Working It Out

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Working It Out Page 13

by Trojan, Teri

  ‘So, what do you think?’

  ‘It’s amazing. I can hardly believe it’s me.’

  ‘You do look pretty spectacular. Would I get to wear stuff like that?’ Tara asked, her mouth slightly open in shock.

  ‘You certainly would. Something a little different perhaps. Wait. Let’s see what I can find for you.’ He went into the shower room and they heard the cupboard doors slide open. Shoanna knew exactly what sort of things were in there and felt slightly jealous that her friend might be about to experience something she saw as her private domain.

  ‘What’s he got in there?’ Tara demanded.

  ‘All sorts of things. Just wait and see what he brings.’

  ‘Will you try these for me?’ Andreas asked Tara when he emerged. ‘You can show me what you might be capable of doing with some training.’

  ‘You want me to wrestle you?’

  ‘Yes. But you need an outfit that makes you feel detached from your normal self. Something you’d never choose for yourself. Shoanna’s choice is always leather. I thought you might like satin.’

  ‘I remember the little leather number you sent her home in the first time you two met. Didn’t cover much, did it?’

  ‘So, will you wear this?’ He held out what looked to be a skin-tight pair of red satin trousers and a crop top to match. ‘You can change in there.’

  Tara looked at her friend, took them and went to change.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ Andreas asked Shoanna. ‘You look angry. Jealous?’

  ‘Maybe. What am I supposed to do while you cavort around with my friend?’

  ‘I could send you away, or I could cuff you to the bench. Which would you prefer?’

  ‘I don’t know. I don’t really want her to know the sort of things we enjoy in private. I don’t even know if she’s into bondage or would even understand why we like it.’

  ‘I suggest you sit quietly. Watch someone else doing your job. Behave yourself, or I shall have to punish you later.’

  ‘And if I don’t behave myself?’

  ‘I shall punish you in front of your friend.’ He slipped off his jacket and tie and removed his shoes.

  Tara came out of the changing room. ‘I think these were designed for someone a couple of sizes smaller than me. Still, I got the zip fastened. But I might just split them if I move too rapidly.’

  ‘You look great,’ Andreas told her. ‘Could you plait her hair, Shoanna? I’d like to see the sleek, smooth look carried all the way.’

  Shoanna glared but did as she was told. She made a tight plait at the back, and Andreas handed her a band to fix it.

  ‘Good. Better,’ he said. ‘OK, Tara. See if you can drop me to the ground. Preferably on the mat.’

  Tara gritted her teeth and tried to execute the move her friend had shown her. She finally managed to get him off balance and onto the ground.

  ‘OK. But you need to make it swifter. Drop on top of me right away. It may not seem a natural move to you yet, but it’s the way to go. Good. Now, legs each side of me and squeeze as hard as you can.’ He lay back and relaxed.

  As she watched, Shoanna could see his erection starting to push against his pants. She looked away. Green curls of jealousy were writhing inside her. How could he let someone else turn him on right in front of her? He’d told her right at the beginning that he didn’t tolerate jealousy, but how was she supposed to cope with this? Just when she thought things were going so well between them. She stood watching and Tara rolled over Andreas, her tight trousers showing off every curvaceous bit of her. Easily, he rolled out from her.

  ‘You’ll need to be tougher than that. Our clients won’t like it if they can escape without something of a fight. Still, you have potential. Come to the gym tomorrow afternoon. I’ll get Anderson to give you some training.’

  ‘I couldn’t get there tomorrow. I have to work.’ Tara frowned.

  ‘I doubt you’ll be staying at work for much longer,’ Andreas said. ‘I’ll pay your rent for a month and we’ll see how you shape up.’

  Who was this guy trying to organise now? It was all right for Shoanna. She had moved in with him. There wasn’t room for two. Or was that what he wanted? She wasn’t sure that could work for any of them.

