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The Beckoning of Broken Things (The Beckoning Series)

Page 8

by Calinda B

  He looks up at me and grins. “Hey, baby-doll.” He’s super tanned and his blond, curly hair looks almost white from the sun. He reaches out to grab my hands.

  I fling my hands into the air, avoiding his touch. “Hey, asshole. How did you get out of Brazil so quickly?” The last time I saw Jason he was being unceremoniously ushered off of the coffee plantation that I had inherited from El Demonio. Apparently the sorcerer had big plans for him and me. I, however, knew nothing of his plans and would never have agreed to them.

  “Oh, you know, you know,” he says, flicking his curly mane of hair.

  It’s a habit that bugs the hell out of me - his repeating phrases and flicking his head like a pony. “No, I don’t, I don’t. And frankly I don’t care, I don’t care.”

  He looks at me, confused. “What’s gotten into you?”

  “Haven’t you noticed? We’re standing in an insane asylum. And you told Jill that the reason I was delirious was Daniel’s doing. You’re partly responsible for me being in here, not Daniel. I could strangle you.”

  He takes a step back. “Calm down. I came here to offer my assistance.”

  “Why ever would you want to assist me?”

  “Since I came back and told my tale, I’ve gained more cred with my following.”

  “So now it’s a following?”

  “Oh, you know, my community.”

  “Your community of Tantra practitioners?”

  “One and the same.”

  He smiles, smugly. If I wanted to break Dr. Beasley’s smile the other night, I want to cram Jason’s smile deep into his brain.

  He steps backwards as if sensing my regard of him. “Cool your jets. You don’t have to interact with any of them.”

  When Jason and I dated, he was always trying to get me to be a part of his community. Apparently, he was “grooming” me so that we could be an esteemed couple. I wanted nothing to do with him and his strange practices. I mean, to each his own and all that, but Jason was such a bone-headed idiot, with no boundaries whatsoever, he even gave surfing a bad name. “You got that right. So tell me again what you’re doing here. I’m certain I’ve got better things to do with my time.”

  “That’s the deal,” Jason said, looking at me with his childlike blue eyes. “My cred has blown up since I got back from Brazil.”

  “What did you tell them?”

  His eyes shift back and forth.


  “Only that I helped you escape from a demon.”

  A mirthless laugh erupts from my throat. “You, the guy who was huddled in the kitchen while Daniel and I were kicking butt and risking our lives? That guy?”

  “I told you, I had to keep the ladies’ safe.”

  “Uh huh. So how does your tall tale affect me here in the Land of La La?”

  “Only that I can help you get out of here.”

  “What did you say?” I stiffen and cock my head, suspicious. “You can help me get out of here, how?”

  “I pulled a few strings. I told them that we’re engaged to be married. I told them I want to take care of you, at home.”

  My lip curls in distaste.

  “Don’t look so excited.”

  “Jason, that’s one of the most disgusting things you’ve ever said to me. Marry you? I can’t seem to get rid of you. I can’t stand you. Why would I want to marry you?”

  He sniffs. “It would help you get out of here. It’s just something I’m willing to do for you. In spite of the way you’ve treated me.” A haughty expression colors his features.

  “What would I have to do in return?”

  “Only one small thing,” he says slyly.

  “And what is that?”

  “You’d have to come to a few events with me and tell them what a badass you are and how in love we are.”

  “No, Jason,” I blurt. “No, no, and no. Hell to the no to the nth degree.” I stand, ready to make my departure. “Did you forget about how we broke up, I threw you off the property - my inherited property - in Brazil, and that I don’t like you? Oh, and that my dog despises you? Dogs are sensitive that way. Did you forget those little facts?” I start to stalk away.

  Jason lunges at me and grabs my arm.

  “Let go of me,” I hiss and sparks zing into his flesh.

  Jason releases his hand and yelps. “Nurse!” he cries. “I’m injured!”

  “Oh, Jesus Christ! Nurse, we’re done here. I’m afraid this visitor has agitated me to no end.” I smile sweetly at her.

  She looks at Jason and then at me, glaring.

  I know, I know, my fault again.

