Releasing Kate: The Acceptance Series

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Releasing Kate: The Acceptance Series Page 12

by D. Kelly

  This can’t actually work, can it?

  “So how would this work?” Not that I’m even entertaining this ridiculous idea. Am I?

  “That’s up to you, but we were thinking since we’re all close by each other now it’s pretty easy to date. We can alternate dates based on who isn’t spending time with Vanessa. Dinner, movies, miniature golf, whatever you want to do to help bridge this gap between us and for you to get to know me again.”

  This is a lot to take in; I don’t know if I can do this.

  “Think of it this way: there are people doing online dating who go out with a few different people to try and get to know them and find the one they want to actually be with. This isn’t much different; just consider it being down to your final two choices. We won’t be able to do it forever, but long enough for you to figure out who really owns your heart.”

  “Mike, don’t you see the downside of this? I’m already conflicted! I already love you both, so how is this going to make me pick one of you? It’s just going to make me fall even more in love with you guys. It’s not a good idea.” My words are filled with desperation.

  “You don’t have to make a decision now, Kate, or even tomorrow. Just think about it, it’s an option and it’s a better option than you pushing both of us away. Of course, my reasons are selfish; I want to get to know you, too, and this will give me the chance.”

  For a moment I just close my eyes and relax in his arms, wishing for simpler times when it was the two of us and I would have never considered letting anyone else disturb our bubble.

  “Okay, I’ll think about it, but I’m not making any promises.”

  “I’m not asking you to. Once you decide, you can let me or Daniel know. Come on, it’s late; I should get you home.”

  Mike insists on walking me inside once we get back to my place.

  “Thanks for dinner and for…the interesting evening?” It comes out like a question but what was I going to say? Thanks for the orgasm and the BDSM discussion? Or how about thanks for wanting to whore me out? I’m not sure what the proper etiquette is in this situation.

  “You’re welcome for dinner, but thank you for the rest, it was very…stimulating.” Oh my god he’s too funny; that is a perfect word for it! Mike pulls me to him and covers my mouth with his. I immediately wrap my arms around his neck, closing any gap remaining between the two of us. This is different; it’s always been good between us, but it’s so much hotter now. He bites my lip and my body floods with desire, but I can’t let this go further—not until I figure out what it is I want to do. As I pull back, he tapers off the kiss, and for the first time in a long time I’m happy he knows me so well.

  “Goodnight, Kate,” he says longingly.

  “Goodnight, Mike,” I tell him breathlessly as I close the door behind him.

  After showering, I crawl into bed and fall into a deep sleep.

  When I wake up in the morning, Jess is spooning me from behind. I must have been sleeping deep because I never even heard her come in, let alone felt her climb into my bed. That’s actually kind of scary.

  “Are you still mad at me, Kate?” She sounds so sad.

  “I’m trying really hard not to be,” I tell her honestly.

  “I’ve missed you so much; we’ve never gone that long without talking or seeing each other. Please don’t do that again.” She’s crying and I snuggle into her tighter.

  “I won’t, Jess, I promise. It wasn’t just you, it was everything all together. I had to take a break from it all and try to get my head on straight.”

  “Well, why is Marc so special? You talked to him…”

  “Marc is my inner circle but he’s separate from all of you. You two talk but you’re not really good friends. Trust me, I think Marc would rather I not drag him into all my stuff, either.” I’m trying to stifle a yawn but I’m still tired.

  “So did you figure anything out while you were gone? I feel so completely left out of your life right now.” She’s pouting but it’s shrouded in sadness.

  “After last night, I’m even more confused than I was before.” And that’s the God’s honest truth.

  “What happened last night?” Now she’s curious. I’ve always loved how fast she could switch her moods. I wish I could do that. I spend the next half hour or so filling her in on everything that happened last night.

  “Shut up! You and Mike? Hot damn! I was hoping, but whoo-freaking-hoo!”

  “We didn’t…”

  She interrupts me, “You did enough. That’s awesome; you need to enjoy this. Mike’s right, you should totally date them both.” She’s so excited, I can’t help but roll my eyes.

  “I don’t think it’s right.”

  Jess jumps up and pulls me with her, looking me dead in the eyes “It’s perfect, Kate, really. This is going to give you the chance to figure out which one of them it is. It’s not like I’m completely all ‘TeamMike’ and not ‘TeamDaniel’, but I do think it’s fucking awesome that you got the chance to do something HOT with Mike instead of just making love. My god that is so overrated. Kinky, hot, erotic, sex is better than making love any day. And don’t even get me started on make-up sex.” She is way too enthusiastic for it being so early in the morning and I love her for it.

  For a moment she pauses and just looks at me, “Don’t overthink it, Kate, just do it. You’ve played the safe card all of your life—done all that’s been expected of you and then some. This is your time to experience life, because as soon as you pick one of them it’s as good as being married. This isn’t just dating, Kate, it’s picking who you want to spend your life with. No one is going to think you’re a whore. In all honesty, it’s the perfect way to make sure you’re making the right decision.”

  I know she’s right, and god knows people have done far worse than date two men at once.

  Just do it, Kate.






