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Ley Cove_The Banshee's scream_Book Two

Page 5

by M. L. Briers

“Jealous?” I turned my head and stared at a beaming smile. It served me right that I almost tripped over my own feet.

  “If that’s what you need to hear. Sure.” I started to slow down.

  Who was I to think that I could keep up with the likes of a vampire, an alpha wolf, a damn bear, and a couple of flighty faeries? At least Amos was further behind than I was. Sydney slowed with me. I guessed the conversation wasn’t over yet in her mind.

  “They’ve been some prime specimens of manliness…” She crowed again.

  “You know that you get that from mum, right?” I couldn’t help myself and it was reward enough when she scowled back at me.

  “I am nothing like…” Sydney’s rush to denial made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  “Oh, don’t you kid yourself, Sis. You are sooo much like her that you even have her flair for the dramatic…”

  “Bite your tongue.” Sydney hissed and she must have put a little magic behind it because I did just that.

  “Really? You want to compare magic?” I knew that my magic had come on in leaps and bounds in recent years and if she wanted a cat fight then I was more than willing to get my claws out.

  I zapped her a good one on her pert little curvy behind and she squeaked as she jumped in place.

  “Ladies, ladies, you don’t need to fight over me. There’s enough to go around.” Amos huffed and puffed as he drew up towards us. My skin crawled at the very thought of being anywhere near the man with no clothes on. Ew, it was bad enough just looking at him now.

  “Jog on, Goblin.” Sydney hissed down at him and Amos grinned.

  “When you change your mind, Sydney, Joss can tell you where to find me…”

  “Yeah, the bottom of the Cove’s cliff’s if you even think of my sister naked.” I bit out and the sparkle in his eye as he jogged on by us told me all I needed to know.

  “Too late.” He chuckled and I grimaced. Sydney pulled the sort of face she usually reserved for Brussel Sprouts and Oysters.

  “I think I’m going to be sick.” I ground out.

  “I think I just was.” Sydney shivered. “I think I can taste it in my mouth.”

  “That’s what you get when you dress like…” I hadn’t forgotten that we were fighting. I wiggled my finger at her latest outfit that was as outrageous as the first.

  “Like? Go on say it.” Sydney demanded as she placed her hands on her hips and stretched her neck out in my direction. I had the urge to slap her, but I had something better up my sleeve.

  “Fine. When you dress like our mother.” I informed her and saw the look of pure shock on her face long before the gasp. I turned on my heels and followed the Goblin onwards.

  “Take that back!” Sydney hissed as she stalked after me.

  “Will not. The truth hurts, better get used to it.” I gave a small victorious shrug off my shoulders and heard her growl like a she-wolf.

  “Take it back or I’ll…” She didn’t get to finish. I whirled around and confronted her.

  “You’ll what? Dye your hair green out of spite?”

  “I am nothing like that woman.”

  “You, are everything like that woman. The troll doesn’t wander far from the bridge.” I tossed back.

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Over here!” The shout went up. Obviously Hawk had followed his nose and found what we were looking for. I went to turn away…

  “Oh, you’re not walking away from this one.” Sydney informed me.

  “Sorry. I have a dead body to look at.” I shot back.

  “It’s not like it’s going anywhere.” Sydney hissed back.

  “You really are a piece…”

  “And you really are a pain.”

  “Then stop visiting me.” I tossed over my shoulder as I stumbled around in the darkness following the crowd.

  “You’re my sister.”

  “That’s not my fault. Do I have to pay for genetics for the rest of my life?” I shot back as I turned my head and ran into someone that was built like a brick outhouse and didn’t move an inch. I bounced backwards and heard the growl of annoyance. Doug.

  “How could you miss seeing me?” Doug growled out.

  “Maybe I just wanted a hug.” I snapped back and heard Hawk’s growled come out of the darkness.

  “Get away from my mate.” Hawk growled.

  “She ran into me.” Doug protested.

