Drive Me Wilde (Breathless Book 6)

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Drive Me Wilde (Breathless Book 6) Page 14

by Shani Greene-Dowdell

  It seemed like we might be on the right track, because we finished off dinner with conversation that was typical of the time that we were in a heated relationship. It was always so easy to talk to her, but deep down I kept thinking about how Melinda could have ruined everything, and we had lost two weeks out of a time where we could have been happy.

  We had finished eating an hour earlier, but still continued talking, getting caught up with one another’s lives. I was glad she was back at Colorful Times and she was enthusiastic about me talking about my various clients that I was able to discuss. It almost seemed like we had more than two weeks of material to catch up on.

  “I’ve missed this,” she finally said as the conversation died to a lull.

  I smiled and looked down at our hands that were intertwined. We had literally been holding hands the entire night and I had almost forgotten. “I’ve missed this too,” I admitted. “I’ve missed you and I can’t apologize enough for not hearing you out. With the way I reacted, I’m not any better than the jerk that got you there.”

  She shook her head and softly shushed me. “Don’t say that, Matt. You’re wrong. I understand why you pushed me away. Maybe once we fell for each other, I should have put in a disclaimer that there was damning material out there that could one day come back and haunt us, but I didn’t. So sure, I was hurt when you rejected me, but time will heal all that. I’ve just missed not having you there by my side.”

  “Then, we shouldn’t waste another minute,” I said. I laid some money down and motioned for her to get up. When she walked around the table, I pulled her close to me and wrapped my arm around her. I held her close, as we left the restaurant and headed back to my car. Once we reached her door, she turned to me.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “No…I’m sorry,” I said.

  I brushed a strand of hair from her eyes and leaned in, pushing her against the car as our lips touched. Our breaths traveled in and out of each other’s lungs, becoming one. I loved this woman and I couldn’t stand another night of being without her in my life. I needed to get her home to show her just how much I needed her.


  It was a silent battle as to whether I should take her back to my place, or if I should take her home. Taking her home won out for a couple reasons, but the biggest reason being that her house was closer to the restaurant. I couldn’t wait for the makeup sex and the two weeks of missing her hadn’t helped the cause.

  Once we got to her apartment, we got out of the car and it was a mad dash up to her door. As she unlocked the door, I moved in and started nuzzling her ear from behind.

  “Stop that, or I’ll never figure out how to use my key.” She laughed, and I could hear the happiness coming from her.

  “If you don’t find it, I’ll take you right up against this door, and you know I’ll do it,” I said, moving in closer to her so she could feel my erection on her backside.

  That gave her the motivation to get us inside. Her door clicked open and we were finally in the warmth of her apartment. She turned around and wrapped her arms around me, massaging her fingers through my hair as I pushed her back towards her bedroom. My body pressed tightly against hers, as my lips devoured hers, like I was seeking out my last breath of fresh air.

  When we got to her bedroom, we couldn’t take the wait any longer. We parted from the kiss and started to undress one another, all while still moving towards our destination: her bed. She grabbed onto her panties, removing the last piece of clothing as she sat on the bed and inched backwards, pulling me after her.

  “I love you,” she softly whispered as my lips touched hers. Between breaths I said the same and we were back where our hearts had always been.

  Her body moved slowly beneath me, with her heart rapidly pounding in her chest and my heart beating its own rhythm. My hands groped her, stroking out every curve, trying to explore the path that I had memorized. When I needed to take a breath, I pulled back from the kiss, releasing a moan that my lips had tightly held in. I latched onto her neck and started sucking desperately to taste her once more.

  My cock throbbed as I glided hard against her body and she whimpered with each touch of my tongue. Her hands wandered down my back, her fingers slowly stroking my back muscles as she sighed, her mouth hanging slightly open.

