A Beautiful Mess b-2

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A Beautiful Mess b-2 Page 18

by Emily Mckee

  Looking up at me he said, “I love you so much Ashlynn.”

  Standing up he walked me backwards to the edge of his bed but just before I was going to sit down I placed a hand to his chest. He was breathing really heavily and I looked up at him and smiled. I undressed him as well never taking my eyes off his. They were filled with such love and hunger and I started biting my lip.

  I was about to get up from my knees but his cock was right in front of my face and mouth instantly watered. Gripping him in my left hand while my right hand massaged his balls I wet my lips and sucked the tip of him into my mouth. He put a hand in my hair to pull it away because I knew he loved watching me do this to him.

  Moaning he said, “Oh god Ash.”

  I took as much of him into my mouth without gagging and began to bob my head up and down. A few bobs in I knew Jason was close because he sucked in a breath and said my name. Even though I always swallowed he always said my name before my mouth was filled with his cum.

  Growing in my mouth he stilled and squirted into my throat. I sucked everything he offered up to me and then wiped him clean with my tongue. Looking up at Jason I licked my lips. Before I knew it he was lifting me up onto the bed and kneeling in front of me. I could no longer lay on my back because it was too uncomfortable so I had to sit up whenever he went down on me which I did not mind at all.

  He first kissed my lips and then slowly moved down to my nipples. Sucking one into his mouth while he twisted the other I got goose bumps all over. I was hypersensitive and aware of everything when Jason and I had sex while being pregnant. It just took every emotion and action to a whole new level.

  I put my hands in his hair as he moved to give the other nipple the same attention. As soon as he sucked my nipple into his mouth he pushed two fingers inside me. I gasped because I was just so head over heels, completely crazy in love with Jason Williams. I felt the beginnings of an orgasm and as soon as he pushed another finger in I went overboard. I fell off the cliff but this time something felt wrong. It didn’t feel right and I automatically knew why.

  Releasing my nipple from his mouth and taking the three fingers out of me Jason looked up at me. Barely whispering he asked, “Ash?” I looked at him in pure amazement and let out a laugh.

  Looking at him for a minute I then smiled and said, “Jason, my water just broke.”

  Chapter 18


  I had just heard the most beautiful words come from Ash’s lips. Putting her head in my hands and cradling her I asked, “Say it again Ashlynn.”

  With tears in her eyes she said, “My water just broke.”

  I felt tears forming in my eyes and before I knew it salty liquid was falling from my face but I could not take my eyes off Ashlynn. She lifted her fingers to my face and started wiping them away but it was not even worth it.

  Kissing her on the lips, I pulled away and said, “We’re going to be parents.”

  Nodding with my hands on either side of her face she said, “I know Jason.”

  Laughing I screamed, “WE’RE GOING TO BE PARENTS!”

  Ashlynn just laughed at me and started to get up. But just when she started to push herself up off the bed she put a hand to her stomach and bent over. Looking up at me she said, “Jason we need to get going.”

  Through a grunt she said, “Like now!”

  Quickly getting changed I helped Ash back into her clothes, scooped her up, and carried her to the car. I buckled her in and then bolted back to the apartment and grabbed the overnight bag. To tell you the truth I am not even one-hundred percent positive that I locked the door behind me because I was such a bundle of nerves. I tried to drive like a normal person but I was going crazy and Ash kept bending over and holding onto her stomach.

  So I just said, “Fuck it,” and slammed on the gas with my foot. We got to the hospital in less than ten minutes and thankfully a cop didn’t pull me over for excessive speeding.

  As soon as I parked I jumped out of the car and ran over to Ash. She was opening the door and beginning to stand but I picked her up in my arms. Closing the door with my foot I ran into the hospital as I heard Ash giggling and saying, “Calm down Jason, everything is going to be fine.”

  Running into the hospital I ran over to the receptionist’s desk and said, “My girlfriend’s water just broke.” Lifting her eyes from the paper she was reading the receptionist looked up and a huge smile grew on her face. Looking to Ash I saw Ash lift her arms like she didn’t know what the hell I was thinking.

