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Tree Huggers, Children and Broken Decoys

Page 5

by Ali Vali

  "Ok, here's the scoop. My mother died a long time ago and Avery, from my aunt's telling, had a hard time dealing with the loss so he handled it the only way he knew how."

  "That being?"

  "Well suffice to say there were a few bottles of Jack and more than a few barmaids involved. One of those women was smarter than the rest and figured out who Avery was, or more importantly what he owned. I was five at the time and by then the boom was on and daddy was rolling in cash. Around then he also bought Huntington House and poured a ton into restoring it, but the house and the money aren't what Avery is about. He loves to have a good time and he loved to bed women."

  "Something you two have in common?" Junior smiled at Jillian because of her question and shook her head.

  "I wouldn't have time to work if I tried to match my father's exploits. No, he will go down as the Baxter woman finding champion. Back to this woman, Madeline was her name. When Avery sobered up to find a new watering hole and his next batch of conquests, she was pregnant with one Quinton Baxter. She expected to move into Huntington with her new bundle of joy so Avery could groom him to be heir to the royal treasure trove."

  "Only Avery already had an Avery Jr., is that it?"

  "Sort of." Junior almost tipped them over when Jillian pinched her leg as hard as she could. "Sorry, I forgot. Avery wasn't interested in marrying her or anyone else. My mother was a one shot deal for him but he did offer to take care of them. Only problem was, nothing was good enough or just plain enough. She had him in court every three months wanting a raise for this or more for that, and in the end Avery ended up hating her more than he loved anything else. The one thing she never allowed was for us to see dear little Quinton. So I knew about him but I had never really met him. Until I went to college that is, then the lost prodigal son looked me up and started asking to borrow money. He had graduated from high school but wasn't interested in anything else since his mother had convinced him he was going to inherit half of Baxter Oil."

  "What did you graduate in?" Jillian took hold of one of the hands that had been waving around as Junior told her story and held it in her lap. She had guessed that the story didn't have a happy ending and wanted to offer as much comfort as possible.

  "Why is that important to the story?"

  "It's not, I just want to know."

  "I have a degree in Engineering."

  Jillian rolled her eyes and laughed. "Figures. Go on with your story."

  "Avery came by one day to visit me and ran into Quinton. After a long talk, Quinton was made more than aware that there would be no inheritance in his future and that Avery didn't want anything to do with him or his mother."

  "How was he going to get around the inheritance issue?"

  "He doesn't have to now. The law changed recently, but before then it was easy. When I was ready he gave me a really swell birthday present one year."

  Jillian pinched her again when Junior stopped. "Tell me."

  "I think I'm going to like having you around." They kissed one more time before the story continued. "He gave me Baxter Oil Company. As revenge Quinton took something from me, or should I say someone. I met a girl named Susan in college and for the first time in my life I was in love. And, Susan loved me not because I was Avery Baxter, but just because of me. She came from a strict religious family that lived not to far from here, but she was willing to go against all that and follow her heart. Don't get me wrong Susan was gay and wanted to be happy but I think she was more afraid of her father than anything else. In one afternoon Quinton managed to talk her not only into not wanting to see me again but eventually into marrying him."

  "I'm sorry."

  "Why? I'm not. I don't think things would have lasted between us if after one measly little talk she never wanted to see me again. What Susan and I had was something, but it wasn't love. When Maria told me she and Quinton had gotten into a car accident, as cold as it sounds, I didn't really feel anything. I'm afraid I have a bit of my father in me in that they both were dead to me a long time ago."

  "When was the last time you saw them?" Jillian had put her head on Junior's shoulder glad that she had trusted her with this story.

  "I settled with him for what he thought he had coming to him about eight years ago."

  "But I thought you said you owned the company outright?

  "I'm the major shareholder yes, but I didn't have time to hang around in court in a case I would eventually win. It was more about time economics more than anything else. Back then I was working in Venezuela developing a large track of leases. A big check made him go away with a promise not to come back."

  "And that was the last time?"

  "Until now. I guess I'll get stuck with burying the two of them and seeing about their kids."

  "Where are they now?"

  "They are staying with Maria for now. I asked if I could have until tomorrow to deal with it, after I talked with my father."

  "Want me to come with you tomorrow?"

  "No, you have a new job to deal with and the boss is a real bear. Though I don't expect to see you until you give the old job your two week notice."

