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The Road to Hell - eARC

Page 12

by David Weber

  “I couldn’t sleep,” she said. “Too much to worry about—I needed to see for myself.”

  Taje looked at her, sleepy, and suddenly very old to her eyes. He’d see a young princess with a mess of Calirath black hair shot with gold strands, too tall for proper elegance, and with deep bags under her eyes, she thought, and brushed her hair back with one hand in an automatic attempt to smooth it.

  Miss Balthar would have seen to making Andrin’s appearance sleek and regal if not actually beautiful and elegant…if Andrin had actually woken her staff for proper dressing before slipping off to check on the Privy Council’s work. She knew she really should have, but she’d been too impatient, too jumpy within her own skin, to worry about “should haves,” and she’d seen no reason anyone else should be dragged out of bed at such an unholy hour. Even Finena, her imperial peregrine falcon, was still back in the rooms resting with her night hood on—the poor bird would squawk enough to deafen a full wing of the Great Palace if she woke with Andrin missing from the room—although at least she hadn’t quite been foolish enough to go anywhere without an armed guard.

  That much of the duty of a Calirath she’d not failed at this morning.

  “Never mind, Shamir. I shouldn’t have come out here.” She rubbed her own eyes feeling the weight of the lost hours of sleep. “I’d hoped to see the list of marriage candidates, but it was probably foolish for me to come involve myself. I’m sure your council has everything well in hand.”

  The concern didn’t leave the first councilor’s face. “Did you have some reason to think it wasn’t? Did you have a Glimpse?”

  “No.” Andrin hastened to reassure him. “Just simple marriage jitters. It’s nothing, really. Please, forget I came.” At the deepening furrow in Shamir Taje’s brow, she added, “I just needed to be sure there’d be at least one good choice on the list.”

  She lifted her eyes to the first councilor, hoping he would understand all the things she couldn’t articulate, sometimes even to herself. Janaki had trained to be her father’s heir all his life. Andrin hadn’t, and she felt horribly ill-prepared. At this particular moment she felt more like a little girl than a woman about to turn eighteen and make a dynastic marriage to secure the Empire of Sharona.

  Taje nodded slowly and took a long sip from his cup, regarding the crown princess with more understanding—and sympathy—than she might have believed he could. But the list she was looking for, the list of all the eligible Uromathian princes from which she must select her future consort, wasn’t in the unprotected open on his desk.

  The office’s security was good enough he could probably have left even so important a document and all its related notes in plain view, but he had far too much concern for Andrin’s future—and Sharona’s—to do anything so careless. Even in an interior office in the Calirath Palace, with windows that opened only to the secure courtyard and hallways patrolled by the Imperial Guard, some horrible mistake might happen.

  So he used the heavy oak cabinets that lined his office study and wore the key to their locks on a chain around his neck.

  “One moment, Your Highness. I’ll show you the draft. It isn’t final, you understand. But I can show you what we have so far.”

  He made a quick circuit of the room, dropping the window curtains and securing the door while Lazima chan Zindico moved deftly out of his way with the sure experience of a man who knew exactly which security moves to expect. Taje produced his key and opened the largest of the cabinets. For this project, the Privy Council had amassed great piles of notes…and all of them had either been carefully burned and stirred in the study’s fireplace or banded and filed here in the wall cabinet. He proffered a few sheaves, and the crown princess snatched them eagerly from his hands.

  “This isn’t the complete list yet. There are likely a few more names we might add.”

  Andrin wasn’t listening. Her eyes had stopped a third of the way down the second page: Howan Fai Goutin, Crown Prince of Eniath.

  “Oh. Oh, good! I suppose there was no reason to worry at all.”

  She handed the list back to the first councilor, who checked the sheet and smiled at her choice.

  “We weren’t going to forget the Eniath prince, Your Highness,” he said gently.

