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The Taken Bride: A Medieval Romance

Page 6

by McCormick, Kaley

  She was not sure what William did during his days, but she knew exactly what he did with his nights. Every night, they dined together in the estate hall. She loved the way William treated his servants with kindness even though it made her miss Olivia terribly.

  And every night after dinner, and perhaps a little wine, Elizabeth would walk over to William’s chair and whisper in his ear. “Will you share the bed with me tonight?”

  It always made him grin and he never refused her request.

  About a year after Elizabeth’s grand escape from Henry, the family was out traveling and Elizabeth suddenly realized that her father-in-law was headed to make some sort of deal with Henry for horses or trade or some sort of business.

  William felt her gasp next to him when she recognized the hills and ponds, and tightened his arm around her shoulders in unconscious protection. They dropped his father off at Elizabeth’s old estate, along with protection just in case, and headed into town for the afternoon.

  As they strolled arm in arm over the cobblestone paths, Elizabeth ran into Olivia. She could not stop herself from hugging the older woman, and Olivia marveled at the change in Elizabeth’s life.

  “I’ve missed you, child. There’s no one to share my tea and cheese and bread with.”

  “Perhaps William can strike a bargain with Henry,” Elizabeth whispered conspiratorially.

  Olivia smiled sweetly. “I’m just glad you are okay, Ma’am.”

  Elizabeth and William returned to the estate to retrieve his father, and Henry walked him to the carriage.

  William stepped out to formally meet the man, and made sure to help Elizabeth down from the carriage.

  None of the group was certain that Henry would have recognized William as the Highlander raider but Henry’s mouth gaped open when he recognized Elizabeth. Her dresses looked finer than anything he had provided for her, she stood straighter than he remembered, and her skin absolutely glowed. Elizabeth thought he was going to actually faint when his gaze finally swept down to her swollen belly.

  She grinned at William and then at Henry. With a smirk, she leveled her gaze at Henry and told him. “Guess all I needed was good strong Scottish blood in me.”


  Taken Captive by the Highlander

  Chapter one

  “I don’t know what you are thinking. You know that your place is here in the home. Nobody’s going to take you seriously as an artist. Your paintings are scribbles at best. You’ll never be up there with the greats and for you to even try only shows how delusional you are. When you married me, you married into the Everly royal family and I will not be embarrassed by these drawings being shown in public.” I’d just finished telling Henry that I wanted to pursue my painting. I’d always found a passion with creating something with my own two hands.

  “I understand that you have a standing within the society. It’s possible that people may not even like my paintings, but there is really only one way to find out.” Henry didn’t even allow me to go out on my own and had always supplied me with a guard. I think that he was worried that somebody was going to snatch me up underneath his nose. I don’t even know the reason why I married him in the first place. He was boorish, treated me like I was a second class citizen with no rights to speak of. He really did believe that I was his property and that he owned me lock stock and barrel.

  He dressed in his customary black pants; brown buttoned Kings Coat with the cuffs rolled up, not to mention those ugly black boots. His hair was brown and cut short and his beard was neatly trimmed. Being over 6 ft tall and 200 plus pounds had made him an imposing figure.

  “I don’t want to hear any more of this nonsense. If you insist on speaking of this in public, then I will have to make an example out of you.” I touched my arm instinctively, knowing that he could be quite hands on when he decided to punish me for my disobedience. He didn’t break any bones or cause any permanent injury. Mostly it was hard slaps, spankings and the constant verbal abuse that made me feel like I was 2 feet tall.

  He only wanted me because he didn’t want anyone else to have me. He saw the way the boys would look at me serving them in that tavern. The low bodice and tight corset really didn’t leave much to the imagination. I was 5’6, 130 pounds with the kind of curves that got all sorts of attention. Being blonde and with these very bewitching green eyes made for some nice tips.

  I was better than this and for me to get trapped into a marriage to a man that didn’t show me respect was my cross to bear. He slammed the door and the echo made me cringe. The painting on the wall swung back and forth and it was lucky that it didn’t come crashing down. He would’ve blamed me for that.

  I went over to the window and I peered through the glass at the courtyard down below. People were making their way back and forth in whatever life they were leading. I had no such life and outside the home, I was not allowed to wear anything that was daring. He did let me paint, but only if it was behind closed doors and he didn’t have to see it. Whenever he got drunk at a nearby tavern, he would come home and destroy those creations in a fit of merciless laughter that terrified me to this day.

  “Luna, you know that he’s never going to change. You’re not like that and you need a man that’s going to treat you like a real woman.” Those words were the last thing that my mother said on her deathbed. I should’ve taken her advice on that day, but now two years had gone by, since she had passed on. I thought that I could love him, but each day was my own personal nightmare.

  “Is Madame ready for breakfast?” it couldn’t do anything for myself and we had a staff that waited on me hand and foot. For most girls, that would’ve been the life, but they didn’t know what went on behind closed doors.

