Book Read Free


Page 15

by Pynk

  There were no more open bar stools, and every single dinner table was taken. The myriad of voices was gleeful and thick. The smell of crab-stuffed mushrooms and garlic-steamed clams soaked the air.

  Teela was extremely upfront and inquisitive from the moment they sat down. “So, how’d you get all fucked up into all this addiction shit anyway?”

  The bartender lady stood before them. “What’ll you have? We’re known for our martinis.”

  Teela replied, “I’ve heard about those. You know, I’ll have a redheaded slut.” She wore black leggings, black sandals, and a baggy black top.

  Brandi’s eyes bugged. “Oh my goodness. What is that?” She still wore her work outfit, a conservative, navy blue knee-length skirt and matching blazer.

  “I think it’s Jägermeister and cranberry juice, and…” Teela gave a look as though trying to recall.

  “Peach schnapps,” the bartender said.

  Teela snapped her fingers. “Peach schnapps. That’s it.”

  Brandi said, “Wow. That’s a big-girl drink, there.”

  “You should try it. It’s strong but good,” Teela told her.

  “Sounds tempting. I’ll just have Patrón, please.”

  Teela said, “Cool. We can do shots.”

  “So, a shot of Patrón?” the bartender asked Brandi.

  Brandi told the bartender, “No. A glass, please.”

  “A glass? That’s gonna cost a lot more, you know?” she asked.

  “Okay. That’s cool.”

  The bartender placed two napkins along the bar top before the ladies. “Okay. We always say have it your way. I’ll be right back.”

  Teela said, “Damn, Brandi. Talk about big-girl. Look at you. Ordering a glass of that hell water.”

  “My love of booze was passed down from my parents. I mean it’s not like you’re drinking Kool-Aid yourself.”

  “True.” Teela nodded and crossed one leg over the other. “So. Go ahead. Tell me. What’s got you so addicted?”

  “Well, nosy, if you must know, I’ve always had cravings for whatever it is that’ll take my mind off of my life. I’ve been that way for as long as I can remember. To be honest with you, I was on antidepressants when I was only twelve.” Brandi leaned her elbows onto the bar.

  “Twelve? Why so damn young?”

  “Who knows? I think it was around the time when kids my age started teasing the crap out of me and ripping me down every day. Even in the seventh grade.”

  “I’ll give you that. That damn puberty stage can be the roughest.”

  “I was unremarkable. That’s the only way I can explain it. Teela, this may sound stupid but when I was young, it took me a minute to grow into my ears, lips, feet, and nose. My nose was so big they said I had a snot locker. I was a geek like you’ve never seen before. I wear contacts now, but in school I wore eyeglasses, and I had braces, too.”

  Teela said, “Yeah, but you sure got some pretty-ass teeth now, girl.”

  “Ha, ha. Thanks. In school they called me Miss Urkel. They even joked and called me B.C., meaning I was like birth control cause I’d never get pregnant. Nobody wanted me.” Her shoulders started to slump and she gave a nervous laugh while Teela only semismiled. “I mean it was bad. I even loathed myself. So much so that I tried to kill myself after this quack doctor put me on these pills. And my teachers and parents thought I was healed only one week into the meds, like it was some wonder drug. I was always like an actress. You know, like the song “Tears of a Clown” when there’s no one around. That song could have been written for me. I mean I was restless. Couldn’t concentrate. Couldn’t sleep or eat. I was just sad inside. I mean really sad like gloom and doom, stuck in the mud, quicksand sad.” The bartender placed their drinks on the napkins as Brandi sat straight up. “Thanks.”

  “Looks good. Thanks,” said Teela, using a black straw to stir her drink. She said to Brandi, “I mean what were you sad about? I can see you must have felt bad and kids can be cruel, I know. But other than that, what was going on? Please don’t tell me it was a hardheaded boy.”

  Brandi took a big swallow of tequila. “Yep. Pressured me to have sex at age eleven and all of his attention just stopped. I worshiped that little skinny fool. That shit felt good too, and that’s all he wanted. I wanted more. I wanted him something bad. In the worst way.”

