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Scars & Bars: The story of Renegade (The Devils Apostles MC Book 4)

Page 10

by Annie Buff

  They had a ceremony at the local church so she had really been baptized, making the party was only half a lie. Smoke had rented a bounce house for the young ones, anything to keep the toddlers occupied. He loved the kids, but

  sometimes the President could

  understand why animals ate their young.

  As the day wore on, they were all surprised Snowman hadn’t made an appearance. That had Smoke concerned. When the brown delivery truck stopped and left a package they all became leery. Smoke cautiously opened the box, peering in at the contents. There was a pink, fuzzy stuffed rabbit with a note pinned to it.

  ‘ My daughter doesn’t need to see what I’m going to do to Pretty Boy so today is a day I’m gonna pass on.But make no mistake,I willcome back eventually.

  They knew Snowman wasn’t going to show, but they still had enough food and booze for hours. Poppy remembered Renegade was ordained and figured today was as good as any other so she went in search of her man.

  When she found him, she asked, “Darius why don’t we use the rest of the time to have a wedding reception?”

  He wasn’t sure why she said that , considering nobody had gotten married. Then he understood. Poppy wanted to get married today.

  “Are you sure this is what you want? I mean we could have a better wedding.” Now it was him that didn’t understand, but Poppy was about to explain it.

  “Everyone we need is right here with us. So why not? We keep waiting for the perfect time, and this is it Darius.

  Renegade is ordained, I bet if we asked he would do it. Come on, it’s a fantastic idea.” He grinned and nodded at her, they were going to get married today.

  Poppy found Renegade and Reagan with Smoke and Red. She was so excited she blurt out the question:

  “Can you marry us? Like now? Me and Darius. The courthouse is just across the street. We could have the license and be back in half an hour!”

  Her enthusiasm was contagious and Ren busted out laughing. He loved being able to bring some joy in a world full of hatred and violence. “Go on woman, get your paperwork and bring your man. That will give us enough time to fix the chairs. So, run!”

  Poppy did just that, dragging Pretty Boy by the arm. Ren turned to Smoke and without a word spoken, the President knew what had to happen. He was more than happy to do this.

  Smoke rallied the troops. By the time the couple returned, Handlebars

  resembled a chapel. Peyton had dug through boxes and found strings of lights and tablecloths. All that was missing was a bouquet for the bride. Wisha came charging through with a mixed flower arrangement from the market down the way. Everything was set, now they just needed the bride and groom front and center.

  “Let’s do this,” Wisha summoned them, “come on you two! Time to get legal.” Poppy waked the makeshift aisle with Red on her arm to give her away. It was hard to say who had more tears in their eyes. Just by looking, Renegade said it was Red. The old biker had taken to Poppy like a parent.

  Pretty Boy stood next to Renegade about as nervous as a man could be. Ren tried to sooth him, “Relax man, it’s just the formalities. That woman loves you and all your faults. Oh, should I say Pretty Boy or Darius?”

  Pretty Boy hadn’t even thought of that, but he knew Poppy and she would want his given name. “Darius please. Poppy is Penelope too. If we’re doing it, then let’s do it right.”

  The couple stood before their family and said their vows. This was their family. It may have gotten its start as a

  motorcycle club, but it had surpassed that. Even Big Mosh was present. By the smile on his face, it was apparent that he was enjoying the festivities too.

  “We’re all here today to make these two permanent. Not that they weren’t already, two souls became one a long time ago. Today is just the formal

  ceremony, so let’s finish this.” Renegade made a good pastor. This was the perfect biker wedding, done in their favorite bar; where the seats looked like bike seats, and motorcycle parts hung from the ceiling.

  Once the ‘I do’s’ had been said and the bride kissed, the real party started. Reagan watched smiling. She knew that she and her Renegade were next in line, but theirs would be a little further off than first expected. She had found a dress, the perfect dress; but it wasn’t going to accommodate her expanding figure.

  “Whatcha thinking Doll?” Ren asked as he came up behind her, hugging her. He always seemed to know when she had something on her mind. But Reagan wanted to tell everybody together.

  “There was just something I wanted to say to everyone, can we get them to turn down the music?” It took less than a minute to have everyone quiet and waiting for Reagan.

  “Thank you all for everything, you mean so much more to me than I’ll ever be able to tell you. I didn’t want to

  overshadow Poppy’s day but I need to tell Wyatt so you all get told at the same time.”

  The Queen was grinning, she could spot that glow a mile away. She was just waiting to see how many brothers it took to pick Ren up off the floor.

  “Wyatt, I know we haven’t really talked much about a family, but we are about to have one; I’m pregnant.”

  Renegade said nothing, he was in complete and utter shock. He had thought about a baby with her every day since they had been together the first time. He just didn’t think it would ever happen. After so many years of drug abuse, he figured he had destroyed his body enough that children wouldn’t happen. Boy was he wrong, here she was telling him they’d made a child together.

  Ren sunk down to the floor, eyes full of tears as he looked up at her. “Seriously? We’re really having a kid? Oh, fuck Doll!” Reagan sat on the floor with him, she was crying too.

  Six months ago, almost to the day her life had changed when a big ole biker invited her for an apology hamburger in the very building they were in. It just seemed fitting to complete their family here. One day soon she and he would vow forever, even though in so many ways they already had. It would just be the

  formalities again.

  Reagan smiled at her family, this really was where she belonged. A crazy

  motorcycle club and the incredible women that put up with these lunatic men. She couldn’t be happier.

  An Acknowledgement:

  This book is dedicated to the memory of Renegade, a good brother. He was that Larger Than Life personality that you can’t live without, once you’ve come to know him. He is sorely missed. Ashes to ashes.




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