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The Lady And The Lake

Page 2

by Diane Collier

  Colton grunted and growled like he was an animal on a hunt. Thrust after thrust, he hit her spot, which makes her scream louder and louder with each touch of his cockhead. The room echoed with sounds bouncing off wall after wall. The firmer he gripped her lower arms, pressing them into the bed, the tighter her legs clamped tighter and tighter around his waist. It was hard for Colton to keep Tiffany still on the bed as he fucked her. He knew that he was doing everything right as Tiffany was utterly breathless, utterly verbal.

  By this time, Colton had already blown about four loads into her. Now, he is working towards something, a major goal. This last cum load he would shoot, would be the final nail in the wall. He grabbed her thighs…, pulling them apart in midair, as far as he could. Colton wanted this load to hit a certain area within her. As the storm crashed and lit about the outside and inside the bedroom, Colton, coincidentally, kept in rhyme of the storm. His thrusts matched the thunder clasps, and her breathing matching the flashing of the lightning. Not even paying attention to the orgasms that Tiffany had, which was nearly one every few minutes, she paid more attention to him, all of her concentration was forced on Colton. Her body jolted with each thrust, his body bounced as he slammed it hard in her reddish tinted cunt. He gripped her shoulders and managed to wiggle his legs under Tiffany’s thighs and strongly yanked her off the bed and into his lap. He sat on the bed, with his legs stretched towards the headboard and Tiffany’s legs were over his forearms and she was in a sort of a sitting position. Colton knew that in this position, his task could be completed successfully. Tiffany hung onto the back of his strong neck and he propelled deeper into her bare-shaved cock pocket.

  The sense of urgency filled Colton’s mind. He knew he was running out of time. He felt his body ache in certain areas, letting him know he didn’t have long. He jounced her faster and harder. Tiffany let out a loud and ominous groan as she let her love muffin squirt its juices. Her body tightened up. Colton didn’t bother to make it known that he had already came inside her. He looked at her. She did notice that his left eye was twitching and moving around the socket uncontrollably. Colton laid Tiffany onto her back on the bed. It was still dark and stormy outside which filtered into the bedroom with light and sound. Colton got up from the bed and headed into the ensuite. Tiffany, lying comfortably on her back, looked out the window that was above her bureau. Other than the sounds coming from the fierce storm surrounding them, there was no other sound about the place. She called out to Colton, but he did not answer back. She listened carefully to see if she could hear Colton in the bathroom. She suddenly felt tired, like she was forcing herself to stay awake. Her eyelids fluttered up and down, as her body wanted them shut and she wanted them open. Just then, her body said, “No, you're going to sleep and sleep now”.

  The sun popped into the room lighting it up. Half asleep and half awake, she could faintly hear her cell phone ringing. She lifted off the bed and pushed the covers off her chest. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Tiffany shook her head, forcing her head and brain to wake up. She reached over to the bedside stand, and picked up her cell. “Hello”, asked Tiffany? “Oh- hey girl, what’s up”, she said into the cell. Suddenly, a strange look appeared on her face. “Huh”, asked Tiffany? She tilted her and shook her head no. “But it’s only Sunday, how could I possibly be late for work”, she said confused. She slid the bottom of the phone away from her mouth. “Colton”, asked Tiffany by yelling into the air? No one answered back; so she called out once more. “COLTON"? Tiffany yelled even louder. But still, no one answered her back. As she listened to her girlfriend on the phone, her stomach started aching. She rubbed her tummy in discomfort. Just then, she pulled the phone from her ear. “Girl, check the date on your cell, its Monday, not Sunday”, said the voice at the other end. She looked at her phone. She tapped a few icons and brought up her calendar. Tiffany’s eyes widened as wide as fifty-cent pieces. It was true, it, indeed, was Monday morning, not Sunday as she thought. “What the hell”, she questioned herself? “How the hell could this be”, she asked herself? Suddenly, she felt violently ill. She rushed into her bathroom and to the toilet. Tiffany held her hair back with one hand as she puked into the “Porcelain God”. She sat back on her heels to catch her breath from vomiting so hard.

