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Page 30

by Ben Brown

  Once he was sure she was dead, he struggled back to his feet. Though exhausted, he knew he had no time to rest.

  He headed back over to Matt. The young soldier knelt silently, holding his dead cousin’s hand.

  Zac looked over in Michael’s direction. Doc was tending to his wounds; he was sure Michael would be okay.

  He looked back down at Matt and put his hand on his shoulder. He could feel the slight movement of Matt’s body as he wept silently. Zac knelt down beside him to look at Jason. His stomach turned at the sight of the young man’s face.

  The animal Zac had just killed had beaten it to a pulp, making it near impossible to distinguish his once handsome features.

  Zac held in his reaction as he placed his arm around Matt’s shoulders.

  “Come on Matt,” he whispered. “There’s nothing you can do here. We need to head out.”

  “What about Jason? We can’t leave him here. We have to bury him.”

  “I’m so sorry but we don’t have time. We’ll cover him with a sleeping bag, then, when this is all over, we’ll come back and take him home.”

  The young soldier nodded weakly as he got to his feet. He pulled out his sleeping bag and began to cover his cousin with it. He weighted the flimsy fabric down with rocks and soil. He pushed a stick into the ground and lovingly placed his cousin’s helmet on it.

  Zac stood with Matt for a minute as he prayed for the cousin that he loved like a brother.

  Then the two headed for Lea. She sat in silence on the rock that she slumped down on earlier.

  “Are you okay?” Zac asked.

  She nodded and answered in a quiet voice, “I’m okay. It’s just — I was next to useless during all of that. I could have saved that young boy if I still had my sight. My brother would have been about his age by now.”

  She began to cry. Everything began to flood out of her and she couldn’t stop it.

  Zac held her tight as she sobbed into his healed chest. He didn’t know what to say, so he just held her.

  Doc looked up when he heard the sound of her crying.

  Zac met his eyes; he could tell that the old man blamed himself for all of this.

  Doc returned to his work on Michael as a single tear fell from the tip of his nose.

  “Lea, I need to go. Martinez and Jacobson are down there, they need me.”

  Lea lifted her head from his chest. She gently stroked his face with her hand, then slowly raised her lips to his cheek and kissed it.

  “Go, Zac, but please be careful. I don’t think I could take it if I lost you.”

  He returned her kiss, then went back over to Matt. “Make sure they get down from here safely,” he said as he handed Matt his MP5.

  Matt stood slowly as he took the gun. He looked at Zac for a second and saluted.

  “Yes sir, you can count on it.” Zac patted him on the shoulder. Matt embodied everything it meant to be a soldier, and a hero.

  Zac then picked up his sword and headed for the rock’s edge. As he looked over, he could see the battle was all but over. Dominic’s force had been subdued by the sheer overwhelming numbers of the local forces.

  Zac scanned the remaining fighters looking for Martinez and Jacobson.

  He spotted Jacobson. He was leading a small force of men who were rounding up the last of Dominic’s fighters at the rear of the clearing.

  He looked again, this time for Martinez. He leaned right out and over the edge of the rock and looked directly down. Martinez and the two young African men he had introduced were pinned down by three subjects. The three were making a last stand.

  Zac climbed onto the edge of the rock, took one last look back at Lea, and then jumped.

  Zac landed on the ground about five feet behind the subjects who were attacking Martinez. As he rolled to absorb the force of the impact, he drew his sword.

  Two of the subjects were already firing their weapons at him. Zac dropped to his knees and threw the sword at the closest one.

  The sword spun through the air and pierced the throat of the nearest subject. He dropped to the ground, grabbing at the sword’s hilt in a hopeless attempt to pull it free.

  The two remaining subjects tore towards him, guns blazing.

  Once again, he felt the hot burning sensation of bullets tearing into his flesh. Zac gritted his teeth and rose to meet their onslaught.