  ‘Stand up.’ He ordered Tara. She obeyed. He lay back on the mat, looking up at her. He stretched out his arm and ran his hands down her legs. ‘Nice,’ he murmured. ‘Good muscle tone. Bit of exercise and you’ll be good.’ He ran his hands over her butt and slapped it. Tara drew back. He was blatantly flirting with her, and in front of Shoanna. She looked at her friend but met with an impassive stare. If it had been her, she’d probably have slapped his face and probably her friend as well. Did he have some weird hold over Shoanna?

  ‘I think I should go now. It’s been interesting,’ she said. ‘Lovely dinner. Thank Will from me please.’

  ‘It’s OK. He’ll drive you home. I suspect you’ve both had wine, and too much for safe driving. Unless you want to stay the night. I’m sure we can accommodate you.’

  ‘No. I want to go home. I’ll go and change.’

  ‘Keep the outfit. Take it with you.’

  ‘You sure? Thanks.’

  ‘You might need it again. I’ll look forward to seeing you again.’

  Shoanna led Tara to the front door, and Will appeared right on cue. She watched as Will and Tara drove away. She hated the mix of emotions that had been stirred up. It was pure jealousy, and a new sensation for her. She and Tara had been through so much together in the past, she didn’t want to be jealous of her friend. But nor did she want to share any part of Andreas with anyone else. He’d hate to recognise the feelings of possessiveness that were growing in her. She fixed a smile on her face and went in search of her man.

  Chapter Twelve

  Andreas was not in his gym nor his bedroom. She was disconcerted and hoped he hadn’t picked up on her mood. She went into the bedroom she’d been allocated and found him there, looking in the wardrobe.

  ‘I hope you approve of my choices,’ Shoanna said.

  ‘Very much so. You’re a greedy girl, though. I wasn’t quite expecting you’d take all of these.’

  ‘Oh no. I haven’t. I mean, they are on approval. I loved them all and couldn’t decide which you’d like best. Miss Perfectly Correct said it would be all right. You must choose the ones you want me to have.’

  ‘Mandeka would be amused to know you call her that. She’s very good, though. You realised she made all your leather suits?’

  ‘She told me. I gather she makes all your fetish gear?’

  ‘She does. I keep a selection here when they’re made. Prototypes. I haven’t had anyone quite so willing to try them out before. Now I could have two of you. I look forward to a bout with two of you together.’

  ‘I’m not sure how it would work out.’

  ‘You are jealous, aren’t you? I suspected it. And I don’t like it.’

  ‘I know you don’t. I can’t help it. I’ve never known anyone like you and I don’t want to share you.’

  ‘Then I’ll have to think of some new punishment for you. Perhaps abstinence is the way to go. No sex for 24 hours. No touching yourself. No touching me, whatever I do to provoke you.’

  ‘Reminds me of a bet I had with Tara. The day you and I met, we bet each other we couldn’t last without sex for 48 hours.’

  ‘You didn’t last long, then. Maybe 48 hours would be good for us both.’

  ‘Could you last that long?’

  ‘Certainly not. But I’m not the one being punished.’

  ‘Surely you wouldn’t have sex with someone else. Not in front of me?’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘You bastard.’

  ‘I’m not. There’s no commitment between us. I don’t do commitment, remember.’

  Shoanna left him and went into her bathroom. Angrily, she showered and changed into one of her old nightshirts. If she wasn’t having any sex, it didn’t matter how she looked.

sp; She came back into the room and saw he’d left. She hung up the clothes he’d left lying on the bed and got into her bed alone. It was the first time in days she’d been left on her own and it was a bad feeling. She wanted him. Seeing him with someone else had made her want him more. She felt the stirring of longing and she lay back, her fingers ready to explore her own sex. The door burst open and he came in, naked, his chest glistening with moisture from the shower.

  ‘What exactly are you doing?’ he demanded.

  ‘Nothing,’ she said, quickly pulling down her shirt.

  ‘Liar. You were pleasuring yourself. No, no, no. I shall have to tie your hands together.’ He bound round her wrists with one of his scarves.

  ‘I can’t sleep like this,’ she protested.