  “Well, no, I suppose not.” Andrin acknowledged, ducking her head just slightly. The motion conveyed sheepishness, but, Taje noted, the crown princess’s Calirath spine had stayed regally straight. Lady Merissa Vankhal would have approved. “I just wanted to be sure. There might have been concern about his family being too easily pressured by the Busar line, or maybe there were others that would look better on paper, or he could have already been married but not mentioned it when we spoke, I mean, I think he might have mentioned that, but—”

  “He is certainly not already married.” Taje broke in to soothe the crown princess’s concerns. “The Privy Council will be reviewing all the details of these candidates to provide dossiers to you during this week before you meet once more with the Conclave to announce your choice.”

  “To me?” The surprise in Andrin’s tone reminded him just how new his crown princess was to the heirship. She had the backbone to fight Uromathia on the Conclave floor, but demanding her due from the Winged Crown’s staff didn’t yet come naturally.

  “Yes, Your Highness. We’ll be making our report to you. Nothing we may find will lessen the importance of your choice, but we hope to provide as much clarity on the candidates as we may.” An idea occurred to him. The crown princess’s schedule was absurdly busy, but perhaps a few things could be moved. “You’d be welcome to come to our deliberations if you’d like to hear the details.”

  “Yes.” Andrin nodded, slowly. “I’d very much like to hear the details.”

  Taje responded with a decisive nod of his own. “We’ve been working through lunch and some of the staff have been all but sleeping in my office. It’s a tight fit when we all get in here, but I think it would do the council well to get to know you better anyway. We are your council as well as your father’s.”

  Andrin agreed wholeheartedly, and felt a touch of chagrin as she realized this was exactly the sort of thing Janaki would have done. She should have thought of it for herself, and a part of her scolded herself for failing to do so. But another part of her understood exactly why she hadn’t. Intellectually, she knew her brother was dead and gone, leaving her suddenly in the role of heir. She’d managed to accept that much, terrible though the shock had been, but all the other bits and pieces, like sitting in on Privy Council deliberations, still felt foreign and a touch like usurping her older brother’s prerogatives.

  Andrin quashed the thought. That was a perspective Chava Busar would want her to have—a way of thinking that he could use to keep her ignorant and uninvolved in the workings of the empire—while one of his sons sat in Janaki’s place instead of Janaki’s blood. As Janaki’s sister, she owed it to him to become the kind of empress Sharona needed.

  “I’d be very pleased to attend the Privy Council’s deliberations. And also—” Andrin caught the First Councilor’s eyes. “I apologize for sneaking into your office. I should simply have asked.”

  Taje bowed. “To be sure. But perhaps the Privy Council should have thought to invite you. We still, myself included unfortunately, think of you too much as our Emperor’s young daughter and not enough as our future Empress.” He bowed again more deeply. “I, too, apologize.”

  The First Councilor had a few minutes more to consider his crown princess’ face as she waited for her guardsman to clear the hallway. The extra security in place in Tajvana felt extreme compared to Ternathia, and yet it was necessary.

  The Great Palace had been occupied by the Order of Bergahl for over two hundred years. Outwardly, the turrets, walls, and towers appeared unchanged to the point of disrepair. Inside, the changes were random—likely chosen for modern opulence with little thought for either architectural cohesion or imperial security. Hundreds of years of excess hadn’t been and couldn�
��t be put to rights in an instant…and there was always the possibility that the present Seneschal or one of his predecessors might have made changes which had nothing at all to do with modernization and quite a lot to do with less savory considerations. At the moment, however, Taje was more concerned with his princess’ emotions than any questions about her physical security.

  “Your Majesty,” he asked, “are you reassured, truly?”

  Andrin looked at him and allowed her expression—for a rare moment—to show her deep concern. “I don’t know if I can be reassured, Shamir.”

  “It’s a good solid choice. One that can and will hold the new empire together.”

  “Yes,” his crown princess agreed. “And I should probably be grateful there’s just one Howan Fai Goutin. Imagine if there were three good Uromathian princes and I had to roll a die to pick between them. This is how it is though, isn’t it? You dance with a decent seeming prince once, politics force the situation, and then you need to marry and hope he’s up to the task.”

