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Page 9

by Erik Schubach

  She squinted at the reports. “It seems that there are only two types of manifestation. Water or rock, no fire.”

  I nodded. “Caragh implied in a dream, and the scrolls also implied that an elemental can only control one element and that only a Queen dragon could wield more than one.”

  Mei was excited at that. “You're a Queen dragon Myra?”

  I caught her excitement, forgetting my fear over discovery. “I guess I am.”

  I took the gauze off my hand and absently scratched at the few remaining scales. James was instantly by my side. “They look just like scales.”

  I nodded. “They are tough as steel too. They seem to protect my skin from harm.”

  He asked, “What is their composition?” I grinned, he was in researcher mode.

  I sighed because I was curious too. “I do na know. They fade after a time back to skin so we may never be able to study them.”

  Quinn cleared her throat. “That may not be as hard as you think.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a glistening, gold tipped red scale that was about the size of a fingernail. “When you lost a scale to that high power sniper round I gathered it from the safe house before the crime scene team arrived.”

  She handed it to me and I looked at it. It felt soft as the petal of a flower, but it didn't bend when I tried to flex it. James tilted his head to me in permission and I handed it to him and he said, “It's soft.” Then he went to flex it as I tried and he dropped it quickly. “Ouch!” Blood was dripping from his fingers. “And apparently as sharp as a razor blade. There was no give in it. It feels organic though, or maybe pure carbon?”

  I looked at his hand. “Lemme see if I can't be doin' something for that.” I took his hand and covered his wound like I did for Quinn and concentrated, but nothing happened. I looked to my protector. “It isn't working.”

  She looked at me and James, then she picked up the scale and poked her finger with it. She grinned like an idiot and offered her finger to me. I took it in my hand and my finger started bleeding. She wiped the blood off of hers to display her healed finger.

  I sucked on my bloody finger to stop the bleeding. “Don't be expectin' me to be healing all yer little boo boos now Quinn.” Mei's chuckle was almost a giggle at that.

  Quinn tilted her head. “The blood tie?”

  I shrugged and said, “Now how would I be knowin' that? It sounds as good an answer as any.”

  Her suddenly playful mood was assaulting my mind. I couldn't stop my smile as I tried to reprimand her. “We're facing some serious shite and yer all about the nonsense.” She gave me a mental raspberry.

  James was still in his researcher mode as Mei was putting a bandage on his finger from the first aid kit she had retrieved from the kitchen. “Wasn't there some mention of a Blood Tie in the Dragon Scroll?”

  I nodded. “Yes it was some sort of bond between a dragon and a human. That made them either the same or as one. Caragh called it a soul bond in my dreams.”

  He was pulling up some of my notes and went over them. “You missed the possessive here.” He pointed at the translation. “It is alluding to something about that only if the blood and heart are true, the dragon is pledged to the human for life. Sharing power and something that is cut off. The orphaned passage ends in 'the heart'.”

  He tilted his head, I knew he was theorizing something more that he didn't feel comfortable with sharing. Instead, he asked, “You two shared blood?” We nodded. He said, “Well then, it appears the blood and heart were 'true' since it apparently worked between you two.”

  Mei asked, “Is it just healing? It said something about powers.”

  Quinn and I looked at each other, reluctant to say anything yet about our ability to sense and share our feelings and rudimentary word impressions. We internally agreed, and shared a warmth between us then she said, “Just the healing.”

  After the warmth she had just projected, it took all my willpower not to snuggle in with her on the couch. We all discussed the events of the night and how to handle them once the FBI got all the information.

  We all agreed that we would only admit to what was visible in the security footage from the clean room and from the pumping station and nothing more. Quinn prompted, “Myra will be a black hole to them otherwise.” We all responded in the affirmative.

  I pulled her aside. “Withholding information could cost you your job.”

  She shrugged and radiated safety to me. “I swore I would protect you. I've sort of become fond of your irrational hardheadedness.”

  She was really trying to get my ire up!

