was determined to do better next time. But first she had to get past the spanking she was sure he would be giving her after Clay left. She briefly thought of trying to talk Clay into staying late, but decided against it. Why put off what would inevitably happen eventually? She thought the same about trying to use her wrist as a means of getting out of it. Again, it would only delay it.

  So instead she started thinking about the way he held her after the spanking the last time. She remembered how good it felt being held in his arms and the safe, content feeling she had. He'd held her several times since and she loved it, but somehow it was different. She had felt so calm and peaceful and cherished. The more she thought about that wonderful feeling, the less she remembered the pain involved in the spanking. She had just convinced herself the spanking wouldn't be so bad after all and in fact was starting to look forward to it and the wonderful cuddling afterwards, when Trevor knocked on her bedroom door.

  "Sam? Are you awake, Sweetheart?"

  "Come on in, Trevor."

  "Are you awake, sleepyhead?"

  "I woke up just a few minutes ago."

  "How's your wrist?"

  "It's okay."

  He helped her up, careful of her wrist and making sure she didn't use it and patiently waited while she went to the bathroom. After brushing her teeth, she came out while she was still brushing her hair. "Are you and Clay ready to make supper?"

  "Pretty soon, yeah," he said, a bit preoccupied. She looked at him curiously and he said, "That's a nice hairbrush you have there."

  "What, this? I've had this for as long as I can remember. Why?"

  He grinned as he said, "I may have to take a better look at it later this evening." At her confused look he added, "While we talk about this morning's sequence of events."

  She still looked at him with a blank look on her face. Then she suddenly turned red and said, "Oh." She looked at the brush again and hid it behind her back. "No, Trevor, no."

  "It looks like a very effective brush, baby."

  Sam was almost instantly at the verge of a true panic. "Trevor, no, please don't. Tell me you won't do that, please. My grandmother gave that to me when I turned twelve because she said all teenage girls need a good brush to make themselves beautiful. Please don't ruin my memories of my grandmother."

  Trevor was quickly at her side, pulling her into his arms. "Ssshhhh, honey, ssshhhh. It's okay, I won't use it. I'm sorry. Calm down, Sweetie." He rubbed her back until she calmed down again, but it took awhile.

  "Sweetie, are you okay?"

  "Yeah. Sorry."

  "Can you tell me what happened there?"

  "I don't know. It's just that I have good memories of her. She was Dad's mom and I don't want anything to jeopardize those good memories, like it did with ––"

  She stopped and Trevor could feel her trembling. He held her close to him and said, "Like it did with your father." She nodded. He asked, "Sam, do you want to talk about him?"


  She answered so quickly he wasn't about to push it. He found himself hoping Clay found something out that could help let her enjoy her good memories of her father.

  A few minutes later they walked hand in hand back to the patio, where Clay was enjoying a beer. They went inside and the men proved they could at least follow Sam's directions for making some potatoes to put in the oven and a salad. They visited while the steaks grilled.

  After they ate they did the dishes and Clay said, "Trevor, I hate to eat and run, but I'm heading back toward Texas tonight. I'm stopping for business fairly close to the border, but I've got a few hours driving to get there."

  Sam started getting nervous, remembering the incident with the hairbrush. She was actually okay with the spanking and especially the cuddling, but this hairbrush thing changed everything. She knew he wouldn't use her hairbrush now, but she'd never considered him using anything but his hand. This new thought had her stomach doing somersaults.

  Trevor had his arm around her waist as they walked Clay out to his truck. They said their good-byes and turned to go back in the house. Once inside, however, they didn't stop at the living room. He kept his arm firmly around her waist and led her through the house and out the back door and down the path to the guesthouse. She knew where they were going and why, so she didn't even ask.

  He knew she was resigned to this when her head dropped down and her pace slowed a bit, but she didn't stop and she didn't argue. He was glad.

  He stopped in the living room and sat down on the couch, pulling her to sit down beside him. "Sam, I take it you know what's about to happen?" She nodded. "First, I want to tell you I'm sorry that we had to wait so long for this spanking to happen." She looked up at him with questioning eyes. "I much prefer to take care of a spanking as soon as it's earned. Unfortunately, today that wasn't possible and I apologize for that. I didn't mean to make you fret about it all day."

  "I understand. It wasn't your fault."

  "I know, but I still don't like that it happened. Now, that being said, that doesn't excuse you from what happened. Before we begin, do you understand that you've earned a spanking?"


  "Do you feel you've earned a spanking?"


  "Good. Tell me why."


  "Tell me why you deserve to be spanked."

  "Because I didn't listen to you when you told me not to walk on the log. Then I was rude – I told you – Trevor, I'm really sorry." She started crying, even though he could tell she was trying her best not to.

  He wanted to take her in his arms, but he knew that would be wrong. They were just starting out in this relationship and he meant to be the head of the relationship. In his opinion part of that was to protect her. He meant to do that to the best of his ability, but in order to protect her she had to listen to him. It was important that he showed her right from the start that there would be consequences for not listening to him.