  “Damn, that must have been some killer-ass puberty dick. I guess young or old, they’re all the same.”

  “Well, something flipped in my head and I started stalking him and sitting across from his house at night. One day I peeked in his window and listened to him talk on the phone to other girls. I even put sugar in his gas tank and then threw horse shit on his dad’s car. I was off.”

  “Damn, Brandi.” Teela sipped again. She shook her head at Brandi. “What kind of meds did they have you on?”

  “Back then it was Citalopram. That and whatever alcohol I could sneak from my parents’ bar. They drank for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

  “Wow. And how’d you try to do it? Kill yourself, I mean.”

  “I slit my wrist.” Brandi held up her left arm and showed the inside of her wrist. The cut was halfway around and had keloid scarring over her skin. “My mom came in the room before I even passed out, yelling at me to wash the dishes, as usual.”

  Teela touched Brandi’s back and gave her a soft rub. “Holy shit, girl. All of that mess over some boy.”

  “Him, and all the other mess that life dishes out. Life is a bitch.”

  “Life’s a bitch and then you die. That’s why they say live like there’s no tomorrow. You need to count your blessings.”

  “You’re right. And I do.” Brandi took a double swig. She looked at her watch.

  “You have somewhere to go?”

  “No. Just checking the time. That’s all. I don’t stay out late.”

  “Why not? It’s Friday.”

  “Oh, you’re right. I forgot.”

  “But really though, this sex-sobriety shit is gonna take some real miracle work.”

  “You ain’t never lied.”

  “So where’s your man nowadays?” Teela asked

  “Don’t have one,” Brandi replied matter-of-factly.

  “By choice?”

  “Don’t want one.”

  “But, when was your last relationship?”

  “Never had one.”

  “All your life you never had a relationship with a man?” Teela asked, poking her head toward Brandi.

  “Don’t want one.” Again Brandi spoke plainly.

  Teela shook her head. “I don’t believe you.”

  “Go ahead and believe me. Cause it’s the truth. Nobody’s going to suffocate me.”

  “So you go around fucking men on the street but never had a man of your own?”

  “It’s easier.”

  “Wow, well aside from never having a man, you need to cut that street shit out. There are some crazy MFs out there. You could get killed.”


  “And? Don’t you sit here and act like you don’t care. Like you’re out there just so you can put yourself in a position to be attacked or some shit. Or even get arrested again.”

  “I’ll just jack off the D.A. again and get out. They don’t care. I don’t either.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t believe you wanna die. I believe you’re bigger and better than what’s happened to you. I believe you’re more powerful than you know.”

  “Teela, the good side of me is the weaker side. Believe me.”

  “You’ve bought into that. I don’t have to.”

  “No you don’t.” Brandi looked down at her drink and took a gulp. She swallowed and then said, “But I hear you. I guess I am trying to fix this. That’s why I’m in the group.”

  “You can do it. We both can.”

  “Heck, what about you? You think you can stop watching folks get down?” Brandi tilted her head at Teela, tossing the subject her way.

  “I know I can.”

; “And what about your man. Where’s he?”

  “At home. We live together. Austin is as freaky as a man can get. I let him be a dog right in front of me because if I don’t, he’ll do it behind my back anyway. He’s a mess. But I love him.”

  “See, I think being alone is a lot easier than that. But as long as you’re happy. That’s all that matters.”

  “Hold up now, I didn’t say all that now.”

  “I hear you. For now I’ll stick to my wham-bam-thank-you-sir, hit-it-and-quit-it style. I’m cool with never going back twice.”

  “I say one day, God’s gonna cure you of that. One way or another.”

  “Maybe that’s what’s up for us both.”


  “In the meantime, here’s to you.” Brandi held up her glass, which contained one more swallow.

  Teela held up hers. “And to you.”

  And they clanged glasses.

  A voice said from behind them, “What are you ladies drinking?”

