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Conspirators of Gor cog[oc-31

Page 65

by John Norman

  “What is going on?” came from one of the containers.

  “Can you hear me?” asked Lucius.

  “Yes,” came from one of the containers.

  “You are our prisoner,” said Lucius.

  “What will you do with me?” came from the container on the left.

  To this question Lucius did not choose to respond.

  “I know secrets of great power, and the location of great wealth,” came from the container on the left.

  “I am sure you will share such things with us,” said Lucius.

  “Where are my armies, where are my fleets?” asked the container on the left.

  “You are not on your world,” said Lucius. “You left your world.”

  “I am on Gor?” asked the container on the left.

  “Yes,” said Lucius.

  I suspected that Agamemnon, whom I took to be deep, was not as confused or disoriented as his responses might suggest. On the other hand, I did not know. It seemed clear that both containers had been damaged, and it was surely possible that this damage might have had its effect on whatever it might be which was contained in them.

  “Where are my followers?” asked the container on the left.

  Lucius, I noted, now, in his responses, addressed the container on the left. The other, on the right, had not spoken.

  “They have abandoned you,” said Lucius.

  “Did none defend me? Did none fight for me?” asked the container.

  “None,” said Lucius.

  “What of Timarchos and Lysymachos?” asked the container.

  “They were the first to desert you,” said Lucius. “Only I was loyal to you.”

  “Noble Lucius,” came from the container.

  “But you failed me,” said Lucius.

  “Forgive me,” said the container.

  “Amends may be made,” said Lucius. “You may reveal to me secrets of power, the location of great wealth.”

  “You will then let me live?” asked the container.

  “Of course,” said Lucius.

  “Be careful in lifting my container,” came from the container. “It is delicate, and heavy.”

  “Unbar the door,” said Lucius to two of his cohorts. “We will carry the container into the hall. Agamemnon is helpless, and our prisoner. This will impress all, Kurii and humans. It will manifest the success of our cause, the absoluteness of our victory. It will be uncontestable. All will then acknowledge us, all will grant that the day is ours, that the new order is upon us.”

  The large double door to the chamber, leading out to the hall, was unbarred, and swung open.

  “I have waited long for this day,” said Lucius, “years of secret thoughts, of hypocrisy, and deception, months of planning, days of strife, weeks of withdrawal, of hiding in tunnels, and waiting, and then, by means of an unexpected, bold, and glorious stroke, victory!” He then signaled to his two cohorts who were at the dais. “Put aside your axes,” he said. “It will show we are now at peace. Do not fear. None in the halls are armed. Good. Now, seize up Agamemnon, and carry him, bodiless and helpless, into the hall, in triumph.”

  “All hail Lucius,” called a Kur, from amongst those back by the wall. It was the silver-chain Kur. He hobbled, as though he might have been injured, toward the center of the room. His fur was drenched with blood, but it was not his own. He had fought little, if any. Rather he had abided the outcome of the battle. “Hail Lucius!” he said. “Hail Lucius.”

  I then recognized him, as I had not before. It was the Kur who, when an iron-chain Kur, had stood before Agamemnon with another Kur in the audience chamber, a silver-chain Kur. There had been mutual protestations of some sort, in which perhaps the iron-chain Kur might have been denouncing the one with the silver chain, and the one with the silver chain might have been defending himself. It was hard to say, as this took place in Kur, and there were no activated translators in the room. The silver-chain Kur had then been slain, most unpleasantly, by Agamemnon, then housed in the large, crab-like metal body, and the silver chain, with garlands, had been awarded to former iron-chain Kur.

  Lucius turned away, disdaining to acknowledge the celebratory acclaim of the silver-chain Kur. He turned back to the container on the left, which had been the only one from which a voice had emanated of late.

  “Be careful,” he said to his fellows at the dais. “Do not drop it. It is heavy.”

  The two Kur cohorts of Lucius reached to the container, that on the left. They lifted it, and seemed surprised. “It is not heavy,” said one of them.

  There was a sudden fierce, almost deafening, crackling sound, and a great blast of light, and the Kurii who held the container reeled away from it, and the Lady Bina and I screamed. When we could see again, we could see skulls, and blackened bones, and flesh, like soiled, burned rags strewn about the dais and the adjacent flooring. Smoke came from the remains. The stink was wrenching.

