Working It Out

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Working It Out Page 14

by Trojan, Teri

  It seemed slightly odd to dress in normal clothes after all of that. It must be how actors felt when they leave a theatre after a performance, she thought. Coming down to reality. There was no sign of Andreas, so she drove back to what was now her home. He’d spoken of having her to himself when he came home, but they had made no real plans. She flicked on the television and watched a bit of an old movie. At last, she heard Andreas coming back.

  ‘So, how did he like it?’ she asked.

  ‘Totally overwhelmed. He said you were sensational. Gave him everything he wanted. And I was impressed by the way you handled his offer to take you over. This will undoubtedly happen frequently with our richer friends. Incidentally, he gave you bonus of a hundred pounds.’ Shoanna’s eyes widened. ‘I said you would make a good income.’

  ‘Wow. I’ll have to open a savings account.’

  ‘I could invest it for you if you like. Make even more. Even in these straitened times, there are ways of making money grow.’

  ‘I’d like some of it to splurge. I’ve never had enough money to enjoy.’

  ‘I’ll pay for whatever you want. I’ve given you a credit card to use. Use it. Splurge away. The rest of the clothes I ordered will be here on Monday. Jeans and shirts and things. You’ve already got enough shoes to stock a shop.’

  ‘There’s no such thing as enough shoes.’

  ‘Wear something nice. Let’s go out to dinner and then we can go the club. What do you think?’

  ‘If you like. I’m pretty tired, so I’d rather not be too late.’

  ‘It’s Saturday night, girl. You sound like you’re half of an old married couple.’

  ‘And do old married couples spend Saturday nights doing what I’ve been doing?’

  ‘Touché. I’d still like to take you out somewhere. I want to show you off.’

  ‘Really?’ She felt oddly moved. He, who could have his pick of any women, wanted to be seen with her. She nodded and went to change. She put on the strappy dress she’d fallen in love with. She wanted to please him, and put on the emerald nipple clamps, instantly feeling waves of heat coursing through her as the stimulation of her sensitive breasts was activated. The slight roughness of the clamps showed through the thin fabric and but she smiled, knowing he would be the only one to know what was there. He was quite right. It made her super sensitive with each slight movement. She went into the drawing room to wait for him.

  ‘Have I seen that dress before? It looks familiar.’

  ‘It’s a sort of replacement for the one I was wearing when we met.’

  ‘Ah yes. I see you are wearing my special addition to your lovely body. Nice. Just for me?’

  ‘Of course. But for me as well. You’re being very good to me this evening.’

  ‘I want to make sure you’re happy. I can see I could easily have rivals.’

  ‘Not at all. It’s you I …’ She paused. She had been about to use the dreaded l-word and knew that would never gain approval.

  ‘You what?’ he demanded.

  ‘I care about and feel loyalty to.’

  ‘Good. That’s how I want it.’

  They had a pleasant dinner at a very nice restaurant that Shoanna had never even considered visiting because of the prices shown on the menu outside. At Stacey’s, she saw several of her old friends, who greeted her with calls of, ‘Where’ve you been? Haven’t seen you in ages.’ One of the girls also asked where she’d found the hunk she was with.

  ‘Picked him up from the street.’ She laughed. Andreas laughed with her.

  ‘I’m glad you didn’t tell them who I am. I like to come in anonymously every now and then. Means I can see how things are going, and make improvements if I need them.’

  ‘It all seems well run to me. I’ve never known any trouble here.’

  ‘I keep it well patrolled. A lot of the customers are, in fact, my security people. Come and dance.’ He took her into his arms and proceeded to smooch to the slow number they just happened to be playing. He pressed her close, activating the clamps on her tender nipples once more, so she began to thrill at his touch. She drew in his scent and closed her eyes. He grinned. ‘You want me, don’t you? Well, I want you too. Not here – though it might be interesting.’

  She grinned back. ‘Your own security guards might take you into custody. So, do my additions do what you wanted? Let you know there’s something underneath the dress that only you know about? That makes me yours?’

  ‘It’s good,’ he said. ‘But I have plans for something much better.’