  “He should be, but we’ll study his background. And there may be others we can find if there’s a significant problem with him.” The first councilor spoke firmly, his tone confident and reassuring, but Andrin’s lifted eyebrow showed he hadn’t quite pulled it off. Well, he’d already known she was no one’s fool, and the truth was there weren’t any others to find, really. A few more Uromathian princes existed with less firm ties to Emperor Chava than the man’s own sons, but if something were to happen to Howan Fai Goutin, the council would be looking to Howan’s brothers, not to some other family.

  “I don’t need everything coated in honey, Shamir. In fact I think I’ll do better if I can hear from the outset if we find any problems,” the crown princess said, straightening her shoulders. He bowed in response and secured the precious list before chan Zindico opened the door.

  A quartet of night shift guardsmen in thick protective suits wearing braces of throwing knives in addition to their usual gear stepped to the side of the hallway as Andrin came through the door, and the first councilor frowned in surprise.

  “Is this a new security measure?”

  Chan Zindico shook his head. “No, My Lord, just a practice session. We’ve been doing these exercises down in the training salles for weeks, but the guard commander decided we should move them to some of the actual hallways we defend.”

  At the first councilor’s startled look, the armsman added, “But only at night. We wouldn’t want to skewer one of the staff. And our practice blades aren’t poisoned, so it wouldn’t be much of a wound anyway. Thrown blades of the type the Order of Bergahl use in their knife dances aren’t much of a threat without the poison.

  “And the commander’s added a few more effective weapons to the training in case local troublemakers decide to be creative.” Chan Zindico gestured down to the cross hall away from the direction they needed to go. Something black and feathery shot across the perpendicular hallway.;, it was followed almost immediately by a yelp.

  “They aren’t our usual tools,” he said, “but we need to be ready to defend against them.”

  “I see.” Shamir Taje rubbed his head, looking distinctly like he could use a second cup of morning tea. “I just wish your definitions of night aligned more closely with mine, Master Armsman chan Zindico.” He cast a look at the steadily brightening morning light now spilling in through the window.

  “Dawn does some interesting things to shadows in the halls and makes the deflections more challenging, My Lord,” the guardsman said, but he also inclined his head in acknowledgement of the first councilor’s point.

  “So of course you lot had to try it then.” Taje shook his head. “You might try just dodging.”

  “Sometimes, yes, My Lord.”

  Chan Zindico, the first councilor noticed, didn’t point out that none of the guards would be ducking if they thought doing so would let a missile through to any member of the imperial family they’d sworn to protect.

  Andrin took in that reminder also. She wasn’t the only one in danger if Emperor Chava learned about their subterfuge, and after they announced her marriage, the threat to her father’s guards and her own would only increase.

  On that sobering thought, Andrin and chan Zindico returned to her suite to face the coming day.

  * * *

  A pair of men had been following Howan Fai Goutin for a day and a half. The Crown Prince of Eniath was certain of that. Well, almost. He was only almost certain because the men kept changing. And there were whole hours at a time when he was very nearly certain that no one but his own personal guardsman, Munn Lii, was consistently with him.

  Last night Howan Fai had decided it was all in his imagination, born of spending too much time in close proximity to the Uromathian Emperor. Chava VII had no fresh reasons—that Howan Fai knew of—to attack him or any representative of Eniath, but history abounded with enough old reasons to make anyone uneasy, whether Chava had something actively in mind or not.

  Chava Busar was certainly not the sort anyone wished to cross lightly, and the avaricious emperor tended to offend with excruciating ease. Eniath had proved too tough to be swallowed easily by the Busars during King Junni’s reign, but it was always possible another attempt would be made in this same generation.

