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Working It Out

Page 8

by Trojan, Teri

  ‘I never intended you should torture me this way.’

  ‘You’re loving it,’ she countered. ‘Anyway, it would hardly be part of your armoury if it wasn’t to be used. It simply means you can’t ejaculate until I say you can. Good, isn’t it?’

  ‘You’re a tease, my girl. I’m not sure this was exactly what I planned for the evening.’

  ‘It just happened, didn’t it? So, what would you like me to do now?’

  ‘There’s nothing to stop me removing this damned cock lock.’

  ‘So I’d better make sure your hands are unavailable.’ She took out a set of handcuffs from the drawer. A bit predictable, but it would do the job.

  ‘I do think you’re rather overdressed for this activity. Can’t you do something about it? There’s a selection of garments through that door. Go and choose something to please both of us.’

  Slowly, she peeled off her skirt and then the top. Standing clad in a minuscule thong and a fine lace bra, she smiled down at her prisoner.

  ‘Think I’m fine like this.’ She crawled over him and hung her damp pussy over his face. ‘I’d like you to pleasure me. You’ll have to use your teeth to unwrap me, and take care. I can punish you if you hurt me.’ His eyes flashed at her with a look she couldn’t quite interpret. Was he pleased or angry? She couldn’t tell. At first he’d seemed to like the role change, but now he was at her mercy, he seemed less thrilled. She felt his tongue lapping round the edge of her thong. ‘Pull it off,’ she hissed. She wanted to feel his ministrations properly and not through the thin cloth.

  He strained to make it happen and she felt it slip at last. She lowered herself again and felt his tongue seeking out her clitoris. It took just seconds for her orgasm to begin. Panting, she moved away from him and saw his cock straining against the clamp. It was red and engorged. Fearful of causing him harm, she released it. He sighed with relief as a bead of semen escaped from the tip.

  She sat astride him, allowing him to penetrate her fully. He was so huge that she felt him pushing his way deep inside her, almost enough to make her gasp in pain. She rode him, the second time that day, and waited for him to get close to his climax. Then she let herself go and, together, they peaked in a breathless scramble.

  She collapsed down on him, panting and exhausted. Sweat poured off them and she slid off him, lying beside him to catch her breath again.

  ‘Do I get freed?’ he asked, his voice thick and dry.

  ‘I’ll think about it.’

  ‘Please,’ he begged. ‘I need a drink.’

  ‘I could give you a drink and keep you there all night if I wanted to.’

  ‘I’ve had enough. Nothing left inside me.’

  ‘That’s right. It’s all inside me now.’ She grinned at her prisoner, stroking his slim, well-formed body. ‘You’re very good to look at. I shall enjoy you a while longer. Do you want to taste yourself?’ She put her finger into her moist vagina and dipped it into his mouth. He blinked.

  ‘Nobody ever did that to me before.’

  ‘You said you wanted a drink. So what else do you want to drink?’

  ‘There’s wine in the fridge over there.’

  ‘How civilised to have a wine fridge in the bedroom.’

  She rose and opened a bottle of sparkling wine. She poured it into a glass and sipped it, as if testing it.

  ‘That’s very good. Mmm, yes. Lift your head and I’ll let you taste it.’ He obeyed and she rewarded him with several mouthfuls. ‘I have to decide if I shall let you go or keep you here all night.’

  ‘I could do with a shower. We could wash each other,’ he offered.

  ‘That might be nice, but I’m not sure if I should lose my control over you.’

  ‘Please,’ he asked again. She smiled, believing he truly had suffered enough.

  Released from the handcuffs, he rubbed his wrists and took the wine glass from her. He swallowed the remains of the drink and crossed the room for refills for both of them. ‘You enjoyed that, didn’t you?’ he said. ‘I remain more convinced that I was right about you. You’ll make a splendid erotic wrestler. You know how far to let a man go and you can control him.’

  ‘I hope you enjoyed it too.’

  ‘Oh yes. I was wondering earlier if I should let you take charge. It worked for me. You’re quite wicked in your way. So what do you like best?’