  We bid the others goodnight and their agents collected them to bring them to their own rooms. Apparently the FBI used this entire floor as one of their safe havens.

  Then Quinn's face turned serious. “Ok, what weren't you telling everyone.” Damn this link.

  I shrugged. “Well, I don't know fer sure yet. Caragh is convinced that Blaine and Saint George are one and the same.”

  She squinted at me. “Impossible, he'd have to be almost two thousand years old then.”

  I widened my eyes and tilted my head. “But just a few weeks ago we all knew as a certainty that magic and dragons weren't real, now didn't we? They are just folklore and legend, now here I am, how ironic, I'm one of the very legends I am researching.”

  She chuckled and shot a crooked smile that had me needing to fan my face. “Fair point. But if it is him, what is he after?”

  I shrugged again, my shoulders have been getting a workout lately with everything I don't know being asked. “I haven't a clue. Something I have, he told me, belongs to him. What is it? He took the shard and could have just as easily compelled Mei to bring him the scrolls if that is what he is after.”

  She nodded. “Well let's get some sleep. Maybe we can look at this with fresh eyes in the morning.”

  I agreed and she went and tapped at the door of the suite and a female agent came in and took a post beside the door as we went to our rooms. I was too beat to clean up. But I hovered at Quinn's door for a few moments. I just wanted to be in there with her, it was almost overwhelming. She said through the door, “Stop tempting me.” I giggled and moved on to my room.

  I went to sleep with both Quinn and dragons on my mind.

  Chapter 10 – The Third Scroll

  In the morning, I smelled terrible! I needed a shower. The room stank to high heaven, almost like a locker room with the scents of so many people, but I could also smell Quinn's scent, it made me feel safe and almost aroused. I shuffled into the private bathroom in my room and looked into the mirror.

  I almost giggled at my reflection. Those red, dragon eyes looked almost seductive on me with my face framed by my unruly red locks. I concentrated and in an instant I was standing in the dark. Oh. I turned on the bathroom light. Ah, there's my familiar green eyes! The changes were getting easier and easier, almost like second nature now.

  I showered and then fought with my hair. When I 'tried' to put my bra on... Oh, me lord! I had real breasts now! Not my 'almost' breasts, and not just from a little weight gain. I had a rack! They must be bordering on C cup now. I know that's not too large but on my small frame they looked that way.

  This is the first side effect of this whole dragon shite that I approve of, well the twins, and my eyesight. I chuckled, I'm going to have to get new bras. I admired my new look in the mirror. I noticed my abs were showing through my normal soft layer of baby fat, I looked toned and feminine. I smiled knowing I'd have to go without a bra until I could get some that fit.

  I got dressed and wandered out to the living room area of the suite. I knew Quinn was already out there, I could feel her presence. She turned as I walked in. Oh my... I could feel something new from her. Well, not really new but more pronounced now. It was doing interesting things to me.

  She blushed slightly and chuckled then said, “Well hello there Chesty O'Shay.”

  I waved her comment off as I sat at the table with our research laid out. �
�I'll be havin' none of that now Agent Trask.” Though I did sit up a little straighter to show off my new assets a bit.

  She closed her eyes and shook her head. “Oh, the things you do to me Doctor O'Connell.”

  I smiled inwardly to myself and grabbed a printout of the third scroll. I glanced at her, she was still watching me. “Let's see if we can't figure out what Blaine is talkin' about. See what I supposedly took from him.”

  She shook her head with a grin. “Breakfast first lady, you need to keep your strength up, especially after your stunt last night.” She still wasn't over me sneaking off on her.

  I looked down sheepishly in embarrassment. “I'm sorry Quinn.”

  She grinned back. “That's the worst part of it, I 'know' you really are.”

  I threw a pen at her, which she easily dodged, then she pointed to the seating area. I tried hard not to smile and act dejected as I obeyed and said, “Yes Mother.” As I trudged over to sit down.

