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Blood Brothers: A Jarvis Mann Detective Novel

Page 23

by R Weir

  “Though it didn’t last?”

  “No, he soon became completely demanding, overbearing and violent. Many times for no apparent reason. I’m always walking on egg shells around him.”

  “Toro wasn’t already married?”

  “His wife had passed recently under suspicious circumstances.”

  “Toro had her killed?”

  “That was the rumor. Apparently she couldn’t stand him either, and had a boyfriend. Needless to say, when he found out, he had them both killed, and not pleasantly, or so was the word on the street.”

  “Do you have any children?”

  “Yes, a boy who is now eleven.”

  “How does he treat him?”

  “When he isn’t hitting him, he is pointing out any faults and failures. Grades, sports, even cleaning his room. When he does well, not a positive word is spoken. Alexander says it was how he was raised, and that it made him a man. He wishes him to be tough and mean, so he can someday run the business. In my mind, it’s what made him a monster and I don’t want my son turning out like him.”

  “Do you have a picture of your son?”

  She reached into her pocket book and pulled one out.

  “Good looking young man,” I said. “Can’t imagine anyone treating their kids like that.”

  “I know deep down he hates his father. We’ve talked many times about him.”

  Reading her face, her body language, told me all I needed to know. Though I’d been fooled before, I was certain she was telling the truth.

  “What about Casey?”

  “I understand you’ve met her.”

  “I have.”

  She let out a long sigh.

  “You know what she is like, then. She is a woman now and can make her own choices, many of which are the wrong ones in my eyes. It’s been some time now since we’ve spoken, as she no longer wishes to listen to her mother. Her father and stepfather are who she has doing her bidding.”

  “She uses them?”

  “And then some. When she wants something, like money, a new car, maybe a boyfriend out of the way, she calls Edward first. If he isn’t willing, she’ll come and snuggle up to Alexander and slobber all over him. For all I know, she would screw him to get what she wants. It makes me sick to think of it.”

  I shuddered at the thought. Casey was much like the woman who had shot me before Christmas last year. One of my many terrible mistakes.

  “She seemed surprised and upset about Carlos being killed. I don’t think she was expecting it.”

  “I don’t believe I knew him.”

  “He was her international lover. Alexander essentially admitted to me he killed him and another woman he was with, when we met. This wasn’t her bidding to have him removed.”

  “It’s possible. But there are others she has had scared off when she is through with them.”

  “Yes, I’ve met and talked with one. He was beaten up and had to hire protection.”

  “Certainly her doing,” said Kellie. “I long ago gave up on saving her. But my son can be saved, and I’ll do whatever it takes.”

  “So, what do you want me to do?”

  “Put an end to it. Kill the SOB.”

  “I’m not an assassin. I have my reasons for wanting him dead, but cold-blooded murder is a reach for me. A road I’d rather not travel down.”

  She reached back into her pocket book and pulled out a bundle of money, the moist breeze off the mighty river causing the end of the stack of bills to fan.

  “I can pay you. Here is five thousand dollars upfront. I can get you more when the job is done.”

  I looked at the money long and hard. But I wasn’t in it for the money, though I did want to get Helen back the money Flynn lost.

  “What recourse do you have to return the money stolen from my brother?” I said. “Gabriel, and likely Edward, were responsible. If you can get it returned to his wife and daughter, and the others Flynn parlayed into investing, I believe we can work something out.”

  “Yes, I can. Take this as a down payment and I can get Max working on getting the rest when this is over. Do we have a deal?”

  There wasn’t much more I could hope or wish for. So, after agreeing, we talked for a while longer, going over several other items, until we came to some working conclusions. When finished, I pulled out my burner phone to call Max.

  “I’ve been convinced, so I’m in,” I said. “We’ve talked it over, and here is what I have in mind…” and I spelled out various options with him which brought goose bumps to my skin.

  Chapter 52

  The plan was in place, with the remaining hours of Sunday meant to get everything in order. Monday was the day of reckoning. I had affairs to get organized, final requests, and personal items to clear before leaving. The list was long, so I wasn’t about to doddle.

  Calling my lawyer, Barry, who was always thrilled to hear from me on a weekend, I made further arrangements with him in case of my demise. All the remaining money I had would go into a trust fund for Jolene. If something were to happen to her and Helen, then the information Flynn had found would go to the FBI and the press anonymously. I was essentially giving him a verbal will over the phone.

  “So, will I be able to bill you for this work?” asked Barry.

  “Absolutely,” I replied. “The question is will I be alive to collect from.”

  “Well for my financial sake, let’s hope so,” said Barry with a chuckle.

  “Gee, you are a sentimental guy, Barry.”

  “I would miss you if you didn’t come back. Who else can I do work for and not get paid? You are my biggest tax write-off. Without you, I might actually have to pay taxes next year.”

  All I could do was laugh before ending the call. It was nice to feel wanted, though in an oddball way.

  Then I called Melissa.

  “How are you?” she said.

  “Doing as well as can be expected,” I replied. “The end is near. It will be all over in a couple of days.”