  Without even saying good-bye to her girlfriend, Tiffany just hung up the on the call. She looked about the cabin for Colton, who was nowhere to be found. She looked for his clothing, gone. She looked for the mess that was on the kitchen floor from the sugar and milk mess, gone. The sun was out with clear skies. Something struck her as out of place, something was different, something was wrong. She raced quickly to pack her things back into the car. She couldn’t understand how she could have missed an entire day. All of Sunday, day and night, was gone. Tiffany couldn’t fathom that she might’ve slept Sunday completely away. She grabbed the keys to the cabin off the counter, walked outside- closing the door behind her. She locked the doorknob and walked towards her car. Tiffany started the car and drove away.

  She stuck the key into the deadbolt and turned the knob- pushing the door open as she did. Tiffany walked over the threshold of home- she was home once more; back in Boston. During the long drive back to Boston, her stomach just ached and was in discomfort. Tiffany thought maybe it was either, she had eaten something at that roadside eatery made her sick or the fact that she hasn’t eaten since Friday night. She sat at the dinning room table, just trying to make herself and her stomach feel better. In the meantime, she decided to contact her doctor. She wanted to make sure she didn’t have food poisoning. She couldn’t help but think of Colton. Here was this man, a blast from her school years past, wooed her, made mad-passionate love to her, and then…, seemed to just vanish into thin air. He was completely gone, like he was never even there.

  The nurse came into the exam room carrying a tote of “blood taking” items. She didn’t like her blood taken, she really hated needles. Tiffany held her breath as the nurse poked the needle into the fold of her elbow. The nurse finished her task and walked out of the exam room. What seemed like hours, but was only minutes, her doctor finally came into the brightly lit room. “Hello Tiffany”, said the doctor, “How are you feeling, any better”, he added as he sat down on his round stool with wheels. “Hey Dr. Ferntry, no- not feeling any better”, she replied with a sour face. The doctor opened up the manila folder that he picked up out of the slot outside the room. “So doc, please tell me I don’t have food poisoning”, stated Tiffany as she gasped- feeling like she had to throw-up again. “Ah, well- no, you don’t have food poisoning”, confirmed the doctor. “Then- what the hell is happening to me”, she bluntly asked? “Well”, said the doctor, “you're pregnant”. The room got suddenly and deadly quiet. “Excuse moi”, asked Tiffany in utter shock?

  The doctor went telling her about what was wrong with her. Though it was an odd conception, it was a normal one. The tests showed that she was about three weeks along. Tiffany knew that couldn’t have been positive, since the only man she slept with was two days ago. But the more she thought about it, the more, in “hindsight” of course, saw the oddities of Colton. One: he just “magically” showed up, fucked the hell out of her for hours, and then finally, vanished into thin air.

  On the drive back to her home, she thought and thought hard about Colton. She was sitting at a red traffic light, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Colton sitting in the passenger side. She looked over, scared to death, towards the right side of the car. The sky suddenly darkened ominously, as she looked at and through Colton. Thunder and lightning was all around her. “Go back to the cabin”, whispered Colton and then vanished. The thunder, lightning and black ominous surrounding became instantly sunny and clear. She thought she was going crazy. “Go to the cabin”, Tiffany heard in a sort of “voice-over” sound. She immediately bolted from the light and headed to the cabin as instructed.

  As she pulled up to the cabin, the darkness, thunder, lightning and wind returned as she walked into t
he cabin. Suddenly, and without warning, all the windows and doors burst open. Leaves, dust and mist flew about the area. Colton sudden appeared by the front of the fireplace. “I have left you a gift, a special gift Tiffany, take good care of the both of you; I will always be watching”, said Colton as Tiffany slowly shuffled towards him. Just as she got close to him, he vanished once again. Just then, a massive wind blew through the room. It blew all the leaves, twigs and such from the house and in a “ghostly fashion” closed all the windows and door. The outside became sunny and clear yet again.

  Tiffany stood there, baffled, yet content. Though she was uncertain of what exactly happened this past weekend. She was going to have a baby- a very special baby!

  Copyright © 2012 Diane Collier - All rights reserved.

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