  “You did not warn us!” screamed Lucius to Timarchos and Lysymachos.

  “Kill us,” said Timarchos.

  The container had been blasted open, and it lay on the floor of the dais. Within it was a miscellany of debris, much of it melted. The interior of the container itself was bent, and charred, as though it had been exposed to great heat.

  Lucius turned angrily to the last container, that on the right, as one would face the dais. “So, noble Agamemnon,” he cried. “We have found you at last!”

  “Do not hurt him,” begged Timarchos.

  “Hail Lucius!” cried the silver-chain Kur who had been ignored. He cried this more desperately, his right paw raised in salutation.

  Lucius turned about, annoyed.

  “I was in the chamber,” said Lucius, “when you falsely informed on your superior, and won thereby a silver chain. Agamemnon knew the fraudulence of your charges but saw fit to reward you, that more honest informers might not fear to come forth, with more reliable intelligence.”

  “No!” cried the silver-chain Kur. “It was true, all true!”

  “Now,” said Lucius, “you would betray Agamemnon, from whom you received the silver chain.”

  “His day is ended, he is done!” said the Kur.

  “Where are your wounds, where is the blood you shed on his behalf?” asked Lucius.

  “Hail Lucius!” said the Kur.

  “One who would betray him would as soon betray another,” said Lucius.

  “No!” cried the Kur.

  “Kill him,” said Lucius.

  “No!” cried the Kur, and perished beneath two axes, those of the Kurii who had hitherto guarded the door to the audience chamber, who had then joined Lucius at the dais.

  Lucius then turned back to the dais and pointed to the last container, that on the table to the right, as one would look to the dais.

  “Put aside your axes,” said Lucius, “and pick it up.”

  But neither Kur had put aside his ax.

  “Now!” said Lucius.

  Each retained his weapon. They looked at the blasted remains of their fellows.

  “Yes,” said Lysymachos. “Pick it up!”

  “Do not be afraid,” said Lucius. “It could not be as before, or it would destroy the contents of the box.”

  “Do not be afraid,” said Timarchos, obviously in pain, but yet seemingly alert, leaning forward, his eyes glistening. “It is harmless,” he said. “It cannot hurt you now.”

  Clearly these protestations by Timarchos and Lysymachos, so readily offered, even eagerly offered, encouraging contact with the container, did little to assuage any apprehension on the part of the two Kurii.

  “Pick it up!” said Lucius. Clearly, in Kur, this was said with impatience and force. The translator, of course, clicked out the words with no hint of the passion with which they had been uttered.

  “Show us,” said one of the two.

  “You are leader,” said the other. “Lead.”

  “Yes,” said Lysymachos. “Fetch the container yourself, noble Lucius.”

  “It is harmless,” Timarchos assured him.

  “Touch it, noble Lucius,” said one of the two Kurii.

  “Grasp it boldly,” said the other.

  “We will follow,” said the first Kur.

  “Do not fail us, noble Lucius,” said the other.

  “It is harmless,” said Lucius. “But it is not needed. I will destroy it.” Lucius grasped his ax with both hands, near the bottom of the haft. He raised the ax.

  “Do not strike,” said a voice in clear, even, calm Kur. This sound came from the back of the room, from the very portal through which Lucius and his minions had entered.

  There, tall, and mighty, in full harness, stood Grendel. Behind him was the eyeless Tiresias.

  “You perished in the Voltai!” cried Timarchos.

  “How is the wretched, blind exile alive?” asked a Kur. “He was put out for larls and sleen months ago.”

  “How dare you present yourself here,” cried Lucius, “amongst true Kurii, you, a monster, an enemy to all, badly spoken and deformed. See his eyes, see his hands!”

  A murmur of revulsion passed amongst the Kurii in the room.

  Some looked away.

  “I remember him,” said a Kur. “I remember him from the world, from the arena.”

  I understood little of this.

  “He survived the arena,” said another Kur.

  “Before thousands,” cried the Lady Bina, “he bespoke himself my champion.”

  “Many died,” said another.

