Alex reached up, her hand trembling. Suddenly, the snow gave away beneath her. Dangling precariously over the newly-formed chasm, she clutched the rope with both hands.
“I can’t let go,” she shouted to Luke.
“You can do it!” he told her.
It was almost as if he willed her the strength to reach up and touch his fingertips. She could feel the Force surrounding her as Luke reached out to take her hand into his.
He pulled her safely into his arms. “You okay?” he asked.
Taking a deep breath. Alex forced the physical pain to the back of her mind, and nodded. “Yeah.”
Luke studied her face for a moment. His hand reached up to wipe the blood from a small cut on her forehead. He could tell she wasn’t in any shape to continue down the mountainside to the lower bay where the ships were docked. “Let’s go in through that upper landing bay,” he said, pointing toward lights some 30 meters away along the mountain slope.
Alex looked in the direction that Luke indicated. Then she peered up the darkened slope, just able to trace the outline of the fortress silhouetted against Sarahwiee’s dawning gray skies. She hadn’t realized how far she’d fallen. “Guess I took the short cut, eh?”
Luke smiled. “Some short cut!”
“I’ll try to stay with you this time,” she grinned.
They trekked across the mountainside to the bay where a Lambda-class shuttle was being prepped for departure.
“Alex, I want you to reach out with your senses,” Luke told her. This seemed as good a place as any to begin a little Jedi instruction. “How many presences can you feel?”
Alex concentrated on the bay, ignoring the cold, biting wind. She closed her eyes. “Two.” She paused, cocking her head to one side as she felt a distant shadow just at the edge of her subconscious. “No, three,” she said.
“Very good. Okay, get ready.”
Alex nodded, wondering what Luke had in mind. Suddenly, a loud crash reverberated through the hollowed-out chamber.
“Let’s go!” Luke said.
As they darted across the bay. Alex spied two harried technicians scurrying toward a pile of crates that had toppled from a supply skiff near the cargo hatch of the shuttle. The skiff driver stood, hands planted on hips, eyeing the mess.
The diversion worked. No one saw Luke and Alex steal aboard the turbolift. As it descended toward the landing bay where their ships were docked, Alex glanced at Luke, noting the troubled expression in his eyes. Reaching out through the Force, she sensed the unfriendly presence they were about to face.
Luke’s hand moved toward the lightsaber hooked at his waist. Alex intercepted his hand, entwining her fingers through his. “Just follow my lead,” she told him. Wrapping her arms around Luke, she pulled him close and kissed him.
The turbolift door slid open. A young supply tech blocked Alex and Luke’s entry into the bay, not that either of them had noticed. For a few seconds, Alex managed to forget what deep trouble she and Luke could be in. She sensed he was enjoying the impromptu kiss as much as she was.
Smiling, the technician cleared his throat. “You getting off here?” he asked, as Luke slowly pulled away from Alex.
Alex blushed, her eyes lowered. Luke looked at the technician, peered past him into the bay, and nodded. Shaking his head in disbelief, the tech watched as Luke took Alex’s hand and led her from the turbolift.
Alex spied Metallo near the hatch of the Star Quest. Lieutenant. Cdera, the officer who’d greeted them earlier, was there, too, arguing with the captain. Cdera gestured vehemently toward the dozen stormtroopers exiting the cargo lift. Something told Alex their troubles weren’t over yet.
But at least her little ploy seemed to have worked. The technician sauntered past them into the lift as Alex glanced nervously toward the stormtroopers. Then suddenly, an angry wave pounded her senses. She could feel the technician s expression blacken. It hit him like a bolt of lightning — only Imperial personnel were cleared to use the turbolifts that served the garrison. His hand reached out to block the lift door before it closed. “Hey — wait a minute!” he shouted.
Alex turned, reaching for her blaster, and fired. The technician slumped to the floor of the turbolift and the door quietly slid shut.
Hearing the commotion, Lieutenant Cdera swung around. He pulled his own blaster to ready position. “Stop those people!” he ordered over the dull roar of ship’s engines, motioning the stormtroopers to intercept Luke and Alex. He never saw Metallo pull her own blaster.