  “It’s true. I did. Because the man blocks the path like a damned idiot.” I hissed for Doug’s benefit.

  “What bloody path, we’re in the woods.” He snapped back and suddenly I noticed the earth beneath my feet.

  “Not the point.” I snapped out as Hawk came out of the darkness and offered me his hand.

  “We have a body…” He confirmed the obvious, but I didn’t pick him up on it.

  “Anyone know who it is yet?” I asked. I didn’t really want to know, but given the circumstances…

  “It’s King.” Scott offered from somewhere that I couldn’t see. I felt my heart hit my ribcage and the news shocked me. That just couldn’t be. Not King…

  “I have to see him…” I know I spent a lot of my time running away from the alphas in this town and their annoyingly macho ways, but I did like King. He was a friend…

  I went to move but Hawk’s arms wrapped around me and kept me in place.

  “No, you don’t. It’s not pretty…” Hawk informed me and my heart broke a little more inside of me. I felt the burning of tears within my eyes.

  “When was King ever pretty?” Scott bit out and I wanted to slap him right there and then, but I knew that Scott was just being Scott, and King’s death must have hurt him too. They butted heads, but that was just what alphas did, and most nights they headed to the bar to share each other’s company.

  “So, someone is killing alphas.” Amos said. I hadn’t put two and two together yet. I think I was in too much shock.

  “I need a drink.” Scott bit out.

  “Me too.” Doug growled.

  “Let’s get King out of here first.” Scott said as I felt Hawk start to lead me away. Then my mind snapped to attention as I suddenly realised.

  “You’re an alpha.” I whispered up to my mate.




  “This is not good.” I hissed at Hawk. The man had enough problems on his plate. I knew it and yet I needed to vent. I’d never been the strong silent type when things were this bad.

  “It’ll be fine.” Hawk tried to pacify the nervous apprehension that was making my insides quiver and dance about. It was never going to happen.

  “Hawk.” I didn’t want his assurances I wanted action. I wanted that banshee gone and now before she tried to take my alpha mate from me with her big lungs.

  “Perhaps you should listen to your mate.” Scott, of course, had been eavesdropping. Why should I have expected a moment of privacy to go slightly insane in this damn town? “You are an alpha.” Scott pointed out.

  “So are you.” Hawk reminded him and Scott’s brow furrowed for a split second. Then he waved a dismissive hand.

  “I’m not sure that I’m the kind of alpha that she’s looking for.” Scott offered and yet there was just a little twitch beneath his right eye that worried me. Did he know something that the rest of us didn’t?

  “If you know something…” Yeah, I couldn’t play it subtly and try to worm it out of him or wait for him to share. If Hawk’s life was on the line then I wanted answers.

  “I need to check that damn book again.” Scott bit out a moment before he disappeared leaving me staring at an empty spot where he’d been standing.

  “That man is insufferable.” I bit out. “Let’s go after him.”

  I tried to walk away but Hawk’s arms kept me locked in place against him. It had to be the first time that I didn’t want to be there. I wanted to know what that sneaky no-good vampire was up to, especially as Hawk’s life might just be on the line.

�” I knew that tone. It was the one that said I was running before I could walk. Pah!

  “Look, Hawk. I’ll get it out of him by zapping his balls till he squeaks it out word for bloody word.” I would too.

  “My, that’s a pretty picture.” Sydney liked to announce herself in annoying ways. I didn’t have time for her right now. I had a vampire to fry.

  “Look…” I pointed my index finger at her and it was loaded and ready to fire, but Hawk’s hand wrapped around it and he dragged my hand downwards. Where was the fun in that?

  “All I’m saying is a little honey tends to…”

  “Work on bears.” I muttered.

  “Ok, Miss Sour-Puss. A little of me…”

  “Is a bad thing.” I wasn’t having it. Sydney was cramping my style. Not that I had one but I was determined to turn into Buffy the Vampire Slayer if it was all that could save Hawk.