  ‘I’m happy with whatever happens. You like to be in charge. I wasn’t sure how far I could take things with you. I didn’t want to spoil anything.’

  ‘You nearly spoilt my cock. I thought I was going to burst.’

  ‘Sorry. I was slightly concerned I’d left you too far.’

  ‘Don’t you like dressing up?’

  ‘I love it. Especially leather. I didn’t want to leave you tonight. You can choose my costume for next time.’

  ‘I really need to discuss the costume for your wrestling debut. I assume it will have to be leather. I was thinking of a full suit, one piece, with a rear zip like a wetsuit. Tight-fitting to show off your figure. Long sleeves, of course, and maybe leaving your feet bare. Some girls even have hoods. How does that strike you?’

  ‘Sounds good to me, but won’t the clients want to see some bare flesh? A little, anyway.’

  ‘I’ll get some outfits made. One without legs, if you like. I’ll get my people to make up something and you can see how it looks. I thought white kid rather than black. Rather predictable, the black, don’t you think?’

  ‘Sounds great. Or maybe scarlet? Hmm. Being totally covered in skin-tight leather … I’m excited already.’

  ‘About that shower? Who knows, it might revive me.’

  ‘Now that does sound like a good idea.’

  Chapter Eight

  At two o’clock each afternoon for the next week, Shoanna was at the gym practising new moves and the erotic holds that would be expected of her. Anderson was pleased with her progress.

  ‘The benefit you gained from all your physical training has really paid off. I think you’ll be ready to meet your clients soon. Did you get clothing sorted with Andreas?’

  ‘He’s ordered a couple of outfits for me. Should be here soon, I think.’

  ‘Have you tried any holds on him yet?’

  ‘Not really.’

  ‘Then you should. He’s very keen, but didn’t want to have a go with you himself until I said you were ready. It will be your final test of approval. If he says go, then the new career is go.’

  ‘I must say, I feel a little nervous about it all.’

  ‘Try your holds on Andreas. He’ll say if you’re ready or not.’

  ‘That’s what I’m nervous about. I don’t want to try too many moves on him. We’re still quite a new relationship, really.’

  ‘He likes you a lot. You wouldn’t still be around if he didn’t. Nobody lasts long if he gets bored. So come on. Get me down.’

  She moved swiftly across the man and, with a flick of her leg, hooked it behind his knees. He collapsed onto the floor. He was a tall, muscular man in the peak of fitness but he went down with no trouble.

  ‘Good. But you must quickly drop yourself over me to stop me moving away or trying to get up. Try again.’ She hooked her foot round again and this time he resisted. ‘Need to try something else. I know that move.’

  She grabbed his arm and twisted him round by a swift, circular movement, pushing him down with her knee when he was off balance. This time, she dropped her body across him and he lay back powerless, partially winded.

  ‘Good,’ he gasped. ‘You’ve got the idea. Just as well I don’t fancy you or you could be in danger.’

  She laughed. ‘No way.’ She straddled his body and stretched his legs apart with her own, while holding his arms with the weight of her upper body. He tried to wriggle out but she had him firmly held. She released him and quickly turned him over, a fluid movement that gave him little or no time to react. Her knees rested on his shoulders; despite trying to kick her off with his legs, he was held down. At
last, she released him.

  ‘You sure are ready for something,’ he gasped. ‘That was some move. Go home now and try your new found expertise on your man. I think I’ve taught you as much as I can. Just keep in training and work on the exercises I taught you.’

  ‘Not sure Andreas would like to be called my man. He’s too independent for that. Thanks again, Anderson. I hope I’ll be able to keep coming for my personal training as before. I may see you around.’

  ‘Good luck. I’ll see you soon.’

  Shoanna was still thinking about moving into Andreas’s house. She was not fully convinced about relinquishing her independence, but they shared most of their time together in the evenings, whenever he wasn’t working. Without a job to do, though, the days seemed long. She had asked him if there was anything he could suggest.