  A minute later Mei and James were escorted into the room. I cocked an eyebrow at Quinn. She smiled. “I thought things would go faster if you had your team to help.”

  I grinned at her insight and said, “Indeed they would.”

  We all said our good mornings and before we could discuss much, a cart with breakfast for the four of us was wheeled in.

  I couldn't believe how hungry I was. I hadn't thought about it much until I took my first bite of eggs. I finished everyone's leftovers from their plates as we discussed life in general, avoiding discussing our current predicament by unspoken agreement. Plenty of time for that after breakfast. I looked around and was disappointed that there was no more food.

  I heard a small chuckle coming from that infuriatingly enticing agent beside me. Quinn smiled and called for another breakfast for me. The others were looking at me incredulously. I just shrugged in embarrassment.

  Mei decided I hadn't been embarrassed enough and said. “Love the new additions.”

  I shook a fist at her. “Well, it seems me body has grown more toned and muscular, as well. The more I use the dragon power, the more it is affecting me body it seems.”

  James was looking anywhere but at me. At least he had the common sense to be embarrassed about the topic too. Mei giggled. “You don't seem too torn up about it.”

  I mocked an indignant look. “That'll be just about enough of that now. I'm just playin' the hand I'm dealt.” The smile I couldn't fight off betrayed me.

  After my second breakfast, I was feeling much better. Quinn was just trying to get my temper flaring as she said, “Ok, now that Myra's head is out of the trough, let's see if we can't figure out what Blaine is really after. Myra says he accused her of having something of his.” I sent her a promise of pain across our link. Was that a little smirk? The trollop!

  Mei shook her head with a pained look on her face. “I remember him saying something like that.”

  The third scroll, as we thought, came a year after the others. It detailed discoveries by the druid order that uncovered the ultimate betrayal of the dragons and deception perpetrated by Saint George. It seems they were suspicious of the events and of mankind turning on the benevolent Drakon who had only aided and protected humans up till then.

  They spoke of the four Drakon clans. The Fire Clan of Ireland, the Water Clan of Britain, the Earth Clan from the Germanic region, and the lost Wind Clan of Norway, who had disappeared a hundred years earlier.

  How they had discovered that it was people under Georgios of Lydda himself, who had incited the human populations near the three remaining clans. They fabricated evidence of dragon attacks and fake tales of villages being reduced to rubble in their wake.

  George had led his troops to “save” the people of the regions with dragon populations. The druids found that he was collecting every magical relic he could get his hands on. He had even killed the Queens of the Water and Earth clans himself.

  It seemed he was warehousing magic items and killing any who practiced magic. They suspected he was after the power and wanted to be the only one to be able to wield it.

  He had captured and tortured many druids along the way to learn the secrets of the magic of nature and the flesh. Some had turned to his cause. But he was still looking for something.

  Part of the scroll was missing in this area, but it appeared to be eluding to the fact that his attempts to turn the people of Ireland against the Fire Clan met limited success. The majority of the people stood with the clan and professed their benevolence. And Caragh was many times more powerful than any of the other Queens. George knew he would have to come at this clan differently.

  Quinn interrupted us around one in the afternoon. “Ok, you egg-headed lot. Time to eat lunch.” James, Mei and I all opened our mouths to protest, but she held up a hand to stop us. “You'll be no good to anyone if you don't keep your strength up. And sometimes taking a break from the data can help you find a new perspective to attack it with.”

  We all grudgingly sat, like schoolchildren being scolded by their instructor. But I must say, the food was great. I ate more than normal, but nothing like I did at breakfast. We were about finished when Quinn's phone rang. She stepped away from us and spoke in hushed tones. I wanted so bad to eavesdrop with my dragon senses, but I held myself back. The apprehension I could feel rolling off of her was enough.

  “Shit.” We all heard her say as she hung up. I turned to her and she was grabbing the television remote. She switched to a news report. There was a water dragon on the rooftops of Trinidad being perused by men in military uniforms. They were shooting at it!

