Shadowing Me (Breakneck Series, Book Three)

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Shadowing Me (Breakneck Series, Book Three) Page 4

by Crystal Spears

  “Make me one,” she grumbles. “I couldn’t sleep. Messed up part is that I’m exhausted, too.”

  Sit the fuck down, Tea! Get those fine ass legs out of my goddamn view!

  “Tatiana!” Piper squeals and engulfs her.

  Tea looks from me to Sniper, to Pyro, trying to figure out if Piper’s drunk yet. When we all shrug, Tea pats her on the back.

  “Piper, you take some happy pills again?” Tea jokes.

  “Hell yeah, I did. Want one?”

  Jesus Christ! Tea on drugs? Fuck no, no way, not happening. Over my dead body.

  Pyro and Sniper seem to have the same thoughts as I do, and we try to snatch the little white pill away from Piper as she hands it off to Tea. We’re too late. Tatiana snatches it up and slips it into her mouth faster than our arms can move.

  “Too late.” She giggles as her mouth hangs open and she moves her tongue up and down. I groan quietly, imagining what that tongue could do to my cock.

  “Your dad is gonna fuckin’ kill me, baby girl,” Pyro says in frustration.

  “You didn’t see shit, so, therefore, you don’t say shit, Uncle Pyro.”

  He curses some more before calming himself. “I may not be your blood, but I’m still your uncle, as you said, and fuck am I pissed at you!”

  I don’t even want to think about what ZZ or Prez will do if they find out about this shit.

  “Come on, I’m around family. Nothing will happen to me here. Let me live a little bit, please,” she begs.

  The pleading tone in her voice makes us all relax a little. She is stuck here all the damn time, and she didn’t get to party much growing up.

  “And where the fuck are the rest of your clothes,” Pyro roars out of the blue.

  I want a fucking answer to that question, as well.

  “I’m in my pajamas and I’m at home. Are you trying to tell me that I can’t wear my pajamas around the club? Are you trying to give me more damn rules to follow?” she argues as her hand lands on her hip.

  When she puts it like that, it even makes me feel like a fucking asshole. This club traps her enough. She has enough rules to follow and never gets to live. She’s starving to be free. Piper comes up behind her and runs her fingers through Tea’s hair. Oh no, oh, fuck no.

  “Pipe,” I glare at her hard, “what did you give Tea?” Only one little white pill makes people touchy-feely and is easily found around these parts. I have a bad feeling.

  “Ecstasy, duh!”

  We all groan as Piper and Tea smile at one another.

  “C’mon, Sniper. We got our graves to go and dig,” Pyro grumbles.

  We are so fucking dead. ZZ and Prez are going to kill us. This can’t be happening. We don’t need this shit right now. And I especially don’t want to be around a horny Tatiana. Oh, fuck no.

  “Come on, stop overreacting. At least I’m trying it here, around people I can trust. Let me live a little, please! Stop treating me like I’m a child. I’m not a little girl anymore.” She gestures to her appearance.

  No, she definitely is not a little girl.

  Sniper and Pyro whisper together before finally reaching a conclusion about the situation.

  “Drink lots of water tonight. We’re not leaving your side, and if anything starts to go wrong, we’re telling your dad and the Prez.”

  I thought that Tea would squeal or shout in happiness over winning the situation, but instead, she nods in agreement with them. This is going to be the longest fucking night of my life. If I could drag myself away from this, I would, but I can’t. I’m going to be worried about her until this shit wears off. So I do the only thing I can do. I finish making the drinks and prepare myself.


  About 90 minutes later…

  The music is cranked as loud as the clubhouse speakers go, and the giggling from Piper and Tatiana is giving me a fucking migraine. The three of us, me, Sniper, and Pyro, are sitting on the couch, and I’m trying to stay sober between each shot. I don’t want to get so drunk that I’ll be too fucked up to help if something goes wrong.

  “Dammit, baby girl, drink some more water,” Pyro growls as he shoves a bottle into the air, waiting for her to dance by and grab it.

  “Nothing compares toooo…” Tatiana sings out as she dances over to the water. “Rock and Roll, baby,” she croons over the top of the bottle ‘microphone.'