  Martinez was also on the move, heading in Zac’s direction with his gun blazing. His barrage of bullets tore into the thigh of the subject to Zac’s left; he folded under the pain. Martinez fired two more shots, killing the man before he hit the ground.

  Zac was now level with the subject who was still trying to pull the sword from his throat. Blood bubbled from his mouth as he gasped franticly for air. As Zac passed him, he reached down and grabbed its hilt. He pulled it quickly from his throat, almost severing his head from his neck.

  Two more shots tore into Zac’s side as he grabbed the sword.

  The remaining subject, a small blond woman, stood her ground as she screamed and continued to fire in his direction.

  Zac threw himself into the air, spinning like a whirling dervish. The sword came crashing down into her shoulder, completely severing her right arm. As her gun, and arm, dropped to the ground, he drove the blade into her abdomen. Her eyes widened and then rolled back into her head.

  Zac slowly pulled the blade from her body as he lowered her to the ground.

  Suddenly, Martinez threw himself at Zac, almost knocking him to the ground.

  Martinez franticly tore at his friend’s shirt and finally ripped it open. Martinez stared at Zac’s chest as he yelled, “You’ve been hit! We need to find the medic!” He released his grip as his eyes widened.

  “What the hell is happening?” Martinez stumbled backwards as he watched Zac’s body forcing the bullets out of the entry wounds. He crouched down, observing the spectacle as all the bullet holes in Zac’s torso resealed and disappeared.

  “I don’t believe it! I’ve seen it all now,” he mumbled as Zac helped him back to his feet.

  Zac quickly tucked his torn shirt into his trousers in an attempt to divert Martinez’s attention away from his injuries.

  “Are you okay?” Zac asked.

  Martinez nodded and then both men turned their attention to what was left of the battle.

  They headed over to Jacobson, who had rounded up the last of the injured subjects. The uninjured had turned and headed back to the camp, abandoning their injured companions.

  Jacobson looked at them both as they approached; he smiled as they drew closer.

  “I’d say we’ve had a good day’s hunting. How about you two?” he asked excitedly.

  Zac shook his head as he answered. “Jason’s dead. He died protecting Doc. Lea has been blinded and the man who helped us escape is badly wounded. His name’s Michael and he’s kept Doc alive for days.”

  Martinez and Jacobson both stared at the ground as Zac spoke.

  Jacobson kicked wildly at the dirt as he shouted, “Damn, damn, damn!” He turned and grabbed one of the injured subjects and started to punch him in the face. Martinez and Zac struggled to pull him off the wounded prisoner. It took a few seconds for him to regain control, then he said in a determined voice, “Let’s fucking finish this. Let’s go get that cock-sucker Dominic. I want to kick his teeth down his fucking throat!”


  It took Jacobson about ten minutes to organize the men needed to guard the injured subjects. By the time he had finished, Lea and the others had made it down to the clearing where the main battle had taken place.

  “Zac, I want to come with you,” Lea pleaded. “I can still help; my other senses are developing to compensate for my eyes. I know I can still be of use to you all.”

  Jacobson and Martinez looked at each other skeptically.

  “Of course you’re coming,” Zac replied as he scowled at the two men. “You’ve come this far, there’s no way you’re not seeing this through to the end. Just stick clos
e to me and stay alert.”

  His two friends could tell there was no point in arguing. Instead, they began to check the ammo reserves, some of which had been captured from the prisoners.

  Zac walked over to Doc, who now knelt at Michael’s side.

  The injured man lay in the middle of the clearing. Two of the locals held a large sheet above him, sheltering him from the intense sun. Doc was still working on Michael’s injuries. He looked in bad shape but Doc could work miracles.

  Zac knelt beside the two and placed his hand on Doc’s shoulder. “I need you to stay here, Doc. These people need your medical expertise and, more importantly, you would be too big a target if you came with us.”

  The old man nodded, his eyes never left his work.

