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The Taken Bride: A Medieval Romance

Page 53

by McCormick, Kaley

  “Eric, I don’t think it was necessary to berate him like that.” In a moment that I would look back at later and wonder how I got myself into this, I found myself being grabbed by his hand and being pulled onto the king size bed with the red silk sheets. If it was kind of predictable, but the kiss that he landed on my list was a lot more spontaneous. I tried to struggle free, but I don’t think that I was fighting very hard. He had his hands wrapped around me and his fingers playing my spine like a xylophone.

  “I understand that if you want to leave and it’s not every day that you find out that the impossible is possible. You’re a woman of science and you’re probably trying to come up with a reasonable explanation to make yourself believe. Trust me, I’ve been doing that ever since that I was bit 25 years ago. I’ve been fighting him for almost 20 of those years. I don’t think that it’s ever going to stop, until one of us is 6 feet under. We know each other, so well that it’s like we are doing the two step. I know exactly what he’s going to do and he knows exactly what I’m going to do. We fall into the category of a stalemate.”

  “There has to be a reason for this animosity between the two of you.” I was still lying on top of him and I could feel his projection of manhood striking up against my body. I hadn’t had a good fucking in a long time. His attention was causing all things sexual to stir to the surface. My breasts were poking into his chest and he wasn’t wearing a shirt. The jacket was removed and the only thing that was preventing me from seeing him au natural was the pair of pants.

  “Believe me, I’ve tried to make peace, but he just won’t listen to me. He is, so wrapped up in the fact that I took away the love of his life that he can’t see straight. Once I open my mouth, I find myself entrenched in a battle for my life. It’s getting old and I’m hoping that he feels the same way. I want to put all this behind us, so that we can live normally and not endanger innocent bystanders. Those two girls got into the middle of us and we couldn’t stop, even if we wanted to. Our animal sides were attacking and the only thing that was going to stop us was either death or an injury.”

  “That would explain the two girls, but what about the guy that’s in a coma.” I figured that I may as well learn what I could. I decided to treat this, as an experiment and work it from every angle.

  “He panicked and tried to pull a gun on us. That was the first and only time that we ever worked together towards a common goal. We hunted him down and we tore into him, until we were able to finally pull ourselves away. He was still alive and I think we deserve some credit for reining in the animal. It’s not the first time that each of us has had blood on our hands and it probably won’t be the last.” I hadn’t noticed, but during our interaction, he had somehow relieved me of my black leather jacket, pulled my dress down over my healthy bosom and had now buried his head in between.

  Chapter four

  I tried to collect my thoughts and get into the frame of mind of wanting to walk away. It wasn’t easy and the way that he was touching me was igniting all those little nerves. I was almost powerless against his advances. I finally said fuck it, pulling down the dress and showing him what I was hiding underneath. My bra was already a distant memory, tossed aside like it was day old bread. My panties were stripped from my chaffed thighs, leaving a red strip where they had once been. Those marks streaked across the inside of both of my thighs.

  “The one thing that I can tell you, Sheila is that you are a woman after my own heart. I’ve always had a desire to be with a woman of color and substance and you certainly fit those criteria down to the letter. He kissed me again, but it was not on my mouth. I strained my muscles, lifting my body into the air, as he stuck me with his tongue and made me feel it. I sensed that there was an animal component within him and it was that ferocity that made me want to stay here.

  “If I was being honest, I would have to say that I’ve never had any interest in white men before. You might be the only one that has gotten past first base. I was using a sports metaphor, something that I wasn’t very comfortable with, but it seemed fitting.

  “I have no interest in getting to first base. My interest is going around all the bases and then sliding into home.” He continued to explore my flesh, delving deeper and showing me nothing that would even resemble mercy. The feeling was indescribable and I wanted to tell him that if he didn’t stop that I was going to give him a different kind of mustache.”

  “I feel like I’m spinning on my heels and I want you to know that I don’t think that I’ve felt like this with any other man.” I had my hands gripping the pillowcases, holding them tightly and digging my fingernails through the fabric like it was made of butter. I should’ve been worried that he would change me with one bite, but for some reason it never even entered into my mind.

  “I’m feeling a little lightheaded myself, but I don’t think it even compares to what you’re going to feel in a few seconds.” That was a bold claim to make and then shooting fireworks appeared in front of my eyes. My body lifted to meet his tongue thrusts and then just like that, I was finding that moment of inner enjoyment. There was no other way to describe it, as I thrashed and moved against his face. I thought that I would break his nose, but he was conscious enough to keep me plastered and writhing in a pleasurable agony that I never wanted to stop.

  “Fuck me…fuck me…you just took my breath away.” I had barely gotten those words out of my mouth, when he buried himself. There was no room for error and his stroke was with precision. I felt like I was sick and that I would wake up and he would be gone. I closed my eyes to what I was going through, feeling my stomach twisting in knots. I finally came down from that immeasurable high. I looked down between my breasts to see that we were joined.