Up in the control booth, one of the technicians reached to sound the alarm. Blaster fire illuminated the booth, and two more Imperials fell.
The stormtroopers opened fire. Luke’s lightsaber hissed to life, deflecting a shot meant for Alex as they sprinted across the bay. Near the Star Quest’s open hatch, Metallo was methodically picking off stormtroopers. A blast blackened a hatch strut next to Metallo’s head as Luke and Alex came up beside her. Another shot bounced off Luke’s lightsaber. From controls inside the cockpit, Gil lowered the ship’s concealed laser cannon. A barrage of gunfire sprayed the Imperials.
Several stormtroopers seeking cover ran toward the Kazellis freighter. Caught in the open, they were surprised by the commandos who had taken up positions around the freighter and joined in the firefight.
In a matter of seconds, the battle was over.
“Thanks for your help, Metallo.” Luke said as he hooked his lightsaber back onto his belt.
“Love to stay and chat a while, Luke,” Metallo told him, “but I bet we’re gonna have more company.”
Luke seemed to be focusing on somewhere else. He glanced up and nodded at the figure standing in the control room. “Page has jammed communications. And he’s got the turbolifts off-line. It’ll be a few minutes before they figure out what’s happened down here.”
Metallo gave Luke a two-fingered salute as she headed into her ship.
Alex turned to face Luke. She finally understood — the visions, the unusual insights — all the pieces had come together. Luke Skywalker had opened up a whole new world of possibilities for her. He would always be a part of her. No matter that events would take them on different paths for now — they were a part of the Force, bound together by its energies. And perhaps, someday, she would come to know the Force completely. But, for now, they each had a job to do elsewhere.
“There’s work to be done on Garos,” she told Luke.
“You’ll have some extra help now,” he replied.
Alex glanced toward the cockpit of the Star Quest and nodded. Her eyes came back to Luke’s, and she held her hand out to him. A shy smile crossed her face. He took her hand into his and squeezed it gently. “We will meet again, Alex,” he said.
He watched her walk up the ramp into the freighter. Alex took one last look back and waved good-bye.
The Star Quest rose into the sky just as the sun peaked its head through clouds in the east. Carl Barzon came up beside Alex in the cockpit, placing his arm across her shoulders. “I never thought I’d leave this place,” he said. “Thank you, Captain Metallo.”
“Alex is the one you should thank, Doctor,” Metallo told him. “For the daughter of an Imperial governor, she’s some kinda’ Rebel.”
Barzon smiled at Alex and gently kissed her on the cheek before heading back into the passenger compartment.
“Gil told you?” Alex asked.
“I — ”
“Don’t say anything, kid,” Metallo said.
Alex nodded as Gil entered the cockpit, winked slyly at her, and strapped himself into the co-pilot’s seat.
A brilliant explosion flared behind them as the Star Quest moved out of Sarahwiee’s atmosphere and toward deep space. “Gil, plot us the quickest course outa’ here.”
“Course computed and laid in, Cap’n.”
“We’re away,” Metallo called, pulling back on the hyperdrive.
Alex gazed out the viewport as the stars blurred into starlines. A
feeling of calm pervaded her senses. Across the endless boundaries of space, she felt Luke’s mind touch hers one last time.
Lieutenant Page — Katarn Commandos
Lieutenant: New Republic Intelligence has determined that the Empire is secretly researching new weapons technology on the planet Sarahwiee.
Your mission is twofold. Intelligence feels it is imperative that the research labs on Sarahwiee be destroyed. Though we have been unable to confirm that the Empire is beyond the research stage, as a precaution, and based on Luke Skywalker’s recommendation, the factories and storage/warehouse facilities must also be destroyed.
Secondly, destruction of the labs alone may not ensure that research might continue elsewhere. To circumvent such an event, the Imperial computer network on Sarahwiee must be violated, implanted with numerous viruses to assure destruction of their research thus far.