  She tilts the bottle to her lips, guzzling the water, and some of it trickles down her neck. I gulp. This is too much. Way too fucking much. Her blonde curly hair piled on top of her head bounces as she dances around. When the bottle finally comes down, I think thank fuck as she puts it on the table in front of us. But no, she couldn’t make it that easy for me. She raises her tank up beneath her tits so I can see her rock hard abs. I throw my head back and rub my forehead. I swear, it makes me want to toss Piper over my knees and spank the shit out of her for making me go through this with Tatiana.

  “It’s so fucking hot,” Tatiana cries, forcing my attention back to her.

  She picks up the bottle again, dumping the rest of the water over her head. She should look stupid doing this, but she doesn’t. She looks like a wet dream as the water cascades down her sweaty body.

  “She’s fuckin’ killin’ me,” I grumble. “This is too much. Oh, god.”

  “It’s killin’ you? Motherfucker, that’s our fuckin’ niece, brother,” Pyro whisper yells.

  “You! Piper never acts like this,” Sniper growls angrily. “I’m gonna fucking spank her for this shit tomorrow.”

  Goddammit, Sniper!

  Now I’m thinking about taking Tatiana over my fucking knee. God’s getting me back for shit. That’s it. That’s what this shit is. I throw my head into my hands before reaching for another shot.


  30 minutes later…

  Pyro laughs his ass off as both Tatiana and Piper suffocate us with attention.

  “Why don’t you like me, Shadow? Am I not pretty enough for you?” Tatiana laughs from my lap.

  I swear to hell and back, I’m going to punch Pyro for thinking this is funny. Nothing is amusing about Tea sitting in my lap, laughing and rubbing her sweaty, half-naked body all over me. This situation is fucking serious!

  “Yeah, Sniper, am I not pretty enough for you?” Piper giggles beside me.

  These two are fucking playing off of one another.


  “Shadow,” she breathes against my mouth, and my eyes fly back towards her. “Answer me.”

  Shit! Get that beautiful mouth away from me, Tea, baby, please! I beg silently.

  When her small, delicate hands reach to tilt my shades up, I panic. She can’t see inside me. She can’t fucking read how bad I want her right now, and it takes every ounce of my self-control to keep from throwing her onto the table and fucking the shit out of her. The only thing stopping me is that she’s fucked up, and I have morals. FUCK! But when my shades come off, she slowly puts them on her face, and dammit, she actually looks more beautiful, if that’s possible. I smirk at her. I rarely smile, grin, or laugh, but at this moment, she makes me want to do all of those things.

  “How do I look?” She giggles, bouncing her ass against my dick.

  Another groan escapes me as I answer her. “Hot, Tea, fucking hot.”

  “Thank you.” She smiles big enough to light up the room. She is quiet for a moment as she contemplates what next to say, and instead of words, her mouth comes down onto mine. Instead of pushing her away, I growl into her mouth and my hands clamp down on her bare thighs. As her tongue probes my bottom lip, Pyro’s voice brings me back to the present.


  Yeah, yeah, fuck! I know she’s fucked up. It takes everything in me to tear my lips away from hers. Tatiana won’t have it though, and her hands fly up to hold my face still as her tongue pushes into my mouth.

  Oh, fuck!

  My fingers dig into her skin as she sucks on my tongue. No woman has ever kissed me like this. As my
body heats, I growl into her mouth and take control. She wants to kiss? I’ll fucking give her all I’ve got. I clutch her thighs once more before my hands fly to her hips and I shift her so she’s straddling me. One hand slides up to hold the back of her neck and squeezes tightly as my other hand grips the globes of her ass and my tongue assaults hers. I suck and bite at her until she’s gasping for breath. When Pyro snarls, I slow my attack and ease her back down.

  The couch squeaks, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Sniper fling Piper back onto the pool table, her legs wrapped tightly around him. Interesting.

  Tatiana squeezes her legs against my thighs, pressing her pussy against my jeans to draw my attention back to her.

  My head glides to the side and I beg Pyro with my eyes to fucking help me. I only have so much strength.

  He chuckles as he stands and lifts Tea from my lap, and I sigh in relief, shocked to find my cock is almost fucking hard. I look down at my lap and frown. That’s never fucking happened before.