  ‘Once you start your work, you will be kept busy. I’ll help with the booking but maybe you should take that on yourself eventually. I’ll get a website designed. We’ll have a questionnaire produced for potential clients and written guarantees. I don’t want you to get hurt in any way. I’m still not sure you should have any parts exposed. I don’t want you bruised.’

  ‘You do like to be in charge, don’t you?’

  Every now and then, she resented feeling controlled and manipulated. Though moving into his place seemed a good idea, she almost felt she was being owned by him, like any of his other paid people. Not that she spent much time in her flat, and she had scarcely seen Tara lately. She felt certain that Andreas was having sex only with her but he’d made it clear at the start that he was making no long-term commitments. What was it about him that allowed her to go against everything she had always maintained in her life? She’d vowed she would always be in charge of her own destiny and not be ruled by anyone, especially not a man. But she only had to look in his eyes to know all that was a lost cause. She wanted him, wanted to work with him and, yes, even to love him. Andreas was so charismatic he was irresistible to her and probably heaps of other women too. She could deny him nothing, and he was always generous to her in so many ways.

  ‘In charge? Me? I thought I’d given you every chance to be in charge,’ he said later, smiling his killer smile.

  ‘In some things, yes. But you are the one calling the shots in what I do with my life.’

  ‘Is that a complaint?’

  ‘No, of course not. Just a comment.’

  ‘Being in control is the only way I can manage all my affairs. I have a large number of businesses to run and, though I have good managers, I need to be in control or I lose things. But you, you’re independent as much as you want to be. I enjoy you. I like having you in my life. I also want to help you make a career while you can. You’re young, fit, and beautiful, and you have the power to drive me crazy when we have sex.’

  ‘But for how long?’

  ‘I don’t know. Any more than you can say how long you want to be here. Now, shall we take a look at the clothes I have had made for you?’

  ‘You’ve got them here, already?’ Shoanna squeaked.

  ‘Indeed. Come into the gym with me. There are plenty of mirrors for you to strut around and look at yourself.’ She followed him and saw several large boxes waiting for her. She looked at him in surprise.

  ‘However many things are there?’

  ‘Open them and take a look.’ He watched as she tore open the first box. She gasped and grinned at him as she lifted out the full-length soft leather suit.

  ‘This is just gorgeous. I love it.’

  ‘Put it on, then. Go into the bathroom and surprise me when you’re ready.’

  She did as she was told, stripping off her clothes and stepping into the tight garment. It was like a second skin and fitted against her body so closely that she felt instantly turned on and very, very sexy. There was a long zip at the back and she struggled to pull it up. It was like a wetsuit with a long tag, and she wriggled until it was closed. She might need help with that, she thought.

  She stepped into the gym and wondered if she was actually going to be able to move sufficiently to carry out the holds she’d been practising. But the catsuit was surprisingly flexible and she stood in front of Andreas, waiting for his approval.

  ‘Now that is one sexy look. Whatever they say about nakedness being titillating, they haven’t seen anything like this. Come here. I want to touch you.’

  ‘No touching,’ she snapped, moving into her role. ‘You know the rules.’ He looked puzzled. ‘You’re here for an erotic wrestling session, not sex.’ He smiled and slipped off his jacket.

  ‘I’m not really dressed for this. It was unexpected.’

  ‘Then go and get dressed.’

  ‘OK.’ He went into the bathroom and took a pair of shorts out of the cupboard. He added a singlet and went back to her. She was standing, legs apart, beside the large gym mat. Already he was feeling sexually aroused and his cock was rising against the fabric of his shorts. He walked towards her and she approached him, smiling wickedly. With one swift, fluid movement she took him down, using her legs to put him off balance, and dropped over his torso, just as Anderson had instructed her. She flicked her legs between his and stretched his legs apart. Her body was pushing against his erection and he groaned, part pain and part pleasure, as he felt the pressure increasing.

  His hands moved to pull her against him, sliding over the smooth leather. She let his legs go and grabbed his arms, holding them above his head. She slid up him and grasped his head in the headlock move that she had been taught to carry out with complete safety. He gasped, and a wet patch stained his shorts as he came. He lay panting, exhausted and sated.