  Michael looked at the old man then his gaze turned to Zac. “I think the Doctor is worried about his son. Are you going to kill him?”

  As tears filled Doc’s eyes, he turned to look at Zac. “Look, I know this is a lot to ask, and I know I have no right to ask it but …”

  Zac patted the old man’s shoulder and smiled. “He’s your son and I know you love him,” he said reassuringly. “I will do everything I can to stop him without having to kill him. But I won’t lie to you — if he leaves me no choice, then I will use lethal force.”

  Doc wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. “Thank you, I know how hard it’s been for you, and I know you must want him dead. I also know that it would be the safest thing for everyone if he was dead, but I can’t stand the thought of it. He’s all I have left.” The old man began to cry again.

  Michael took his hand and held it. He had grown very fond of him and hated seeing him upset this way.

  Zac watched the old man for a second. “I did want him dead, and I wanted to kill him with my bare hands. I wanted to look into his face as he struggled for his last breath. I wanted to make him pay for all the deaths he’s caused. I wanted him to feel the pain that his victims have felt. But now, I want none of that, I just want all this to be over. I’ve realized it’s not my job to punish him, that’s for a court somewhere. My job is to stop him, and if I can do that without killing him, then I will.

  “However, if it’s at the expense of one of our people, then I’m sorry, Doc, I won’t allow that to happen. He’s killed and hurt too many good people and that’s going to end today.”

  Zac heard Martinez shout his name; he turned and looked over his shoulder. Martinez stood with the two young African men he had fought alongside and beckoned to Zac with his hand.

  He turned back to Doc. “I have to go now — look after yourself, and the others. I’ll see you when this is all over.”

  The old man held out his hand, grasped Zac’s, and shook it warmly. “Take care of yourself my boy. And please, look after Lea. She’s like a daughter to me.”

  Zac nodded as he looked at Michael. He looked pretty beaten up, but he was in good hands. He patted the injured man’s leg; Michael smiled back weakly.

  With that, Zac got to his feet and headed back to the others.

  “We’re ready to move out. Zuberi will stay here and coordinate getting the injured back to the hospital,” Martinez said as they walked to the front of the waiting group of men. “Oscar is en route; he’s retro-fitted stretchers to the sides of his chopper for the more badly wounded.

  “Obi will come with us; he’ll be responsible for his people. We have, maybe, one hundred and fifty men, so hopefully, now that the mercenaries have turned tail, we have a good chance of pulling this off.”

  Once the two reached their beleaguered team, Zac turned to talk to the men who awaited their orders.

  “As you all know, this battle was just the beginning. Down in the village below are yet more of these formidable fighters.”

  He gestured to the injured subjects who sat surrounded by his forces.

  “The fight ahead of us will be hard. Some of us won’t survive. But if today’s struggle and sacrifices mean that these people will be driven from your midst, then it will be worth it!”

  Obi finished translating Zac’s words. A roar went up from his men; some fired their weapons into the air.

  Zac raised his hands and they fell silent.

  “The fight ahead of us will be far tougher than the one we just endured,” he continued. “The enemies below are now like cornered animals, which make them extremely dangerous and unpredictable.”

  Murmurs ran through the group as Obi repeated his words in his native language.

  “It is important to not only look out for yourselves, but also the man next to you. If we fight as a unit instead of individuals, then we will prevail. Listen carefully to any orders given by these men beside me —” He gestured to Martinez, Jacobson and Matt. “ — they are experienced soldiers. If you do as they say, then your chances of survival are greatly increased.

  “Now, let’s go and finish this once and for all!”

  The men around him went wild. Martinez handed him an M16 and half a dozen ammo clips. Zac checked that he had his sword on his back — once he was satisfied he had everything he needed, he simply nodded to his friends and took Lea’s hand.

  “Are you ready?” he asked her quietly.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Zac looked at the three men who stood beside him. They had been there for him for what seemed like an eternity. Each had a grimly determined look on his face.

