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Reluctant Desire [Desire, Oklahoma 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 24

by Leah Brooke

  “I loved when you played.”

  “It kept us apart.”

  “It won’t ever do that. I understand you now.”


  Charity cuddled closer, smiling against his chest. “You enjoyed spanking me, didn’t you?”

  “It had to be done.”

  Bristling at his tone, she lifted her head to tell him off, stopping when she saw the look of renewed hunger in his eyes. Dropping her head again to hide her smile, she nearly purred when his hand slid lower to caress her still warm bottom.

  “You’d better not do it again.”

  Please do it again. Soon.

  Now she understood why her sister smiled every time she talked about Ace spanking her.

  Beau squeezed her ass. “You’ll get one when you earn one.”

  Charity smiled as his cock stirred inside her.

  Thrilled at the knowledge that Beau still had that playful streak inside him, and knowing just how much both of them would enjoy another spanking, Charity snorted inelegantly for show, but she was determined to earn another one.

  And soon.

  She wouldn’t stop until she got him to love playing again.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Charity wiped her damp palms on her jeans as she made her way to Beau’s store, her heart pounding.

  It had been almost three weeks since she and Beau had started making love again, and she still couldn’t get him to play the way he used to.

  Each day, her wedding day got a little closer, and each day, she became a little more desperate.

  It was time to put her plan into action.

  When her cell phone rang, she paused, looking down at the display. Recognizing her sister’s number, she grinned and took the call.

  “Hey, Hope.”

  “Where are you? I thought we were going to pick up our dresses and to have lunch.”

  “We are. I told you that I’d pick you up at two. I have something to do first.”


  Charity smiled at her sister’s nosiness. “I’m going to do a little shopping here in town.”

  “Where? I’ll meet you.”

  Saturday’s meant a lot of foot traffic in Desire, and Charity stepped to the side to avoid it while she spoke to her sister. “No. This is something I have to do alone.”

  “You’re doing it? You’re going to Beau’s store?”

  “Yep.” Charity turned and walked in the other direction, taking the longer trek around the block so she didn’t approach Beau’s store while she was still on the phone. “He’s in there today working. I want to go in while he’s there.”

  “Have you told him that you’re going out of town yet?”

  Charity grinned, her bottom tightening in anticipation. “No. Not going to either. That’s part two of my plan.”

  Hope giggled. “There you go. It’s about time. Maybe now you’ll understand a little better when I purposely get under Ace’s skin.”

  Charity couldn’t hold back a smile. “Did you tell Ace that you were going out of town?”

  “No way. Mom and the dads know, but I didn’t tell my darling, dominant husband. I want some action, too, and it never hurts to keep him on his toes.”

  “Need any toys while I’m there?”

  Hope snorted. “You’ve got to be kidding. Ace has an entire room filled with toys. He’s always bringing home something new.”

  Charity sighed. “I wish Beau would again. I was so stupid, Hope.”

  “You weren’t stupid. Just self-conscious and scared that it was all a game to him. Now that you know why he likes to play, and that it doesn’t diminish what he feels for you, only intensifies it, you understand. Do you really think I would let Ace use a fucking whip on me if I didn’t trust him, and know how much he loves me?”

  Frowning, Charity smiled at King and Jake as she passed them, returning their wave. Both King and Jake were Dominants, and she knew for a fact that both men were madly in love with their wives.

  Both men carried bags from Beau’s store.

  Charity grimaced, her steps slowing. “I guess I never thought about that before. It’s a good thing you called. King and Jake just left Beau’s store. I can only imagine what it would have been like if I’d walked in while they were still there. I wonder if the store’s busy.” Biting her lip, she looked around at the number of people who carried bags from different stores in town. Surprised at the number of dark blue bags from Beau’s store, Charity sighed. “Judging by the number of dark blue bags I’m seeing, Beau’s store must be busy.”

  “Charity, everyone in town goes to that store. Look, I’m going to the diner to spend some time with Mom and the dads. I’ll wait for you there.”

