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Play Dirty (The Devil's Share #2)

Page 9

by L. P. Maxa

I chuckled, “It’s kind of why I’m here. Medical professional, remember?”

  Smith nodded, still out of breath and climbed out of my bunk. He reached in and helped me to my feet. Jacks was in the bathroom, lying on the floor, surrounded by vomit. “Jacks, honey, are you okay?”


  I sidestepped some puke and reached down to check his pulse for the second time that night. Still seemed normal. I’d need to take his blood pressure, but the smell in here was making me sick. “Smith, can you throw him in the shower? I need to get him in his bed so I can check his vitals.”

  Smith wrinkled his nose as he looked down and studied Jacks. His eyes traveled to me, and he let them slowly trail up my body. When his eyes met mine, heat pooled at my core. Holy hell, I was standing in a puke filled bathroom and Smith was still turning me on. He broke our eye contact and leaned down, grabbing Jacks under his arms and pulling him towards the small shower stall. “Come on, fucker.” I walked out of the room and searched the kitchen for some sort of disinfectant. Ah, vinegar, that would do. I grabbed a roll of paper towels and a trash bag and set about cleaning up the bathroom. Years of medical work taught me to breathe through my nose, but I could hear Smith gagging in the shower while he cussed Jacks out. “You are such a cock blocking little ass hat.” Gag sounds. “You had to pick tonight to overdo it?” Gag sounds.

  “Smith? How’s it going in there, babe?” Had I just called him babe? Holy crap, he was going to think I’m one of those super clingy chicks. He had his fingers in me for all of three minutes. Wait, did I just say chicks again? Dammit.

  “I think I got all the chunks off.” Gag sounds. “Can you toss me a towel?”

  I pulled a fluffy gray towel out of the hall closet as the water shut off. “Here you go.” I tossed it into Smith’s waiting hands. “Do you need help?”

  Smith opened the shower door and stepped out with one of Jacks’s arms draped over his shoulders. He was practically carrying all his friend’s weight. “I’m okay, just let me get him into his bunk and covered up. There is no way you’re seeing his dick before you see mine.”

  “Afraidyoullllll…looook…like atinydicked…asssshole…aftershe sssssees mi…ne?”

  Jacks’s words were slurred, but intelligible. Smith barked out a laugh. “Yes, you’re like a fucking tripod, bro.”

  I got a bottle of water out of the fridge and then booked it to Jacks’s bunk. Not gonna lie, I wanted to see a tripod…. Crap. Too late. I skidded to a stop as Smith covered Jacks with a thick blanket. Smith looked over his shoulder, eyes narrowed. “Did you just run over here so you could see his dick?”

  “I, uh, need to check his vitals.” I turned to hide my red cheeks and grabbed my bag out of the hall closet. I put the blood pressure cuff on Jacks’s arm and the stethoscope in my ears. I pumped it up, then released. “His BP is 180/90, which is elevated, but not he-needs-to-go-to-the-hospital elevated.” I uncapped the water. “Jacks, you need to drink this.” I put the water to his lips. “Small sips, sweetheart.”

  Smith put his hands on his hips. “You tried to sneak a peek at his package, and you’re calling him sweetheart? Maybe I should go blow chunks all over the bathroom.” He sounded pissed, but he wore his real smile.

  “All right, sweetheart,” I shot Smith a teasing look, “We’ll be in the bunk right next to yours if you need anything. Take a few more sips of water and then try to get some sleep.” I brought the trashcan from the kitchen and placed it on the floor right by his head. I climbed back into my bed and scooted towards the wall, making room for Smith.

  “You still want me in here?” He looked vulnerable, like he was scared that I would say no. I smiled and patted the mattress next to me. He lay down on his back and held his arm out for me to snuggle up on his chest. “Thank you, Cher. For tonight, for everything.”

  His voice was soft and rough, like emotion was clogging his throat. I knew he meant more than just taking care of Jacks. I’d given him what he needed tonight: a friend, a distraction.

  “You’re welcome.”

  I feel asleep wondering what or who he would have done if I hadn’t been here.


