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Under a Warlock's Spell

Page 9

by Ann Cory

  In a flash Derik was gone. She twisted and screamed, trying to break free. Had she come all this way only to watch him be taken from her again?

  Minna turned and beat her fists against Blagden's chest. "Where is he? Bring him back at once."

  The warlock put his fingers to her lips.

  "Shh. Let us forget about the beast. He means nothing to us."

  "You heartless pig. Do with me what you will, but you will never have me."

  "Such strong language for a lady. But I like feisty. Now, my pet, where shall we retire? Ah yes. Thanks to your former lover, I have recently acquired a new castle. I daresay it is fit for a queen. Let us go and tour our palace together." Blagden pulled her so close she couldn't breathe. "I will enjoy getting to know you on a more intimate level."

  Minna tried to bite his hand but he was too quick. He snapped his fingers and her body went limp.

  * * *

  Derik woke inside the very cage he'd found himself when he was first captured months ago. The day came back to him in a flood of somber memories. Blagden had pretended to be in need of help. He said a fire had broken out in his home and he had a wife and two children who were trapped inside beneath the rafters. He'd been such a fool to follow him. As soon as he'd entered the house, he knew something was amiss. There hadn't been any flames, just smoke. Since then his life had fallen apart one dark day after another.

  He stood and felt a lump on his head. The cage smelled of rot and decay. Whoever or whatever had been in there before him hadn't died in a pleasant manner. He slammed his body against the iron door, seeing how sturdy it was, but the bars wouldn't budge. Derik roared and bellowed. His monstrous hands gripped the cold tomb and shook it with all his might.

  Minna was in the clutches of a demon and it was up to him to rescue her. All of this was his fault. If he hadn't gone missing, she wouldn't have come to look for him and put her life in danger. He would lose the woman he loved and didn't know how he would ever get her back. His love for her was so strong, he didn't need to justify it, but he did need to prove it. What kind of man would he be to her now? What kind of long-term effect would this change have on him? He'd learned to hunt human flesh and had pawed through blood and innards.

  Gone was the gentle man he once was, the kind man incapable of spreading fear or causing anyone harm. Now he just didn't know. His being out of her life might be the one thing she needed most. Had he been selfish to think he was the best man for her?

  He was lost and felt the cage shrink around him. The cage was a good thing. It kept him from harming others. It forced him to think things through and come to an understanding of what would be best for Minna. She needed stability, trust, love, and respect. If he couldn't give her those things, what kind of man was he? He'd answered his own question. He wasn't a man and had stopped being a man when the warlock changed him into the unsightly thing he was now. Erased was a future he once had high hopes for. The certainties that existed now were his ability to hunt for prey and his precision in slicing open a victim before they had a chance to cry for help.

  Derik curled up on the stone floor and begged sleep to come rid him of his pain. He could hear Blagden's voice in his head, telling him to take his own life. Death would bring him peace but it would hurt the woman he loved. Too many questions and not nearly enough answers. His eyes grew weary and he laid his head down on the cold floor, rocking himself to sleep.

  * * *

  Lessier awoke in a wooden crate with barely enough room to move about. Looking down, he saw he was back in wolf form, wounds covering his shaggy, fur-covered body. The last thing he remembered was being sucked into the earth, darkness encompassing all his thoughts and vision. He was stuck in a black pit, unable to breathe or call out. When his lungs felt they would burst, he was whisked out and now confined inside a crate.

  Lessier panted with thirst and exhaustion. Between the wooded slats, he noticed Derik asleep in front of him in a cage whimpering quietly. He would get even with him and tear his very eyes out. It was because of Derik that so many things had happened. Because of him, Lessier had lost his only chance to snag Minna for himself. And it was because of him that he was a prisoner of the warlock, who was most certainly out for blood. There would be no second thoughts, Derik almost killed him and he would pay for it.

  Making use of his sharp fangs, he gnawed away at the heavy wood, determined to get out. No one enslaved him, and no one locked him up. Revenge was his incentive and love would be his reward.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Blagden nodded at Graff, who was down on his knees polishing the floor of the dining room.

  "Ah, my good servant, things are off to a great start here. I foresee a profitable future ahead. This is a much larger place than the last, isn't it?"

  The servant nodded his head and continued scrubbing.

  "Indeed, it is. Not as barren or cold. It will be a fine abode for now until I plan my attack on Mority. To add some color and decoration to the new place, I have brought us a special visitor. She will probably be shy for the first little while, but we'll find a way to make her feel at home. I expect this new addition to be treated with respect and kindness. She is going to require food and drink when she awakens. I trust you will see to it she is kept happy and fed."

  Graff nodded. "Of course, master, I will do as you wish."

  "I plan to make her my bride, so get used to her, make friendly, and do not deny her requests unless they have to do with leaving in some way. She will call herself a prisoner, but she will soon forget all about that. Whether by her heart or my hand, she will learn to love and obey me."

  "Yes, my lord. Where did you find her?"

