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No Shame

Page 20

by Nora Phoenix

  Waitley opened his mouth to say something, but Miles shot him a look that was so deadly, he must have thought better of it. The man had not been joking about that baseball bat. And Connor would fucking hold his beer while he did it.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that, Charlie.” The cop studied Charlie, seemed to gauge how seriously to take him.

  “We have pictures, sir. Of what he did to me. I was afraid to go to the hospital, because he’s a cop, and he’d threatened me before. But I was examined by a medical professional, and he took pictures, sir.”

  “Okay, we have enough to take him in. We’ll sort out the exact charges later. Charlie, are you prepared to come down to the station later to give your statement?”

  Charlie raised his head, straightened his back almost imperceptibly. “Yes, sir. He should be held accountable for what he did to me, sir.”

  The cop’s eyes softened. “Call us in a bit to set up an appointment, okay?” He turned toward the other cop. “Take him in. Read him his rights, according to the letter. We don’t want any room on this one.”

  He waited till his coworker was out of earshot, turned his body cam off. “It’s a fucking sad day when we have to arrest one of our own for something like this. Fucking disgrace to the uniform.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Connor said. “Thank you for your assistance. I know this is hard.”

  The cop nodded. He placed a gentle hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, kid. Real sorry. You’re doing the right thing, pressing charges. Stick to ‘em, okay? Don’t let anybody pressure you into dropping ‘em.” He sighed. “My oldest son is gay. Fucking got beat up at school for that. Middle school. They’re brutal at that age.”

  “What middle school does he go to?” Charlie asked.

  “Trenton Park. Why?”

  “Tell him to talk to Mr. Kent, the math teacher. He’ll help him find his way.”

  “I think that’s who he has for math. Name sounds familiar.”

  Charlie smiled. “Tell your son to find him, he’ll have his back.”

  “Thank you, Charlie. I appreciate that.”

  He gave Connor a strong hand shake, then turned to Miles. “Tried to escape, huh?”

  Miles kept his face carefully blank. “Yes, Officer. Can you believe that?”

  The cop laughed. “Oh, I totally can. I’ll make sure to mention it in my report. We need the two of you to come by the station as well for your statements. Maybe you could bring in young Charlie here, give him the mental support he needs.”

  Connor dropped a soft hand on Charlie’s shoulder, knowing that’s what Miles wanted to do, but couldn’t. “Don’t worry, we’ve got his back.”


  When Charlie woke up, the room was brightly lit by the sun forcing itself through the curtains. He stretched, yawned. He’d slept surprisingly well the last week since Zack’s crazy ass stunt.

  Charlie still couldn’t believe what had gotten into Zack that he’d been so incredibly stupid as to show up with a gun—his service weapon, more specifically—and threaten not just a former cop, but an FBI agent as well. Charlie had gone down to the station to make a statement, accompanied by Connor and Miles. It had been Connor who had held his hand—literally—as he cried his way through his detailed statement, since Miles had to stay in role to prevent from muddying the waters.

  Charlie had told them everything, every little detail he could remember about what Zack had done to him, He’d shown them emails, texts, and direct messages from when he’d still been a minor, clearly showing Zack had been fucking him. He’d given them the pictures Noah had taken, presenting every bruise Zack had caused. And Connor had submitted a video Charlie had known nothing about. Apparently, Brad had been pulled over by Zack and had recorded how the cop had threatened him, too.

  The cops he’d been talking to had been sympathetic, more than he had expected. He knew this was probably due to Miles’ and Connor’s presence. He’d heard enough stories to know that not every gay teen or man reporting a crime was taken this seriously. Still, he was grateful.

  He formally pressed charges, assured them he would not change his mind and would testify against Zack when it came to trial—unless Zack took a plea bargain, which according to Connor was a realistic option. Cops didn’t usually do well in the prison system, so Zack would most likely do anything to lessen his time, Connor had explained. Since there was a good chance Zack would be released on bail, Charlie had filed a restraining order.