  Tonight, I finally get to see Kate. It’s been almost three weeks since the fiasco at the house when she left with Marc and all hell broke loose. Connor and Jake were mad as hell that they didn’t know about the Aimee and Julie stuff. I get it because I would have been, too, if it had been reversed. Even April was mad, but I think she was more disappointed than anything that I didn’t trust her with my secret when she’s always trusted me with hers. Before talking things out with them, we first had to calm Mike down. I knew he didn’t like Marc from the night of the engagement party, but damn I’ve never seen him like that before and I hate to admit it, but I think I felt almost as angry as him. Seeing the way Marc jumped between Mike and Kate was unreal; it was like he thought Mike would actually hurt her. If there’s one thing I know, it’s Mike would never hurt Kate, well, at least not physically. We all know he’s absolutely crushed her emotionally.

  Once all our skeletons had been let out of the closet and everyone was filled in with what few details we gave them, they all went to bed… except Mike and I. By that point, any buzz we had was long gone and we were both just really concerned for Kate. I was terrified she was going to cut us out of her life completely. We were both grasping at straws when I finally brought up both of us dating her. It’s honestly the last thing I want, but I feel like it’s my only chance in this game. The look in her eyes when she’s around him is a combination of pure adoration and fear and it terrifies me. I don’t want to think she’s going to choose to go back to him, but they’ve got so much history.

  These last two weeks, she was completely silent, and for the first week neither of us dared to reach out, per her request. Marc was keeping Jess updated so we knew she was okay, but knowing Marc was the only one she was letting in was putting us all on edge. Connor’s pissed and I can’t say I blame him. He’s the only one she had no reason to cut out but she did because he’s part of our circle. When the second week passed with no contact, we were all about to go have a little sit down with Marc, until Vanessa told us she was
coming home.

  Even with everything going on she still kept up with her visits to Vanessa. That speaks volumes about her character and is just one of the many reasons why I love her so much. When Mike came back to the house Sunday night, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so happy. Immediately, I knew something had happened between them but I just kept reminding myself this is going to happen until she figures it out. I’m not okay being in the middle of a love triangle for long, but until Vanessa has the baby I can try to deal with it. Mike said he thought his talk with Kate went well and she actually texted me back shortly before I went to bed.

  It was…awkward…which really sucks because I don’t want to have awkwardness with her. She had a study group on Tuesday and she was with Mike last night, so here we are—it’s Thursday and I finally get to see her. I’ve been trying to figure out what we can do because we haven’t really actually dated outside of the bedroom. It took me a bit to figure it out, but I think I came up with the perfect plan. I’m as nervous as a twelve-year-old boy when I knock on her door.

  “Hey,” she says, flashing me a gorgeous smile as she opens the door. At least she seems happy to see me; that’s a good sign.

  “Hey, yourself. Are you ready to go?”

  “Absolutely, just let me grab my coat. You’re being awfully mysterious about where we’re going.”

  She looks amazing; those jeans hug her ass in a way that should be illegal. Thankfully, we’ll be alone all night with no chance of any other guys around. Two is already one too many for my tastes; I don’t need anyone else trying to date her, too.

  “I thought women liked men who have a mysterious nature to them,” I tell her with a wink and she starts cracking up.

  “Oh my god, what is with that wink?” she asks through the laughter.

  As I usher her outside and into my truck I explain, “It’s Connor’s new thing. Jess showed him this video of some super stud winking, which was not at all sexy, and Connor laughed for like an hour straight. Now every time something happens he feels is ‘wink worthy’, his words not mine, he winks.”

  Kate is laughing hysterically, and I realize how much I’ve missed that sound—how much I miss her. I’m not ready to live without that laugh in my life, without her smile to brighten my day, without her body to drive me insane. Not now and not ever. Suddenly she’s very serious, somber even.

  “Daniel, I’m really sorry about the way I’ve been acting. Our circumstances changed so dramatically and unexpectedly and I didn’t handle it well. I’m sorry I was such a bitch to you and I really have a lot to make up to Connor, too. I’ve acted unfairly to you all.”

  Reaching across the cab, I take her hand in mine, pressing it against my lips. “Don’t apologize, Kate. We’re all going through this and we all understand the emotional toll it’s taking on you.” I’m trying to gently remind her that we’re all in this together.

  She’s looking out the window, watching the world pass by in a blur. “You know I wasn’t the biggest advocate of your idea to date you both and honestly, I’m surprised it’s really what you want.” Finally, she turns and looks at me. “Is it, Daniel? Is this truly what you want?” Her tone is laced with desperation and I have no clue what she wants to hear: that it is what I want or that it isn’t at all. It doesn’t really matter, though; I have to tell her the truth.

  I fidget with the steering wheel for a minute, turning off Gavin Rossdale’s Love Remains the Same and putting all of my focus into the best way to answer her.

  “Honestly, Kate, all I want is to make this as easy as possible for you. Let’s be real for a minute… your way wasn’t working—at all. Maybe this won’t work, either, but it’s a chance and right now I need all the chances I can get for you to get to know me, and realize that you still want there to be an us. Hell, it’s not going to be easy, thinking about you being out with Mike when you’re not with me is a slow form of torture if you want the truth.” She’s nodding.