  Without another word, Zac headed in the direction of Dominic’s camp, for what was sure to be the most intense battle they had faced yet.


  Sinclair burst into Dominic’s quarters panic stricken, yet he seemed unconcerned by her agitated state.

  “Dominic, the men we sent into the jungle, they’ve been defeated. The mercenaries have left and only a handful of our people have returned. Zac and his people are most certainly heading this way. We need to evacuate immediately.”

  Dominic considered her warning for a second.

  “No, we fight! We need to eliminate him now, or he will cause us discomfort from here until the end of our plans.”

  “Discomfort? Discomfort! He’s causing us more than that! We need to move, and regroup. If we stay, and fight, we stand a good chance of getting defeated. Dominic, this is no time for a fight, this is the time to run.”

  As she pleaded her case, she drew closer to him. His eyes followed her as she moved nearer.Then as she came into arms reach, he swung with the back of his hand, striking her across the face.

  She flew across the room, landing on a wooden chair, smashing it to pieces. She turned to look at him as her hand reached for her cheek; she could feel her jaw was broken.

  “Jane, I grow tired of your disobedience. I have told you what we need to do — now do it.

  “When you leave here, go and tell Josh to send the clone to the square. That should draw the attention of the approaching forces while we attack.”

  She got to her feet, nodded, then left the room at a full run. Her mind was racing — she knew the battle would be futile, and she didn’t intend on getting herself killed. Instead she headed for O’Brien’s quarters.

  Sinclair burst into his room to find him arming himself to the hilt.

  “What are you doing?” she asked through gritted teeth. Her jaw throbbed as she spoke, but she had to endure the pain. She needed to talk.

  “I’m getting the fuck out of here! This shit is over, it’s time to leave.”

  She looked over her shoulder to make sure she hadn’t been seen, and then closed the door.

  O’Brien got a ‘trapped animal’ look and reached for his gun.

  “Wait,” she said as she raised her hands. “I agree with you, we need to get out of here. Dominic has finally lost it and he can’t see that this fight is over. I think it’s time for him to stand down for someone — well, let’s say someone like me, to take over.”

  O’Brien’s hand moved away from the gun. “Keep talking.”

  “I need you to meet me at the emergency choppers in te
n minutes. I’m getting out of here and I need a quick-thinking man by my side — and that’s you, for the moment.”

  He sneered back at her. “It’s nice of ya to invite me along, but what ‘bout der pilots?”

  “Tell them I will bring Dominic, and we need to make a quick escape.”

  “He ain’t leaving and the chopper pilots won’t leave unless he tells ‘em to.”

  “Leave that to me. Just be there in ten minutes.”

  Sinclair left the room as quickly as she had entered. She headed for the unit where Josh Mullen was preparing Dominic’s clone.

  * * *

  Josh turned to watch as Sinclair entered his lab. The large clear doors opened, and she dashed over to where he was working. She stopped several paces from Josh, staring at the naked body on the table. Josh turned back to the clone and continued to work as she approached.

  She stood beside the young man as he franticly typed data into a small computer. She cleared her throat and asked, “Is it nearly ready?”

  Josh nodded without looking at her. “I’m just inputting the final command parameters that Dominic requested. The download will be complete within a minute.”

  Her eyes followed the cables that linked the small computer to the clone. The cables joined to it at the navel like some, bizarre electronic umbilical cord. Her eyes moved up to the clone’s face. Beneath its closed eyelids she could see rapid movement as its eyes flicked side to side.

  Josh glanced at the beautiful but dangerous woman standing beside him. “The clone assimilates the data it’s fed, in much the same way as we assimilate dreams. That’s why his eyes are moving like that. As far as the clone is concerned, it is having a dream and when it wakes up it will believe that it’s Dominic. It will carry out all the commands I have fed it.”

  Josh returned his attention to his consol. Sinclair cleared her throat again.


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