  It was also important to him that she not only respect him, but trust him and know she could count on him. Knowing she could count on him to correct her dangerous mistakes was part of that.

  With those thoughts in mind he helped her stand, directly in front of him. "Samantha, I need to know what you're thinking. How were you rude to me today?"

  "By saying it wasn't any of your business to look at my wrist. It is your business. I know that. I didn't know you're an EMT, but it's still your business because you were trying to protect me and take care of me. I'm sorry, Trevor. I'm just not used to that. I've thought about it a lot today, though. I'm going to try harder. I see now that everything you said was for my own good. I'm sorry."

  "Thank you, Sam. I think now you do see it. I'm glad to hear you gave it some thought today. Let's get this done now, get it over with."

  "Okay. Trevor ––"

  She'd started trembling again, which bothered him. He hoped it was just nerves from the upcoming spanking. "Yes, Sweetie?"

  "Earlier, when you looked at my hairbrush ––"

  "Sshh, I won't ever use your special brush, Sam. I know it's special to you."

  "I know and thank you. But will you – do you ever –

  "Will I ever use a hairbrush on you?"

  "Yes, or anything

  Trevor sighed and ran his hand through his hair. This was putting him on the spot. He looked into her eyes and said, "Sam, I can't honestly answer that. I can tell you that I don't plan to today." He watched her exhale and could see some of the stress leave her body. He filed that information in the back of his mind to consider later. For right now he said, "I can't say with certainty what will or won't happen in the future, but I can say that you have obviously given this a lot of thought today and have convinced me that you're sincere in your thoughts. Therefore, I feel sure I can teach you the lesson you need to learn tonight using my hand only."

  "Thank you."

  She didn't seem too upset about getting spanked, as long as he only used his hand. He'd have to think about that a little bit, as well, but later.

  "Okay, let's get this done. He unfastened her jeans and took them down past her knees and laid her over his left thigh, resting her upper body on the couch. When she was lying over his lap he put the tips of his fingers in her panties and she squirmed, but didn't object. He pulled her panties down and took a moment to admire the cute little bottom on his lap before he rested his hand on it. He tucked her in close to him with his left hand and said, "Okay, Sam, here we go."

  His hand lifted from her bottom and came down on her right cheek, followed quickly by a matching attack to her left. She jumped, but didn't fight him. He was impressed. Apparently by thinking about it all day she'd resigned herself to this spanking, which was admirable, especially for someone new to spanking. He started the spanking with firm, meant for business smacks, but wasn't putting as much force behind them as he would toward the end. She was accepting this, at least at the beginning and he wanted to see how long that would last. By not fighting it and accepting it, or at least trying to, he could tell she was feeling guilty and accepting the punishment to rid her of that guilt. He was determined to help her there.

  After about 20 strokes she started squirming more and complaining. But she kept her complaints to "ow" and "no, please" and "it hurts" and such things. She hadn't uttered one cuss word, for which he was thankful. That would earn her harder swats and on her thighs and he didn't particularly want to do that. Not yet anyway.

  He started his talk he promised they'd have, reminding her why she was in this position, getting her fanny warmed. He reminded her of his telling her not to walk on the tree, that the moss growing on it would make it slippery and easy to fall and get hurt. He also reminded her of her exact words to him when he tried to help her. That brought the tears she'd been fighting.

  Unswayed, he continued the spanking, telling her that although they'd only known each other a month or so, she'd become very special to him and he hated seeing her get hurt like that.

  Sam started squirming more now, desperately trying to escape his hold and the terrible onslaught of pain in the area that used to be her bottom. She couldn't believe how sore she was already and he wasn't showing any signs of letting up.

  She felt terrible. Not just in the area of her extremely sore butt, but her heart hurt. She could hear in his voice how hurt he was when she pushed him away when he tried to look at her wrist. She hated that, that she had hurt him like that. She had feelings for Trevor she'd never felt for a man before and that was a little scary in itself. But she sure hadn't meant to hurt him and for that reason she had finally admitted to herself that she did in fact deserve this spanking. But she hadn't remembered it hurting this much. Deserving it didn't necessarily mean she was going to live through it, she quickly realized.

  Now he was telling her that she might as well get used to these spankings because he had every intention of protecting her and keeping her safe, no matter how much she fought it. And the more she fought it the more spankings she could expect to receive. As he said that he moved lower on her bottom, right where her butt met her thigh. She tried to keep her resolve to accept this spanking, but when he moved there, that did it.

  "Oowwww! No, Trevor, no! That hurts! Please, no!"

  "Have I gotten your attention now, Samantha?"


  "Does it hurt a bit right here?" He swatted her sit spot again as he asked.

  "Yes! Yes! Trevor, I'm sorry! Really, I am. Please stop."