  ‘Then stay awake. You must not have an orgasm for 24 hours. See, I’m not as cruel as you think. I’ve already halved the punishment time. Seeing you lying there is actually very sexy. I feel quite turned on.’ He began to stroke himself. He rolled his cock between his fingers and pushed back the foreskin, allowing a bead of semen to escape. ‘Do you want to taste me?’ he asked. She shook her head, hardly daring to speak. He put his finger into her tongue and she tasted the slightly fishy, salty taste. She smiled at him, her own body responding wildly with waves of heat.

  ‘I suspect you’re disobeying me. You’re showing signs of excitement. Bad girl. I shall have to find my chastity belt for you. If I fasten it tightly you won’t be able to have any sensations in those vital areas. Stand up.’

  He slipped a wide leather strap between her legs and buckled the belt tightly round her waist. Good. Now I know you’ll be safe for the night.’ He pushed her down on the bed and flung a cover over her. He stood over her, working on his penis until he finally came, catching the semen in his hand and laughing. She watched, her whole body almost hurting with the pain of not achieving her own satisfaction. She was helpless.

  ‘I hope that teaches you that jealousy doesn’t pay. Have you learned your lesson?’

  ‘Of course. But I can’t guarantee that I won’t have an orgasm before this time tomorrow.’

  ‘But you won’t. If I have to keep you trussed up for the whole time, I will.’

  ‘I shall need a pee before then.’

  ‘I guess so. You must promise to behave, then.’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘Then I’ll loosen your hands. But you can keep the chastity belt in place for the night.’

  * * *

  They slept together peacefully. She awoke first, and thought it had been rather nice to just sleep comfortably again. She still remained concerned about how she was going to cope with her feelings of jealousy. She hoped she was a good enough actress to keep them hidden from Andreas. She loved all the attention and lavish spending on her and her alone. Much as she loved Tara, she didn’t want her friend muscling in on her territory.

  ‘Penny for them,’ Andreas said, his dark eyes raking her naked body, coming to rest on the chastity belt.

  ‘I was thinking how well I behaved for you.’

  ‘Didn’t have much choice, did you?’

  ‘It’s actually quite a turn-on. I feel sort of possessed in an odd way. Wonder if the knights of old really did lock up their women when they went away?’

  ‘So rumour has it. Shall I let you out of it, then?’

  ‘Think you’d better.’

  ‘I shall have to think of something that will keep reminding you of me. Some little stimulation.’

  ‘You think I actually need reminding?’

  ‘You might. Especially if you’re wrestling some hunk who is turned on by you. I don’t want you being tempted.’

  ‘And if you are tempted by some other woman?’

  ‘I won’t be. I told you. I want you to be exclusive to me and I will be the same for you. Until either of us wants the arrangement to end.’

  ‘You were pretty turned on by Tara last night.’

  ‘Only when wrestling. I promised you. I will not sleep with anyone else while we are together. But I want a session with both of you. Once she’s trained, of course. I shall enjoy that. Your next assignment is with Miklos. Are you ready for it?’

  ‘I guess so. Virginal white, eh? I hope he approves of leather. He’s quite a big guy. I hope I can manage him.’

  ‘He’ll want you to be dominant, but I suggest you start off with an innocent air. Surprise him. You’ve got the power in your thighs.’

  When Saturday arrived, Shoanna felt slightly nervous. She was being paid a lot of money for her activities. He was also a friend of Andreas’s, so it felt even more important to give satisfaction. And would he be watching himself? She knew he had windows or cameras placed round several of the rooms and probably could see every move she made. She drove to the gym and went to her changing room. She put on her white leather suit and tugged the zip up the back. Andreas came into the room to give his approval. He ran his hands over the smooth, soft leather and smiled.

  ‘I could enjoy you myself right now, in that outfit. Here, I’ve got a mask for you to wear into the room. You can take it off when you want to but it adds another layer of mystery. He’ll like it a lot. OK, Virgo. Are you ready to meet your client?’

  She rose up to her full height and slipped on the half mask. He was right. It made her look more mysterious, anonymous. She smiled at him.

  ‘I assume you’ll be spying on me?’