  ‘Oh yes? When is that?’

  ‘For the formal dinner we’re hosting on Friday night.’

  ‘What exactly are you planning?’

  ‘You’ll find out. But you have a busy week before then. Several new clients. You’ll also be training Tara, and you can think of something for me to wear at the dinner. Something underneath and so secret that only you know it’s there.’

  ‘Interesting idea. I’ll work on it.’

  ‘Shall we go? I’m beginning to think I need my bed.’

  ‘With or without me in it?’

  ‘I need you. I missed you last night. And you’ve been good all day. No orgasms I didn’t know about?’

  ‘Certainly not. I do as I am told.’

  ‘When it suits you. Or when you are being kept too busy elsewhere. You still tired?’

  ‘I am, but not too tired for you. I want you deep inside me, Andreas. Just as you were describing earlier.’

  ‘Then I’d better oblige,’ he replied.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It seemed the website had become very popular; Shoanna had bookings every day the following week. Davide was the first one on Monday afternoon. Miklos had given him an excellent report of his own bout with her and this man wanted something similar. His request was for the golden suit, something about being possessed by gold.

  ‘Goldfinger in reverse,’ she commented to Anderson when he passed on the message.

  ‘Give them what they want, love, that’s my advice. We shall have to get someone to do your secretarial work. I’m rushed off my feet trying to keep everything going.’

  ‘Maybe I should take it on?’

  ‘Certainly not. You’re hot property, and you don’t want to spoil the image by letting them see you’re doing your managing. Would your friend like to do it?’

  ‘I think Andreas has plans for her to fight as well.’

  ‘She won’t really come up to the mark, believe me.’

  ‘Really? Andreas gave her a bit of a test the other day. He seemed quite impressed.’

  ‘I’ve given her a run-through and I know she hasn’t got your tenacity. I suggest you offer her the job as your PA and a decent salary, and let her do a double-hander with you leading, if anyone wants it.’

  Shoanna frowned. Tara wasn’t going to like that. She’d give up her current job if she knew she was going to make a lot of money but not otherwise.

  ‘Why do you say she won’t make it when Andreas had a go with her and seemed to like it?’

  ‘Were you jealous?’ She stared at him. Should she be honest?

  ‘Well, yes. I was a bit.’

  ‘You have your answer. He wants a two-girl bout but, mostly, he wanted to keep you on your toes in case you think she could muscle in on the deal.’

  ‘Should you be telling me this?’

  ‘Maybe not. But don’t let on. Let him think you’re a tad jealous and you’ll probably benefit in the long run.’

  ‘Thanks. Now, what time’s our Davide turning up?’

  ‘Ten minutes. Go and prepare, lady.’

  ‘Virgo, here I come,’ she said with a laugh.

  An hour later, she sent away a satisfied client who seemed to have enjoyed his session. He wanted to book another later in the week, but Anderson told him that Virgo was fully booked for two weeks.

  ‘Am I really?’ she asked when he told her.

  ‘No, but I don’t want him thinking you can be exclusive or that yo
u’re not terribly busy.’

  ‘Suppose he finds out?’

  ‘I’ll make sure he doesn’t. Now, is it all right with you if I get Andreas to call your friend? If he offers her a job it will sound better than if you do. I presume you can work together?’

  ‘Sure, but I don’t think she’ll take it. Give it a go if you like.’

  Shoanna decided to go shopping. Clutching her credit card, she enjoyed an hour picking out a few new clothes. Though new jeans and shirts would be waiting for her, she wanted some fun things to tease Andreas and wear around the house.

  It took very little time to spend a couple of hundred pounds. She drove home and tried her purchases on, cavorting in front of the massive mirrors in his fitness room. Some things were just for him. A sheer blouse that showed her breasts, and the sort of skirt he’d certainly approve of. She dressed in them, waiting for him to come home.

  He was carrying several dress boxes when he came in.

  ‘Mandeka delivered them to the office. You’d better unpack them and make sure they are all to your taste. That’s a new outfit, isn’t it?’