  Teela turned around, looking surprised. “Hey, Miki. What’s up?”

  Miki stood behind them as they turned their heads. She said, “You two do know I work here, right?”

  Brandi said with an extrasmiling face, “You do? Girl, this is a nice place. You’re Hollywood style here, huh?”

  Miki gave a tug on the hem of her tailored black blazer. “What can I say?”

  Teela asked, “Why don’t you join us?”

  “Can’t. I’m meeting my man for a few drinks in a minute.”

  “Hey, Miki,” Tariq said, as he stepped up to the bar. He looked half black and half white. His hair was fresh in a 360 wave. His urban style of dress was youthful, and he was about five inches taller than his woman.

  “Hey, baby.” He and Miki kissed and he hugged her around the waist. “Tariq, this is Teela. And this is Brandi.” She pointed to each.

  “Hello,” Tariq said, greeting Teela.

  “Hi. Nice to meet you.” She smiled and nodded.

  He looked at Brandi. “Hello.”


  He looked around and asked Miki, pointing to a private VIP area with awaiting leather chairs toward the back of the room, “You wanna go over there now?”

  “Okay, yeah. They’re holding that for us. I’ll see you ladies later.” Miki spoke to the bartender, who had walked up to take Brandi’s empty glass. “Garcelle. The next round is on me.”

  Garcelle asked the two ladies, “You’ll both have the same?”

  “Yes,” they said together.

  Brandi said, “Awww, thanks. That’s nice of you.”

  “No problem. You guys gonna try to make it to Rachel Cummings’s church next Sunday?”

  Teela nodded. “I am.”

  “I’ll be there, too,” replied Brandi.

  Miki nodded, looking pleased. “Good. Well, I’ll see you both later.”

  “Okay. And thanks for the drinks,” said Teela.


  “Good-bye,” Tariq said without looking back at them, as he and Miki stepped away, hand in hand.

  “My goodness. That’s her man?” Brandi squinted at them.

  Watching Tariq from behind as he stepped with a smooth swagger, Teela said, “He’s fine as hell. A big fine-ass box of chocolates.”

  “Yes he is. From head to toe and in between. But you know what they say about chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get,” Brandi joked, placing her elbows along the top of the bar.

  Teela looked confused. “What’s that mean? You know him?”


  “Oh, I see. That’s just you being allergic to boyfriends. Hating, actually. Don’t trip. That’s a fine brotha.”


  Teela turned back and said, “What, Brandi?” just as the bartender set their drinks down.

  “Thanks,” said Brandi, then she told Teela again, “Nothing.” Brandi rubbed the hairs on her forearm. She picked up her second glass and took a long sip and swallowed. “Better left alone.” Her head spun.

  Before Teela headed home a couple of hours later, she pulled up to the tiny park area in Marina del Rey. It was full of old, overgrown, broadleaf oak trees and weeping willows. The bright green grass was healthy and fresh. The sun had set long ago. The swings were abandoned and the slides were quiet. Kids were fast asleep in the now-quiet beach neighborhood. Only the adults occupied the night.

  Teela made sure to park her Z in one of the spaces that allowed for the best visual access to areas from left to right. If she were to sit and chill long enough, chances were she’d see something worth waiting for. Something kinky. Someone who was exhibitionist enough to hope that someone like Teela lurked nearby. Lurked in a window or on a bench or on a balcony or in a car. Just hoping that someone, somewhere, wanted to watch them get wild and raunchy in public. Sooner or later, the exhibitionist giver and the voyeuristic receiver of the exchange desired to be sated.

  Teela turned off her ignition and turned off her headlights. She sank down into her soft palomino driver’s seat and leaned it back a bit. She left on the cool sounds of the FM radio station that played twenty-four-hour jazz. A smooth Dave Koz saxophone melody called “Honey-Dipped” softly met her ears.

  Her eyes waited for a meeting like a lion seeking its prey.

  She waited and waited.

  She heard the sound of a text message.

  Peeking at her screen without picking it up she saw that it read 1 message. She did not read it.