  “So you will have caught his killer?”


  “So he will be arrested soon?”

  “He’ll be going down tomorrow.”

  “I’m so happy. So, I’ll be able to see you soon.”


  “Did you get my voicemail?”

  “I did. It made my day. I’m so proud of you for passing all your exams and acing this semester. And I can’t wait to see what you have planned for our trip.”

  “It will be the three S’s; sun, surf and sex. Hawaii, here we come!”

  It was the trip we should have taken last Christmas, before I got shot. I didn’t want to tell her it might not happen again, for different reasons.

  “Being apart has been hard,” I said. “Hopefully some time together can put us on the right track again.”

  “I’m sorry for how I’ve been these last few months. I tried to put all of it behind me; the shootings, your encounter with Emily, her seductive and violent moves on you. I’ve been buried in my work and school, trying not to think about it. But it’s difficult. I truly want to work it all out together.”

  “I understand. I’m to blame for much of it. I wished it never had happened, but I can’t turn back time.”

  I wasn’t sure if I was talking about Emily or Roni in this case. Probably both, though she wouldn’t know it. There had to be better days ahead for us, but at this point I couldn’t see it and it showed in my voice.

  “You sound odd,” she said after a long pause. “Are you okay?”

  I didn’t like lying, but didn’t want to worry her any.

  “I’m just tired. Been a long, hard case. Thoughts of you in your bikini as we walk hand in hand make me smile. I miss you.”

  “I miss you, too. Are you certain you’re okay?”

  “Getting better every day I get closer to coming home. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  The call ended and I felt weird, strangely incomplete. T
here was unfinished business there I would need to attend to, if I got out of this alive. But the other was Roni. I needed to speak with her one last time to find out where this was going. Sunday’s were a busy day for her, but she agreed to carve out some time for me. I stopped by her restaurant before dinner rush and we left together to take a walk on this hot, humid and sunny day.

  “I have to say some things,” I said. “Things happened between us I’m not pleased with myself about. Though pleasurable, they really shouldn’t have happened.”

  “You were drunk and depressed,” she replied, “needing an outlet for all that had happened. There is nothing to feel sorry about.”

  “But I shouldn’t have slept with you, made love to you. It was wrong of me to do so, in that current state and in relation to my current relationship back home.”

  She stopped and turned to me, reaching her hand out to take mine.

  “Jarvis, I’m as much to blame as you were. You are a wonderful person, who I deeply cared for all those years ago. I was quite sad when you broke it off with me at the end of our senior year, but I got over it. This was a curiosity of seeing a long lost love all these years later, wanting to connect personally and physically. I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you in your current state, but I’m not sorry it happened. You have nothing to worry about from me or fear of me being the other woman who will try and wreck what you have back home. I’m not looking to start any type of relationship and run off to Denver with you, as I offered after our senior year. I’m no longer that teenage girl who needed a man to feel fulfilled.”

  There was happiness flushing her face, for she had found herself. If only I could do the same in my personal life.

  “I feel I’ve failed her again and I’m not certain what to do.”

  “To be honest, I wouldn’t tell her. It will only ruin what you have. So long as you aren’t chasing every pretty woman you encounter and it’s only a one-time thing, I’d leave it alone.”

  “Would you want to know if you were her?”

  She paused to contemplate, taking her time before responding.

  “It’s a hard question to answer, because I was her with my ex-husband. I didn’t want to know, and even was in denial of what he was doing. But when I found out for certain, it was extremely painful. Of course, with him, it wasn’t one-time. It was habitual in many ways.”

  The problem was it wasn’t a one-time thing for me either. And, much like my brother, I was worried it would happen again. Ultimately, I had the responsibility to be faithful, but didn’t seem to have the gene in me to remain so.

  “Jarvis, you are a wonderful man,” said Roni. “You aren’t perfect by any stretch, but you have a good heart. Your lady back home is lucky to have you. Be sure to think this through carefully before telling her and destroying all you built together. This indiscretion shouldn’t kill what could be a lifetime of love and happiness.”

  I pulled her towards me and gave her a big hug, knowing I’d likely not see her again.

  “Thank you,” I whispered in her ear. “If I never see you again, I’ll always remember you fondly.”

  “As will I…”

  She gave me one last kiss, turned, and walked out of my life; likely for the last time.

  Once back in the car, I had one more call to make and then would return to spend a final evening with Helen and Jolene. If it was going to be a last supper, I wanted it to be a good one, a night of happy memories and good times, before the real world reared its ugly head the next day.

  Chapter 53

  Even with the thick thunder clouds holding back the heat of the sun, the humidity clung to me like a wet shirt, which was exactly how my white Colorado Rockies t-shirt felt. Standing there, I nervously pulled at the fabric, waiting for the dust trail in the distance, signaling the parade of gas hogs heading my way. They lined up as before, two in front, one in the middle, another in back, the same formation of men getting out; armed protection for their leader I was there to encounter. Alexander Toro moved closer to me, a look of uncertainty in his scowl.

  “Where is Brandon Sparks?” he growled. “I was told I would be meeting him.”