  I woke up alone. And to be honest, it bummed me out. Had Smith regretted spending last night with me? When had he left? I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and smoothed my wild hair before climbing out of bed. I peeked in on Jacks. He was still sleeping soundly and it didn’t look like he’d gotten sick again. I padded towards the living room. The sun was barely up and the only sound was Smith idly strumming on a guitar. The sounds coming out were slow and familiar. “Free Fallin’” by Tom Petty. He was sitting on the floor, shirtless, with a pencil in his teeth and a yellow legal pad next to him. I stood in the hallway, watching. He was so damn beautiful, and so damn haunted. I hated how unhappy he looked. Everything in me just wanted to chase away his demons and make him smile, if only for a little while.

  “I love that song.”

  “I know. You were humming it last night while you were getting dressed. It fits you. That song, I mean. It’s always calmed me…and so do you. ” He gave me a small smile. “Come here, Cher.” He moved the guitar out of his lap and held his hand up to me.

  There was no hesitation. I automatically went to him, my body responding to his words before my brain could decide if that was a good idea. I placed my small hand is his large rough one and let him guide me down to his lap. I was straddling him on the floor. “Couldn’t sleep?”

  He shook his head and then rested it against my chest. I ran my fingers through his dark blond hair, rubbing his scalp.

  “You want to talk about it?”

  He shook his head again.

  “Okay. You want me to leave you alone so you can keep playing?” I would gladly climb on the couch and fall asleep listening to him play the guitar.

  “You woke up alone.” He spoke the words softly, and like a statement. “I’m sorry. I just couldn’t shut it off…I…” He let his words trail off.

  The second he was alone with his thoughts, the second I wasn’t there to make it better…he’d slipped into his dark place. Had he used? Had he taken anything?

  “Hey, no worries. It’s not like you snuck out of my apartment after a night of sex. You came into the living room after a night of spooning.” Maybe if I made jokes, maybe if I made everything light and easy…maybe I could bring him back.

  He chuckled against my chest but then got quiet again.

  “Did you, um, I mean, when you came out here…?” Was I really going to do this? Was I really going to go there with him? What the hell happened to none of my concern?! I’d blown that statement to shit, for sure. It was obvious that something was happening between us. I was naïve if I believed it wasn’t. And I’d be damned if I watched another man I was close to kill himself. I’d walk away before I went through that again. “Look, I know you’ve been using something. And it’s not my place to tell you what to do…but…”

  “I didn’t.” He lifted his head and looked me in the eye. “I wanted to; I’m not going to lie to you. I came out here with the intention of finding something to make my mind stop…but then, I don’t know, I just picked up my guitar instead.” He cupped my face with his hands, his eyes searching mine.

  Well that was a start, right? Plus, he came back in the bus last night after talking to his dad. I brought my lips to his, softly. But after a few seconds, he deepened the kiss, completely taking control. His hands roamed over my body; his tongue owned my mouth. It was like he couldn’t get enough of me. His hands settled on my hips and he rocked me back and forth over his hardening dick. I couldn’t help the moan that slipped out of my mouth; he felt so good. The friction was perfect. I was still strung so tight from last night. I let my fingers trail down his chest, to his seriously cut abs. This man was too hot for his own good. He placed his hands under my ass and stood.

  “Let’s go back to bed, Cher.”

  I nodded frantically. I wanted nothing more than to go back
to bed with this gorgeous, tortured man. I was a goner. I should just stop pretending I didn’t want him. Because I did. I wanted him so damn bad, flaws and all.

  We made it two whole steps before the bedroom door opened and Lexi came down the hall with Dagger, his leash in her hand. Smith growled. Like for real, he growled. “Lex, what are you doing up?”

  “Uh, Dagger needs to potty. What are you doing manhandling Dilly?”

  He grinned over my head, damn it was good to see him smile, “We were on our way back to bed.”

  “What?! Did you two bone?”

  Bone? Hopefully Lex and Dash were having a baby boy. Girls turned crude around here. I patted Smith’s shoulder and hopped down from his muscular arms. He growled again. Not gonna lie, that sound was sexy as hell. “Smith, why don’t you walk Dagger for Lex?”

  He rolled his eyes but grabbed Dagger’s leash. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss before heading outside.

  Lexi pointed to the couch. “Sit.” I sat. “Did you nail Smith?”