  The receptionist then returned eye contact with me and said, “Take a seat in the waiting room and I will call shortly.”

  I was just about to open my mouth when she put her hand up and said, “I’m just going to get a wheelchair for your girlfriend so we can take you guys back to the delivery room.”

  Shaking my head I said, “It’s fine I’ll carry her.”

  The receptionist turned to look at Ashlynn with a smile on her face. Giggling she said, “Right this way guys.” She took us into the room where Ashlynn was going to deliver our children and the feeling was overwhelming.

  Placing her on the table I looked into her eyes and said, “I love you so much Ashlynn.”

  With tears spilling from her face she said, “I love you so much Jason.”

  Once Ashlynn changed into her nightgown and had the IV tube placed into her hand she called her dad and told him that we were having the twins early. It was already eight in the evening and Garrett and Janie were four hours away so Ashlynn said for them to not worry about it and that we would call if there was any news to break, no matter what time of night.

  While Ash was on the phone with her dad I called Jade and said, “Hey Aunt Jade?”

  I had to pull the phone away because she was screaming so loud and I started to laugh. “Well, you’re not an aunt yet but Ashlynn’s water just broke and we are at the hospital.”

  Shrieking into the phone she said, “Okay Neil and I will be there soon,” and hung up. After that we called Sarah and Gabe, Maddox and Isabelle, as well as Patrick and Derrick.

  The second everyone arrived to the hospital they ran in and greeted us. Jade was crying because she could not wait to hold the babies and spoil the hell out of them. Once everyone gave us their hugs and kisses they went and waited in the waiting room. Both Ash and I told them that it would be a couple of hours but they waved us off and said they wanted to be here when Bennett and Jaylin were born.

  About two hours after Ashlynn’s water broke the contractions really started to hit her. I felt like such a jackass because I did not know what to do. My girlfriend was in pain and I didn’t know the first thing about how to help her. Of course we went to Lamaze classes but when you’re in the situation all of that nonsense is thrown out the window. I felt like such a pussy getting her fucking washcloths and goddamn ice chips while she was in the middle of getting ready to push out our son and daughter.

  I kept asking her what she wanted me to do and she would just laugh and say, “Breathe in and out and just hold my hand.” I couldn’t help but laugh that my girlfriend, in the middle of contractions, told me to calm down. Still the second I put my hand in hers I could tell she felt calm. Well as calm as she could feel. I also felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

  Who knew that just a simple touch from someone you loved deeply could calm you? Could be enough? No words said.

  While I wiped her forehead of sweat and rubbed ice chips against her lips she kept moving from side to side and groaning and moaning in pain. Every half hour or so a nurse would come in and check how far Ashlynn was dilated.

  At the third hour the nurse said, “You’re nine centimeters dilated, sweetie. You might have these babies tonight.”

  I looked over to Ashlynn as she looked up at me and I kissed her. I couldn’t believe that we were finally going to see our son and daughter.

  Around 11:30 p.m. Ashlynn was ready to push. She was such a sport because she said that she didn’t want any drugs.
I tried to talk her out of her decision but she was strong willed. While I held one leg Jade held the other as my beautiful Ashlynn pushed our kids out of her. Meanwhile I was a fucking mess. My heart rate was skyrocketing and fucking sweating the goddamn Mississippi River out of me.

  Three pushes in the doctor said, “We have a boy,” and I heard our son crying. The doctor handed him off to a nurse to get cleaned up.

  Taking a breather for maybe three minutes I quickly gave Ash a kiss and wiped her forehead with the cold washcloth that Jade ran under water for me. There was no way in hell I was going to leave her side. Not even if hell froze over or fucking bees attacked me … I’m allergic to bees.

  Kissing her again the doctor said, “Ready Ashlynn?”

  Taking her eyes from me she looked to the doctor and said, “Yeah.”

  Nodding her head she said, “Alright Ashlynn, push on the count of three. One. Two. Three.”

  I watched as Ashlynn’s face turned bright red and with four pushes I heard our daughter crying and the doctor saying, “We have a baby girl!”