  I traced her collarbone with my lips, catching her on fire, my hands lovingly clinging her waist. I shifted down, capturing a nipple between my teeth, as her hands ran back up my back, clutching handfuls of my hair, while I enthusiastically indulged in the flesh of her taut nipples. As I tugged her right one between my teeth, she softly said my name, leaving a smile on my face.

  I flipped my lips to her left breast, longingly kissing her areola, then swirling my tongue lavishly around her nipple. Her body reacted to all my movements, which had me even more excited to continue the descent.

  I travelled down her stomach, sucking her moist skin with feverish pride. Three kisses along her navel were applied, then I shimmied even further south.

  “Matt…” she sighed as my warm breath caught hold of her soft and wet pussy. I left a soft blow of air across her nether lips and she writhed beneath me. The action was meant to be sensual and enticing and it did the trick, because she slowly spread her legs even further apart.

  I moved in closer, my hands dropping from her waist, as I moved between her thighs. I pressed my thumbs against her opening and spread her open for me and she gasped. I slowly stroked her clit with my thumb, while I looked up at her and watched her grin at my touch. I knew I missed her, but it was apparent how much we missed each other. I lowered my face between her thighs and with my thumb still caressing her clit, I left another soft blow that was meant to tingle her insides.

  “Holy fuck, Matt,” she moaned. “I get the drift.”

  I laughed. I had her wanting me even more and right where I desired to take her. I flicked my tongue out and crashed it against her hard nub and she groaned, nearly popping up off the bed. I reached up and grabbed her hips, steadying her as I moved my tongue in and started to fluidly mark my spot, while tasting how sweet and wet she really was.

  She thrusted her hips hard and fast against my movements, while I plunged in and out of her with my tongue, leaving no mercy behind. She screamed out as her body crashed harder against me, her pussy pulsating around my tongue. I could feel her insides engulfing me and I pleasured her repeatedly.

  Several more times she moaned and cried as the intensity of my pounding overtook her, causing her to crash wildly against me. “Yes, Matt…..ahhhh!” she screamed and then without warning, she came inside my mouth. I eagerly lapped up her juices, anxiously accepting her sweet mixture. She breathlessly gasped, falling back against the bed, as I slipped my tongue around her insides, grateful to have her back in my clutches.

  I slipped out of her folds and moved back up to her lips, where I was greeted with a sexy embrace. She clawed at my back as we held one another. My engorged cock grew even tighter. I was going to explode before I even made my entrance, if we didn’t move this forward.

  She wrapped her legs around me, her right leg smoothly moving up and down my left. I shifted my body, until I fell into place and with my tongue diving in between her lips, she pulled me into her sanctuary. I plunged into her with all of my force and then pulled back, catching us a reprieve, before I did it again. I would sink deeper into her, before slowly pulling back, then start all over again. She grabbed onto my shoulders while we kissed and continued this sultry dance of in and out, without even knowing we were doing it.

  Every shift of her body beneath me, caused me to go even deeper and then slowly retract. That went on for what felt like an eternity, but her pussy wrapped me up tightly and it seemed to be so perfect that I didn’t want to let go of it.

  It was Tasha that started begging. “Matt, please…” she cried as I pulled out once more.

  I nibbled softly on her lips as she moaned out again. “What do you want baby?” I whispered, my b
reath capturing softly against her neck.

  “I want you!” she gasped. Her eyes caught with mine. She didn’t realize just how much she truly had me. I was never going to let anything tear us apart again. “Please just fuck me already,” she cried.

  I snickered softly. “It will be my pleasure,” I said, placing my lips to hers and kissing her hard, as I plunged my erection into her, going balls deep. She opened her mouth wider to yelp, but my full mouth kisses had her unable to mutter a sound. After a series of fast thrusts, my cock couldn’t take the pressure, and I released my load into her.

  As we rocked back and forth, we became one again. No worries. No doubts. Nothing but love between two people and I wanted to stay this way every day for the rest of my life.



  Dreams Do Come True

  Four Months Later

  I looked at the clock on my computer, before logging out. I had to pick Cody up from his friend’s house and I didn’t want to be late.