  ‘I went shopping after Davide left.’

  ‘Nice. But there are other things in the boxes you should try.’

  ‘Did she make me the threatened brassières?’ she asked with a laugh.

  ‘Oh yes. But you won’t be disappointed. She knows what she’s doing and what will please me. All designed to keep you in perfect shape. Oh, and Tara’s coming for dinner. I’m offering her a job.’

  ‘You spoke to Anderson?’

  ‘I did. I trust you’re happy to have her as your personal manager?’


  ‘Well, that title will make her more likely to accept than if I call her a PA. She seemed happy enough to come and talk about it. You never know, she might actually become more skilled at wrestling in time. Meanwhile, she can always work with you. I’ll book the pair of you soon, just for myself. To see how it works out. And yes, I’ll be a paying customer.’ He caught her slight grimace. ‘No need to look like that. I know I don’t have to, but it makes it look more business-like for her. And maybe you need something more suitable to wear if we’re entertaining tonight. Delightful as this vision is, I’d prefer to keep it for myself. I’m going to shower.’

  ‘I could scrub your back if you like?’

  ‘I don’t have enough time for that. Go play with yourself for half an hour.’

  ‘You mean that?’

  He glared at her and left the room.

  Tara arrived, driven over by Will. Dinner was arranged in the small dining room and they had drinks first of all.

  ‘Do you always drink champagne?’ Tara asked. ‘No objections. I could get used to it very easily.’

  ‘Only on special occasions.’ Andreas was at his most charming, but Shoanna didn’t mind if he flirted. Now she felt more secure with him, she could cope with it.

  ‘And this is special, how?’ Tara asked.

  ‘I want to offer you a job. Well, partly two jobs,’ he said smoothly. ‘Shoanna needs a manager. Someone she can trust to make bookings, sort out the contracts, and organise the checks on clients. We have to make sure they don’t have records of abuse. I have all the right contacts to do this. We also need someone capable of assisting with wrestling bouts when two ladies are requested. That won’t be often, but it happens occasionally. If you can keep progressing with your training, you may become more proficient. I can offer you a good salary and you’ll obviously get extra bonuses if you actually participate.’

  ‘And this salary? What exactly are you offering?’ He named a sum that made her open her eyes wide. ‘Really? What hours do you expect for that sort of money?’

  ‘I need you to be totally flexible. There may be a number of evenings, and sometimes at short notice. I need there to be someone in attendance whenever Shoanna is working. Just in case there are problems. Anderson is mostly around, but he has his own clients in the gym. When a bout is booked in someone’s home, you will need to accompany Shoanna.’

  ‘Sounds like I’d be her bodyguard in all but name. She’s supposed to be the fighter.’

  ‘No worries. If you have any problems with what is required, I’ll find someone else. I wanted you to have first refusal. She is your friend, after all.’

  ‘I’m not turning it down. It’s too good an offer. Just seems like it will be a bit odd. My friend being my boss.’

  ‘She won’t be your boss. I will.’ He looked angry. ‘This is my enterprise and I remain in charge. Just as I do with all my businesses. I make sure I have competent managers everywhere so my time is freed to do what I need. So don’t get any idea that I’m not in charge.’

  Tara looked at Shoanna with a question in her eyes. Was her friend under control here? Did he have some sort of a hold over her? She looked relaxed and happy enough, but one could never see behind the closed doors of a relationship. Maybe she was happy being “bought”. Clothes, jewellery. Shoanna had always enjoyed spending money, even when she didn’t have it. Now she’d shacked up with a guy with endless finance, perhaps that was all she needed and she was willing to do whatever he wanted. She knew her friend had very large sexual appetites, as she did herself. But they’d never talked much about exactly what each of them enjoyed. The leather wrestling gear, the sexy outfit she’d returned with the night after they met? There was clearly something going on.

  ‘You’ve gone very quiet.’ Andreas stared at the girl. ‘Something you’re not happy with?’

  ‘Not at all. I take it I’m only being paid to do as you said. You don’t expect me to do anything else for the money? As Shoanna knows, I am not willing to be paid for sex. Never have and never will.’ She gave her friend a snide look.