  “But the thought of losing you, the thought of you closing off your heart and not choosing either of us because you want to do what is right…well, that’s an even worse form of torture, baby. That’s hell.”

  “I’m worried,” she whispers.

  So am I.

  “About what?” She’s back to looking out the window but eventually looks back at me.

  “This is going to change me, Daniel. I’m not built to do this. While I agree at this point it’s the best option, and I’m so happy to see you and spend time with you…I’m terrified the whole thing is going to backfire and I’m going to fall even more in love with you both.”

  And that is my second biggest fear, right behind her choosing Mike.

  Exhaling, I nod, acknowledging her fears. “You have the power here, Kate. This doesn’t have to change you if you don’t let it,” I tell her honestly.

  “That’s what Mike says, too.”

  “Then believe it, Kate, because as much as I hate to admit it, this is our only shot. Your history with Mike speaks for itself. This time with you is all I have to prove to you that your instincts weren’t wrong and that we will be together no matter what. Is it confusing? Hell yes, I’m sure it has to be. Will it be worth it in the end? I think so, because no matter what, we’re both getting to spend time with you and I don’t think that’s something either of us will ever regret.” There, I’ve said all I can on the subject; the ball is completely in her court.

  “We’re here?” she questions as I pull into the harbor.

  “We’re here,” I reply, trying to gauge her reaction.

  “Do you have any idea how much I love it here?” she squeals as she hops out of the truck before I can even open the door for her.

  I’m relieved she’s happy again. “Good, I’m glad. Come on, I have a surprise for you.” I’m nervous as I lead her to the boat. Hell, it’s a yacht and I’ve never brought a girl here before. The perplexed look on her face as we board says it all; she had no clue my personal fortune isn’t all that much less than hers.

  “Whose boat is this?” she asks as she looks around the deck.

  “It’s mine,” I reply casually.

  She sputters; it’s actually very cute. “Yours? You own a yacht? Please tell me you’re not a member of your local country club, too,” she says with disdain.


  “Well, I am, but only because some of the clients we deal with are very…” God, I don’t even know what the word would be for most of those guys.

  “Say no more, I get it. Joseph Moore’s daughter over here… I know all about the stuffed shirt club. You know I don’t care if you have money or not, right? I’m just surprised because you’re so normal.” Her cheeks flush and I can tell she’s embarrassed.

  Placing my hand at her low back, I lead her inside. It’s perfect; just as I requested—no lights, a completely candlelit atmosphere, champagne on ice, dinner covered on the table, and no staff in sight. A small gasp escapes her perfect lips and a beautiful smile emerges.

  “Okay,” she says, but to what she’s referring, I have no idea, and from the perplexed look on my face, she knows it.

  “I’m going to assert my power and not let this change me. I love you, Daniel, and I want to see where this goes.”

  That’s my girl.

  The urge to kiss her is stronger than ever before but I don’t want to push. “I love you, too, Kate. Thank you for trying.”

  After filling our glasses, I pass one to her and motion for her to have a seat and then lift my glass to hers “To new beginnings and the chance to see where life takes us.”

  “Are we moving?” she asks excitedly.

  “I thought it would be nice to go out for a few hours, maybe dance under the stars?”

  “That sounds nice. I’ve really missed you.” The words cross her lips as a whisper.

  “Me, too, Kate, so much, and we have so much to talk about. Why don’t we start while we eat?” She agrees by nodding her head. I pre-made my grandma’s lasagna and the captain’s
wife heated it and plated it for me. They set everything up, actually, and did a fantastic job.

  “Back to your first question: this is my boat. I know it’s technically a yacht but it’s a small one and the word yacht is just too pretentious; I like boat.”

  She giggles. “Mike and I were the same way when we were younger. We spent a lot of time on our parents’ yachts but they were always just boats to us.” Her smile lingers and I can tell she has a lot of fond memories of her childhood.

  “My dad actually bought it for me; it was one of our big fights. You know he lives modestly but his net worth probably exceeds the Houstons’. When I bought my house, he was so mad. He wanted to build me one from the ground up and pay for it all. I didn’t deny him that, but I did insist he had to wait until I got married so he could have the privilege of building the house his grandkids would grow up in. That way my wife and I could make it our dream instead of just my dream.”

  “That’s understandable.”

  “Rick McCormick doesn’t like to be told no, especially when he’s trying to do something for his son. When he gifts me something, it’s usually from the heart no matter the expense or lack of it. One time, he gave me this quarter like it was a prized possession. The prize was the story that came with it. My grandmother had dropped the quarter and my grandfather picked it up for her and that’s how they met. They held on to it through the years. It’s still the only thing I own that I would probably run through fire to try and save.”

  “That’s beautiful,” she replies with tears glistening in her eyes.

  “I think so, too. Anyway, after my grandfather died, he knew how much I missed going out with him on his boat. When I say boat I mean old houseboat, but it was always fun and we had some great times. This was my dad’s way of giving me a chance to go out again, but in a way he didn’t think would kill me.”


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