  As much as I wanted to look over at our daughter I couldn’t remove my eyes from Ashlynn. I was just so damn proud of her. She was breathing heavily and I quickly wiped the tears away from her face and the sweat from her forehead. Leaning down I kissed her and said, “I love you Ashlynn.”

  Opening her eyes she said, “I love you too Jason.”

  A nurse walked over, handing our little girl to Ashlynn and a few minutes later she handed our little boy to me. I couldn’t believe they were finally here and then realized Jade was still in the room. Lifting my head, I saw my sister crying with a huge smile on her face looking between the two of us.

  Walking over to her with Bennett in my arms she looked down at him and cried even more. Lifting her hand to his face she leaned in and kissed him. She then looked up at me and said, “I’m so happy for you two.” With an arm still holding Bennett I lifted my other over Jade’s arm and pulled her into a hug. I don’t think my sister will ever have a clue just how much I love her and what lengths I would go to protect her.

  Looking back over at Ashlynn I noticed she had tears in her eyes and was smiling at the both of us.

  Walking over with Bennett in my arms I sat down on the hospital bed and kissed Ashlynn. When, “I love you Ashlynn,” left my mouth I turned my head down and looked at baby Jaylin. Jade sat down on the other side of me and just looked in awe at both of mine and Ashlynn’s children.

  I was still numb from the experience that I almost didn’t hear the nurse ask, “So what are these little one’s names?”

  I looked over at Ashlynn and nudged my head for her to tell the nurse. Smiling at me she looked down at our daughter and said, “Jaylin Annabelle Williams.”

  As I kissed her on the forehead she turned to our son and said, “Bennett Lee Williams.”

  Once the nurse got our information and left we heard Sarah say, “I don’t hear screaming anymore.”

  That’s when Jade looked at us in question and at the same time we both said, “Go get them.” Smiling she jumped off the bed and ran out the door.

  Seconds later everyone came walking in with smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes.

  Choking up I said, “Ashlynn and I would like to introduce you to our daughter, Jaylin Annabelle Williams, and our son, Bennett Lee Williams.” For about a half hour we passed our children around to everyone and explained how we came up with the names.

  Gabe had Sarah wrapped up in arms, Maddox was holding Isabelle’s hand and then I noticed Neil smiling at Jade while she held Bennett in her arms. Ashlynn must have noticed because she wrapped her hand in mine and mouthed, “Not now.” Shaking my head I then saw Derrick kiss Patrick on the cheek and my mouth dropped open. What the fuck was going on?

  Everybody must have noticed my mouth drop because the room went quiet except for the little noises coming from our children. That’s when Derrick looked over at me and then to Ash and started laughing. He bent over and rested his hands on his knees and laughed, “You never told him, did you?”

  What the fuck was he talking about?

  I looked around at everyone in the room and they had these faces like they were trying not to laugh and then I made my way over to Ash and she was biting her lip.

  Sitting down on the bed I said, “You want to explain something to me?”

  Clearing her throat she pointed to Derrick and said, “We kind of fake dated. Derrick’s gay and he was dealing with some problems and I kind of vented about how I wanted to make you jealous …”

  With wide eyes I said, “Go on.”

  Gulping she said, “So we fake dated. Derrick wasn’t dealing with bullies questioning his sexuality anymore and um, well you know the rest.” She bent her head out of shame and I just started laughing.

  Placing a hand to the bottom of her chin I lifted it up so she would look in my eyes. Smiling I said, “You better start picking out another name for a little one because the second you’re better I’m getting you pregnant again.” After I kissed her on the lips I got up and walked over to Derrick. Placing a hand out in front of him I said, “I’m sorry for acting like such a prick towards you.”

  He looked down at my hand then pulled me into a hug and said, “All’s good man. I knew you had it bad for my girl over there.”

  After I walked back over to Ashlynn’s side I couldn’t help but look over at Derrick and Patrick and smile. I kind of felt like an idiot because anyone could see just how much they loved each other. I was too blindsided by the “dating” aspect that I didn’t see the real picture right in front of me.

