Releasing Kate: The Acceptance Series

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Releasing Kate: The Acceptance Series Page 7

by D. Kelly

  While it was devastating to hear about Lila Hope from Kate, with Mike it’s worse because it’s fresh. For him, this loss just happened. He’s my best friend, how do I not grieve for him and for the little girl who would have been my niece?

  “And now there’s Vanessa,” he says sadly.

  “Now there’s Vanessa. What are we going to do about it all?” he shrugs his shoulders “I don’t know man. I don’t want to be having a baby with Vanessa, especially now, after learning about Lila Hope I just can’t take it.” I feel his pain.

  “I don’t want to be tied down to her for eighteen years. I’m not sure how she could have changed so much to have Kate snowed, but I’m not sure I buy it at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if that baby didn’t belong to either of us.”

  He looks at me sadly. “I hate to say it, but I’m pretty sure it’s one of ours. I don’t think she would lie about that. The more I think about it, the more it just doesn’t make sense for her to lie. If the story she told Kate is true, it sounds like she’d do anything to get that Chad guy back.”

  I really don’t want to consider her baby could be mine but I guess it’s a reality I have to face.

  “I love her, Daniel. With every fiber of my being. For the past four years, I’ve tried to figure out how to live without her and I can’t. My life doesn’t work without her.”

  The knife in my heart stabs in a little deeper.

  “I know you love her and I would never undermine your feelings, but I love her, too, and I’m not willing to let her go without a fight.”

  “It’s only been two weeks, Daniel, you can’t love her like I do; it’s just not possible.”

  I stand up from my chair and remove my shirt. I took the bandage off last night. I turn around and let him see my back.

  “Holy fuck,” he says, sucking in a breath and exhaling loudly.

  Yeah, that’s about the response I thought he would have. When I put my shirt back on and turn around, I can see the pain in his eyes; I’m sure it mirrors my own.

  “You said you’d never fill that spot until you knew…’ he trails off.

  “It’s her, Mike, and I know that it’s soon but when you know, time seems irrelevant.”

  He sits back down; it looks like he’s trying to catch his breath. I understand the feeling.

  “Has she seen it yet? Does she know?”

  I shake my head. “No, it was supposed to be a surprise for her after the party. We just never got that far. I don’t want her to know. I don’t want it to sway her feelings. She has to make this decision from her heart and I don’t want her to feel responsible. I want her to want me for me, not because she feels bad or obligated because I got a tattoo.”

  “My entire sleeve has to do with her. All she has to do is look at it closely and she’ll figure it out. But I’m not going to tell her, either; she’ll have to figure it out on her own.”

  “What do we do now? We have to be professional at work, other than that I’m fine with just seeing where this goes,” I tell him

  “Yeah, I agree, and with you in LA starting next week it will be easier at work, too.” He looks relieved.

  “Yeah, about that, I probably shouldn’t be telling you this but Pops wanted to tell you today. You’re being relocated to LA, too.” I explain all of what my dad told me earlier.

  “Why does that not surprise me? Guess I need to find a place to stay ASAP.”

  “Just stay at Connor’s, in Jake’s old room. You know he won’t care and it’s pointless to stay anywhere else. We’re friends, Mike. Hopefully, we’ll remain so when all this is over. I’m not giving up and I get that you aren’t, either, but the only person who really controls this is Kate. I know it won’t be easy and we’ll have our moments but we’ll hardly be there, anyway. I’m sure it will be fine.” I hope I sound more convincing than I feel but it’s true and I’m slowly beginning to realize it. The only person who has any power here is Kate.

  “I hope you’re right. Kate and I talked last night. We decided to work on our friendship. I stayed there last night; I was too wasted to drive home.”

  “On the couch, right?” I ask him as I feel the rage building inside of me.

  “No, in her bed. I don’t need to explain this to you but I want to. Nothing happened between us, Daniel, I swear. We just talked. I’m sure it’s hard for you to understand this, but Kate and I were having sleepovers together long before we ever had sex. It’s what we do…well, what we did. After the day we had yesterday, it was just nice to have the familiarity and to be able to talk and grieve together.”

  I get what he’s saying but I don’t like it at all. I take a deep breath and count to ten while exhaling. “Thanks for telling me.” That’s all I can really say because at this point Kate is in control of this situation. But I’m definitely going to step up my game, fuck backing off.

  “Daniel, there’s another thing we need to talk about. I’m slowly going to come clean to Kate about my past. In order to do that, I need to tell her about Aimee and Julie and about Aimee and Julie part two…”

  Damn, he’s right.

  “She’s going to hate us. I think she would get the whole threesome thing but to tell her about us and them? She’s going to freak.”

  “Do you think you could ever do that with Kate? Share her with someone else like we did that night?” I wonder if he’s trying to trick me for a split second but I know he’s genuinely curious.

  “Nope, never,” I tell him adamantly.

  “Yeah, me either, so why was it so easy for us with them?”

  “That’s easy, actually. Not only did we not love them, but they were a couple. They were secure enough in their love to share and experiment. To share Kate you’d have to let someone else into your love and risk losing that love to them. With us, we love her too much to share; you’re not a passive male and neither am I. It worked with the girls because there were two of them. There’s only one of Kate and I don’t want to watch anyone else pleasing her; I want to do it myself, repeatedly.