  “He fought well,” said another.

  “He survived,” said another.

  “Rings were his,” said another.

  “You are not now in the arena,” snarled Lucius, and readied his ax.

  “Give him an ax,” cried a Kur. “He is not armed.”

  It was true that he carried no ax. He did have the side knife in its sheath, part of the harnessing, but he made no attempt to draw that blade.

  “You live, glorious Grendel!” cried Desmond of Harfax.

  “Arm yourself, or flee, dear guard, sweet monster,” implored the Lady Bina. “His eyes mean death.”

  Grendel stepped forward, to the center of the room, and Lucius, with a cry of rage, unintelligible in the translator, rushed forward and his ax, bright and double edged, described its swift, terrible arc, and in a moment might have cut away a head and part of a shoulder, but it was suddenly arrested in its flight, shaken, trembling in the impact, its haft beneath the blade grasped in a mighty hand, one which had scarcely moved.

  In the chamber there were cries of astonishment.

  Then Grendel wrenched the ax from the hands of Lucius. And Lucius backed away, and Grendel observed him, the ax in his right hand.

  Lucius turned to his two cohorts. He pointed to Grendel. “Kill him!” he said.

  “No,” said one of Lucius’ Kurii.

  “Obey!” cried Lucius.

  “You have lost,” said the Kur.

  “Stand and be slain,” said the other.

  “No,” said Lucius. “No!”

  He moved rapidly, unopposed, to the large double door of the audience chamber.

  “Do not flee the Cave!” called Grendel.

  “A guard has been set, a guard has been set!” called Tiresias.

  But Lucius had departed.

  Grendel dropped his ax, and the two Kurii who had served Lucius dropped theirs as well.

  “What men will,” cried Desmond of Harfax, “may now escape the Cave. There is work to be done. We must forestall treason! We must warn a world. We must make our way to the cities. We must transmit tidings of subversion. What has been set afoot here is now abroad. We must move before the snows!”

  “The snows have begun,” said Timarchos.

  “Last night,” said Lysymachos.

  “There is no time to lose,” said Desmond of Harfax. “We will fight our way through them!”

  “The passes will be closed,” said a wounded Kur.

  “We shall leave as soon as possible,” said Desmond of Harfax. “Only one last thing remains to be done.”

  He then ran to the dais and leaped upon it, his knife raised.

  “Stop!” cried Timarchos.

  “Do not!” cried Lysymachos.

  Before the knife of Desmond of Harfax could fall Lord Grendel darted forward with the speed of a charging sleen, and caught Desmond of Harfax about the waist, lifted him, and spun about, hurling him several feet away, back, to the center of the room.

  I ran to Desmond of Harfax, and knelt beside him. “Master!” I wept. He was confused, and stunned. I feared an arm might be broken.

  On the dais Lord Grendel had approached the table on which reposed the last container, that which had been on the right side of the dais, as one would face the dais.

  “Is it Grendel?” came from the container.

  “It is Grendel,” said Lord Grendel.

  “Kill it!” cried Desmond of Harfax, from the center of the room, now on his feet, unsteadily, grasping his arm.

  “Forgive me, dear Desmond,” said Grendel.

  “Kill it, kill it!” cried Desmond of Harfax.

  “No,” said Lord Grendel.

  Timarchos, with great pain, struggled to his feet, and Lysymachos, weak and bloody, stood, as well.

  “My son,” came from the container.

  “Father,” said Grendel.

  He then placed the damaged container tenderly into the arms of Timarchos.

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  “Do you not think, dear Grendel,” asked the Lady Bina, “that I should be a Ubara, somewhere, somehow?”

  “I am only a beast,” he said.

  Tor-tu-Gor was bright outside.

  A few days ago had been the vernal equinox, with which you begin your year, as Nature does. We were now again in the House of Epicrates, in Ar.

  If I had been unclear in the Cave of Agamemnon as to whom I belonged, there was no longer any doubt about that. The collar of the Lady Bina was again on my neck.