  He’d been completely exhausted when he’d gotten home, where Brad had been anxiously waiting for him. One look at Charlie’s face, and Brad had taken him into their bedroom, had undressed him, and had held him so tenderly it had made Charlie’s heart soar. Miles had quickly joined them, cuddling him from the other side, until Charlie had fallen asleep. He’d woken up twice in between to Brad sucking off Miles, but had slept through the night.

  Ever since, his nightmares had been gone. It was as if the act of reporting them had freed his mind, or something, He wasn’t sure, but he was damn grateful. It had been seven weeks since Zack had assaulted him, and for the first time, Charlie felt like himself again.

  He’d even ventured outside again, though not alone. Restraining order or not, he still feared running into Zack. But at least he wasn’t the sad hermit anymore he’d become the last few weeks. Though admittedly, being holed up with Miles and Brad hadn’t exactly been a hardship. He smiled as he thought of his men.

  They were slowly finding their groove, the three of them. Brad pleasured them every chance he got—and thoroughly loved it. His erectile issues seemed to get better, as he usually got hard during their sexual activities. He still wouldn’t allow Miles to touch his cock, but Charlie got him off easily—if Miles allowed it.

  So far, he and Miles hadn’t done anything else but kissing without Brad being present. They’d had ample opportunity for more, since Brad was gone on weekdays, but for some reason it hadn’t happened. Charlie wasn’t sure what held them back. Maybe it would take time to figure out who they were without Brad. He liked Miles and was definitely attracted to him, but he wasn’t sure if it really was mutual. Miles seemed to be focused more on Brad, though he did clearly love hanging out with Charlie.

  Charlie sighed. It was complicated, this threesome-shit, but exhilarating at the same time.

  Miles and Brad were up already, of course. Both were early risers, though Miles more out of habit than by nature, Charlie suspected. He was a night owl himself—no wonder with his shows at Flirt.

  The door opened softly, Brad sticking his head around the corner. A smile lit up his face. “Oh, good, you’re awake.”

  He came into the room, jumped on the bed to hug Charlie. Charlie smiled as he was thoroughly kissed. “Are you happy to see me, babe?” he teased Brad.

  Brad’s smile faded a little. “I’m antsy,” he said.

  Charlie brushed a curl off his forehead. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know.” Brad hid his face against Charlie’s neck, which told Charlie he damn well knew what the issue was but was afraid to put it into words.

  “Do I need to get Miles so he can spank it out of you?”

  Fuck, Charlie loved it when Miles spanked Brad. The man seemed to have a finely tuned sensor when it came to Brad. He knew exactly where to draw the line and what Brad needed. It was amazing, considering how short they’d known each other.

  “No,” Brad protested. “Please, don’t say anything.”

  Charlie held him, caressed his curls. “Tell me what’s bothering you.”

  Brad let out a shuddering sigh. “Miles has been cleared for desk duty.”

  Well, that was to be expected. The guy hadn’t fully recovered yet, but surely he’d be able to do paper work behind a desk. “Yeah, so?”

  Brad moved his head, looked up at him with big eyes. “Charlie, that means he’s going back to Washington.”

  Oh, damn. Charlie’s face fell. He hadn’t let the implications sink in. Miles didn’
t live here, technically. He was only staying with Indy and the others to recover. Now that he was back on duty, he’d have to return to DC. “Oh,” he said. Then again, “Oh.”

  Brad hid his face against Charlie’s neck again.

  “Well,” Charlie said. “I’m sure he’s thought of something already.”

  “Yeah, like how fast he can get on a plane.”


  Brad leaned back again, his face scowling. “Seriously, did you really think this was gonna last? He’s gonna walk out on us, Charlie. They always do.” A heavy shudder rippled through his body, and he buried his face again. “Nobody ever stays with me.”

  Charlie’s heart broke, right then and there. The pain behind Brad’s words was so overwhelming, that he felt it physically.

  “I’ll stay with you.” He said it quietly, but with determination.

  “Oh, Charlie, you too will grow tired of me. Especially after Miles is gone.”

  The fact that Brad said it with such casual certainty hit Charlie more than anything else. Despite everything they had experienced together and with Miles, Brad was still convinced it would not last.

  “No, I won’t. I know you don’t believe me, sweetie, but I won’t. I love you, and it’s the real thing. It always has been.”