  ‘Whoa there, not so soon,’ she ordered. ‘I’m not done with you yet.’ She rolled him to allow her to slide a leg beneath his waist and clamped him firmly between her powerful thighs. She locked her ankles together and squeezed as hard as she could. She felt his pulse steadying and beating faster and faster as he was once more driven towards a new erection. She held him fast, loosening the pressure every now and then to rest herself as well as him. Concentrating the way she was, she found her own desires for satisfaction had greatly diminished. This was a job to do and she felt pleased that, even with this man she desired more than anyone else she had ever met, she was able to control him. However much she loved this outfit, she could consider it a working sort of uniform and she would do the job she had to do.

  ‘Had enough?’ she asked. They had been tussling for half an hour and she was beginning to tire.

  ‘For now, yes,’ he gasped. ‘You have been trained well. You look amazing and you took me completely by surprise. Shoanna, we need to find a good name for you and we’re in business.’

  ‘I’m glad you’re pleased with me. Thank you. For everything.’

  ‘You’d better try on some of the other things I’ve got for you. Decide which you like best and that can become your trademark outfit. You’ll need several changes.’

  ‘Perhaps repeat customers will want different things. I don’t want to stay with just one look.’

  ‘Fair enough. Let’s have a fashion parade.’

  ‘Unzip me then. It’s a tricky manoeuvre.’ He peeled off the leather and wiped his thumb over her moist skin. She shivered.

  ‘Is this allowed?’ she asked.

  ‘I think so. With me, anyway. You won’t be changing in front of clients. You played the role well. I’m delighted with you.’

  ‘Thank you. It’s strange, but I didn’t even feel myself getting near an orgasm, even though you were coming and getting very hot beneath me.’

  ‘That’s good. Shows you can be professional.’

  She opened another of the boxes and took out a scarlet suit, this time without leg covering. It had fitted, long sleeves and a hood.

  ‘Different,’ she muttered. She stepped into it and turned for Andreas to fasten the zip. He pulled the hood over her hair and settled the half face mask over her eyes. She felt strangely anonymous, wondering at the difference it made havi
ng her eyes covered, peering through slits. ‘I feel as if I’m someone else. A hidden identity.’

  ‘It’s good. The effect I hoped you’d like.’

  ‘There’s another fully hooded outfit. I relented and had a black one included.’

  She paraded the black leather that covered every part of her except her hands and feet.

  ‘I think it looks positively sinister. I don’t like my mouth being covered like this. Sorry, this one’s a no. The suit’s OK, but I couldn’t cope with the mouth covering.’

  ‘OK. I thought you might like the extra restriction.’

  ‘Can’t I have some buckles and maybe a tight belt to pull me in?’

  ‘Can’t have anything that could cause injury to an opponent. Belts and buckles can cut and tear. We can save them for when we’re alone. I know you like tight things around you … I’ve proved that several times. Maybe something with lacing might do. I’ll make a note. Now, there’s one more to try. Not leather this time but a skin-tight Lycra. Some clients will prefer that.’

  The gold Lycra outfit was another that covered her legs and feet, and had a hood with a hole at the back for her hair to come out in a pony tail. It had a pair of soft boots that were laced to halfway up her calves.

  ‘Yes,’ she said. ‘Like the boots especially. You tell me what you think.’

  ‘I love it. I suggest we get some photographs taken with you in the different gear and post them on the website. Then clients can choose which they want. I’ll get duplicates made ready for when you start seriously.’

  ‘I still feel slightly nervous about it.’

  ‘Once you’ve had a few clients, you’ll soon be over that. I’ve arranged one for you already. Anderson said you were ready and now you’ve proved it to me. Saturday evening. At the gym, of course.’

  ‘Oh heavens. This Saturday?’

  ‘Yes. This Saturday. Is it a problem?’

  ‘Do I have to take the money for it? I mean, what am I going to charge?’

  ‘Anderson is organising that. Your client will sign the forms and make his payment before you meet him. He will then be shown in the studio for your attentions.’


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