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The Prince Charming Groom_Texas Titan Romances_The Lost Loves

Page 4

by Taylor Hart

Chapter 5

  Driving into the radio station parking lot, Kyle thought about how he was looking forward to this little interview a lot more now that he knew Kennedy would be here.

  In fact, he didn’t think he’d been able to stop smiling. Russell had cornered him at breakfast because of this smile and made him tell him why he was so happy. When Kyle had obliged, Russell had just shaken his head and muttered something about the curse.

  Getting out of his car with a hop in his step, Kyle strutted to the radio station doors and swung one back, heading straight to the front desk.

  The receptionist, an older lady, greeted him. “You must be Kyle Bones. Here for the Sparring for Vets spot?”

  “Sure am.”

  She looked him up and down and smiled. “I would say whoever wins you will be happy.” She tsked her tongue. “Wouldn’t mind winning you myself.”

  The flattery was nice, and he winked at her. “Ya never know.”

  She pointed to a paper. “Please sign in and take a seat. I’ll get Ray Ray.”

  Kyle knew who Ray Ray was. He’d heard him—smokin’ hot Ray Ray from KDPR. He was a Miami local who did radio pranks and community announcements and announced football games. Miami loved him, and he’d been talking this date up for weeks on the radio.

  It wasn’t long before Ray Ray arrived and shook his hand. “Ex-Navy SEAL Kyle Bones, I’m glad I finally have the chance to meet you.” Ray Ray was Polynesian and shorter than Kyle, but not small by any means. Maybe six-foot, two hundred and fifty pounds.

  Manners always kicked into place when Kyle met someone older, even a man in a Hawaiian shirt. “Sir.”

  Ray Ray pulled his hand back and sized him up. “You sure can tell that you teach MMA, huh?” He grinned at Kyle and gestured for him to follow. “Thank you for doing this. I mean, it has already increased ratings, and we’re anticipating a lot of listeners today. This project is cool and the community is excited! And a trip with you to Jackson for this event is pure fun!”

  Kyle nodded and felt the twinge of nerves subside. Somehow, he had that gut feeling, the one he would get in Afghanistan when things seemed like they were going bad just before they turned around. The one that told him it would all work out.

  “Come on, we’re going through it right now. I actually have an intern here today watching and learning. We’re interviewing her, and I’m going to see if she’s funny enough to bring on board. I hope you don’t mind. She’ll be sitting in on all of it.” Ray Ray was a bit jerky in his movements.

  Kyle smiled, thinking how much Kennedy probably hated this. He couldn’t help but find it funny that she had won audition for the intern spot. “No problem.”

  As they got to the studio, Ray Ray stopped and put his hand out. “My home away from home.”

  Kyle went into the room and saw Kennedy was there, sitting in the chair on the other side of the table.

  A startled look washed over her face, but she quickly covered it. She was dressed in a professional white button-down shirt and black slacks. Her blonde hair hung in soft curls around her face. She nodded at him.

  Ray Ray moved to one of the studio chairs next to a microphone. If he noticed her unease, he didn’t show it. “Kennedy, Kyle. Kyle, Kennedy. Okay, we’ve prepped some questions.” He picked up a piece of paper and held it out to Kyle.

  Kyle took the seat, and an electric charge surged through him. He couldn’t stop the monster grin from filling his face. “Hey,” he said lightly.

  Kennedy’s cheeks flamed red, and she gave him a look like she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t be doing.

  Ray Ray watched her face and then looked at him. “Do you two know each other?”

  Kyle played it cool, waving a hand of dismissal into the air and turned his attention to the questions in front of him. “Ah, we met the other day.”

  Ray Ray hesitated and sat, looking interested. “Oh.”

  Kennedy flashed Ray Ray a smile. “We’re mere acquaintances, really. It’s no big deal.”

  Kyle was still feeling all kinds of crazy things right now. How had the woman who had left him on the dance floor and refused ice cream last night ended up right here in a random radio studio? Yep, luck was on his side.

  Ray Ray cleared his throat. “So, Kennedy, what we’re going to do here is bring him on the air, and then I’ll ask questions, but I don’t want it to be question after question. I want there to be some playfulness and interaction. After all, we’re raffling off a trip with him this weekend.” He smiled at her. “This is your interview, Kennedy. We’ll see if you can hack it on The Ray Ray Show!” He winked at her. “So be fun, entertaining, and witty.”