  To me this was a source of great sorrow, but I was a slave, and the slave has no control over whose collar she wears. To be sure, the Lady Bina, though strict, following the counsel of the Lady Delia, who had clear ideas as to how a slave girl should be owned, managed, and worked, was a good Mistress. As long as I was fully pleasing, I had little to fear. But I had hoped to belong to another. I could think of one to whom I would have been happy to have been sold for a copper tarsk-bit, whereas there were others from whom I would have hoped that the Lady Bina would have resisted offers of tarn disks of gold.

  I will speak of several things.

  It may be recalled that in my first visit to the audience chamber of Agamemnon with Grendel, that in which Grendel had been addressed by Agamemnon, and later awarded a golden chain, at one point Grendel, in being addressed by Agamemnon, had seemed muchly taken aback, had seemed very much startled and shocked. I followed nothing of that at the time, of course, as that meeting was conducted entirely in Kur, but, as I later learned, that was the point at which Agamemnon had told Grendel of his alleged share in his parentage. As it is explained to me, Grendel was the result of an experiment. The genetic materials of several male Kurii were blended in some manner and then fused with the egg of a human mother. In this way he had several fathers and a human mother. Apparently his mother did not long survive his birth. Agamemnon claimed to be one of these fathers. I do not know if that claim was true or not, but it could have been true, given the science at the disposal of the Kurii on the steel world. Indeed, Agamemnon might have lost his Kur body generations before Grendel was born, but it would have been easily possible for portions of his genetic material, his seed, samples of his hereditary coils, and such, to have been maintained in a viable state, and later utilized in the experiment in question. As stated, I do not know if Agamemnon’s claim was true or not. It might have been a judicious fabrication, intended to better secure Grendel’s allegiance to his cause. One does not know. It could, of course, be true. Indeed, it is
quite possible, given the importance of the experiment, and its projected political aim, that of securing alliances with Gorean humans, that Agamemnon would have wished something of himself, his intelligence, vision, cunning, might, and power, to be incorporated in Grendel. The truth of the matter doubtless lies on a distant steel world, in some archive of experiments. The experiment, as noted, had a political end in view, that of producing a Kur-like thing, with Kur allegiances, with enough human characteristics to interact profitably with Gorean humans, garnering alliances, and such. The experiment failed, however, as the humans tended to not only not identify with Grendel, but, for the most part, to loathe him, and recoil from him. His reception amongst Kurii was similar. He found himself understood as little more, if anything, than a hybrid monster.

  It may be remembered that when Lucius had failed to dispatch Grendel, and had lost the respect and allegiance of the only two Kurii who remained of his followers, he had departed from the audience chamber. It had been supposed and it had, indeed, been the case, that he would try to escape the Cave, in which he would now be viewed as little more than a fallen, treasonous fugitive. Grendel had called to him not to leave the Cave, and Tiresias had warned him that a guard had been set.

  The guard was the larl with which Tiresias, in his exile, had formed a symbiotic relationship. Grendel’s many trips from the Cave, which had been hitherto noted, were mostly concerned to bring food to Tiresias. Tiresias shared this food with the larl in question. In this fashion, the larl received food and it, in its turn, not only refrained from attacking Tiresias, the source of the food, but guarded him against the inroads of other predators. Tiresias had managed to get the larl to cross the entryway of the great portal on the night of my return to the Cave simply enough, by luring it with food from the opposite side. The larl had been stationed near the exit of the Cave by the food signal, which it had come to recognize. This was a portion of the plan of Grendel and Tiresias, to prevent the escape from the Cave of enemies. If none had attempted escape, Grendel would have seen to it that food, in the usual manner, would have been delivered to the larl. A strange Kur, Lucius, whose scent was unfamiliar to the larl, was taken for food, and attacked. Had Lucius realized what was involved he would have taken food with him, to cast to the larl, but he knew nothing of this. From the larl’s point of view, which had been given the food signal, it seemed that that which emerged from the Cave must either bring food or be food. Apparently Lucius had been attacked within a hundred paces of the Cave. The last seen of Lucius had been a limp body being dragged away, over the rocky slope toward the maze of passageways which led back into the mountains. Some days later, no longer fed, the larl had drifted away. One supposes it may have been the same larl which, in the chaos of the revolt, when the great portal was temporarily unguarded, had wandered into the Cave. That, of course, is not known.


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