  “I’ll be back later. There’s no point in talking to you when you’re in one of your moods.” Sydney turned on her Puss-In-Boots heels and sauntered towards the front door of my house like she belonged here. The nerve.

  “I’m going to get the vampire to spill what he knows.” Sydney’s eyes flashed with mischief.

  The little darling. I suddenly loved my sister more than life itself… Then I wondered why she was being so damn helpful. Oh yeah, she wanted to cosy up to Scott.

  “It’s a dirty job but someone’s got to do it.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Well it’s probably gonna get good and dirty, and trust me when I say… I’m going to enjoy it.”

  I had no words. That was probably a good thing because she was already slamming the front door behind her. I turned my eyes up towards Hawk and the man was actually trying not to chuckle…


  “I…” Hawk was trying to stay on my side, I think. “Don’t want to even think about what your sister is going to do to that poor vampire.” Hawk sniggered and I took a long, deep, much needed breath.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. Poor Scott. He really doesn’t know what he’s letting himself in for.” I grinned inwardly at that thought. Then it spread and I was grinning like an insane person. Hawk joined me.



  “And where do you think you’re going?” Scott’s melodic tone sounded good to my ears. I’d always had a thing for vampires. Unlike my sister, Joss, who never really had a thing for anybody. She was always too busy playing at being so grown up to stop and sniff the roses.

  “With you.” I gave a little purr and of course he responded. Men always did. It was my gift. Getting men to do what I wanted them to do. Joss hated me for it, but it would come in handy right about now when I was saving her mate’s life.

  “Not tonight, beautiful.” Scott reached for the handle of the car and I placed mine over the top. He hesitated and brought those beautiful black eyes towards mine.

  Yum, my kind of a view.

  “Now we can do this the hard way or the easy way.” I offered as I stroked the index finger of my other hand down his chest. One side of Scott’s mouth went upwards in a wonky smile that just made me wanna get down and dirty with him right here and now.

  “While I would love to know what the hard way is…” Scott’s hand captured that finger and I pouted a little. I wasn’t done playing. “I have something important to attend too.”

  “The book?” I gave coy. He responded.

  “The book.” He agreed with a sly smile.

  “Two pairs of eyes are better than one.”

  “Unfortunately, a witch can’t look at the book or else they be locked inside for a very long time.” Scott informed me. Good to know. Now I wouldn’t accidentally peer inside when he wasn’t looking.

  “But you can.” I smiled.

  “I can.”

  “Then you can tell me what it says.” I gave a very slow shrug off my shoulders. He was considering it. Getting on my good side as opposed to brushing me off…

  “I could…” Scott pursed his lips. “And what’s in it for me?” There was a teasing look is his eyes that made me want to say to hell with the damn book and jump his bones right here and now.

  Phew! It was getting hot for such a cold night.

  “What do you want?” I leaned in and breathed against his ear. A moment later and I had my back to the car and the man pressed against my body. Good choice…

  “You know what I want, but your sister is…” I could feel his hard length twitching through the fabric between us and cursed that they ever invented clothing. “Not a fan of mine.”

  “It’s lucky that my sister isn’t my keeper and I have a mind of my own, and I’m becoming a fan.”


  “Well, you’ve got to give me more than a willing smile and some talk to sway me.”

  “The information that you seek?”

  “No…” I pressed my hips forward and heard him groan as I rubbed against his cock. “A happily ever after. The information would just be a bonus.”

  “I’m never one to look a gift horse in the mouth…”

  “Nice way to put it.” I frowned.

  “But I’m also not a complete bastard. If I find something out. I’m going to tell Joss and Hawk.”

  “I know. But this way I can have my fun and my sister can’t make me feel bad for it because I can remind her of why I did it.” I gave a small shrug of my own. Then I pressed and rolled my hips again and saw his eyes light with a fire that meant he was more than interested.