  “Seems my niece has a wild side,” he says as he fights against a wiggling Tea.

  No shit!

  I can’t even process what the fuck has happened. Not only did I fucking kiss Tatiana, but my dick fucking almost got hard without me causing her any pain. That hasn’t happened since I was a teen.


  A few hours later…

  Tatiana is once again in my lap, and for the first time I can ever remember, I’m wiped out from doing nothing. Worrying about her all night, and fighting for my dear life to keep her from raping me, has been exhausting as hell, and my eyes fight to stay open as I hold her. I don’t know where Piper and Sniper took off to, but it quieted down after they left.

  “Let me sleep here,” she mumbles as the high wears off.

  I push the sweaty strands of hair away from her face, relieved I have my glasses back to hide my eyes so I can stare at her. She’s so fucking beautiful, and it makes me ache all over. For the first time since meeting her, I wish I could have her, if only once, without paying a price for it. Tatiana is the kind of girl that’ll develop too much emotion, and I can’t hurt her. I won’t. Yes, the irony is not lost on me as I think that. I mean I can’t hurt her emotionally. She’s too good for all my troubled bullshit.

  “She’s something special, isn’t she?” Pyro yawns beside me.

  “Priceless.” Sighing, I look over at him with my walls down.

  He tries to fight off his smile. “I’m headed to bed. You good?”

  She’s fucking wiped out, coming off a high she’s never experienced before, and Pyro knows her well enough to know if it is safe for us all to sleep.

  “I’m good,” I reply as he stands and lays his jacket over a sleeping Tatiana.

  “Night, brother,” he says before yawning again and walking away.

  I let out a breath and tilt my head to the side.

  You’re not going to make this easy on me, are you, darlin’?

  When she stirs and wiggles closer to my chest, I realize this is going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my fucking life. Denying her is going to be so damn painful.


  Chapter Six


  Something kicks me awake, and now, I am straight up pissed off. I was sleeping hard, too. Nothing could prepare me for a steaming hot ZZ and a laughing Storm holding a tray of coffee, standing in front of me, though. Fuck a flying duck. I throw my hands in the air when I realize they are still gripping Tea’s ass, and whisper, “Nothing happened,” as I deposit her onto the couch and stand.

  “Nothing happened,” he yells.

  I shush him as I look over my shoulder to make sure he didn’t wake her.

  “Other than her attacking my mouth, no, nothing happened. She did Ecstasy last night, and a few of us stayed up with her until she came down.”

  Storm swallows her laugh and gulps when she sees ZZ’s jaws flex.

  “Who gave her the X?”

  He isn’t about to turn me into a fucking rat. He knows better. What the hell!

  “You know it was Piper, so don’t even get like that,” Storm chastises.

  Hey, as long as that shit didn’t come out of my mouth.

  ZZ sighs his aggravation as he bends down to pick her up off the couch. Tatiana nuzzles against his shoulder as her sleepy eyes crack open.

  “I did Ecstasy last night, Daddy,” she whispers.

  Storm can’t hold her laughter any longer, and her body shakes uncontrollably as she lets it fly.

  “I’m daddy right now, huh?” he says as he kisses her forehead.

  “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again. I feel like hell,” she mumbles.

  I bet she feels like hell. I never pray, but I want to. I want to pray that she remembers absolutely none of this. But something deep in my gut tells me I won’t be so lucky, when she peeks over at me as ZZ turns to walk her out.

  “Attacked your mouth, huh?” Storm asks as she hands me a coffee.

  I don’t reply until I’ve gulped down half the scalding cup of Jo and light up a smoke. It’s way too damn early to be answering 101 questions, but seeing as she cares about Tatiana as much as I do, I’ll tell her.

  “Yeah, it was something else,” I murmur as I take another drag from my cig.

  “You’re lucky ZZ trusts you with her, or I have a feeling that might’ve been a lot worse than it was.”

  Yeah, no shit.

  He shouldn’t trust me with her, though. That’s the fucking problem, but he can’t grasp that concept.