  He laughs a genuine from the gut laugh and I can’t help it, I laugh with him.

  “I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation!” he chokes out.

  “Yeah, well if it were any other girl we would be trying to figure out how to do it, not if we would.”

  “True that. So the reason I brought it up is I don’t think she’s going to be too surprised to hear anything I’ve done, especially after the stories she’s probably heard about me. But you, I don’t think she would expect it, and since we’ve never told anyone, she would have no reason to expect it. Do you want to be the one to tell her? Or we can tell her together. I can do it but I thought you would want to be there.”

  Wow, he’s right. She’s not going to expect it from me and I can tell he’s really trying here. He could have easily thrown me under the bus with her. Mike doesn’t want me to hurt any more than I want him to. We’re just in an impossible situation.

  “I think we should do it together. It might be hard for her to be mad at both of us.”

  He chuckles, “You might be onto something there.”

  “Alright, I should get going. Thanks for the talk.”

  “Anytime, you know that. All else aside, I’m here for you.” I truly mean that.

  “I know and I appreciate it. Do you think after it all comes crashing down we’ll still be able to hang on to our friendship?” he asks tentatively

  “Family is always family, Mike, and you’re my brother, no matter what. When it all comes crashing down around us, we’ll build it back up from there. Neither of us had a sibling growing up; it’ll be a learning experience for us both.”

  He nods his head and gives me a guy hug as he leaves. Strange as it is, I feel a little bit better now than I did before he came over. Maybe it won’t be as hard to heal this gap between us as I thought it would be.

  Once I’m in bed with the lights off, I send Kate a goodnight message.

  Goodnight gumdrop. Dream of me. />
  A few seconds later I get a text back and I’m somewhat shocked; she’s been keeping her distance pretty well.

  Goodnight Daniel.

  Screw it I’m going to keep going.

  Are you in bed?

  Her reply comes just as quickly as the first text.


  I’m loving this, she must be in the mood to talk.

  Do you want to talk?

  It takes her longer to reply this time.

  Can we just text?

  It’s a start and I’ll happily take any opening I can get.

  Of course, how was your day?

  It was fun, I hung out with Marc all day and then we went out for drinks.

  Mike would hate hearing that. I laugh quietly at the thought.

  So are you officially drunk texting me?

  Maybe ;)

  Oh she’s being flirty, this is a good sign.

  What are you wearing?



  I hope she says nothing. I imagine her naked in bed, getting herself off, and my dick hardens at the thought.

  Only your shirt and nothing else.

  Holy hell that’s even better than hearing she’s naked.

  You have no idea how hard you’re making me.

  So much for not pushing her too hard

  Prove it.

  I’ve never been the kind of guy to even consider sending a dick pic but the high that will come from knowing Kate is looking at me is worth the risk. If a picture of my dick gets on the internet, no one will have a face to go with it and even if they did, I’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. So I snap the money shot and send it to her.

  That is the best thing I’ve seen all day. Can I make it my screensaver?

  Now I’m really laughing.

  I’d rather have your tight pussy wrapped around it. No screensaver but you can look at it anytime you want to get off as long as you remember who makes you feel good.

  Why don’t you remind me?

  I would love to, sweetheart.

  Can I call you? I need a speakerphone to do that.


  I hit talk as fast as I can and reach over to the nightstand for the lube in my top drawer.

  “Hi,” she answers breathlessly

  “Hey, you sound out of breath. Are you okay?”

  She laughs nervously. “Of course, but I can’t believe you sent me that picture!”

  “I thought you needed a reminder of what you’re losing out on.”

  “Daniel, maybe this isn’t…”

  Oh, hell no, I’m not letting her finish that sentence.

  “How much did you drink tonight, Kate? Where did you and Marc go?” I want to know about her day, but I also want to know how far I can push this conversation since she’s been drinking.

  “Well, it’s kind of a long story.”

  “I’ve got nothing but time for you, Kate, always.” I’ll tell her this until she understands it. I’m not going anywhere; she is my priority.

  “Okay, well, Mike was drunk and spent the night last night.” A smile spreads across my face; she’s still being honest with me even though we’re not together anymore.

  “I heard. Mike told me. He was here for a few hours earlier.”

  Honesty goes both ways, right?

  “He was? I’m surprised. I hope it went well?” Hearing her squeak the last part of that sentence out cracks me up.

  “It was fine. We’re men, Kate, and we worked some things out, or at least tried to. We’re going to try and not let this come between us and since Mike’s being transferred to the LA project with me next week we’ll both be staying at Connor’s.”

  “Wow, are you going to be okay with that?” I love that she cares.

  “Yes, I’ll be fine. I’m his boss, so if anyone isn’t going to be fine it’s him. Honestly, we had a good talk. I think as long as we keep our priorities straight we’ll be fine. Enough about that, though; tell me about your day.”

  “After Connor and Mike left this morning, Jess and I had a fight. I’m still not sure how I feel about it so I’m keeping my distance from her for now so I don’t say something I’ll regret.”