  As she hustles Jason from the waiting room I can barely hear her soothing tone. “She’s a wild one, that one. I’m sure she’ll settle down once she’s out of here. You might want to think twice about the engagement until she’s really healed, though.”

  Yeah, Jason, think twice. I shove open the door to the patient lobby again, and Rafe is waiting for me where I left him.

  “I take it that wasn’t who you hoped it would be?” He idly swings his leg that’s slung over the arm of the chair.

  “Not. At. All.” I say crisply. I’m so mad I could boil potatoes with my spit. “That was my ex-boyfriend. He told me…” I splutter, unable to get the words out. I have to calm myself, pronto, or I’m going to burst into a light show. Breathe, Engles, breathe. “He told me that he ‘pulled some strings’ and that he could get out of here if I pretend to be his betrothed.”

  Rafe swings his leg to the floor. “I take it your answer was no?”

  “It was a hell no. I can’t stand that guy. How I put up with him for a year is beyond me. I just can’t seem to get rid of him. He’s, like, super glued to me or something. I even…” I glance around and lower my voice. “I even had to put a protection spell around my yard to keep him out of my house. Daniel said merely changing the locks would not suffice. It was my first magic practice. It was pretty cool.”

  “Well, it could be a way out,” Rafe says with a shrug. “It could get you out of here and then you could just take off.”

  “I don’t want to encourage him at all. He’s nothing but trouble. He’ll want something in return.”

  “Yeah, I know people like that too,” Rafe says darkly. “That’s how opportunities present themselves around here.”

  “There’s got to be a better way. We can do this, I know we can.”

  “I think you might want to consider your ex’s idea. I’m not sure how we can escape this place. People like us…people with unexplainable abilities…you know if they can’t understand it, they’ll want to keep us locked away forever. I tried to get out of here, and I’m a Stealth Numen. If I can’t do it, who can?”

  “You said that the drugs dulled your abilities. I know what that was like. Mine were super dulled and erratic as hell. But I haven’t been sedated as long as you and my mind is getting crystal clear again. I’m sure I can come up with a plan.”

  “Suit yourself,” Rafe says. “But I’d think about his idea, as dumb as it is. It is an opportunity. In the meantime…” He glances up at the clock and prepares to rise. “Our wardens will be here at any minute.”

  Sure enough, a minute later, at 9:30 on the dot, the doors open and the staff shoos us to our rooms. “So, you know where my room is…where’s yours? I might need to find you in a jiffy.”

  Rafe laughs. “Oh, you temptress. My room is C-21. The C stands for fucking crazy. The 21 stands for how good you’ll feel when I’m done with you on a scale of 10. I can guarantee it.”

  For a split second, I’m almost tempted. I look at him and sigh. “Sorry, Rafe, you know the deal.”

  He sighs, too. “Hug?” he asks, a mischievous smile on his face.

  “Will it result in a similar sensation as I experienced in the dining room?”

  “You’ll just have to take your chances.”

  I bite my lip and consider. I don’t know Rafe all that well but I’m starting to see that he loves to tease and provoke. Th
is could just be a set up. “I think I’ll take a rain check.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that rain check.”

  “I have no doubt that you will,” I say, sauntering off down the hall, away from him. I lift my hand in a farewell gesture. I may seem like I’ve got it all together, but the truth is that my legs are like jelly as I wobble away from this mysteriously seductive male.

  Chapter 11

  The green glow of the clock reads 2am when I am awakened by a scuffle out in the hallway. I bolt upright to sitting and blink in the techno-illuminated darkness, completely disoriented. A night nurse is trying to calm someone down. Is it one of the patients? I was going to say inmates, but changed the word in my head at the last minute. Matthew’s out there. And it sounds like Rafe is out there, too. Is he in trouble?

  I slide out of bed and pad over to the hallway. I grab the door handle and slowly crack the door open wide enough to peek into the hallway. Rafe immediately spies me. He puts his palm up for an instant and gives me a quick shake of the head as if to tell me to stay put.

  “Rafe, get back to your room.”

  “I can’t sleep with all this noise out here. I wanted to see if I could help.”