  Storm takes the hint that I’m finished discussing last night with her. In fact, I don’t ever want to speak of it again. It was so beyond messed up, and I can’t even begin to explain it. With everything that happened, I don’t know what to think. Hell, I’m not sure if I even know which way is up or down.

  My legs are stiff as I walk out of the clubhouse towards the main building. A cold shower calls to me. It’ll help straighten out my foggy, muddled head. One thing I don’t like is being confused about shit. Life isn’t supposed to be simple, but I do all that I can to make it that way. And Tatiana is doing anything but making my life simple right now. She’s fucking it all up with her blonde curly hair, blue eyes as bright as the sky, and her toned body that could last for hours restrained with rope.

  Fuck me!

  It is official. I fucking want her, and now, I have to find a way to keep me from taking what I need. I have never once denied myself anything I desire. I take that shit without looking back, and now, I am about to see how solid my restraint actually is. One problem with that, though, is Tatiana tests my control more than I test myself, which is two devils working as one against me.

  When I reach my room, I head straight for the bathroom, turn on the cold water, and strip down. Thinking about Tatiana tied up for hours, with rope cutting into her delicate wrists, has me rock fucking hard.

  When the cold spray hits my hot skin, I place one hand against the wall, wrap my other hand around my cock, and tighten my fingers as I pull. Her mouth on mine replays over and over in my head with each tug of my wrist, jerking my cock up and down. I crave more, so I imagine her mouth on me, her hands bound behind her back, as her head bobs up and down. Her tongue slurps against my skin as I wrap my hands in her hair and yank hard. The image is enough to tighten my balls, and my swimmers shoot out under the stream of water. I rest my forehead against the shower wall as my breathing steadies and the icy water cascades down my body.

  I’m so fucked when it comes to her, and I am so damn confused. She’s all up in my head, and she doesn’t even know it. When I can finally breathe easy, I stand straight, grab a washcloth, and spread soap onto it. My mind has somewhat cleared by the time my prepay rings with Prez’s ringtone.

  Fuck, yes, some fucking normalcy back in my life.


  We sit around the table in church, shooting the shit while waiting for Sniper to show. Prez looks at his watch, lights up a smoke, and curses under his
breath in irritation. ZZ hasn’t said another word to me about last night, and I’m fucking stoked. I hope to god he hasn’t said shit to the Prez, either.

  Ten minutes later, Sniper finally graces us with his presence.

  “Brother, you put your make-up on or something?” Prez barks.

  Sniper growls as he slams the door behind him and takes a seat. Hidden behind my shades, I close my eyes, because, judging by his looks, I can tell he’s about to bring up last night.

  “I was up late.”

  You motherfucking ass prick!

  “I don’t give a fuck if you haven’t slept in a week. When I call church, your ass needs to be here on time. Max, take away his cut for a week,” Prez orders.

  “Prez,” Max says in acknowledgment.

  “I’m not even gonna argue with you right now, Prez. Take it away, whatever,” he says as he lights up a cig.

  We groan. He knows better than to fucking talk to the Prez like that, no matter if he’s blood or not. What the hell is he thinking?

  “Two fucking weeks, Max. Keep going, brother. Blood or not, I’m about to shoot your ass in the fuckin’ kneecaps,” Prez growls as he slams the gavel down against the wooden plank.

  Sniper says nothing while he inhales his nicotine and then blows it out in Prez’s face.

  “Pushing it, Sniper. You’re fuckin’ pushing it!”

  Prez looks around the table for any more fuckers about to get lippy with him, but we all sit quietly. Sniper must be real hungover if he is disrespecting not only his patch, position, and Prez, but also his blood brother. I don’t even want to ask what happened between him and Piper. I honestly never wanted to before, but this proves I really don’t want to know. It must have been as bad as my night was.

  “Anyfuckinwho, this shit with the Chinese happens tomorrow afternoon. I’ve called a sitdown. Believe it or not, the leader or whatever the fuck he is, sounded more American over the phone than he did Chinese. That means I won’t require a translator, so we can rule out that cost. Mr. Wong seemed very interested in our wanting to meet with him. Everyone in this club better respect him. Respect his position like you’d respect mine. You are to address him as Mr. Wong, and nothing fuckin’ else. Is that clear?”


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