  Teela watched each and every car that passed by.

  Every person who walked a dog.

  Every movement in the dark.

  And she sat, and sat some more.

  Her cell went off again. It read 2 messages.


  A car pulled up beside hers. It was a tiny yellow sports car. Hardly one that would blend into the notion of not being noticed. And a man got out. He went around and opened the passenger door for a woman. They hugged and she giggled, and she ran ahead of him into the park, kicking up her heels, wearing a flowing flowered dress. He closed her door, set the alarm, and looked around as he approached her.

  Teela ducked down.

  The woman grabbed his hand and they hugged as she turned to him. They began tongue-kissing like they were receiving the very life-sustaining air they needed to breathe.

  They kissed, and kissed, with everything they had inside their mouths. They began bumping each other with grinding moves, like they were dirty dancing, and she made sure to place her leg between his legs. He reached down to hug her tightly. And then they turned to take a few steps closer to a huge sycamore tree.

  He looked around and up toward the many windows of the apartment buildings that faced him on the left. And then on the right.

  He looked back and placed his hand along her waist, moving her to stand in front of him. She giggled some more and leaned over, with her blond hair hanging down. He stood behind her and lifted up her dress. It looked as though he moved her G-string to the side.

  Teela sat up a bit, peeking over her dashboard just as he looked around to his left again and unzipped his jeans.

  He bent his knees to release his size from his underwear and took hold of his dick while the woman took a step back from him, bending all the way down. She bent so low that her hand touched the ground. Then she braced herself with both hands, shaking her hips back at him. Then she looked around, still giving silly laughs and still bending over.

  He pressed forward and pushed himself into her from behind. He began pumping like a dog in heat, first slowly and then faster.

  Teela lifted her blouse and stuck her hand under her bra, fingering her nipple. She scooted back just enough to allow her hand to slip down her panties and rubbed her clitoris back and forth. She felt a heated rush watching them that made her own hand job even more sensational.

  The man pumped and pumped, and the woman’s hair jerked each time he pushed himself back the farthest. She stayed bent over with her legs straight
and kept her hand along the ground, allowing him full access to every inch of what she had inside.

  Teela stuck her middle finger inside and smoothed her wetness around. “Damn, I’m wet,” she whispered.

  She massaged herself and began panting, still keeping an eye on the couple. She wondered what they’d do if she walked up and bent down to lick his balls from behind while he fucked his woman. She wondered what they’d do if they knew she was masturbating to their uninhibited sex play. In fact, she knew just what they’d do. They’d cum even faster. Even harder. And just as if they did know, or at least hoped they knew, the man banged against her more urgently, and his head raised up to the sky, no longer looking around, and she pumped backward like she was working for her next meal.

  He yanked himself out of her and she stood up, stepping away a few steps and he jerked his sperm all over the grass, cumming onto the ground in spurts, yanking and squeezing himself to drain every last drop onto the earth.

  The woman rubbed her pussy, laughing while he put away his dick and zipped up his pants.

  She lowered her dress and stepped to him to stick her fingers in his mouth. He sucked them fully and they hugged, once again looking around as they turned back toward their car and to Teela, who had just finished cumming on her seat. She ducked down as they reached their car.

  He let his woman in, but not before she tongue-kissed him again. He closed her door and came around next to Teela. He got in the car, leaned over again for a wet kiss, started his engine, and backed out. They simply left.

  Teela sat up, readjusted herself, and started her car.

  She backed away.

  Mission accomplished.

  Well, sort of.

  She always knew just what to do to get herself off as a preliminary.

  And it worked like a charm every time.

  She drove away dripping like a faucet, headed home to Austin, her own private maintenance man, who had texted her twice.

  She knew he’d be more than happy to fix her plumbing.

  Or let’s say he would have been happy if he’d been home by the time she got there.

  “Hey baby, where were you?” Teela asked cautiously, giving him an astonished look as he walked in the back door two minutes after her. He wore jeans, a white tee, and a white NY cap.


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