  “Okay.” Charity approached the store. “I’m almost there. Talk to you in a bit. Wish me luck.”

  “Stop worrying, and just have fun.” Hope giggled. “I’d love to see the look on Beau’s face when you start shopping. I’m going to want to hear every detail.”

  With a laugh, Charity disconnected. Seconds later, she paused outside of Beau’s adult toy store, and took a deep breath before reaching for the door.

  Jolting at the sound of the bell on the door chiming, Charity paused, letting her eyes adjust from the bright sunlight to the interior of the store. Once her eyes began to adjust, she realized that the interior wasn’t as dark as she’d first expected.

  Her eyes widened at the vast displays, and the sheer number of items filling the shelves, and occupying every wall.

  “Holy shit.”

  A soft, familiar chuckle came from her right. “It’s nice to see you, too. You’ve never been in here before. To what do I owe the honor? Did you come to have lunch with me?”

  Turning toward where Beau leaned over the counter, obviously in the middle of some paperwork, Charity glanced at him, shaking her head and staring openmouthed at the large inventory. “Uh, no. I’m meeting Hope in a bit. Beau, I didn’t realize you carried all this stuff.”

  Grinning, Beau closed the notebook he’d been working in and came around the counter. “This is just a small portion. You should see the warehouse.”

  Turning to him again, Charity nodded. “I’d like to.”

  A dark brow went up. “If you’re not busy the next time I go, I’ll take you with me.” Wrapping his arm around her, he hugged her close, dropping a kiss on her lips just hard enough to make them warm. “So, is this just a friendly visit?”

  Thankful that they were alone in the store, Charity cupped the bulge at the front of his jeans, thrilling when his eyes narrowed and he stiffened. “We’re not friends.” Stepping out of his arms, she began to stroll around the store. “I’m here to shop.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Hiding a smile, she picked up the first thing she came across. “I’m shopping. Is there something wrong with a woman coming in to buy some toys for herself and her lover?”

  “Not a thing.” With a faint smile, Beau went to the door and locked it, turned the sign to closed, and pulled down the shade. “Not a damned thing, especially when my help is out to lunch. Women come in here all the time, either to buy something to satisfy themselves, or spark their sex lives. Which are you shopping for—and let me tell you up front, if it’s to buy something to use to masturbate, I’m going to insist on watching.”

  Realizing that she’d picked up a butt plug, Charity struggled not to blush. “I’ve decided to buy some toys to entice my lover to play. He doesn’t seem interested anymore. What do you suggest?”

  Beau’s expression never changed, but a combination of heat and amusement glittered in his eyes, making his delight in the game obvious. “What you have in your hand is a butt plug. Does your lover play with your ass?”

  Charity sighed, pouting slightly as she shook her head. “Not as much as I’d like him to. He tried before but I was always too scared. He got me over it and made me want more, and then seemed to forget all about it. I really don’t know why and I’d like him to know that I’m interest

  Beau hadn’t touched her there since the night he’d spanked her, frustrating her to no end.

  Nodding solemnly, Beau pursed his lips, his eyes narrowed. “Have you told him that you want him to?”

  Charity’s cheeks burned, but she wouldn’t let herself back away from her mission. Looking up into his eyes, she shrugged, inwardly cursing her own sudden shyness. “That’s what I’m here for. I don’t know how to ask him.” Sucking in a breath, she fought her unease, and forced herself to continue. “I figured that if I brought the right things to the bedroom, he would get the hint.”

  After several long seconds, Beau smiled faintly and inclined his head toward the package in her hand. “That should do it. Do you think it’s the right size for your needs?”

  For the first time, Charity really studied the butt plug, her bottom clenching at the size. Swallowing heavily, Charity shrugged. “It does look big. I mean, how do I know what size I need?” Shifting restlessly at the tingling in her bottom, she looked up at him through her lashes.