Timing will be critical to the safety of your people and to the success of this mission. You will have approximately three point five hours to accomplish these tasks. We are recommending that a second freighter serve as backup, offering an additional means of escape should that be necessary. Captain Tere Metallo, with whom you are familiar, has volunteered the Star Quest. Under the guise of free-traders, your ships will be loaded with supplies on Garos IV. You will be given orders to rendezvous with an Imperial contact who will supply the coordinates for Sarahwiee. Any other approach would alert the Imperials to your presence.
The Imperial garrison is accessible only by ship. Freighters clock in the lower of two landing bays that are hollowed into the mountainside. Freighter crews are restricted to the landing bay area. During down-phase (your arrival is scheduled for 0200 hours) one stormtrooper patrols the bay. Two or three tech crews will be on duty unloading freighters. Activity within the bay is monitored from the control room. See datafile 7631-M for base schematics.
Given the time limitations, Intelligence feels that you should consider a three-pronged approach. Team One should access the Imperial computer network. Reports indicate there are numerous workstations within the landing bay area, and with careful observation of the guard and tech crews, penetration should not be too difficult. Intelligence will provide you with the virus programs.
Team Two can be hidden in specially designed supply containers that will be moved into the warehouse (level 3) via the cargo lift when your ships are unloaded. Use of the lift beyond level 3 during down-phase would likely call unwanted attention to your people.
The approach to the research labs and factories (levels 19-23) is extremely dangerous. Because of the restricted movement allowed your teams within the garrison, these areas are best accessed through the top of the garrison. Team Three has to be dropped on the mountainside immediately before your ship enters the landing bay. This team not only has to scale the mountain, but also climb the sheer walls of the garrison. Access into the garrison can be gained through the buttresses on level 24.
Good luck. And may the Force be with you.
Alex Winger
Type: Underground freedom fighter
Blaster 7D+2, dodge 5D+1, grenade 4D, heavy weapons 5D, melee 5D+2, melee parry 5D+1
Alien species 5D, bureaucracy 6D, cultures 5D, languages 3D+2, planetary systems 4D+1, streetwise4D+2, survival 5D+1, value 5D
Astrogation 4D+2, beast riding 4D, repulsorlift operation 6D
Bargain 5D, command 6D, con 6D, hide 5D+2, search 5D+1, sneak 6D+2
Brawling 4D, climbing/jumping 5D, lifting 3D+1, stamina 6D+1
Computer programming/repair 6D, demolition 5D, droid programming 5D+1, repulsorlift repair 4D+2, security 4D+1
Special Abilities:
Force Skills: Sense 1D
Sense: Life detection
This character is Force-sensitive.
Force Points: 7
Character Points: 12
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), comlink
Capsule: Alex Winger is bright, attractive, and just shy of her 21st birthday. For someone so young, she has extensive experience with and knowledge of the resistance movement on Garos IV. Her expertise with weaponry and computer systems is well known to the freedom fighters she works with. She has participated in several commando and scouting missions, and has personally led several sabotage actions. As the daughter (by adoption) of Imperial Governor Tork Winger, she is in a unique position that allows her access to information about Garos’ political and military structure.
Alex has been watching the Empire ship ore and other supplies from her homeworld to a secret base offworld. When her friend, resistance leader and scientist Carl Barzon is imprisoned at this secret facility — a facility on a snow-covered mountain that Alex has seen repeatedly in visions — Alex realizes she must go there, not only to rescue Barzon, but also to unravel a part of her own destiny.
Tere Metallo
Type: New Republic Commando
Blaster 7D, dodge 5D, melee combat 5D+2, melee parry 5D, thrown weapons 4D
Alien species 5D, cultures 5D, languages 6D, planetary systems 6D+2, streetwise 5D+2, survival 6D
Astrogation 6D+1, repulsorlift operation 5D+1, starship gunnery 7D, space transports 7D+2, starship shields 7D
Bargain 6D, command 6D, con 7D, gambling 7D+1, hide 6D+2, persuasion 6D, search 6D, sneak 6D+2
Computer programming/repair 7D+2, demolition 4D, spacetransports repair 6D+1
Special Abilities:
Biorhythm Detection: Metallo’s antennae give her a unique perspective of other species. She can detect changes in blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration.