  “I’m so tired…” Brad said, shuddering again. “Without Miles, I don’t know how to go on.”

  He tensed, probably realizing how his words had to sound after Charlie’s declaration. He disentangled himself, cupped Charlie’s cheek. “I didn’t mean it like that… I’m not saying you’re not enough… It’s just that… Oh, damn, I’m fucking this up. I’m sorry, Charlie.”

  He looked crestfallen. Charlie kissed the hand on his cheek. “It’s okay, baby. I understand. You need Miles. He provides something you crave right now, maybe always.”

  He wasn’t lying. He truly did understand. Bit by bit, Miles was breaking through Brad’s defenses. Brad was fighting him every step of the way, but every time he surrendered to Miles, he revealed a little more of himself. The fact that he’d even opened up to Charlie right now, that was all because of Miles.

  “I need you, too. I need both of you. God, I’m such a selfish piece of shit.”

  Charlie shook his head vehemently. “No, you’re not. You’re about the least selfish person I know. Damn it, babe, you’re always trying to take care of everyone else. You’re entitled to needing us. And we need you, too.”

  Brad sighed, fidgeted with his hands. “I hear you,” he finally said. “I hear your words, but I find it hard to believe.”

  “I know. Wanna do something to cheer you up?”

  Brad’s eyes rose to meet Charlie’s, lit up. ‘Yes, please.”

  Unceremoniously, Charlie shoved his pajama pants down, revealing his morning wood. “Suck me off. I need to pee, but you can get rid of my woody first.”

  The eagerness on Brad’s face was endearing. Charlie had never met anyone who got such deep contentment and satisfaction from pleasuring others. In less than two seconds, he had deep throated Charlie’s cock.

  Charlie shivered with pleasure, goosebumps forming on his arms. “Damn, babe, nobody sucks cock like you.”

  Brad moved his head back a little, used his tongue to follow the veins that wrapped around Charlie’s cock all the way to the crown. He gently scraped the head with his teeth, a sensation that never failed to make Charlie moan. Fuck, Brad had his number down pat, didn’t he?

  With a slurping sound, his cock was sucked back into that mouth, that slick, hot throat. He let out another deep groan.

  “Good morning, love,” Miles said, stepping into the room. “I see you found good use for that mouth.”

  Charlie opened his eyes, let his head fall sideways and smiled. Miles kneeled on the bed, took Charlie’s mouth in a kiss that was far too gentle and tame for Charlie’s taste. He dragged Miles’ head closer, pushed his tongue in the man’s sweet mouth, and kissed him for real. Mmm, Miles tasted so good. He’d had strawberries in his granola for breakfast, the subtle taste still lingering in his mouth.

  Charlie’s nuts tightened, and he moaned hard into Miles’ mouth as he came, flooding Brad’s mouth with cum.

  “Damn, that was sexy,” Miles sighed, kissing him one last time for good measure. Brad released Charlie’s cock, licked clean as always. “Thanks, honey,” Charlie said, his heart softening as Brad beamed. “Wanna cuddle?”

  Brad nodded, molded himself against Charlie’s body. Charlie petted his head, stroking his soft curls. Miles found his eyes, raised an eyebrow. Of course, the man would sense something was off with Brad.

  “I’m needy today,” Brad said softly. “Daddy.”

  Charlie’s face broke open in a wide smile. It was the first time ever that Brad had signaled his needs like this. What a huge leap of faith he’d taken.

  Miles smiled, too, as he climbed over them both to spoon Brad from the other side. “Thank you for telling me, Brad. You’re such a good boy for letting me know you need us. Can you tell me what you need from us? Do you want me to be strict today, to discipline you?”

  Charlie almost held his breath waiting and hoping Brad would take the next step as well.

  “I had a shitty week at school with all kinds of department meetings, which I detest, and my head is going crazy… Can you, like, make my decisions today, Daddy? I’m exhausted from thinking, and I need my mind to stop driving me crazy…”

  “Absolutely, sweetheart. We’ll take care of you, okay? You won’t have to do anything or worry about anything. We’ve got you.”