  Last night’s dinner had been at a small Ternathian cuisine restaurant tucked in an out-of-the-way corner of Tajvana. Just a group of his fellow small kingdom princes together in a rented back room for an evening of simple food and very fine beer straight from the tap. The bartender had displayed healthily muscled arms and an even more impressive belly as he regaled the group with stories and elicited the most remarkable outpouring of their own worst childhood antics. The entire room had been laughing at Howan Fai’s tale of attempting to induce a stolen goat to eat his tutor’s lecture books and instead having the side of his trousers slimed and gnawed as the goat tried to get at the grain and molasses mix which he’d used to attract the beast and then absently stuffed in his own pockets.

  If the bartender had somehow lost the gut overnight and grown a nose a size or two larger, he would be the prosperous man of business who’d trailed him through the last three jewelry stores, seemingly just another shopper. A shopper who was always interested in storefronts and stalls that which just happened to keep him on the same meandering path as Howan Fai and Munn Lii. He would have pegged the man as a thief except for the similarly muscled spotter set up at a corner cafe at an uncovered table with a full view of Gem Street. The table should have been empty in the cold winter drizzle, and the spotter should have been a child, or at most a poverty-slimmed man, if he’d truly been dealing with thieves desperate enough to try a snatch in broad daylight in this wealthy part of Tajvana. So if Howan Fai wasn’t simply imagining things, simple thievery wasn’t on the table.

  He would have ended the shopping trip early and returned to the somewhat safer apartments being used by all the Conclave members, but family experience taught him not to trust a rented safe house. Besides, Uromathian intimidation tactics were usually much more blatant. These watchers seemed to be merely tracking his routine, so Howan Fai saw no reason to stop what he was doing just to let them get out of the cold.

  His mother’s birthday was coming up in a few months, and she was far too valuable as a potential hostage to ever leave the security of Eniath. Trapped at home, she always loved it when he picked up something from his travels for her, but everything he’d seen so far could be bought in the flourishing stores of his father’s kingdom. He knew how much she’d longed to travel to Tajvana for the Conclave, and we wanted something truly special for her this year.

  If Chava VII had him kidnapped, Howan Fai knew with white-knuckle certainty that it would be his duty to do his best to suicide. Unfortunate family experience had shown that tactic worked. One of Howan’s own great uncles had proven it.

  All the Eniath royals knew how it would go. His father, King Junni, would pronounce him dead and transfer the inheritance to Howan’s yo
unger brother, and Chava would get nothing from Eniath. They’d made certain the Uromathian emperor knew their deadly serious intent, because the knowledge granted the family a small measure of security from abduction.

  His mother had every bit of the inner strength necessary to do the same, but she knew what the loss of a beloved wife would do to King Junni, his father. And so she’d put aside her love of foreign places and stayed safe at home for their entire marriage. The least Howan Fai could do was to find her an exotic bit of jewelry for her birthday.

  If it weren’t so hard to focus, he’d have selected any of a dozen pieces by now, but he couldn’t blame his distraction on the shadows. A certain grand princess newly elevated to Imperial Crown Princess had been filling his thoughts. Which, he knew, was unforgivably stupid of the thoughts in question…or of the man thinking them, at any rate. He’d probably only ever see her again a handful of times during the rest of his lifetime, so why was his back brain incessantly thinking up ways he might snag an invitation to official events likely to be graced by her presence?

  He remembered the reception where they’d first met. Her elegant height, nearly a foot and a half above his own, and her stunning gold-threaded black hair had drawn him across the room, for his mother was not the only one to find the exotic enticing. But then he’d been distracted by Finena her falcon, fallen into real conversation, and been stunned to discover he really, truly liked her.

  More than just liked her, he admitted to himself. Oh, Andrin!

  Howan Fai glanced down. The matched pair of teardrop rubies he fingered now were an utterly inappropriate present for his mother. She liked darkest green jade that brought out the warmth of her skin and the occasional turquoise or other semiprecious stones for their uniqueness. She didn’t like getting precious gemstones. His mother considered those only appropriate for wear at the most official state occasions when, as Queen of Eniath, she’d be expected to don the crown jewels passed down from his father’s mother instead of recently purchased gifts from her children.


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