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Seeing nothing but Red

Page 15

by Jazzmine Mellodi

  I stormed up the driveway my heart thumping out of my chest, to my surprise, only one car was parked and it wasn't Tys, some rusty piece of crap but he must be here as the front door was wide open and i swear i can hear his voice echoing throughout the property.

  I’m so blinded by anger and the thought of something ever happening to Orion that i just walk right in. My fear was drowning in my anger and i was seeing nothing but red right now. As i marched around the corner to go down the hallway there he was, right in front of me. As soon as he saw me that smirk i knew all too well flashed across his face, this made my blood boil just that little bit more. Using all my force i shoved him, not far but hard enough for him to stumbled back a few paces. “ How could you” i bellowed. “ Why do you want to see me bleed? Haven't i bleed enough for you. Why do you want to rip me apart , why!” My aggressive nature had started off strong, but the more i spoke, the more i started to rationalise and the the more i rationalised the more i realised i was in trouble. I’d walked straight into the lion's den. As my fate was staring at me i noticed Ty’s persona shift, from cocky arrogant son of a bitch to a shifty nervous state. This instantly through me off guard, was he finally feeling remorseful? No, no he wasn’t, because as soon as i went to say something the reason Ty had been shifty spoke behind me.

  I turned to be greeted with a slimy older guy, he smelled heavily of stale smoke and booze. I thought the rancid smell was the house but as he got closer the ouder became stronger. I didn't get a chance to ask who this man was because he just threw me over his shoulder and started carrying me out the door. What the actual fuck was going on right now.

  I began to wriggle under his tight grip, using every tactic i knew but it wasn't working. There was only one thing i could think of, and i really didn't want to do it as i doubt this guy had washed in years. But needs must, i placed his ear in my mouth and i bit it as hard as i could until he dropped me. When i say drop he literally did drop me on the decking outside, i landed on the stairs and winded myself so badly that id forgotten i needed to get out of here and just laid there soaking up every inch of pain he had just delivered to me. What was i thinking coming here. As my eyes adjusted over the pain, this greasy old guy was standing over me. “ you stupid little girl” he bellowed down to me, and with that as if it was in slow motion he lifted me up like i was nothing but a paper bag and i screamed , i screamed as loud as i could because i felt like this could be my last moment, his grip was tightening and i continued to scream. Until he dropped me once again, this time it was on purpose the blow to my body hitting the old wooden deck was strong, so strong that i felt the beams snap under me as we made contact. The pain was too much for me to handle my vision was blurry but i could hear Ty shouting “ what the fuck did you do that for, this wasn't in the plan. The neighbours will see , do you..” it was actually mildly comforting to a point where i thought Ty may have actually been sticking up for me but i don't know how the rest of that conversation went because it all went black. My world was falling apart and i wasn't even conscious to try and save it.


  Why is everything taking so long, the journey to her house where i'm assuming she's gone to is about a 20 minute drive, this car let's say 10 but right now it feels like it's taking me days. I'm driving through lights, on pavement , across kerbs all to get there just that bit quicker. I pull up onto her street and i fly past her car, a glimpse of Dodger in the front going berserk was a terrible sign. I quickly stopped and put him in the back of my car, he was agitated and this made me nervous. This isn't good, I feel this pit in my stomach deepening and I can't focus on anything but getting to April. I drive up onto their lawn, not giving a shit about his grass or property. I didn't even turn my engine off before i sprinted into there house, nearly breaking my ankle on the broken decking. Ty really has let this place go since i’ve been here last. Upon entering the house, April nor Ty are nowhere to be seen. However there's this random bloke in suit who looks like hes trying to find his balance. I don't help him, instead i knock him to the floor “ Where the fuck is April” i grill him. He looks at me with fear. “ it's too late” he mumbles. Too late? Better not be too late as there is going to be hell to pay if any harm has come to my darling Red. “ Look man, i'm not playing around. Tell me what the fuck happened so i can go get my girl!”