  “Thank you, no. Brian, can you see Rafe to his room, please?”

  A voice rings out that sounds familiar. It’s Southern and it’s cantankerous.

  “Where is she? I just want to see her and make sure she’s alright. That’s all. That’s all I want to do.”

  It’s Crazy Betty! My heart does a happy dance. Is she going to get me out of here?

  “My Buddy - that’s my departed Chihuahua - Buddy told me Marissa’s not doing well. That girl needs a caring hand right now, I can feel it. My bones is aching, my lumbago’s acting up, I just had to come. Where is she?”

  “Mrs…Mrs. Worthington, you can’t just barge into a locked ward in the middle of the night.”

  “Your locks are worthless. Nothing but paper clips. That’s no way to protect your patients. I’d see to that right away if I was you.”

  She must have used magic. And she’s here to get me out!

  “We’ll get them checked in the morning. Now, I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

  “Don’t be afraid. Just ask. And the answer’s no.”

  “Now, Mrs. Worthington, I’d hate to have to use force, but we’ll use it if necessary.”

  “You need some training in saying what you mean and meaning what you say.”

  Crazy Betty notices me and winks. I raise my eyes brows high in a question.

  “You’ve got to listen to me. Listen to what I say. Something’s coming.”

  “We are listening to you, Mrs. Worthington. That’s not a threat, is it?”

  “Oh, you’d know if it was a threat, I can guaran-damn-tee that. Now listen. You might want to check your windows.”

  The nurse looks puzzled.

  “Did I say windows? I meant to say room roster. My daft old brain. Check your room roster and let me know where Marissa is.”

  “We know where Ms. Engles’ room is.”

  “Well, tell me, I’ll check on her, and then I’ll be out of your hair.”

  “Brian, see to Rafe,” the nurse snaps.

  “Thanks, I can see to myself,” Rafe responds. He takes a few steps down the hall and leans against the wall outside my room. “Cool that Betty’s here, huh?” he whispers.

  “Do you think she means to free us?”

  “I don’t know, but she was talking to you just a minute ago. Did you hear what she said? Go look at your window.”

  “Rafe!” the nurse commands.

  “I’m going, I’m going,” he states, not moving an inch.

  I whirl and run to my window. When I peer outside, my heart bursts with joy. There, fluttering like a four legged, sparkly-winged angel, is Sober Dober, my beloved Doberman Pinscher. “Oh, your wings have grown! And you have total control over them.”

  His tail is wagging like a helicopter propeller. He licks at the window, making smeary love kisses all over the glass. I tug at the window sash, trying to open it.

  In the distance, I see a spot of brilliant light. It speeds toward the hospital. The closer it gets, the more I am certain what it is - it’s Chiara, my coati-lumina, mystical bird beast. She brought me home from Brazil, and she can get me out of this sorry place.

  She’s got a wing span of at least 25’. Her brilliant, multi-hued body sparkles like diamonds. The top of her body gleams like metallic gold. Her tail boasts an array of luminescent, rainbow-like colors. In short, she’s one of the most beautiful creatures that exists.

  Crazy Betty starts shouting now and hell reigns in the hallway. “My lumbago! Oh, my, this has stressed me out to no end. I’m about to fall! Get me a stretcher. Oh, my lord, I’m about to meet my maker! The pain!”

  A clatter, more yells, and the sound of a gurney with a squeaky wheel fills the hallway. Patients are going to rise from their stupor, if they haven’t already.

  My head spins toward the door. Rafe has slipped inside. He makes his way over to me. “Betty’s distracting them and moving them further away from your room.” He looks out the window. “Is that your dog?”

  “None other,” I say proudly.

  “Cool.” He leans past me and hefts the window open. “There. Lick away, mutt.”

  Sober’s tongue pokes through the bars, seeking my cheeks, my face, anything he can reach. I stretch my fingers out and scratch his muzzle. I’ve never been so happy to see anyone as much as I am right now seeing my dog.

  “And what’s that?” Rafe asks, eyeing the lights hurtling toward us. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “If you’re thinking it’s a coati-lumina, then, yes.” My chest puffs with more pride.