  “Isabella, you’ve been with the family for about six months. Please call me Luna. I don’t need nor do I require you to call me ‘Madam’.”

  I did not look at her and I was staring out the window at the first cog’s that had come back after being built in the harbor. Henry was responsible for bringing England into a new age. I did see a contingent of soldiers in armor disembarking from the ship. They were sent to make sure that nothing went wrong. There had always been somebody that would come after English Territory. It hadn’t happened in over five years, but that didn’t mean that it couldn’t. They were inklings of a new threat and I heard hushed tones and people talking about the highlanders.

  From what I could gather, they were brutish men that enjoyed conquering any land and taking what was not theirs. They would pillage and plunder and laugh maniacally, as they got drunk. I had to admit that the depiction of them wearing kilts was something that I would have liked to witness for myself. I often wondered what they wore underneath and it was rumored that they were completely bare.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can call you anything, but madam. If the master heard me talk to you in your own name, I would be punished.” I should’ve known that I would have no say. I was seriously contemplating running off into the night, but I had nowhere to go and no survival skill to speak of. I didn’t want to find myself in a worse situation, even though I couldn’t even imagine what that could be.

  “Isabella, you do whatever you’re comfortable with and don’t let me influence you in any way. I’m ready for breakfast.” She was waiting for me to say that and she carried in this tray with a medley of fruits and delicacies. It was the same thing all the time and I just wished that they would switch things up and try something different.

  Henry was a big deal and people showed him the respect that he had supposedly earned. I think that they enjoyed his wealth more than they enjoyed having him around. How anybody could like him was beyond me.

  I opened my window and I could hear Henry talking to one of the guards. “I can’t believe that you brought him here to Essex. I suppose people deserve to see justice. Prepare the prisoner for execution. He’ll stand in front of the courtyard and everybody will watch his beheading. Piracy is punishable by death.”

“I think that the King and Queen should hear about this. It is their kingdom and they should be aware of any transgressions.” The soldier was trying to argue his point, but Prince Henry was not going to take their word.

  “That is no way to talk to a prince. If I had my way, I would have you executed along with the prisoner. Do not presume to know what my parents want or don’t want. I will decide if they need to know. “I had to admit that Henry was quite the specimen. If it wasn’t for his attitude, he might have been somebody that I could care for. I thought that I did at one time, but I guess I was only seeing what he wanted me to see.

  He could be charming, opinionated, but I really thought that he was a good man underneath it all. He didn’t exactly ask for my hand. He forced my father with riches to make him give his blessing. I didn’t have much say and I was rushed down the aisle. I stood nervously at the alter in front of the catholic priest.

  I couldn’t say those words and apparently it didn’t matter. Henry had done most of the talking. He convinced the priest that I was just nervous. After the wedding, I decided to make the best out of the situation. We consummated that night and I had not been touched, so that was my first time. I really didn’t know any better, but I thought it was too quick and he fell asleep right after. It was brief and every time since, he was on me for less than 5 minutes and then done. I didn’t even know what an orgasm was, until I took matters into my own hands.

  The castle was like my own personal prison. It was given to him by his parents, as they had decided that their attention should be on other matters. Walking around, I was amazed by the architecture, but still felt like it was cold and impersonal.

  I was wearing this low bodice and I could sense any time that he was staring at me with those lecherous eyes. Henry was tall, dark and handsome. It was just that he was ugly on the inside. It didn’t matter if he was handsome, because his attitude of women had made him unappealing. It had been two years since he touched me. I knew that he was probably carousing with some of the other girls when he went into town, but I really couldn’t have cared. As long as it got me out of lying there and pretending that I was having the time of my life, I was happy.

  Chapter two

  “I hope that you are ready for this, Luna. This will be your first execution and I expect you to act accordingly.” Recently, we had gotten into trading cloth and wool internationally. That was where he and the royal family were making their fortune. “I don’t want to see you wringing your hands or crying for the man. You are to stay completely still and not do anything to attract attention to yourself.” The gray frock that he had given me went all the way up to my neck. There was not one piece of exposed skin. I felt like it was choking me, but there’s no way that I could tell him that.

  There was nothing attractive about it. He had made one of the maids come in and do my hair up, so that it was not flowing freely over my shoulders. It was in a bun. I looked matronly and it gave my expression this hardened feel that would make most men turn away in disgust.

  “You don’t have to worry about me. I’ll do exactly what you say.” I never thought that those words would ever come out of my mouth. I used to have a mind of my own, but now I had him thinking for me. It didn’t matter if it was about politics, religion or even what to eat. He would decide everything and I was pretty much a made up doll for his amusement.

  “I just don’t want you to embarrass me.” We went down to where the execution was about to occur. Everybody had crowded around, but I could see that there were a lot of people that were uncomfortable with this practice. There were also a lot that were cheering and waiting for the bloodshed.

  The man was brought out was wearing a red and black kilt with a chain around the middle hanging with some kind of decorative plaque. He had red hair and a beard and he did not look like he was terrified for his life. He was actually smiling and waving to the crowd.