  I shot her a pointed look. “No I didn’t nail Smith. We hung out on the couch, we made out, we took care of Jacks after he threw up all over the place, and then we fell asleep.”

  “Jacks threw up? Gross. Is he okay?”

  I nodded. “He’s fine.”

  “Were you on your way back to bed, to nail Smith?”

  I took a deep breath, “I think so.”

  “You think so? Isn’t that something you should be sure about?”

  “I’m not sure of anything when it comes to Smith. Well, other than the fact that he turns me on.” I leaned my head back against the couch and stared at the ceiling. It felt weird to open up like this. I didn’t really have any girlfriends back home. I usually just called my sisters when I needed to talk. But I liked Lexi. She was quickly becoming one of my favorite people. “Last night, listening to you guys talk about his family, seeing how bad he looked…how they affected him? It was hard. I’m so torn between wanting to keep my distance and wanting to hold him close.”

  Lexi put her hand on my leg, bringing her face closer to mine. “Have you asked him what he wants?”

  I shot up an eyebrow. “No. You think I should?”

  She shrugged one shoulder. “Look at this way, if you ask him and he gives you the whole I’m-a-rock-star-I-don’t-do-relationships speech then it doesn’t matter if you want to keep him close, right?”

  I pursed my lips, thinking. “Okay, well what if he doesn’t give that speech? What if he is sweet and genuine and says he wants to be with me?”

  “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but maybe then you should give him a chance.” She kicked her legs up on the couch and into my lap. To Lexi the world was her recliner. “To be honest, before you got on the bus a few days ago I begged him to leave you alone. But, now…I don’t know. The way he looks at you, the way you seem to soothe him…it might work.”

  I glanced at the door, making sure we were still alone. “He’s on drugs. Not all the time, but he is using.”

  She gave me a sad smile. “But twice now, I’ve seen him chose you over the escape.”

  My eyes went wide. “You knew?”

  “Of course we knew. We have a spot in rehab on standby.” She took a deep breath and let it out. “Maybe we won’t end up needing it.”

  I shook my head, suddenly pissed. “So you guys are just hoping I fix him? That’s insane, if he needs—”

  Lexi held out her hands to stop me. “That’s not what I’m saying. Smith uses to escape the sadness, the memories and the grief of his family. Smith is smart as hell. He knows there are other ways to cope. But lately, he’s choosing the easiest way out. And it’s becoming a habit. It’s becoming a problem again. You being here, him being into you…You’re just making him want to choose smarter. That’s all I’m saying. You make him want to be better.”

  I thought of his face last night when he came inside from talking to his dad. He looked broken, just like he had this morning. But neither time, did he use. He chose me last night, and he chose his music this morning. Maybe Lexi was right…but damn that was a lot of pressure. I’d failed in saving someone once, and failing again would wreck me.


  Smith and I didn’t get another chance to be alone. Lexi posted up on one of the recliners with her laptop to edit some pictures and insisted we keep her company. Luke came back to the bus a few minutes after Smith came in from walking Dagger. Lexi looked up from her computer. “Did you have fun with your whore?”

  Luke rolled his eyes as he walked past her to his bunk, throwing out, “Sure did. Did you have fun with yours?” over his shoulder.

  She didn’t respond, just looked back down to her work. A few minutes later the bus headed out.

  Smith made coffee and we sat side by side on the couch, watching the news. I couldn’t help but steal glances in his direction. I was sexually frustrated. I felt like I could climb the walls of this bus. I couldn’t seem to get comfortable, and every time I shifted positions, I could see Smith smirk out of the corner of my eye. I needed to take a walk and get some fresh air. “I need to get off this bus!” I didn’t mean for my words to come out in a shout.

  Lexi looked over at me, trying not to smile. “Dilly? Are you okay?”

  I nodded my head yes, but contradicted myself with my words. “I need to get off this bus, just for a little while. Can we stop for food or something?”

  Smith put his hand on my leg, causing me to flinch at the contact. My skin felt too sensitive. Holy shit, I had female blue balls. I’d never felt like this before. Never felt like I needed to get off. Smith was doing crazy things to me. He pulled out his phone and I’m assuming sent a text, because his phone dinged back with an almost immediate response. “We’ll pull over in the next town and grab breakfast.”