  Since getting back together with Matt, we had what I felt was a perfect setup. I was allowed to work many of my hours for Colorful Times from home, which ultimately allowed me to watch Cody. So, I was getting the best of both worlds. When I did have to go to work, whether it was for a meeting or just to show my face, then there were friends that would watch Cody. Since summer arrived and Cody wasn’t in school, we had to rely more on Cody’s friends helping, but I still managed to spend many days with him. I really was glad to have my babysitting job back. I didn’t realize how much I truly missed it, until I was able to get back in the swing of things.

  Things between Matt and I couldn’t have been going any better, as Matt and I now had an agreement to never walk away upset with one another and talk over everything. It was working out perfectly.

  I turned the lights off in my office and headed through the office building. “Hey, I’m heading out. Call or text if you need anything,” I said to Rachel, one of my writers, just as I reached the door.

  “Will do, Tasha. Have a good afternoon!” I smiled and walked out of the building, feeling nothing could dampen my mood, but that thought came a little too quickly, because I spotted Melinda heading straight towards me.

  I groaned. “Well well…if it isn’t Melinda Lory. To what do I owe this surprise?” I asked.

  She rolled her eyes and put on the fakest of smiles. “Hello, Tasha. Long time no see.”

  I had to admit I loved the fact that I had gone months without seeing Melinda and grateful that I didn’t need to think too much about her. After she sent the DVD to Matt, she seemed to go off in the sunset or darkness. I had feared that maybe I was just getting a false sense of security, and alas she stood before me.

  “And what are you doing here?” I asked. “You have some nerve. I didn’t think you’d show up here once you were fired.”

  Melinda laughed. “Well, truthfully, I didn’t think I’d show up here again either, but let’s just say that I missed the place.”

  I frowned. “Honestly, Melinda…what are you doing here?”

  “Came to see you of course,” she said.

  “Okay, so you saw me…what now?”

  She laughed. “Just wanted to see how things were going with you and Matt.”

  “Well, that’s awfully sweet of you. Perhaps you wanted to see if Matt and I were together, since you sent him the DVD.”

  Her mouth opened, and she shrugged. “Don’t worry, Tasha. You don’t have to tell me what’s going on with you two…I already know. I’ve seen that you are still together and going strong.” She moved closer to me. “I have eyes everywhere, you know?” She laughed, but I wasn’t joining in. “I actually wanted to apologize for that DVD situation.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You…apologize?” I asked. “That’s something I never thought I’d live to see. What’s the catch?”

  She slowly shook her head. “No catch. I did some awful things and all for a guy that never even showed me any interest. Don’t get me wrong…he’s a great guy, but I can admit defeat. And that’s what I’m doing.”

  “Well, forgive me if I don’t trust this to be a genuine apology,” I said cautiously.

  “I understand that. But what you don’t know is that sitting at home for months without a job gave me plenty of time to think about the things I’ve done wrong. It used to be funny to see people in messed up situations, until that person became me,” Melinda said, and she actually looked like she’d figured her life out. Still, I waited for the other shoe to fall, because this wasn’t the Melinda I knew. “You won the guy…and got the job, and you deserve both, so I’ll back off. Why do you look skeptical?” she asked.

  “Well, I suppose I am,” I admitted.

  “You really don’t have to be, Tasha. I mean it. I’m not going to try anymore funny business. If Matt is happy with you, then I’ll just have to accept that and move on.” She hesitated. “Did you hear I got a writing job?” I shook my head and she continued. “It’s not in the area, but it’s a great career move. So, I’m truly backing off and I’m being serious.”

  As much as I wanted to find cause to not believe her, I really felt she was being sincere. “Thanks, Melinda, for at least coming up here to say that to me. Good luck to you!”

  She nodded. “And to you.” She then smiled, and it was even a little sincere. She turned around and headed away and I stood standing there for a few minutes, wondering if I just dreamed the last hour up. I couldn’t even begin to fathom how it happened, but it seemed like Melinda Lory might be turning a new leaf.