  “We are gathered here today to witness an execution. Let this be a lesson to all of you. The English does not allow such barbaric behavior. We will stand up to oppression and this man will be an example to those that even contemplate coming after us. We are stronger than everyone and the sooner that they understand that, the better off they’ll be.

  They were about to kill this man and they had not even mentioned his crime. I’d heard through the window that it was piracy, but if that was so, then where was his boat. I did not see any other vessel in the harbor when I took my walk that morning. Only Henry knew why this man was being put to death.

  There were sounds and then the gate lowered. Highlanders with swords were screaming at the top of their lungs. They were painted and they looked like they were ready to fight to the death. The English army went to intervene, but they were slain right in front of my eyes. These warriors took no prisoners and even when they were cut, they continued to fight like they couldn’t even feel the pain.

  They were using broadswords, but there were a few that had decided on a dirk. This was a close quarter knife and I saw one flying over towards the prisoner. He snatched it out of the air and stabbed forward to cut into the very heart of Henry. I watched in horror, as Henry fell to his knees with a tendril of blood flowing from his mouth and down his chin. He looked up at his would be assailant and then his head slumped forward, until his chin was touching his chest.

  At the point, the prisoner pulled it free and wiped the blade on his own hand. I could only stand there and watch as these barbaric Highlanders came through that gate and destroyed everything in their path. They took great pride in their destruction and they stood with a victory scream, while standing over the bodies of those that had stood in their way.

  There was not one man alive and the women and children had decided that it was in their best interest to hide. I was the only one that was standing there and I felt vulnerable and excited at the same time.

  “My name is Conner Patrick of the clan Patrick. You are my prisoner.” Before I could even react, he was lifting me with relative ease onto his manly shoulders. He laughed, as I flailed about like a fish out of water. “Stop struggling or I will have to bind your hands and your ankles.” I did not want that, so I stayed silent and let him carry me with the rest of his brethren into the woods.

  We got to a clearing and out on the water was this vessel that I had not seen before. This was what they probably came in on and what they were going to go back out on. He made me swim in my dress. It was good thing that I was a strong swimmer, or I would have surely drowned.

  I remembered the look on Henry’s face and I couldn’t help but to smile. It could not happen to a better person. It was bad enough that half of the English have been decimated by the black plague. He had used the suffering of others to buy up land at a fraction of the cost. He was despicable, but nobody deserved to die in that manner. It was barbaric and I could tell on the prisoners face that he was having a lot of fun making him suffer with the blade sticking in his chest. I think he wiped it on his hands as warrior’s gesture of victory over his enemies.

  We got over to the boat and he fished out a drowned rat, which was namely me. We set sail and there was a joyous atmosphere that came from a battle that had been won. What they didn’t realize was that by killing Henry, they had set in motion a series of events that couldn’t be taken back. The King and Queen would want vengeance and they would send as many soldiers as it took to decimate the Highlanders.

  I had no doubt that they would fight to the death, but it eventually the numbers would be too much for them to overcome. It was just a matter of time. That was making their victory a little less than what it should have been.

  “I am glad that you were able to witness what we did to your people. We are conquerors and we are brave and we fight.” At the sound of those words, there was a chorus of applause. They had raised their weapons in the air. “We fight for the freedom of our people. The English and their tyranny will not rule our land. We have struck their heart and perhaps now they will take us seriously.” His words were directe
d at his people and those warriors that were in attendance were now listening with avid interest.

  “What if the English come after us for revenge?” That was a question that I would like answered myself.

  “Let them come. Let them find out like those that have tried to stand in our way that we will not be taken alive. We will vanquish our enemies and send them back to where they came from. We are Highlanders. We are men. We are the future of our people.” I found the crest on his red and black tartan kilt to be quite fascinating. I couldn’t stop staring at it.

  He smiled wickedly and I think he thought that I was looking at something other than the crest. I did have a glance at his package, but the heavy tartan was making it very difficult to discern what exactly he had to offer.

  “You’re probably wondering what we wear underneath.” He lifted the kilt and I was staring at the back side of a naked ass.” We wear nothing.” He stood in defiance and then he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bowels of the ship.

  I did not like the way that he tried to manhandle me, but secretly, I longed for the firm touch of a real man that would be able to show me the kind of passion that I was missing out on.

  I was glad that I was wearing that gray frock, because frankly they weren’t even paying attention to me. They were more interested in drinking and laughing their asses off to even bother with someone that sort of blended into their surroundings. I was fascinated by their behavior and I couldn’t stop staring at Conner. He had taken off his shirt and the kilt seemed to be longer than it needed to be. He strapped the rest of that over his shoulder, but it did not hide the masculine chest of a warrior. I could see the scars from where he had probably gotten injured, but still was able to fight on to victory. I imagined him standing over his victims, raising a cheer and finding myself quite enamored by his physical frame.


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