  They drove back to the city after promising both Avery and Minnie they would be back for a visit before the end of the month. The return trip was different in that they maintained some sort of physical contact all the way back. Junior left for her office armed with all of Jillian's numbers, promising to use them the next day as soon as her meeting was over.


  "Who is she exactly?"

  "She's your aunt, and the person your mother wanted you to stay with if something happened to her." Maria sat in her living room talking to nine year old Bailey. In one of the spare bedrooms she had put Bailey's little brother and sister down for a nap. The attorney had gotten them from the babysitter Susan had left in charge the night she and Quinton went out. It was starting to worry her that Bailey hadn't cried once since finding out both her parents would not be coming back.

  "Is she nice?"

  "You are going to find that Junior is one of the sweetest people you will ever get to meet, so I think you, Emmett and Kristen will be fine."

  "What's her name again?" The child had never once looked Maria in the eye since getting there and it was starting to unnerve her a little. Maria felt like she was being cross examined with the litany of questions the kid had, but understood why they were being brought up before Junior arrived.

  "Her full name is Avery Baxter but everyone calls her Junior."

  "My father didn't like her you know?"

  "I'm sure he didn't, but I want you to give Junior a chance before you take what your father felt to heart. Do you think you can do that?"

  Bailey looked up for the first time and nodded her head. Maria could see so much of her mother in her while the other two had been a surprise. Quinton had been the image of his own mother with his raven black hair, brown eyes and short stature. His two youngest children seemed to have inherited all the Baxter genes that their father missed out on, leaving only the oldest looking like Susan.

  They both heard the car pull into the drive and a door softly close a minute later. The fact it took the doorbell so long to chime meant Junior was outside building up her courage. Bailey went back to looking out the window while Maria got up to answer the door. In the time Maria was gone, Bailey made a decision for her and her siblings and was determined to see that it worked. Her mother was gone so that left her in charge of Emmett and Kristen; Susan would have wanted it that way.

  "Bailey, this is Junior." Maria was surprised by what happened next considering the child's demeanor since she had arrived.

  "Hello, I'm Bailey Baxter and my brother, sister and I are packed and ready to go. If you want I'll help you bring the stuff out. Thank you so much Miss Maria for having us over but we'll get going now. Are you ready?" Bailey shook Junior's hand and walked out of the room to get her bags. Two baffled women remained standing in
the foyer of Maria's home wondering what had just happened. One thought she was here to make plans for the kids' care and the other was trying to smooth the way for Junior to accept the responsibility.

  Twenty minutes later Junior was sitting at home listening to a nine year old on the proper maintenance and care of her ten month old little sister. The adult holding the baby sat listening to the miniature child expert, nodding while the little voice in her head was going ballistic. Junior, get up and run out the door. Just put the kid down and run. You know nothing about raising children and you are too old to learn now, and don't give me any shit about not being quite forty yet. You know oil, Junior, not diapers.

  "We need to make a run to the grocery before we run out of diapers and baby formula. You want to make the list or do you want me to do it?"

  "Um…" Junior noticed that the kid she was holding had just spit up on her jeans.

  "I'll do it and stop bouncing her like that, it's what makes her spit up."

  "Ok. Could you hold her a minute while I use the phone?"

  "Sure but don't take too long, we have to go to the store."

  Junior handed Kristen over and walked out of the room in a daze. That kid, Bailey had been calling the shots since she had walked into her house and Junior needed to take a break. Sitting behind the desk in her study, Junior dialed Maria's number.

  "Hello, Junior, how's it going?"

  "I hate caller id. Listen to me Maria, I know this is some sort of joke you are pulling on me and I would like it to stop now. I have baby spit up on my pants, and some weirdly mature kid making me a grocery list. There isn't anyone else that wants them?"

  "Do you really want Susan's sister taking them? The last I heard she had five of her own and they were all living in a trailer."

  "You are full of shit and your pool will be full of frogs before week's end for getting me into this hell."

  "Junior, I did not leave you three children."

  "No, you didn't, but I have a sinking feeling you talked her into this. Didn't you?"

  "My doorbells ringing, Junior, I have to hang up." Junior looked at the phone like it was going to come alive and tell her what to do next. But it wasn't the phone talking; it was Bailey at the door telling her it was time to go to the grocery store.