  ‘I’m not running some sort of brothel,’ he snapped. ‘I’m not a pimp, and my gym is a totally upfront, above board enterprise. There are several small rooms for people who want privacy. Many of our clients are embarrassed to be seen working out. Some famous people who come here don’t want any press attention.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Tara said. ‘It just seems a bit strange that Shoanna has changed so much in such a short time.’

  ‘I don’t think you ever knew everything about me, Tara,’ Shoanna said, equally sharply. ‘I found someone whom I – care for and who matches me in so many things. What we choose to do in private is no concern of anyone else. If we have rampant sex 24 hours a day, it’s no concern of anyone else.’

  ‘As long as you’re happy. I’d like to give the job a try. If it doesn’t work out for either of us, then we’ll stop it right away.’

  ‘Good. I’ll get a contract drawn up for you,’ Andreas said. ‘Now that’s settled, let’s eat. I’m starving, for one. Come along, ladies. Let’s go to the dining room and see what delights Will has prepared for us. Oh, and I shall want you to start right away, Tara. I’ll organise your notice at your current job. Start the day after tomorrow? I’ll get some sort of uniform made for you.’


  ‘Don’t worry. I have very good taste and I can see the sort of thing you like. I prefer it to giving you a clothing allowance for work.’

  ‘Clothing allowance?’

  ‘Of course. I don’t expect you to provide your own. I’m very particular about what my people wear in my public name.’

  ‘You’re quite a control freak, aren’t you?’

  ‘I suppose you might call it that. Privilege of having money. I pay well and expect loyalty in return. I don’t tolerate fools gladly, and if people are foolish enough to go against my orders then they don’t stay in my employ.’

  Tara looked at the glint in his eye and hoped her friend knew what she was doing. What she had got embroiled in? She raised a smile, but it was not without some effort. She must speak alone with Shoanna. Make sure all was well with her. She could quite see why she was tempted with all of this money and luxurious living, but she needed to know Shoanna was completely happy with it for the right reasons.
  ‘This is wonderful steak,’ she said at last. ‘Melts in the mouth. You have a superb chef.’

  ‘Thank you. Yes indeed. I don’t know what I’d do without Will.’

  The mood shifted slightly and conversation became easier. Though she had been quiet earlier when the job discussions were going on, Shoanna was more relaxed and knew she would look forward to having daily contact with her friend again. She was also ready to accept that Tara was not in competition with her for Andreas. He had reassured her, and she was feeling more confident. She was his chosen woman and he seemed to want her and her alone as a sexual partner. Perhaps some of Tara’s concern had been genuine worries for her friend’s welfare. In that case, she would be able to reassure her when they had chance to talk in private.

  The week fell into a sort of pattern: training each morning at home, with a long, hard swim to follow. Andreas had meetings during the mornings and occasionally turned up at the gym in the afternoons to watch the various activities. Shoanna had two bouts each afternoon, but evenings were free. Anderson had introduced Tara to the routine she needed to follow and she was coping well.

  The two women had a coffee together between clients and, as expected, Tara had been full of questions about Shoanna and Andreas.

  ‘I’m not going into details but, yes, we have some needs that we satisfy in each other. I’m very happy, honestly, and he doesn’t have any peculiar hold over me that I’m concerned about. We both have appetites for sex that some people might consider unusual but it works for us. I hope that settles your mind.’

  ‘Of course. I was only ever concerned for you. I didn’t want you to be involved in something you didn’t like. Not swept along by the power of suddenly having money.’

  ‘You must admit it’s rather nice not to have to worry about the rent any more. And I can buy whatever I want when I want it. Though, oddly enough, I stop wanting some things.’

  ‘I can understand that,’ Tara said. ‘Don’t we buy most things because we want to attract someone or be one up on someone else?’

  ‘Competition, you mean? I guess you’re right. Andreas buys me things he likes. I’ve never disliked anything he’s chosen. And knowing what he likes makes it easy to please him as well as myself.’


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