  Once everyone got to hold both babies they gave us each a hug and kiss and left to go home. Sitting there holding Jaylin while Ashlynn held Bennett I pulled out my cell phone and made a quick call. I knew it was late but I wanted to give them the good news. I few rings in I heard, “H – Hello?”

  Through a smile I said, “Hey Grandpa,” and then I heard the phone drop.

  Pulling away from me I put it on speaker and heard, “What did you say Jason?”

  “I said, ‘Hey grandpa’.”

  “You guys had the babies already?”

  Looking over to Ash she cried and said, “You are the grandpa to Jaylin Annabelle and Bennett Lee Williams.” I then heard Garrett choke and begin to cry. Ash told him all about the delivery and said that I was amazing throughout the whole process. I looked over to her and half smiled and teared up. If I was amazing then Ashlynn was fucking fantastic, amazing, phenomenal.

  Getting off the phone I said, “Night grandpa,” and through laughter Garrett said, “Night mom and dad.”

  Shutting the phone off and placing it in my pocket I looked down at Bennett and Jaylin.

  We sat there for a few minutes in silence kissing and hugging our son and daughter but then Ashlynn jumped and said, “Oh my god.”

  I didn’t want to take my eyes away from my daughter but I did and looked over at her beautiful mother. She was looking at me and then just started to cry. Lifting a hand to wipe away the tears I asked, “What’s the matter Ashlynn?”

  Wiping away her tears with one hand with Bennett in the other she swallowed and said, “Jaylin and Bennett were born on March 12th.”

  Nodding my head I said, “Um yeah and your point is?”

  Ash just laughed and said, “Don’t you see?”

  Shaking my head back and forth I said, “Apparently not. What’s the significance of March 12th?”

  Choking through her words Ashlynn said, “The number 312. Jason, 312 was the number of mine and Jade’s room freshman year of college. It was the hospital room number where your father passed away and it was the day my mom was born.”

  Taking my eyes away from Ash I looked between our daughter Jaylin and our son Bennett and just cried. Looking over at Ash I said, “If I didn’t think miracles existed before this I definitely know they do now.”

  Smiling at me she said, “I knew miracles existed the second I met you.”
br />   Closing my eyes I felt tears streaming down my face and opening them Ash was smiling at me. Taking a hold of my hand she asked, “Why are you crying Jason?”

  Shaking my head back forth I said, “I just believe that a mess like me ended up with a life that’s so beautiful.”

  Taking my hand to her lips and kissing it she said, “Well believe it.”

  Epilogue — 2 months later


  Today has finally arrived because today Sarah, Gabe, Isabelle, Maddox, Jade, Derrick, Ashlynn, and I were graduating from college. Garrett and Janie met us at the stadium where they held Jaylin and Bennett as their mom and dad walked across the stage and got their diploma. I just could not believe the whirlwind roller coaster Ashlynn and I had been on this past year and how far we’ve come.

  Sitting in the back of the student class with Jade by my side I had a perfect view of Ashlynn as she sat and waited for her name to be called. One by one we were each called up to receive our diplomas. Derrick with a major in Education, Isabelle majoring in Journalism, Gabe with a major in Mathematics, Sarah receiving a Nursing major, Maddox with a double major in Business and Marketing, Jade with a double major in Chemistry and Biology, yeah I know my sister is fucking smart, and finally myself with a major in Biochemical Engineering.

  Once we received our diplomas and threw our caps in the air I ran over to Ashlynn. Wrapping her arms around me as I picked her up by the waist our lips met. I could never get enough of having her lips on mine. She started to swipe along my bottom lip and I could not help growling.

  Smiling against my mouth she said, “I love you Jason.”

  Placing her back down on the ground I said, “I love you Ashlynn.”

  Releasing her arms from around my neck she took my hand in hers and we started to search out Garrett and Janie because we just could not wait to see Jaylin and Bennett. That last two months of school were pretty difficult on the both of us. We barely got any sleep as we took care of our children yet somehow we graduated with High Honors.


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