  “Okay.” She sounded unsure of herself. Kyle hoped she could do better than this. “Sounds great! I can do funny.” Overeagerness seeped out of her. “What do you want me to ask?”

  Kyle braced himself. He doubted this girl could do funny.

  Ray Ray let out a light chuckle. “Don’t worry; I’ll be directing the interview. But it would be nice if, when appropriate, you added in some dialogue.”

  She nodded. “Got it.”

  Ray Ray turned to him. “Kyle, I love this cause. I love this program. I’m so happy to have it on my show.”

  “Happy to be here,” Kyle said. He glanced at Kennedy, who met his eyes, then quickly looked away.

  Ray Ray gave both of them headphones and signaled to someone behind the glass that separated the studio from the production. “Let’s roll.

  “Hello, listeners, welcome to The Ray Ray Show. First of all, I’m excited for this. You guys know we take auditions for interns for our show every summer. This week, it’s the hoppin’, boppin’ Kennedy Dawson.”

  At Ray Ray’s signal, Kennedy pressed a button and leaned in toward a microphone. “Great to be here, Ray Ray, and a shout-out to all you listeners. The Ray Ray Show is da bomb!”

  Her voice sounded overly loud, and Kyle winced.

  Ray Ray gave her an encouraging look. “You bet it is. And not to disappoint, right now, we’re talking about the latest happenings in our community. Most of you have probably noticed the huge inconvenience of the roads being closed. Don’t worry, because it’s going to be worth it. Now let’s get right to our program. There’s a little something called the Sparring for Vets gym project. They are opening all over the country. It’s exciting, and the most exciting part of today is that we have Kyle Bones in the studio this morning. Kyle’s an ex-Navy SEAL, MMA fighter, and the owner of several of his own gyms throughout Florida. I hear you’re in the process of expanding out west too, right?”

  Kyle nodded. “Hey, Ray, Ray. First of all, thanks for having me on the show.”

  Ray Ray honked a horn two times. It was his signature thing.

  Kyle smiled awkwardly, then continued. “Yes. I’m in the process of building twenty-four gyms throughout Wyoming, Utah, California, and Nevada.”

  “Dang, that’s exciting.” Ray Ray grinned at him. “Folks, Kyle has recently teamed up with the Kincaid Foundation to bring us this unique gym for vets. And today is the day we’re doing the big raffle. All the past winners have been entered into this raffle to win this trip to go to Jackson and meet all the big kahunas!”

  Ray Ray launched into super-fast mode. “All the sports players like Roman Young, Legend James, and Logan Slade, not to mention Anthony and Kade Kincaid, go to this event. Scar Walker, the guy who retired from the Texas Titans last year to head up this project, will also be there, and Kyle has been granted the privilege of taking one guest.” He turned to Kyle.

  Kyle took the cue and leaned forward, speaking into the microphone. He felt nervous, the kind of nervous when it was your turn and it was time to perform. “I’m excited, Ray Ray.”

  Ray Ray didn’t bat an eye. “Many of you have been calling in and wanting to know more about this. We’ve posted details on the website. But let’s ask Kyle what he and the guest will be doing.”

  Kyle was still on edge that Kennedy was sitting across from him. She
hadn’t looked at him, just kept her focus on Ray Ray, and even though it was stupid, he wanted her to look at him. “We’re going to hop on my plane tonight, and I’ll show you the sights in Jackson tomorrow before we go to a Sloane Kent, Texas Waters, and Montana Crew concert.”

  Ray Ray honked his horn. “They’re pulling out all the stops for this—yeah, baby!”

  Kyle jolted, but kept his smile fixed in place. “Yes, they are. Sunday we’ll chill and have some downtime. We’ll do a little more sightseeing, and then I’ll send the lucky person home Monday morning. After that, I’ll be heading out west.”

  “So this person gets to stay in your new digs, correct?” Ray Ray cleared his throat. “I mean, if they clear security and background checks, of course.”

  “If they want. I just built a home in Jackson, and they’ll be staying in their own suite.” Kyle cleared his throat.

  “Fancy! If they prefer, you’ll hook them up in a hotel, right?”