  “”And what if that banshee were to come for me while you were with me?” Scott asked.

  “I’d go out with a bang.” I gave him the biggest, brightest, sexiest smile I could muster and he groaned again. I had him. He was mine.




  “What’s that for?” I saw the most beautiful shade of red silk on a scarf I had ever seen before and I knew, just knew what he was going to be doing with that.

  “This way you get to stay where I can keep an eye on you while I look through the book and you won’t be tempted to peek.”

  “Peek? Me?” I teased and there was that damned sexy smile again. I wanted to see him wearing that and nothing else.

  “Turn around.” He leaned in and whispered beside my ear. Well, I felt that breath right down to my toes. He was good, damned good. I had goose bumps.

  I turned away from him. A lot of people wouldn’t trust a vampire as far as they could throw them, and for a witch throwing a vampire was a little easier, but still, turning your back on one?

  I had a good sense of people, and this guy wasn’t your common variety of vamp. I didn’t feel safe, but I felt alive in a way that I couldn’t explain.

  I had to admit that when that red silk came in front of my eyes I had second thoughts, but they were short lived when I felt his breath at my ear again, and his chest pressing against my back.

  “Do you trust me?” Scott had to ask and knowing vampires the way I do I had to give him an honest answer.

  “Not for a second.” His laughter was melodic like his voice. It held me, mesmerised me to listen just that little bit harder, longer, and that was the danger of vampires, that was their true power.

  Humans can have strength. Humans can kill. But a vampire can lull its prey with their presence, their eyes, their voice, and trust me- it’s not something that you can escape.

  “Good girl.” Scott teased me, but the brush of his lips against the flesh of my neck was enough to put me at ease. See, lulled, mesmerised, caught, captured by his very being.

  It felt like heaven.

  I saw red. Literally. The scarf covered my eyes and I closed them.

  I knew that this was going to heighten my other senses. Namely that everything he said, did, from here on in would be accentuated. A word to my ears, a touch of my body, and I accepted it.

  The brush of his fingertips down the naked skin of my arms made my body come alive in a rush of tingles that travel
led everywhere. I could feel the warm heat spread out from deep within my womb and spark my sex to life. As the wet heat flooded between my inner thighs, there was that familiar little jingle of my nerve endings that made me involuntarily clench those inner muscles around nothing at all but the feeling of need, of desire.

  “I am just so tempted to forget that damn book and take you like this. Right here, right now…” Scott’s words mirrored what I wanted, but we both knew that was never going to happen.

  “Do you hear me objecting?” I had to tease him. It was in my very nature to do so. What was really good sex without the build up? The expectation was worth a thousand kisses.

  “And there lies the problem. Men are weak in the face of temptation. It would be easier for me if you did object.” Scott’s fingertips left my arms and I felt the press of his hands against my stomach and the hard press of his rigid cock against the crack of my backside.

  Oh to be naked now.

  “I’m not here to make life easier for you.”

  His lips brushed against my neck. I knew he was listening to the beat of my heart and it was racing. I knew that he could literally scent the blood within my veins, and that pull to taste it would be like a fire within his.

  It was an exhilarating feeling to be that close to the true power over him. That close to death that you can only ever feel truly alive. Tempting the beast within was my power, my strength, and his would be not killing me.

  “Perhaps just a taste…” I felt his tongue run up the vein in my neck. My heart jumped. My womb danced, and a rush of heat went through my body as it carried the most delectable impulses around my nervous system.

  My magic gathered to protect me from what it perceived as a death threat…

  “Perhaps more.” He didn’t strike me as the kind of man to stop at just a taste. If those fangs pierced my skin and he tasted my Fae blood on his tongue neither of us would be able to stop what came next.

  I heard him sigh. I felt his breath against the wet skin on my neck and I shivered with that feeling. But I also felt him pull back, leash the beast within him for another time.

  “No rest for the wicked.” Scott was resigned.


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