  He kissed me again, while pistoning in and out between my thighs. He never gave me a chance to gather my thoughts, as I was now consumed with the need to feel him deep inside. His face contorted and I could tell that he was struggling with keeping the wolf inside. He obviously wanted to let it out to play, but I had this funny feeling that it wouldn’t be good for anybody.

  “Your body is a marvel of god’s mechanics. You have a very nasty little hole that can’t get enough of what I’m giving it. I have to tell you that the wolf is very happy. I’ve never felt him, so calm and in control.” It was strange hearing him talking about the wolf, as if it was a separate part of his identity. Maybe he wanted to keep the wolf and the man away from each other, but I didn’t think that was even possible. “I love the way that my cock feels and the way that your pussy grabs onto it and never lets go.” It was doing that and I could swear that I had a tight glove down below that I didn’t even know existed before.

  It had to have something to do with the animal inside him. It was bringing about these changes in me. I’d never felt so fired up that I had to have a man by any means necessary. He had obviously had this effect on me and it wasn’t like I could fight back. It wasn’t even like that I wanted to fight back. It was nice to wander down this road and reach into a part of my psyche that I thought was only for those that were comfortable in their own skin. For most things, I was, but sex was an entirely new breed of problems.

  “I love having your cock and you will surely know how to work what you’re blessed with.” I didn’t even think it was possible that I would be able to take something of that magnitude. He really did have me at a loss for words, something that had not happened in all these years that I have been living on this planet. “If you don’t mind, I would really like you to speed things along. I don’t want this to end, but I’m this close and all I need is that extra special touch to get me there…AAAHHHHHH.” I was no longer calling the shots and my body was now taken me for a ride that I did not request or even desire at the time.

  He turned me, so that I was the one in the driver’s seat. I put my hands on his chest, feeling his heart beating against my fingertips and knowing that he had nowhere better that he needed to be. I could also tell that his wounds were healing and maybe it had the influenc
e of the wolf to feed off of, or maybe it was the sexual energy that was surrounding the both of us. Whatever it was, it was bringing him back to what he once was. There was no weakness and I saw nothing to indicate that he was in any sort of pain. He did moan, but that was because I was driving my hips down on top of him with an insistence that came from knowing that he was keeping something from me.

  “Sheila, you have been a very interesting surprise. Yes…fuck me with that sweet little body of yours. Show me no mercy.” He was obviously into this and he was meeting me with thrusts of his hips, as I was coming down for that inevitable strike against our thighs. We were both naked and in our own little world and nobody was going to pull us away from serving each other’s needs.

  “I’m going to…fucking cum.” That was the only way that I could describe it, but it was so much more than that. It was like we were connected body and soul and I could actually feel the wolf scratching to get out. It was overexcited and I could tell that a part of him had changed. His chest was now covered with hair all the way down to his belly button and it was soft to the touch. I rode him and made sure that he was well aware of the fact that I was not going to abandon him.

  “I’m so sorry I’m very sorry about this… YESSSSS.” His loins were on fire and then I felt the expulsion of his seed, as it fired from the tip and drove into me like a gunshot. One after the other, I was surprised by the force, but I was actually able to have a third orgasm during his own. It was then that the window shattered and it was lucky that the bed was not situated in such a way that it would be able to get in the line of fire of those shards of glass.

  Chapter five

  I felt myself in the air and then I landed heavily on my padded ass. It hurt, but mostly I bruised my ego. I was momentarily stunned, after such a climactic moment, but I was able to wrestle myself to my feet in time to see these two animals going at it again.

  They went through the door and they crashed through the railing and down onto the glass coffee table. I was naked and I had to grab something to cover myself, which turned out to be a white fluffy robe that was hanging haphazardly on the door that was almost ripped off its hinges.

  I took off down the stairs, moving my heavy ebony body at a speed that I hadn’t moved, since I was younger and a lot less weight.

  They were attacking each other and once again it didn’t look like it was going to end, until one of them could no longer breathe.

  “I think that’s more than enough. This has been going on too long and it’s time for the both of you to stop acting like children. The past is the past and if you can’t get over it, then you may as well just continue, until one of you are dead. Don’t kid yourself. Just because it hasn’t happened yet, doesn’t mean that it’s not gonna happen.” This stopped them and they look towards me. I think that they were trying to understand what was going on. “I mean it…if you insist on doing this, then you may as well just get it over with. I don’t think that this is really what you both want. Living in harmony might not be an easy thing to do, but it only takes one person to make a difference.”

  I didn’t want anything to happen to Eric. He had been very kind, all be it in a way that was most unexpected. The passion had been unparalleled and there was no denying that the chemistry between us was something that was going to keep us coming after each other.

  I stood there and waited for them to finally come to the conclusion that this was barbaric and not necessary. They may never be friends, but surely they could leave each other in peace. They stared at each other and then the anger that I had seen earlier was now disappearing. The wolf was the first to make the first move, turning the other cheek and changing back into the human form of Eric.