  I was enraged and stood quickly. “Feck! Why are they shooting at him? Is that always the answer?! Kill what you don't understand?!”

  Quinn was suddenly in front of me holding my arms, her face flickering in the flames. “Myra. You need to calm yourself.”

  Shite! I willed my flames away. Mei and James were hiding behind a couch shielding themselves from the heat. I looked at them sheepishly. “Sorry. I got a wee bit upset. I know eventually, it is going to be me they are hunting like that. Like an animal.”

  Mei walked over and hugged me. “Not if we can help it.” James was nodding in support.

  Then Mei pulled back and looked at Quinn. “The flames... they didn't bother you. You walked up to her and... held her, calmed her. You're not burned.”

  Quinn shrugged sheepishly. “Blood tie.” Then she turned back to the news report as the dragon dove into the ocean and disappeared. “But more and more incidents are occurring. This 'awakening' is inevitable. We only know of the reported incidents of a shard shocking someone. We don't know how many went unreported. Interpol is trying to do damage control and locate any and put them in protective custody. The secret is out.”

  I looked at her, my fear was escalating. “What does that mean for me? Am I to be caged like an animal? Dissected?”

  She placed a hand gently on my arm. “Not if I...” She looked around. “If WE have anything to say about it. Besides they need you, and your team, to find out what Blaine's ultimate goal is.” Her scent and her mind calmed me and gave me a sense of safety and security. I instinctively stepped in and hugged her arm to me, not wanting to let go. I realized what I was doing and blushed profusely but didn't let go. She gave me a soft smile and mouthed “Your eyes.” I grinned at her then was looking at her through my human eyes.

  After a few minutes, we all went back to work.

  We pieced together George's plan to make Caragh to trust him and fall in love with him. He refused the blood tie many times with her, professing that his religion would only allow him to be betrothed if she were human. This ultimate deception prevented Caragh of knowing he really didn't love her when the blood tie failed. And it planted the seed for his next phase. To achieve his real goal. The immortality of the Drakon.

  He hired local mercenaries to continually attack the dragons while he was there. To speak out at local villages to spread unrest about the Drakon people. Then as it all came to a head, he prop
osed to Caragh that if the Drakon were human, then they could live in harmony with them until such time that humans were ready to live in with the Drakon race again.

  He had tortured druids of the order that wrote these scrolls and knew of the binding ritual. That would seal away the Drakon magic and tie it to the flesh. A protector that would be the caretaker of the vessel until it was time for an awakening of the magic. As long as the magic was in the vessel, the protector would live.

  I paused. This was all about power and immortality. But that still didn't explain what I 'took' from him. Mei was getting a little suspicious and kept looking at me the further we progressed into the translation. Finally, she spoke, “Is there something you aren't sharing with us Myra?”

  I hung my head and I could feel Quinn reassuring me. “Yes. I believe Blaine is actually Georgios of Lydda. Caragh told me in a dream.”

  Mei looked hurt I didn't share before. She wordlessly went back to translating. I laid a hand on her shoulder in apology. She looked at me, I could see her anger but it softened and she gave ma a little smile. I smiled back and we started studying the writings again.

  She mumbled. “That means he did gain immortality. He succeeded.”

  I shook my head. “But, as we know about the dragons... It isn't true immortality, he can still be injured and killed. He will just live forever as long as he can stay alive.” I chuckled. “What a contradiction.”

  James corrected me, holding up a finger. “No, just until the awakening.” I was shocked. Why didn't I see this before? I shook the thought aside. I'll not be jumping to conclusions until I have all the facts.

  There were some portions missing. But the last of the scroll told of George convincing Caragh of his plan. It would protect the last of the Drakon and would allow the two of them to be married under the eyes of his church. She agreed and the ritual took place. The Blood Stone was cast and the last Queen of the Drakon cut her hand and bled upon the orb. Then they tied the orb to the chosen protector, George. He cut his hand and bled onto the orb and in a brilliant flash all dragon spirits were locked into the stone. Leaving the Drakon as human.


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