  Unlike the last time I stood there alone, my fully loaded Beretta, my companion, was sitting in a hip holster, the strap unbuttoned, the magazine fully loaded with fourteen revenge rounds. I had wondered over and over what I would do, what I would say as he stepped within my range. Would it be a profound wisdom in words or pure action? I felt a couple of rain drops as I looked towards the heavens.

  “Looks like rain is coming,” I stated with a smile.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Farmers could use the moisture as it’s been so dry lately.”

  “I drive all the way out here to get a weather report,” yelled Alexander over a clap of thunder. “Where the fuck is Sparks?”

  “I’m here to show you I got out of town before sundown Monday like you told me to,” I answered. “Prove to you, so you’ll leave Flynn’s family to live in peace.”

  “You are trying my patience, Jarvis Mann.”

  “But you were never going to leave them or me alone, were you? You gave your word, but it was a load of crap. The only question would be if you would make it quick and painless or would you torture us like you did Flynn?”

  Alexander gave a sort of half laugh and growl. I could tell by his eyes the rage seething underneath.

  “It is of no importance now what I had envisioned for all of you,” he bellowed. “I had planned to make it quick and painless. Now the three of you will each suffer.”

  “So I was right: you weren’t going to keep your word.”

  “Why would I keep my word with a pest like you? I squish bugs whenever I feel like it without a single concern over the consequences. I’m Alexander the Bull and I can do whatever the fuck I want! So we might as well start the party now. Grab him, men, and if he resists shoot him, but don’t kill him.”

  Alexander started to turn around, but no one moved. His men lowered their guns and stepped away, Max as well moving out of the line of fire. The Bull glanced at his men uncertain what was happening, swearing at them to act. Adrenaline was flowing, my blood pumping, feeling a rage I’d not experienced before. I took a couple of steps forward and punched him in the gut with every ounce I could muster. He gasped and doubled over, but remained standing. Grabbing the shirt collar, I raised his head and punched him with equal force in the nose, smashing it, blood streaming down his face. He backed up several steps, still on his feet, and I pulled my gun, firing once, nailing him solidly in the right collarbone. The force of the bullet pushed him backwards and he dropped to his knees and then back onto his butt, his hand clutching at the bleeding hole in his shoulder. It was not a fatal shot, though I hit him exactly where I wanted too. A few more rain drops hit the ground and, with gun still in hand, I walked over, squatting down next to him, tossing him a handkerchief.

  “A present,” I said. “It was my brother’s. You’ll see it has his initials on it. You can use it to apply pressure to either of your wounds.”

  Alexander didn’t look scared, but certainly didn’t appear comforted by the gesture. He checked all the faces of those he thought would protect him and found no solace. No one was about to save him. I was told he didn’t carry a gun these days but I checked him anyway, finding no weapon.

  “Right about now you are probably wondering what the fuck happened,” I stated. “I believe the term is coup d’etat. If you are unfamiliar with the term, it’s something the people do to overthrow a brutal dictator. Normally his end is rather unpleasant.”

  “Max, you did this?” Alexander asked, his tone in a snort through his busted nose.

  There was no smile on Max’s face, or words from his lips; only contempt for the man he had worked for.

  “Since he fields all your calls, then yes,” I said. “Like before, we knew if you were told Brandon Sparks wanted to meet with you, you’d be there. You respected him, maybe even feared him. So we used this rus
e to bring you out here one last time.”

  His breathing got heavier, his ire building along with fear.

  “You are all traitors!” he yelled out. “When others find out what happened, you all will be dead!”

  “I’m sorry to say no one likes Alexander the Bull. You think you can do whatever the fuck you want, and for some time now that has been true. Killing for the sport of it, hurting those who once loved and maybe even admired you. But no more. You are a horrible person and the world will be a better place without you in it.”

  I stood up, raising my gun, pointing it at his head.

  “There is a hatred burning inside for what you did to my brother. Rage like no other I’ve ever felt. You could have just killed him and be done with it. But you made it personal by beating him and cutting off his fingers. I brought a pair of sheering clippers with me to do the same thing to you. Imagining the look on your face as I slowly cut through the skin, bone and tendons. But I’m not a monster like you are, so I left them in the car. Though it did feel awful damn good to punch you and put a bullet in your shoulder.”

  “You don’t have the courage to do it anyway,” said Alexander.

  I laughed.

  “It doesn’t take courage to brutalize or kill someone. Courageous people aren’t made like that. No, to do it takes an angry fire deep down inside, and I have plenty of feelings like this towards you. And I could do it in a heartbeat, but I promised someone who hates you even more, that they could be the one to do it.”

  I put my left hand in the air and waved. From the side of the building pulled out the stretch limo I had arrived in. Parking behind me, out stepped Rocky from the driver seat, in jeans, boots and a t-shirt, his powerful Glock filling the shoulder holster. He was big, scary and imposing, as an enforcer should be, all eyes upon him, a mixture of awe and fear, as he stood for a minute gazing at the scene before him. The drama building, everyone wondering what was next.


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