  Beau didn’t let her get away with that, lifting her chin and forcing her to meet his gaze squarely. His eyes danced with mirth as he glanced down at the package she held before meeting her gaze again. “The size you’re holding is about the size of two fingers. Do you want him to stretch you for anal sex?”

  Warmed by his playfulness, and the fact that her role-playing obviously delighted him, Charity shrugged, fighting not to giggle as nerves overtook her. “I hope so.”

  “Then he will.” He gestured toward a large display. “There are all sorts of sizes. If you’re going to have anal sex, then it might be a good idea for him to gradually increase the size. You mentioned that your lover likes to play?”

  Charity looked up at him through her lashes. “He loves to, but he stopped because of me. It’s all my fault and I don’t know how to fix it.”

  Beau’s eyes narrowed. “He probably thinks you don’t want to play, and that you’re suggesting it to please him.”

  Charity gasped. “But, that’s not true!” Desperate to get him to believe her, she gripped his hand. “It just made me nervous because I thought he did it to keep me at a distance. I thought it was just fun and games for him. I told him that.”

  “And now you’ve decided that you want to play in the bedroom?”

  Nodding, Charity grinned. “Very much.”

  Beau held out a hand, gesturing toward another rack of adult toys. “I’m sure that’ll make him very happy. Let me show you some other things.”

  Gripping his arm, Charity waited until he looked at her again, searching for any signs of what he was thinking. “Do you think so?”

  Grinning, he winked. “I do.” His smile fell, and he became all business once again. “Now, ma’am, let me show you a few items that I would suggest.”

  Playing the part of a customer in Beau’s store proved more fun than she could have imagined. Eyeing the basket Beau held and the contents, Charity crossed her arms over her chest to hide her beaded nipples, and then decided against it.

  Playing this way with him aroused her and she wanted him to know it. Smiling when Beau’s gaze lowered to her breasts, Charity sucked in a breath at the renewed awareness that made her breasts feel swollen and warm. “I’d like to see some other things. We’ve played before, and I don’t want to get anything that we’ve already done. I want it to be new and fresh—a new beginning.”

  Beau smiled, reaching out to run his fingertips through her hair. “That sounds wonderful. Your lover is a very lucky man.”

  Charity moved closer and placed a hand on his chest, lifting to her toes. “I hope he thinks so. I’m so lucky to have him.”

  As she’d hoped, Beau accepted her invitation and kissed her, a warm loving kiss she felt all the way to her toes. Lifting his head, he held her chin in a gentle grip, running his thumb back and forth over her swollen and damp lips. “I’m sure he loves you with everything he is.”

  Charity flashed him a grin. “I wanna shop some more.”

  “Of course.” Beau adopted a professional smile once again. “There are a few things over here that I think your lover would appreciate.”

  He led her to another display. “Here we have some nipple clips.” Lifting one, he held it up to her. “See? There’s a clip on each end and a chain between them. The chain’s heavy enough to tug at your nipples each time you move—something both you and your lover would appreciate—and the chain gives your lover the opportunity to use one hand to tease both of your nipples at the same time, leaving his other hand free for something else.”

  Swallowing heavily, Charity eyed the item in his hand, automatically tensing and taking a step back. “Um, we don’t do pain.” She hoped he didn’t plan to do anything more painful than the light spanking he’d given her weeks earlier. Scared that there was another side to him he hadn’t shown her, Charity eyed him, anxiously searching his features.

  To her relief, Beau smiled, bending close to kiss her nose. “These are adjustable and can be used just to apply enough pressure to thrill both of you.” Straightening, he ran his fingertips over her hair again, his eyes dark and hooded. “Trust me.” His body tensed, his eyes becoming guarded and searching.

  Warmed by his concern, and touched at his apparent anxiety at the thought of scaring her, Charity smiled and nodded. “Why wouldn’t I trust someone who takes such good care of me?”

  Beau’s answering smile lit up his face. “I adore you.”

  Taking her hand, he led her to another part of the store. “I think your lover would like this.”