  "How did it go today?"

  "I am so not cut out for this."

  "Avery, honey, you are going to be great. Just give yourself a chance. When it gets bad just think about what those children are going through and the fact you are all they have left." Jillian had waited until nine before calling. It was either call or drive over to the address Junior had given her.

  "I missed you today." For some strange reason Junior wanted more than anything to start crying. Good lord, it's worse than I thought. Junior, you usually make other people cry.

  "That's why I'm calling you." Jillian's voice sounded so soothing after listening to crying and baby talk all day.

  "Because I missed you?" Junior didn't see the eye roll at her question from Jillian. On her end Jillian was thinking that Junior, for as good-looking and confident as she looked, was really just a nerd.

  "No, silly, because I missed you too."

  "That's sweet of you to say. I changed a diaper today." Jillian wanted to hold the laugh in but couldn't quite manage. "There's something I thought I would never tell a woman I'm trying to date."

  "You are already dating me, Avery. It's time to move into the wooing and courting stage, honey."

  "I wouldn't call an afternoon of listening to my father and rowing, a date."

  "That was our second date. The first was you telling me about the stars. You did such an admirable job, it's what made me want to see you again."

  "And the reason you kissed me, is?"

  "Marking my territory, Avery. I wouldn't want some other girl fining you big bucks and having it turn your head. Could I call you back in about ten minutes?"

  "Sure, I'm just lying here trying to recover from today. I'm not sure how it happened but I have three other people under my roof and they are planning to stay."

  "Hang up, Avery, and I'll call you right back."

  True to her word the phone rang ten minutes later waking Junior out of a light sleep. When she picked up the receiver Jillian instructed her to go to the front door.

  "Hi, I didn't want to ring the bell and wake anyone up." Junior found Jillian standing on her doorstep wearing a robe and slippers.

  "Don't take this as a complaint, but what are you doing here?"

  "I thought you could use this." Jillian stepped in and wrapped her arms around her tired looking friend and just held on. Bailey walked in and found them in front of the door just holding each other.


  "Hey, Bailey, this is my friend Jillian. Jillian, this is Bailey. Is there something wrong?"

  "Would it be ok if I left the light on in the hall? You turned it off and my little sister's afraid of the dark." Junior was about to answer her when Jillian took over.

  "How about you and me go turn it back on and then get you back to bed?" When the child nodded her head and held up her hand, Jillian followed her to the back of the house. Junior stood in the doorway of the room she had put all the kids in, listening to Jillian tell the child a story. The sun going down had not only brought out the stars, but also the fears Bailey had held at bay all day. The businesswoman watched as Bailey's eyes fluttered shut to the soothing tones of Jillian's voice. Be careful, Junior, you could fall in love with a woman like this.

  The little girl relaxed to the fingers combing through her hair making her think of her mother. Junior was nice, but she was so different than her mom but this woman sitting with her wasn't. "Do you think Junior will make us go away because my daddy didn't like her?"

  "No, sweetheart, I don't. Avery is going to make sure the three of you are taken care of. Do you miss your daddy?"

  "He didn't come home very often, and he and my mom fought a lot. His joke was that they had made up three times and that's where we came from. I'm not sure what that meant, but it made him laugh. My mom told me about Junior though."

  "Yeah, what did she say?"

  "I always thought Junior was a fish, cause she would say Junior was the one that got away." Jillian laughed at the child's recounting of her conversations with her mother. "Do you like Junior?"

  "I like Avery very much."

  "Why do you call her that?"

  "Because Avery is Junior's name. I'll tell you a funny story about how she got her name." Jillian recounted the story Junior had told her minus the drinking Avery Sr. had done. When she was done her audience that had been afraid of the dark was fast asleep.

  "Thanks." Both Avery and Jillian stood in the doorway of the guest bedroom and looked at the three peaceful children sleeping inside.

  "That is one beautiful little girl in there, Avery."

  "It would seem that my brother and his wife did at least three things right before they had to depart."

  "And your dad and mom did one that I know of." Jillian curled up next to Junior on the couch and kissed her. It felt great after the day she had experienced in the office to have the big body pull her in and just hold her. Her partner Tony had given her nothing but grief all day when he found out what company Jillian was going to work for. Jillian found the strong heartbeat under her ear so relaxing, she closed her eyes promising herself it was only for a moment.


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