  Rafe whistles through his teeth. “Damn. This part, I didn’t believe. When I heard that the Light Rebel claimed Chiara, I thought it was a story someone made up. I thought Navid had his eye on her.”

  “He did. But she chose me.”

  “Good choice. I would’ve done the same.”

  I shake my head at him.

  The enormous winged bird gets closer and the wind starts to assault the window. Sober is smashed against the bars, whining and whimpering. “Hey,” I shout, forgetting that I probably don’t want to draw attention to me. “You’re hurting my dog! I told you what I would do if you ever hurt my dog!”

  Chiara pauses, mid-flight, and hovers in the air, her wings beating in figure eights. She still stirs the air with her shimmering feathers, but it gives Sober a chance to peel himself free from the bars.

  “Sober. 10 yards,” I command. This is a game I taught him. I’d send him 10 yards or so out and flip a Frisbee for him.

  He propels far away from the window. I hope no one is watching. But then, who would believe a psych ward patient if they claimed to see a flying dog?

  “Okay, Chiara, do your thing.”

  The resplendent bird stops her hover, swoops toward the window, and again mammoth blasts of air beat the atmosphere into an invisible froth.

  “Back away,” Rafe calls, grabbing my arm.

  I’m stirred with arousal from his touch, but he quickly releases me and we huddle in the corner. The wind from the bird’s feathers shatters the window frame, sending wood and metal end over end.

  “Run, Marissa, go!” Rafe shoves me forward.

  A night staffer flings open my door and bursts into the room. He stops at the chaos littering the floor. Matthew pounds in seconds later and stares at me and my dog. “Go get some supplies to clean up this mess,” he shouts to the staffer. The man stays glued to the floor, his eyes popping from his face.

  Sober zips to the hole in the wall like a giant hummingbird. “Are you going to carry me over to Chiara?” His tail whirls in response.

  “Rafe, come on.”

  He shakes his head. “No. You go.”

  “Come on!” I scramble over the shards of wood and debris.

  “I’m scared of heig

  “Oh, for Pete’s Sake! Get over here!” I grab Sober’s collar and prepare to drop into space. My head spins to find Rafe being ushered out the door by the guy who was frozen in place. Think, Engles, think! As light streams through my hands, I pick up a paintbrush in my mind and see myself painting a sturdy rope. It snakes through the room and wraps around Rafe’s ankle. Holding the end of the rope, I give it a sharp jerk, snagging my new pal’s legs. I leap out the hole that used to be a window, clinging to my dog’s collar. Rafe falls, colliding with the floor, slides across the linoleum, and bounces through the hole in the wall. Once outside the building, he swings like a pendulum. Sober flaps his wings, and we bob and lurch toward Chiara, who has resumed her figure eight hover.

  Rafe yells and swings to and fro. “Hey,” he hollers up at me. “I’m a Stealth Numen. Not a frigging yo-yo! Hey! Hey! I’m scared of heights! Seriously! Who’s going to service me? You? Who’s going to take care of me when I go berserk? Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Sober drops onto the back of Chiara. I land with a soft thud, cushioned by the downy feathers. Rafe continues to sway back and forth, perilously close to Chiara’s dagger-like talons as the bird-beast takes flight. “Hey! Hey! Help a brother out here! I’m getting motion sickness! These claws look sharp. Help me out!”

  “Jesus, Rafe,” I say, hauling up the rope. “Pull up your big boy britches.”

  “I’d rather pull them off,” he shouts, brushing his pants off. “And get naked with you.” He lurches and loses his balance, grabbing onto Chiara’s feathers to keep from falling. “This is some ride you’ve got.”

  “It’s a good one,” I yell back. The wind noise up here is intense. “Keep a grip on Sober, will you?”

  “Oh, sure, I’ll take care of your dog. Your dog with wings. Yep, that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to sit on this giant bird, calmly, cool as a cucumber, way high up, and take care of your dog.”

  “What’s the matter with you? You’re chattering like a chipmunk.” I’m clinging to the bird, to my dog, to the rope around Rafe’s leg, trying to keep us all steady. “Help out a little bit, will you?”


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