This character is Force-sensitive.
Force Points: 4
Character Points: 10
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), comlink
Capsule: Tere Metallo is a native of the planet Riileb. By virtue of her birth as eldest daughter to the MotherClan, Metallo would have taken her place (at the age of 30) as inheritor of the ClanRing. But a jealous sister arranged for her to be sold her into slavery when Metallo was 25.
Fortunately for Metallo, a Corellian smuggler named Bek Nataal rescued her from the slavers. The crusty old Corellian had a heart as good as gold. Nataal taught Metallo everything he knew about ships, trade routes, and the underworld during the seven years she worked with him. During an unexpected boarding inspection by Imperial authorities, Nataal was killed. Metallo was imprisoned briefly and tortured by her captors. She managed to escape before the Empire shipped her off to Kessel.
Metallo found working passage to Corellia, where she took a job repairing freighters. Eventually she saved enough credits to buy her own ship. For a while she made legitimate runs in the Mid-Rim (and some not-so-legitimate), but the Empire kept getting in her way. Aligning herself with the Rebel Alliance, Metallo began supplying ships in the Rebel fleet. After the Battle of Yavin, she accepted a commission in Alliance Intelligence. Her ability to move in and out of Imperially held worlds as a free-trader has given her the opportunity to perform valuable undercover work for the Alliance and its successor, the New Republic
Metallo has light gray skin and is 2.27 meters tall, antennaed, and hairless except for one long silver braid — only married Riileb females and all Riileb males have full heads of hair.
Gil Crosear
Type: New Republic Commando
Blaster 5D+2, dodge 5D, grenade 4D, melee combat 4D+2, melee parry 4D+2
Alien species 4D, languages 3D+2, planetary systems 5D, streetwise 5D+2, survival 5D+1
ogation 6D+2, repulsorlift operation 5D, sensors 7D, starship gunnery 6D+1, space transports 6D+2, starship shields 6D
Hide 5D+2, search 6D, sneak 7D+2
Climbing/jumping 5D, lifting 4D+2, stamina 6D
Demolition 4D+2, space transports repair 6D+1
Force Points: 2
Character Points: 5
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), comlink, detonite with timer fuses
Capsule: Gil Crosear, a native of Dantooine, enlisted in the New Republic military shortly after the Battle of Endor. He distinguished himself in recruit training. During wargames, he led his unit in a surprise infiltration of an “enemy-held” facility. With a natural flair for everything from ship repair to computers, and excellent undercover skills, Gil was immediately recognized as a candidate for Special Forces. After training with the New Republic’s best, he was assigned to work with Tere Metallo doing undercover work on Imperially held worlds. He holds the rank of lieutenant in the New Republic military.
Gil is 25 years old, with dark hair and eyes, of medium height with a wiry build. He is quite average looking — the kind of person who blends into a crowd, a very useful trait given his chosen profession.
Carl Barzon
Type: Professor, Resistance Leader
Blaster 4D, brawling parry 3D, dodge 2D+2
Alien species 6D, bureaucracy 5D, cultures 5D+2, languages 6D, planetary systems 4D+2, scholar: geology 8D+1, survival 4D+1, value 6D
Computer programming/repair 4D, droid programming 4D+2, droid repair 4D+2
Force Points: 1
Character Points: 4
Move: 10
Equipment: Data pad
Capsule: Dr. Carl Barzon was a professor and research scientist at the University of Garos in Ariana — he became involved in Garos’ resistance movement shortly after the Empire established a presence on the planet. He had spent more than 25 years quietly researching the natural cloaking properties of the ore hibridium, which is found only on Garos IV.
Star Wars - The Adventures of Alex Winger 7 - Rendezvous with Destiny Page 3