  His smile was all male, and I wanted to wipe it off his face. I knew he had to be hurting too, but he seemed so unaffected by last night and this morning. On the plus side, he seemed happy. Like for real happy, not fake happy.

  Fifteen minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of another little diner. Great, more greasy food. I pointed at Lexi as I stood and stretched. “You eat fruit, granola and yogurt.”

  She shot me a look and then turned to Smith. “Damn, I should have let you take her to bed and nail her. She’s in a shitty mood.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Lexi was right; Dylan was in a crappy mood. And the man in me really hoped it was because she wanted me and hadn’t had me. I almost had her screaming my name last night, and then first thing this morning she was game for whatever I wanted.

  Luke, Jacks, and Dash all came stumbling down the hall when they felt the bus shudder to a stop. Dash leaned down and kissed Lexi’s lip. “Good morning, Kitten.”

  She smiled up at him like he was the only man in the world. “Morning, babe.” She spared a glance in Dylan’s direction. “Dilly threw a minor temper tantrum and said she needed to get off the bus, so we’re stopping for breakfast.”

  Dash looked from me to Dylan, his eyes full of suspicion. “That works for me. I’m starving.” He settled his attention on Dylan. “Everything okay?”

  “Everything is fine.” I answered for her. “It was a long night. Jacks threw up all over the bathroom.” Everyone turned to Jacks, getting the attention off of Dylan, which was my goal. My sexy desirable ass was the reason she was on edge. I needed to fix it.

  Luke wrinkled his nose and took a step back. “Are you sick?”

  Jacks shook his head. “Just partook in too many libations.”

  Luke and Dash nodded in understanding. We’d all been there before.

  Jacks came to stand in front of Dylan. “Thanks for making sure I was okay…and for cleaning up after me.”

  She gave him a small smile. “No worries. It’s my job.”

  Dash scoffed. “Like hell it’s your job. You are here for Lexi and the baby. You shouldn’t have to clean up after a grown man.” Dash pointed a
finger at Jacks. “Get your shit together.”

  Jacks winked. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Dash rolled his eyes and reached for Lexi’s hand, pulling her to her feet. “Now I need to get off this bus.”

  We all filed outside and then into the diner. I put my arm around Dylan’s chest, pulling her back towards me. A gesture that had become familiar. “You guys go ahead, Dylan and I are going to sit over here.” I pointed in the direction of a small table for two.

  Jacks made kissy faces at us before Lexi slapped him on the back of the head.

  I took Dylan’s hand and led her to the table, pulling her chair out for her. “It’s not really much for a first date…but around here, you’ve gotta take the alone time when you can.”

  She beamed across the table at me. “It’s actually perfect. Thank you.” She let out a deep breath. “I’m sorry about earlier. I don’t know what came over me…. I just needed a little breathing room. Being on that bus, always surrounded by people…it’s an adjustment.”

  “It does get a little cramped in there.” I reached across the chipped Formica table and grabbed her hand. “About last night, and this morning…I don’t want to push you into anything you aren’t comfortable with.”

  Her eyes went wide. “I’m pretty sure all the don’t stops and oh gods meant that I was more than comfortable.”

  Her words made my dick jerk, for the thousandth time since I met her. “Is that part of what’s bothering you? Are you feeling a little…frustrated?” Please God let her say yes. Please let her want my cock so badly that it’s affecting her mood.

  “It might be part of it.”

  I couldn’t help myself, I grinned. Big. “If that’s what’s got you all moody and pissed off, Cher, I can fix it.” I patted the small section of booth next to me. “All you need to do is come over here and sit on my hand. I can make it all better.”

  Her cheeks turned red. I knew she had something to say, her mouth opened, but our waitress stopped next to us with a pencil in her hand. I ordered a southwestern omelet and a stack of buttermilk pancakes. Dylan looked over at the large table where the band was sitting with Lexi, a wicked smile coming over her face. “I’ll have the two egg breakfast with fruit and the whole wheat toast.” She pointed across the restaurant. “I’m their nutritionist, so I’ll be ordering for them as well. They will all be having the egg white and spinach omelet, sides of fruit all around and only the fresh squeezed orange juice.” The waitress nodded and turned to leave; Dylan put her hand out to stop her. “Except for the woman, she’ll get milk.”


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