  “I’m sorry, baby.”

  “Thanks, you know I don’t like secrets and she kept a huge one from me. I just don’t know what to do about it.”

  We’ve got to tell her about Aimee and Julie soon.

  “What was the secret?”

  She hesitates before answering. “She had a voicemail from Mike and then she replied to him via text message. He left it the day I found out I was pregnant with Lila Hope. Instead of telling me about it, Jess hid it. I know she thought she was doing the right thing, but I don’t think she did. That was my chance to find him, to tell him, to see if he wanted us. And she took my chance away. The thing is, she had the messages this entire time and I got to hear and read them today.”

  Well, I guess Mike doesn’t have to worry about filling her in on this part of the story now.

  “I’m sorry. I know that’s got to hurt.” I hear her sniffling. She’s crying. “Don’t cry, Kate, it’s all going to work out. You’ve just got to have faith.”

  After some more sniffling, she replies, “Yeah, that’s what Marc said, too, and I know it’s true, but my world is turned upside down right now and I don’t know which way is up.”

  “I know the feeling. Can I ask you something?”

  “You can ask me anything, Daniel; I’m an open book to you.”

  “Do you still love me?” I know she does, but if we’re going to be apart I have to hear her say it when I can sneak in the chance.

  “With all my heart. This was never about our love, Daniel. This is about keeping you and Mike on the right track. And I’m not going to lie; it’s also about Vanessa and the baby.” I don’t want to talk about them so I change the subject.

  “Okay, just checking. So what else did you to today?”

  “I had a picnic in the park with Marc after my fight with Jess, and then we went to the gym to work out for a few hours. It was fun; we haven’t worked out together in a long time. I didn’t really want to come home, so he took me to dinner and then we went to his friend’s club. We had a few drinks and danced our asses off. I had just finally crawled into bed after a long shower when you texted.”

  “I’m glad you had fun tonight; you deserve to have a good time. I just wish you were tipsy with me in my bed instead of all alone in yours.” I swear I hear her inhale and picture her smelling my shirt.

  “Me, too.”

  “Close your eyes, Kate, and imagine me there with you, naked in your bed as the scent of my cologne floods your senses. Touch yourself, Kate. Pinch your nipples; tug on your nipple ring and imagine it’s my hot and greedy mouth.”

  “Ohhh hell, Daniel, I want you, I need you to touch me. Make me come, please.”

  As if I would ever deny her.

  “Keep pulling that nipple ring exactly like you know I would. How you crave it. Slide your other hand down and circle your clit for me. Don’t touch it yet, just soft little circles around the outside. Picture my tongue circling you, tasting you, licking your essence off my lips. You taste so good, baby.”

  Her moans and the slight squeals that escape her lips set my cock off on a race to the finish line without her. “Daniel, are you wet? Tell me, are there drops of cum dripping from the head of your cock? Imagine me there with my lips wrapped around you licking and sucking every last drop while you fuck my mouth nice and slow.”


  “I’m not just wet, but the thought of your pretty little lips wrapped around my dick has me ready to come. Stop circling your clit and slide your fingers into your tight little pussy. Tell me how wet you are; I need to know.” The pleasurable moan that escapes her lips when she enters herself is almost enough to make me come on its own.

  “I’m so wet, so ready to come. Make me come, Daniel, please.”

  Fuck me, I can’t hold back much longer.

  “Let go of your nipple and touch your clit, Kate. Keep fucking yourself with your other hand. I want to hear you come. Call out my name, baby. I want to know that I gave you this orgasm.”

  I’m stroking my cock to the sounds of her pleasure. It’s so erotic and I would give anything to be there with her. I would love to watch her fuck herself, wearing nothing but my shirt, and that’s exactly what I’m picturing in my mind.

  “Daniel, oh god, baby. Daniel, I’m coming, I’m coming so hard.” Those screams send my heart racing but her moans send me over the edge. This is the holy fucking grail of phone sex. I want to tell her I love her but I know it will push her away.

  “That was incredible.”

  She giggles into the phone. “Yes, it was. We should do that every night.”

  I moan. “Oh no, I couldn’t take that every night unless I was actually buried balls deep in you. I’m a tactile kind of guy; I need to touch you, feel you, and smell you. But even more than all that I need to taste you. We could try for friends with benefits?”

  “We can’t. We shouldn’t have even done this but I’m a horny drunk and I miss you. But we should talk, every night before bed. It’s stupid to not talk. I just needed some clarity. And who knows, with this new truce between you and Mike, once Vanessa has the baby maybe I’ll get just that. Clarity.”

  She’s backpedaling a little, but she’s also giving me more than I expected so I’ll take it.

  “We absolutely should have done this. No regrets, Kate. Never, not between us. I don’t like our new situation and I’m going to try like hell to get you to forget about all of this because I have no doubt in the end it’s still going to be you and me. But for now, I would be honored to have nightly bedtime conversations with you as long as I can hear your voice. No text messages, okay?”

  She sounds happy when she replies, “Yeah, okay, that sounds really good. Goodnight, Daniel. Thanks for my new picture of you. It’s going into my spank bank.”


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