  Blagden ran his hand along his groin. It had been too long. "She is the woman who belongs to the beast, or belonged I should say. Sumptuous creature. I was drawn to the image of her before, but now, I must say I am quite infatuated with her. She is every bit as lovely as the beast claimed. No wonder she was always on his mind. You do not find many ladies like her. An arousing mixture of obstinacy and elegance."

  "I look forward to making her acquaintance."

  The warlock pointed a finger at him and shook his head. "You may meet her, but remember she will be my bride."

  "Yes, master. I meant nothing indecent in my comment."

  Blagden laughed. "First day with her and already I am overprotective. She must have that effect on all the men she encounters. Of course, you will keep your eyes and hands to yourself. You are smart enough to know that anything more and you will be punished in the way of death. Immediately."

  The servant swallowed loudly and finished up scrubbing the floor.

  "Also, when you go back to my old home, you may want to throw a couple of meaty bones to the wolf in the crate and a couple to the beast. The wolf is that cowardly man I told you about earlier that has a craving for our dear guest. Oh, and make sure you scrape off the slain villagers and feed them to the creatures. I wouldn't want them to turn on me. I've worked hard to earn their loyalty."

  "Yes, sir. I was under the impression you were going to kill the beast after tonight."

  "Ah yes, well, one never knows when one needs a dumb animal around. The wolf and the beast will stay until I need them again. Until that time, I plan to use their hatred for one another as leverage in getting what I want."

  "Of course, master. Anything you say."

  "There is some history between them that fascinates me. They would tear each other to pieces if I let them. I myself am torn. Do I use their anger for my own destruction, or do I simply allow them to destroy each other? I'll have to think about that some more. I'm not sure I am desperate enough yet, though the situation may present itself in due course."

  "I am sure whatever you think is best. Now, if you'll excuse me, sir, I will tend to the lady now."

  Chapter Nineteen

  Minna woke with a start. She sat up and observed her surroundings. Luxurious gowns lay at her feet atop a large bed with satin pillows and soft bed covers. Qu
ickly she got to her feet and ran to the window. The brightness of the sun made it difficult for her to see out. Where was she?

  She turned and looked around the room. It was spacious with tapestries and portraits hung proudly on the wall. A large dark wardrobe stood in the corner with a table and chairs that matched the wood. Whoever had been in this room before her liked pretty things. Minna walked back to the bed and ran her fingers along the dresses. Each one was exquisite to look at. She held one up and realized it was cut in a way that would no doubt show her off to please the warlock.

  It was then she remembered Derik's disappearance hadn't been a dream at all. Right before her eyes she'd seen the black cloud snatch him up, a cloud commanded by Blagden. She ignored the tears and grabbed one of the dresses, ready to shred it and any of the other inappropriate garments apart when she heard knocking on the door. Fearful it was Blagden, she wiped away the tears. She would not let him see her this way. All the empowerment she'd started with may have vanished, but she would not allow the warlock to believe he had won. No one would keep her a prisoner, especially not the likes of him. The knock came again and she went over to the door.


  "Ma'am, are you decent?" The muffled voice behind the door sounded familiar.

  Minna sighed in relief that it wasn't Blagden. "Yes."

  She heard the jangling of keys and then the door opened. A thin man wearing an apron entered her room and set down a silver tray on the side table. A beautiful teapot sat in the center surrounded by cakes, sandwiches, biscuits, and fresh fruit. Much to her dismay, her stomach grumbled. She couldn't remember the last time she'd eaten anything.

  "Master said you would be famished, so I have taken the liberty to bring you up an array of delicious food. All prepared by myself. Enjoy. I will return later to see if you require anything more."

  Though he would not look at her, she was sure she had met him before.

  "I am sorry, do I know you?"

  "Pardon me?" He finished arranging the tray and looked up at her.

  The servant put his hands to his face and quickly closed the door. "Minna, is that you? I know I haven't seen you in a very long time, I guess it has been about five years now, but I couldn't possibly forget your beautiful face."

  She recognized him at once as Graff Debloy, Lillian's first true love. She remembered consoling her friend for months, after a letter was sent that he had returned home to tend to his ailing parents. After that, he had never written again and her friend had lost all hope of them continuing their relationship.

  "Yes, you are correct. It is good to see you are alive and well."

  "Well enough, all things considered. How is Lillian? Does she even remember me anymore?"

  "She is managing. You would be proud. She runs her own store, but has never gotten over you," she replied hastily.

  Graff leaned against the wall and folded his arms. "The day I went to the river to fish was the day Blagden found me and decided he needed someone to work for him."

  "She was devastated that you never spoke to her after the letter."

  "Ah yes, the letter. Blagden stood over me and dictated everything I wrote. He wanted to make sure that I knew she was still alive, to use her as bait to keep me working as his slave. His idea is that love is so powerful it can make one do anything. Especially when the life of that loved one is at risk."

  "It would seem Derik suffered the same fate as you, though I never even received a letter. For months, I was led to believe that something terrible had happened to him."

  Graff's eyebrows arched high. "Derik? I don't understand."

  "The beast that your master has doing all his evil deeds is Derik. Did you honestly not know that?"

  The servant shook his head back and forth, his jaw agape.

  "I have never seen him as a human, only as the beast. I had no idea. I am so sorry. Had I known, I would have made sure some sort of word got to you."