  Charity blinked as he turned, her eyes widening at the sight of the vibrator he held. Frowning, she remembered that Hope had bought one to rile her husband, and that Ace had taken it away from her.

  Hope had told her that Ace made it clear that if she wanted an orgasm, she would get it from him or not at all.

  Wondering if Beau meant for her to use it on herself, Charity met his gaze, surprised at the heat in them. “Isn’t that something a woman would buy for herself?”

  “It can be, but I think your lover would like it. You said he liked to tease you and play. I think he would love to tease you with this.” His playful grin sent her heart racing. “Would you like me to demonstrate?”

  Charity gulped, eyeing the vibrator and nodding. “Please.” The breathless plea in her voice surprised her, her pulse racing when Beau set the basket aside.

  “Of course.” Beau’s eyes glittered with devilish intent. “I’ll be glad to show you how it works.” Holding the vibrator in front of him, and almost at eye level to her, Beau turned it on.

  The sound it made sent a thrill of erotic heat through her, making the nerve endings in every erogenous zone dance with excitement.

  With slow deliberation, he pushed the edges of her jacket aside and reached for the hem of her sweater. Raising it slightly, Beau touched the tip of the vibrator to her belly, his eyes narrowed and watchful.

  Shocked at how good it felt, Charity sucked in a breath, her stomach muscles quivering under the vibrations. Unsettled, she looked instinctively to Beau, shocked at the pleasure in his eyes.

  Lifting her sweater in slow increments, Beau ran the vibrator over her belly in increasingly wider circles. “I’ll bet he would like to tease you with this. I’ll bet he would know that doing something like this will make your nipples bead and ache for the feel of the vibrator on them.”

  Reaching out for support, Charity gripped his forearms, a moan of delight escaping before she could prevent it. “That feels so good.”

  Beau stepped closer, wrapping an arm around her waist and pressing a hand at her back, effectively keeping her from stepping back. “I know it does. I can see it in your eyes.”

  She missed the feel of the vibrator against her skin when Beau switched it to the hand at her back, holding it there while he pushed her sweater higher and unclasped the front closure of her bra. Excited at having her breasts exposed to his gaze, Charity arched toward him, lifti
ng her face to his. “Can you?”

  Switching the vibrator to his free hand again, Beau touched it to her belly, his eyes hooded. “Hmm. I can. Imagine what it would feel like on your breasts.”

  At the feel of the vibrator moving higher to the sensitive underside of her breast, Charity tried to slump against him but the hand at her back fisted in her hair and prevented it. Crying out as the need to have it on her nipple sharpened, Charity let her head fall back and closed her eyes, struggling to get the delicious vibrations where she needed them most.

  Once again, Beau thwarted her.

  His grip tightened, his arm firming against her back to support her as he circled the vibrator around her nipple without touching it.

  Need had her struggling for air, her pussy clenching and her juices soaking her panties. Her cry of frustration became a gasp at the sharp pleasure when Beau touched the vibrator to her nipple. Fire raced through her, the need at her slit so intense it brought tears to her eyes.

  Dancing it lightly back and forth over her nipple, Beau groaned. “I have an assortment of vibrators—some that can go inside you.”

  Just the thought of it weakened Charity’s knees. “Oh, God.”

  “In your pussy. In your ass.” Leaning closer, he brushed her lips with his. “Can you imagine your lover filling your ass and pussy with vibrators and using another on your clit?”

  Charity gasped, parting her lips eagerly for his kiss as the pleasure exploded.

  Her knees buckled, and she would have fallen if not for Beau’s strong hold. Tingling everywhere, she cried out as the heat engulfed her, whimpering as it spread in massive waves to consume every inch of her body.

  Beau’s tongue slid against hers as the vibrator went quiet.

  She heard the light thud of it hitting the floor just a second before he caught her up in his arms, pulling her firmly against his chest.

  Sliding her hands to his hair, she held him close, matching him kiss for kiss, pressing against the hard bulge at the front of his jeans.

  As he straightened, she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, desperate to get as close to him as she could.


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