  The relief on Brad’s face was so pure, it hit Charlie deep in his heart. Once again, Miles had understood exactly what Brad had been trying to say.

  “Have you had breakfast yet?” Miles asked.

  Brad shook his head.

  “Okay, let’s start with some cereal for you then, and after breakfast, we’ll hang out with the three of us. How’s that sound?”

  “Perfect, Daddy.”

  Five minutes later, Miles had installed Brad at the kitchen table with a bowl of his favorite cereal. Miles had set up his iPad for Brad with head phones, having Brad choose his favorite cartoons to watch.

  “When you’re done, can you please rinse your bowl and put it in the dishwasher? Charlie and I will be in our room, okay? Come find us, sweetheart.”

  Brad nodded happily before digging into his breakfast, smiling as he watched his cartoons. It was like watching an eight-year old in a grown man’s body, and Charlie would be lying if it wasn’t a bit eerie.

  “Charlie, love, can you handle this? I can see you’re trying to process,” Miles said as soon as they were in the bedroom.

  Charlie bit his lip. “Is this normal?”

  Miles smiled. “Depends on your definition of normal. He’s regressing today, which shows how much he has missed as a boy. The fact that he allows himself to go this deep shows me he’s feeling safe, which is wonderful, and something we should be grateful for.”

  “I understand, and I love that you can offer this to him, but what do I need to do? I mean, it even feels weird that he sucked me off not fifteen minutes ago, you know?”

  Miles nodded. “I can see why. We’ll have to experiment to find out what works for him, that’s all I can say. Maybe not engage in sexual activities if he’s this deep under, unless he initiates it himself?”

  Charlie’s eyes dropped to Miles’ groin, which showed him fully aroused. “What about you?” he asked, somewhat shy. He and Miles had never talked about it much. Miles would jerk off regularly when Brad wasn’t home, and that didn’t bother Charlie at all, but he’d never offered to help Miles, and Miles had never asked.

  Miles stuffed his hands into his pockets. “I’ll jack off.”

  “I can help.” The words were out of his mouth before he realized it.

  “You don’t have to, Charlie. With Brad it’s different because he loves serving me, both of us. I don’t want you to feel obligated to help me if you don’t want to. My
right hand works perfectly fine again.”

  He bit his lip again. “Do you want me?” he finally asked.

  Miles’ eyes shot wide open. “Yes! Of course, I do.”

  “It’s hard to tell with you, because everything turns you on, no offense. And you haven’t made a single move toward me, not even when Brad was at work.”

  Miles took his hands out of his pockets, stepped close to Charlie, pulled him in an embrace. Charlie hid his face against his chest. God, he loved that Miles was so much bigger and stronger than him. Such a turn on.

  “I didn’t want to pressure you, especially not after what happened to you. We haven’t really talked about us, you know, about where you and I stand.”

  “I know, but I do want to fuck you. If you want me to, that is.”

  “Fuck, yes. Please. I haven’t been fucked in ages. I’m dying for a good pounding.”

  Charlie grinned. “That can be arranged.”

  Miles leaned back, made eye contact. “Next time. Our first time should be with Brad present.”

  Charlie nodded. Then his smile faltered, and he swallowed. “But Miles, I’m not sure if I’ll want to bottom again any time soon. It’s…there’s a lot of negative connotations with that for me right now.”

  “I understand, sweetie, and it’s fine. We’ll do whatever you’re comfortable with, no pressure. As strange as it may sound coming from me, it’s not about the sex for me, you know that, right?”

  Charlie sighed with relief. “Yeah, I know, but… Just wanted to make sure. How about you jerk off while I watch for now? I love watching you when you come.”

  * * *

  Miles had never seen Brad so carefree and happy. After breakfast, he’d made him take a bubble bath, which had ended with him gently toweling Brad off and picking out clothes for him. Brad had truly and fully surrendered, letting Miles make every decision for him—and the joy on his face told Miles how much he had needed this.

  He’d taken Brad and Charlie to a matinee of a new action flick, which turned out to be highly entertaining. Brad had eaten his way through a big tub of popcorn, aided by Charlie. Miles didn’t care much for the stuff, but he’d loved watching the two boys enjoy themselves.


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