  "Samantha, I know it hurts. This is a spanking. If it didn't hurt I'd be doing you an injustice."


  "The purpose of a spanking is to teach the little lady that's become the center of my life a lesson to keep her safe. If it didn't hurt, you wouldn't think about it the next time and not do it. I would be failing at my job. I care about you, Sam, very much. I don't want to see you getting hurt. I can watch you closely and stop you before you do that again when we're together, but if I'm able to get through to you and you learn this lesson you won't walk on a fallen tree covered in moss the next time you see one, even if I'm not there. That's when I know I've succeeded in teaching you this lesson."

  Sam felt all the fight leave her exhausted body. Those words went straight to her heart. She lay draped over his thigh, all the fight and energy drained from her body. She felt him continue the spanking and it was as if she were allowing her body to absorb the lesson.

  Trevor saw her stop fighting and squirming. He was pretty sure his words had meant something to her. He gave her ten more solid swats, mostly to her sit spots, to ensure the lesson was totally absorbed and her guilt was gone. After he stopped he laid his hand on her bottom, feeling the heat radiating from it. He gave her several moments to catch her breath before saying anything.

  When her breathing had returned to something in the realm of semi normal, he asked, "Are you going to walk on a downed moss-covered tree again, Sam?"

  "N, no."

  "Good. Are you going to fight me the next time I want to look and see if you're hurt?"


  "Good. Are you going to be rude to me when I try to make sure you're okay?"


  Her tears started again and he rubbed her back gently. "Good. That's my girl." He picked her up gently, settling her on his lap. Gently leaning her head against his shoulder, he said, "It's all over, Sam. You're forgiven. Rest now."

  She snuggled into his chest, clutching his shirt with one hand. For whatever reason, he found that to be so endearing. When she got her breathing under control enough to talk she looked up at him and said, "Thank you."

  His eyebrows shot up. "Are you thanking me for spanking you?"

  "No. Yes. Well, kind of maybe." She sighed and said, "I don't know. I guess I mean thank you for caring."

  He smiled at her and said, "I couldn't stop that if I wanted to, Sweetheart. It seems your daddy's spoiled little brat has worked her way right into my heart." He sighed dramatically. "It seems I'm hopelessly in love with you now and there's no going back."

  He watched as she chuckled at his antics, but he could tell when his words soaked in. She looked up at him, a big question in her eyes. He caught her eyes with his and said, "Yes, Sweetheart, I just said I love you." He gently held her face in his hands and leaned down and brushed his lips against hers softly. He looked at her and saw happy tears in her eyes and kissed her again, deeper. She returned his kiss and he thought he was going to explode. He'd never loved anyone like he loved this adorable little pixie sitting on his lap and it was an overwhelming feeling. What was even more overwhelming was that she returned his passion.

  After several minutes of deep, passionate kissing, he called on all the strength he had in him and pulled back a bit. Their eyes met and held. Finally he said, "That was some kiss."

  "Yes, it certainly was," she panted.

  Calling on his strength again, he said, "Sam, I've got to tell you, I would love nothing better than to take you to your bedroom right now and see where this takes us, but I'm not going to."

  She looked a little disappointed, which touched his heart, but she quickly recovered and said, "Thank you." He wasn't sure what she was thanking him for and as if she read his mind she said, "I would like that right now, too, bu
t I'm not sure how I would have felt about it tomorrow."

  He smiled a bit as he said, "I know. That's why I'm not going to. You deserve better than that, Sweetheart. This may be the hardest thing I've ever done, but we're going to take this slow. I love you and I won't lie about it, I want you. But we don't know each other well enough yet. We're going to take our time and do this right."

  "Trevor, thank you. I love you, too and I agree. I don't want to mess this up. I've never felt this way about a man before and it's a little scary. But I do know I don't want to rush it and mess it up."

  "Oh, Sweetie, you're killing me here, but we're going to take our time and do this right. There's no need to be scared. I'll do my best to take good care of you."

  She cuddled up in his arms again and said, "I know. Thank you." Then a bit of her mischief came out and she said, "And who knows? One of these days I may even learn to listen when you try to take care of me."

  Her playful comment was exactly what they needed to lighten the mood a bit. He answered her flip remark with, "Oh, you'll learn all right. The only question is how many spankings will it take before you do?"

  "Hopefully, not very many," she said, rubbing her bottom.

  Moving her hands away from her bottom and holding them in his own hand, he said, "You'll also learn that I don't allow rubbing after a spanking."

  "You don't?"

  "No, ma'am."

  "Why not?"

  "Because I worked hard to put that pain on your bottom and the lesson in your head. If you rub it away right away I'll have to do it again and again and again and again and "

  "Okay, I get the picture."

  He chuckled as he said, "So if I catch you rubbing all my hard work away after a spanking I'll be forced to work even harder and renew the pain, so the lesson will be refreshed in your mind, as well."

  She looked up at him, a question written all over her face. "Are you serious?"


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