  I pulled up in front of the house, where I was to pick Cody up. I got out of my car and that’s when Matt’s motorcycle pulled up in front of the house. He took his helmet off and glanced my way. I stepped to the curb as he was getting off the bike.

  “Matt? What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “Well, I wanna take you somewhere. There’s something I need to discuss with you.”

  I frowned. “You want me to go somewhere with you now? But I’m supposed to get Cody and you’re supposed to be at work. And, I know you don’t think I’m about to ride motorcycle.” I tilted my head and looked at the cool smile on Matt’s face. Something was definitely up.

  “I’ve got everything taken care of, Tasha,” he said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. His lips softly touched mine. I placed my hand to his chest, nearly melting against him, until he broke from the intimate kiss. “Dana is getting Cody today.”

  “Why? I’m here.”

  “Get on, Tasha.” Matt pointed to the back of his motorcycle.

  “Can I ride behind you in my car?” I pouted.

  “No, leave it here.” He grabbed a helmet from the back of his motorcycle and handed it to me. I didn’t understand what was going on, but there was definitely something he wasn’t telling me. I sucked up my reluctance and swallowed the resistance I felt. Matt helped me onto the back of his bike, hopped on, started it, and tore away from the curb.

  I wrapped my arms around him and nestled myself against his back. The wind picked up, blowing through my hair, and I relished these little moments. Surprisingly, it felt awesome to be breezing through traffic holding onto my man. I had no idea where I was going with him, but it was bound to be an amazing ride. We remained in silent, not yelling over the loud roar of the motorcycle’s engine. The ride took more than an hour, and finally we turned into a long driveway.

  When he stopped the bike, I pulled back from him and looked around the landscape. We were at someone’s farm, but it didn’t seem like anyone was around. I took my helmet off and he helped me down.

  “Where are we?” I asked.

  He was beaming like a schoolboy with a secret. “Welcome to my family’s farm.”

  My mouth dropped. “Your family owns this?”

  He nodded. “I have someone keeping it up, but the truth is it always seemed too big for just me and Cody, so we don’t stay here. I just thought you’d like to see it.”

bsp; I smiled and looked around the place. It was beautiful, with acres and acres of land for as far as I could see. On a portion of that land was a house that was moderate, to say the least. I couldn’t believe his family owned this much property, but then looking at his success story, I could. He walked around to the back of his motorcycle and pulled out a basket.

  “I hope you’re hungry,” he said, laughing.

  I shook my head, total disbelief on my face. “You are way too much,” I said. I moved closer to him and wrapped my fingers around his neck. I pulled him down into a kiss and I couldn’t get any more love for him if I tried. This was going to be an amazing date, I could just feel it.


  As we ate, he pointed out various parts of his grandparent’s farm, places that he liked to hang when he was growing up. We sat on a blanket, next to a pond, where he told me that his sister taught him to swim and his mother taught him to fish. Everything was refreshing and romantic. I didn’t want the day to end.

  We finished our picnic and loaded everything back up in the basket and I turned to him. “You said, you wanted to discuss something with me?” I started.

  He nodded, and his face went a little solemn. I tensed up, because the look he gave me was a little unsettling. “I want to discuss your job as my babysitter.”

  That came from out in left field; wasn’t exactly expecting that. “My job as your babysitter? Is something wrong?” I asked with a slight frown.

  He nodded slowly. “You see, I don’t really think it’s working out. I mean, Cody likes you and all, but I just don’t think you’re babysitter material.”

  I stepped back and stared at him. After such a great time, was he intentionally trying to piss me off? “I’m not babysitter material? Are you kidding me? It’s been months and, if I do say so myself, I think I’m the best darn babysitter you could ask for.” I was riled up and when I noticed his smirk that made me even more fired up. “Are you really firing me from being Cody’s babysitter?”


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