  “Sounds like a blast!” Ray Ray honked a horn and pushed a button, and the screech of speeding car tires filled the studio. “Kyle Bones doesn’t mess around. I have no doubt this trip will be fun. All right, let’s tell you a bit more about Kyle Bones. There were stories done on him two years ago when he returned from his deployment, but to catch everyone up, he was captured for six months.” Ray turned to him. “Your family thought you were dead, correct?”

  Kyle hadn’t expected to talk about the capture, nor did he wish to. “Ah, technically, I don’t have a family. But yes, everyone thought I was dead.” There were still things classified from that mission, and he hadn’t thought he’d be discussing this. But Ray Ray did all kinds of unexpected stuff on the show.

  Ray Ray narrowed his eyes at Kyle. “Oh, that’s right. You grew up in foster care, didn’t you?”

  “Yes,” Kyle said stiffly.

  “What can tell you tell us about being captured?”

  “Classified, Ray Ray.”

  “Sure, I get it. It is a privilege to have you.” Ray Ray grinned. “Let’s talk about what makes a Sparring for Vets gym unique.”

  Kyle relaxed. Yes, this was easier for him. “The Sparring for Vets program is unique because it allows vets, no matter what age or how long they served, to come to this gym for free and not only spar, but also get instructions on sparring and working out in general. There’s free counseling, and there’s a coffee shop in the gym where vets can come and hang and socialize. It’s really about helping the men and women who have served our country find a place to relate to each other.” Even as Kyle was explaining it, he loved the gym more and more. “I was completely surprised that Scar Walker reached out to me, but I am honored to be the one heading up the project here.”

  “And we’re happy to have this open up in Miami. Let’s see, when you mention—”

  Kennedy leaned in toward the microphone. “Ray Ray.”

  Ray Ray looked surprised as he turned to Kennedy. “Yeah, go ahead, Kennedy, if you have something to add.”

  “I just have a quick question for Mr. Bones.”

  “Yeah?” Kyle asked quickly.

  She cocked an eyebrow at him. “Is it true that the man who stole your fiancée will be at the event this weekend?”

  Bam. Explosion. Missile hit the target, and now the whole dang vehicle was blowing apart. Kyle’s heart rate kicked up a notch, and he just stared at her.

  Ray Ray looked completely taken off guard, but like any good reporter, he rolled with it. “Whoa,” he said into the mic. “Kyle, is that true?”

  Kyle glowered at Kennedy Dawson; for the first time, he found her bad attitude far from attractive. He bent toward the mic and, on a whim, didn’t give the standard answer he’d whipped up for the reporters when he’d gotten home. “Cassidy Stone, the woman I was engaged to many years ago, will be there, but she is happily married and I am happy for her.” With difficulty, he kept his voice controlled.

  Kennedy’s eyes narrowed, and from her dangerous grin it was clear she’d gotten his meaning. Now they were the ones sparring on the mats at the gym. Fists were up, and he could see she looked forward to the battle as she asked, “What can you tell us about your ex-fiancée?”

  He hadn’t planned on talking about this. At all. Ever, really. He liked things tidy. He liked to be done with a mission and put it behind him. Liked to open a gym, put the staff in place, and let it go, checking on it once in a while. He didn’t like it if there were problems or things that kept resurfacing. He hired people to keep things in place for him. This part of his life hadn’t been nice and tidy, and now, she was here digging through all the untidiness.“Cassidy is a great woman,” he mumbled.

  Kennedy clarified, “She married Anthony Kincaid, the star of the Houston Sentinels, correct?”

  Wow, pushing in the knife. “Yep.”

  “Did you and Anthony ever get into a fight? Did you get to use your skills on him?”

  “Wow,” Ray Ray said into the mic. “Kennedy Dawson’s got game, Miami!”

  Kyle could feel his cheeks heat up, but he wasn’t one to back down from a challenge. “No. We didn’t.” It’d been two years, and while he really didn’t have bad feelings toward Anthony or Cassidy anymore, bringing it up wasn’t fun. Especially on a radio station in his hometown. “I have respect for both of them and hope they’re happy. I look forward to seeing them this weekend.” Another lie, but who was counting?

  Ray Ray chuckled. “O-kay.”

  Kyle didn’t like this at all, even if it was for ratings. He shook his head at Ray Ray.

  Ray covered the mic. “Sorry.” He turned and flashed an encouraging smile at Kenney.