  The bear shifter could have killed him in that moment of weakness, but it decided that it was better off changing back to its normal human form.

  “I don’t think that I have ever told you this, Quinn. I really do regret my part in taking away the one true love of your life. If it helps you sleep better at night, I was never able to satisfy her. I think you know what I mean by that.”

  “Actually, it does help a little. I guess we may have taken this a step or two too far. I don’t like you, but it does make me smile to think that you are not capable of giving her what she wanted. I always thought that it was me, but apparently she’s just the dictionary meaning of an ice queen.” They had found common ground and it turned out to be an unsatisfactory love life with the woman that had gotten in between them.

  “Quinn, we’ve allowed this woman to control our lives for too long. We could continue the same way, or we can walk away. I’ve never wanted to fight you, but you never gave me a chance to talk this out. You’ve allowed the bear part of you to hold you hostage. I was guilty of that with the wolf and I think that we can finally put this behind us. It’s been 50 years and it’s time that we let the past be the past.” I didn’t know that they were immortal and I guess I really didn’t know much about them at all.

  Quinn eventually left with his blond hair pulled back into a ponytail. He had borrowed clothes from Eric. I don’t think that he was very happy that he would never see those pieces again, but he didn’t lament over the loss. They shook hands and then they began to squeeze with this intense need to see who was going to come out victorious.

  “I’m through with this. This is macho crap and when you’re through measuring your dicks, then I will expect you to come upstairs and finish what you started, Eric.” I wasn’t angry and they were just doing what men do. They had this need to compete and each one was not willing to back down or concede in any way.

  “I promise that this won’t take very long. I’ll be up in a few minutes and if you want, you can always start without me.” Walking up the stairs, I purposely opened up the robe and showed my curves to Quinn. He was in the position to see me and Eric had no idea that I was flashing my wares for an enemy that turned out to be nothing more than an unrequited love triangle. “I can see that he’s waning and that eventually I’m going to be the one left standing.” The distraction of my body had certainly got underneath Quinn’s skin.

  Quinn wasn’t paying attention and his grip had lessened, when Eric’s had only intensified. He finally pulled away “Well played, but don’t think for a second that this is over by a long shot, Eric. I’ll be back and the next time, I’ll be ready for you and that grip. Perhaps you would like to meet the woman that stole my heart. It appears that we have that in common. You may not know it yet, but that girl that you have is going to twist you around her little finger and there’s not going to be anything that you can do about it.” He bowed politely, showing me respect and not letting on that I was responsible for turning the tide against them.

  I was halfway up the stairs and then I felt a presence behind me. He picked me up into his arms and carried me effortlessly up the stairs. Nobody had been able to do that in some time and I was quite taken by the fact that he was tapping into his inner wolf.

  “Sheila, don’t think for a second that I don’t know what you did. I could see your reflection in the glass mirror behind the door. That was pretty ingenious and a little on the devious side. If I wasn’t careful, I was the one going to be falling to your interesting feminine charms.” I would say that I was caught with my hand in the cookie jar. When I landed on the mattress and I felt him ready for round two, I knew that I would be able to tame the wolf.

  It wasn’t long after that that I found out that I was pregnant with his child. I was worried that I would have this thing in my belly, but Eric was quite adamant that his condition was not hereditary. I breathed a sigh of relief with him holding my hand and placing his ear against my stomach to hear the baby’s heartbeat. We were never going to be apart and it didn’t matter if I had to contend with him running off to feed the needs of the wolf. I would be there waiting for him with open arms.


  The Highlander’s Captive Bride

  Torra and her mother were toiling all day, carrying home food and supp
lies, and working just as hard as any man as they prepared for the coming ice storm. Torra was a young woman of twenty-two, but of light hair and a fair complexion. She worked hard on a daily basis, managing the family home while her father was away for the hunt, not to mention helping her mother.

  One particular day, in the week preceding the biggest storm of the year, a peculiar incident happened just as they were returning home from a trading post. The trading post always exposed Torra to strange and unusual people, from aboriginals to Spaniards and Asians. It always went down without a worry, or at least it had. This time around the visit seemed somber, probably because a warning was sent out stating that raiders were coming into smaller villages and burning them to the ground. Women weren’t safe, neither were children. But the men, the burly men always took such delight in warning the women as explicitly as possible, as if reminding the unmarried girl that the only sure way to get protection from raiders and pirates was to marry a strong man.

  But Torra wasn’t intimidated by their implications. Her father was the strongest man in the region, having killed more men than a general, all because they dared to threaten his family. The latest wild man report was of a certain Lord Emery, a deranged lunatic who pillaged villages and destroyed everyone, from man to woman to child. Knowledge of his presence in this region was becoming widespread. Of course Torra was concerned but she wasn’t about to give into fear and marry a man just as brutal.

  Along the way home from the trading post, Torra and her mother spilled some of their sacks of produce. It was an ugly scene all right and thankfully no ruffians or animals would be on hand to take advantage of the embarrassment.


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