  ‘I’m interested to see how it goes. Miklos won’t know I’m watching. But it will be exciting to see how much he wants you, knowing you will be coming home to me and sleeping in my bed. I shall be able to possess you completely at the end of it all.’

  ‘Works both ways. I’ll be teasing you all the time I’m with him. Then I shall be the one doing the possessing later. You’ll be all mine. Only I shall have your manhood deep inside me.’

  ‘You’d better go and fight your client before I take you right now.’

  She flicked her hair at him and went through the door to the gym.

  Miklos was waiting for Shoanna. He wore satin shorts and looked a bit like a heavyweight boxer. She swallowed hard, her nerves stretched. She held her head high as his eyes looked over her entire body.

  ‘Beautiful,’ he murmured. ‘But are you strong enough to take me down?’

  She smiled at him, the upper portion of her face hidden so he couldn’t see the fear in her eyes. Suppose she couldn’t do it? She flicked her fingers, indicating the mat. He walked over to it, and while he hesitated slightly, she flung out her leg, catching him behind the knees. He buckled immediately and went down, and she was on top of him. With one knee on his stomach she reached down for his feet and stretched his legs apart as far and she could. He gasped with surprise and laughed aloud.

  ‘You minx. Caught me, didn’t you, Virgo?’ She smiled again. She had still not spoken aloud and felt it was good. ‘Can I see your face properly, please?’

  She shook her head and concentrated on her next move. Head scissors, Andreas had said. That was Miklos’s preference. She whirled round and grasped his head between her feet, recalling Anderson’s instructions to keep to one side so she squeezed only the head and never the neck. Her prey relaxed to enjoy the sensation. After several seconds, she released him and he groaned.

  ‘More. Do it again,’ he begged. She shook her head again and gave him a body press across his middle. He was getting breathless and wriggled beneath her weight. She shifted again and this time gave him what he wanted, another head scissors, this time using her knees from behind his head. She saw that he had a massive erection and smiled.

  ‘Easy now,’ she whispered breathlessly. ‘Don’t want to spoil your enjoyment yet, do we?’ She slipped off the mask and let her hair trail over his bare chest.

  He gasped again. ‘You are wonderful. So beautiful. Andreas is so lucky to have you to himself. I know he’s my friend, but if he ever tires of you, you can have a place with me. I’ll buy you a flat. Anything you want.’

  She stood up
and placed a foot on his middle.

  ‘How dare you?’ she snapped, the huskiness in her voice replaced by a sharp, commanding tone. ‘You are here for a wrestling bout. Apologise immediately. I will never be bought in a way you suggest.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Virgo. So sorry.’

  ‘Not enough. If I’m ever to see you again, I need you to grovel.’

  ‘I’m sorry. I mean it.’

  ‘Roll over onto your front.’ He did as he was told and she took one arm and stretched it sideways. She dropped beside him and tugged hard, bracing her feet against his side. Once more, she felt him relax into the pain and knew she had done exactly the right thing. She gave him another leg stretch, then finally clamped his head between her arms. ‘You can roll back now,’ she instructed.

  He lay back, flaccid and exhausted. A wet stain covered the front of his shorts. She had done her job. She glanced up at the clock and was surprised they had been fighting for almost an hour. She was exhausted and her whole body felt like jelly. She was slick with sweat and wanted to strip off and shower.

  ‘You are astounding,’ Miklos gasped. ‘No wonder Andreas picked you. I want to book another session soon. Before you become so famous it takes months to book you.’

  ‘I’m glad you are satisfied. Excuse me now.’

  ‘And I’m sorry if I upset you.’

  ‘Don’t let it happen again. I am not available to you or anyone else.’

  ‘As I said, Andreas is a lucky man.’

  ‘The feeling is mutual.’

  She left him still lying on the mat. She peeled off her outfit and went to stand under the sharp spray of the shower. It felt wonderful to wash away the effects of the bout. She doubted she could cope with more than two or three sessions like that in a day. She’d given him a longer time than she really should. But she was still learning.


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