  Kennedy continued. “That brings us to your love life now, Mr. Bones. Do you have someone you’ve been dating? Will this date be a problem for you if you go with a female?”

  Ray Ray honked a horn and said far too gleefully, “The new girl intern has serious game. Way to keep it interesting, Kennedy.”

  Fine. If she was going to do this, and they wanted ratings, Kyle would do it. “No, it won’t.”

  With a cackle, Ray Ray honked the horn again. “It’s getting hot in here, surf fans—really hot!”

  Kyle looked Kennedy right in the eye. “Unless you want to go out with me, Ms. Dawson?”

  Kennedy froze like a deer in the headlights. Now, that was better. All the ire and color drained from Kennedy’s expression, except for the flashing red in her eyes.

  Ray Ray laughed, pulling down a bowl. “All right. I don’t know what’s going on, Miami, but we’re going to raffle this trip right now with the names that have been entered. I am pulling down my fishbowl and putting my hand in. As I have mentioned, this bowl is filled with all previous winners of contests throughout this year. There are about one hundred entries, Miami, from all the past contests. Even our own Kennedy Dawson is entered to win because she won a shot to audition to be our intern.”

  Kyle’s heart raced as an idea sparked to life. He pushed the mute button on his microphone. “Ray, I want the trip to be with Kennedy.”

  Ray Ray grimaced and pushed his own mute button. “What?”

  Kyle pointed at Kennedy. “With her.”

  Kennedy jabbed at her mute button. “No!” she whispered.

  Ray Ray gave him an incredulous look, then turned his mic back on. “Hold on, Miami, we’ll be right back!” He pushed a button and a commercial came on. He turned to Kyle. “We are having a raffle.”

  Kyle shook his head. “I want the trip to be with Kennedy.”

  “No!” Kennedy said again.

  “Why?” Kyle demanded of her.

  She threw up her hand. “Because I don’t want to go out with you?”

  Kyle frowned. “Why would you not want to go out with me? What is it about me you hate so badly?”

  “Maybe you just want it too much.”

  Clearing his throat, Ray Ray looked back and forth between them. “I don’t know what is going on here, but we are under legal obligation
to have a raffle. Ms. Dawson is entered, one time, into the raffle. But you have a lot of chances that others will go.”

  “And I wouldn’t go anyway,” Kennedy added.

  The producer’s voice came back over the intercom. “Ten seconds, Ray Ray.”

  Ray Ray shot Kyle a stern look. “We are under legal obligation to hold a fair raffle.”

  “Fine.” Kyle waved his hand through the air. “Just go on.”

  “You’re on,” the producer said.

  The green light came on, and Ray Ray laughed into the mic. “Alright, Miami! We’re back.” He signaled to a window. “Just to be above board, we’re going to let my producer Hank come pick it.”

  Hank slunk into the room, looking not so happy, and stuck his hand into the bowl.

  “Drumroll!” Ray Ray yelled, pushing a button that made drum noises.

  Kyle’s heart was going a mile a minute, and he felt like he was about go into the ring and fight a new opponent.

  The producer pulled out a slip, and his face was glum. Ray Ray held his mic in front of the producer’s face. “Well, I’ll be. The winner is Kennedy Dawson!”

  “No, I can’t do it. You should pick another name,” Kennedy said quickly.

  Kyle had been angry, but now he just wanted to wrap this up. “I agree, Ray. Pick another winner. The woman clearly doesn’t want to go.”

  Kennedy bristled at the brush-off.

  “Okay.” Ray Ray gestured for the producer to pick another.

  Suddenly, Kennedy straightened. “Wait, maybe I can go.”

  Kyle’s heart thudded loudly in his ears as their eyes locked. He felt like they were in a standoff. “No, you should pick another winner, Ray.”

  “No, I can go.”

  With a huge grin, Kyle crossed his arms like he’d just won something—even if he wasn’t exactly sure he wanted it.

  Ray Ray looked unsure, but he honked the horn. “Okay.” He let out a skittering laugh. “There you have it, Miami. We’ll expect Kennedy to come back next week and give us a full report!”

  Chapter 6

  Kennedy pushed the door of the studio open, feeling like she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. What had just happened? She was going on a trip with Kyle Bones? Like, a weekend trip? Technically, it was three nights! Why had she agreed to this?


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