  "It doesn't make much difference now. I fear Blagden has killed Derik."

  "No, he hasn't. He is still alive and being held in the old castle at the base of the craggy mountains."

  She breathed a sigh of relief. "That is good to hear. I don't know how much more of this I can stand. My heart has been twisted around so many times. I am beginning to question what is real and what isn't."

  "How do you mean?"

  "Who to trust, what to put your faith in, love, everything really. When I had Derik with me, I existed inside my own little world. There was no darkness or danger. We lived on love. Suddenly I have been thrust into a place I never realized existed, and it doesn't make sense. I am not sure I even make sense."

  "I understand everything you are saying, trust me. But you need to keep believing in that love you had with Derik, because you will get it back."

  Minna sat on the bed and shook her head. "I want to believe that. I truly do. But Derik isn't the same. I don't know that he will ever get over what he has been put through. At this point, if there were some magic to make him forget the bad stuff, I would take it. How crazy does that sound?"

  "Not crazy. You want him back the way he was. It is called love."

  "It is called an illusion. I am not giving up. I won't let Derik rot under the eyes of Blagden. I have to forget what I want and let it all happen the way it happens."

  "You are a smart girl."

  "It is good to have someone to talk to. Thank you, Graff. We will have to act like we don't know one another; otherwise I fear I will put your life in jeopardy. Right now I have to figure out a way to get to Derik."

  "The master has eyes and ears everywhere. It is rare when he doesn't know what one is up to. It's that amulet he wears around his neck. It enables him to spy on you anytime he wants. Fortunately I am so boring, he doesn't care what I do. I doubt it will be the same for you."

  Minna wrung her hands. "Most likely not. He is under the impression he is going to control me."

  "He plans to make you his bride, under no uncertain terms. Be careful. I don't trust him, not even with my life."

  "I will be careful. Now then, you should probably leave for now, before he becomes suspicious. I wouldn't want to be the cause of any dispute between you two."

  Graff smiled and kissed the top of her hand.

  "If there is anything you need from me, let me know and I will do my best to help you."

  Minna smiled and nodded. "Your friendship is more than enough."

  "What will you do?"

  "I need to get to Derik without being seen. Do you think that is possible?"

  "If it weren't for the amulet, he would be as harmless as a fly. I mean, yes, he was born into a family of warlocks, but he never really mastered what he could do. The amulet gives him unique powers that are far stronger than you can even imagine," Graff explained. "He stole it from Syrina, a sorceress he fell in love with, and took her powers away. Before he drained all her powers, she cast a spell on him. He cannot go near a kingdom until the king steps down and declares his resignation of the throne. At the time, Syrina never imagined the great kings would back down to the likes of Blagden. In the beginning, he only dreamt of conquering the world. Now, with all his strengths and powers, it is just a matter of time. One by one, he intends for them to all fall."

  Minna resisted the urge to pace. "You aren't reassuring me."

  "As distracted as he is by his greed, you may be able to get there undetected. In fact, I think you are the only one who could."

  "Dear friend, may I ask why it is that you stay?"

  "It is my survival, and Blagden threatened to slay Lillian. This is the only life I know anymore. I have nothing to return to. It isn't as though I've never tried to escape." Graff turned around and lifted up his tunic. His back was scarred with deep slices made by a whip.

  She turned away, unable to look at the wounds. "You poor man."

  "Indeed. Poor and at the mercy of one who can end my life in a second. I have learned to do his biddings and keep to myself. However, I will do what
I can to help you get out of here and take Derik with you. Blagden won't keep him around much longer. When the time comes, he will kill him."

  Minna gasped.

  Graff shook his head and looked down at the floor. "I am sorry. I shouldn't have been so straightforward. Things are tough enough."

  She touched his shoulder and forced a smile. "No, no please, I want you to be straightforward. It keeps my strength and determination up. It is very easy for me to get caught up in my fears and let them guide me. When you say things like that, a surge of fierce adrenaline spirals right through me. I rely on it."

  Minna gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek.

  "You better go before he wonders where you are. I will have to play along until I learn a little more. One way or another I have to find a way to get to Derik. I fear for his life and his well-being."

  "Please know I will help you in any way possible." Graff closed the door behind him.

  Minna forced down some food, but was far from hungry. Her mind started on a plan to get out of the castle and free Derik for good.

  * * *

  Lessier kept an eye on Derik. He hoped to prove to Minna that her lover would never be anything more than a dangerous beast and wouldn't be equipped to care for her properly. It was all a matter of how, and Lessier considered using Derik to help him.

  He worried how long he would stay in the body of a wolf and what he would have to do or say for Blagden to change him back to a human for good. If he played his cards right he might even be able to trick Blagden into thinking he was on his side. Whatever it was he had to do, Lessier was more than prepared.

  Derik woke and immediately began to bang away at the bars, cursing and demanding to be set free. Lessier urged him to be silent or risk both their lives. Finally Derik quieted down.

  "I know you don't believe me, Lessier, but I am sorry to have caused you harm. I don't wish to be known as a killer, there was no reason to take it that far."


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