  His eyes are full of shock and there is something else i just can't put my finger on, he looks somewhat familiar. But I don't know who this guy is, every time I speak he has a more depressed look upon his face, and well as soon as the words my girl slipped of my tongue disappointment spiked his expressions. I picked him off of the floor, feeling slightly guilty as I think he is just an innocent bystander by this point.

  Giving him a reassuring pat on the back I gently ask “ Sorry mate, but do you know anything that can help me right now? I'm losing my mind”

  He straightened his jacket and cleared his throat, “ I’m sorry, it was chaos. I followed her from the lights, i could tell there was something wrong with the way she was driving. When i pulled up near hear, i heard shouting and screaming but by the time i got here, it was too late.” oh god. What is he trying to say. I responded frantically. “ Too late? What's too late?” with a deep breath he continued “ he had her over his shoulder and i tried to stop him, to help, but Ty got to me before i could get to him.” What.. he said him? Who is this him, i’m so confused right now with what is going on. “ My dad has got her, this is all my fault. I knew he was trouble , the fact he was staying here with Ty should of been major alarm bells for me”. His dad? Here i am thinking this was just an innocent bystander when really he knew more than i did, and also , Sorry but what is the coincidence that a few weeks ago i caught my dad rolling into town, straight into Ty’s house. Thinking about it, i knew there was something about this guys face that looks familiar.

  This suited fella was studying my face as my brain was doing the math of what he just said and well, my dad and his dad.

  We have the same dad?

  “Look man, i don't know how to say this so im just going to be blunt but well is your dad a drunk? Chunky guy, not that much into personal hygiene. Real piece of work? Also has a rusty piece of junk for a car?” This guy looked extremely puzzled but hesitantly nodding and agreed with what I was saying. “ I'm just going to say it. That's my dad too.”


  I’d been hit with a baseball bat round the head and yet what this random tattooed guy was telling me felt like someone had just chucked a block of bricks on me.

  We have the same dad. His dad it my dad and my dad is his dad. This makes me and him brothers? Of some sort. Well what a way to meet. Before I get a chance to say anything else his attention diverts to the buzzing of his phone. “I've got a text..” he shares with me. He’s agitated, by the way he's rubbing his neck and the sweat dripping off his forehead. Something is terribly wrong, he shouts “ quick get in the car” as we race to his beast of a car which is parked perfectly on the front lawn. He hands me the phone. “Read it out, I've only read the first line.”

  £500,000 for her return, Alive. You have 2 hours to bring the money in cash to the desired location which will be revealed later. No police are to be involved. If you play any games, your precious “Red” is going to end up dead.

  She’s not got long, if i was you i’d hurry.

  Lots of love , Dad.

  That sick son of a bitch, I couldn't believe what I had just read, I never thought my opinion of him could get any lower but yet again he has surprised me. Suddenly my body jolted forward and i was hit with instant fear that I was going to be going through the windscreen. This new found brother of mine had slammed on the breaks, ferociously slamming his hands on the wheel. “ the police are crawling around my property right now, there's no way I can get that amount in cash in time.” He turned to me, I didn't even know his name but this guy is my brother.

  “Look calm down, firstly what is your name? Im Jackson, it's shitty circumstances but nice to meet
you. Secondly don't panic, drive to the Great Hale Hotel in town. I’ve got this, just hurry.”

  Who would've thought it, innocently waiting in traffic to this, all within what felt like minutes. Absolutely crazy, couldn't have predicted any of this. I directed him to my hotel and with the speed he’s doing it isn't long till he pulls up out front.

  Marco began approaching me as he usually does, innocently after some chit chat, but there is no time for that, i dart straight past him and up to my safe in my office. Shit , I have nothing to put this money in. my eyes frantically looking for something big enough to fit £500,000 grand in. And the only rational thing I can see is a box but it's far too small.. My mind begins to panic, however with that came an idea.

  I run a bloody hotel and 90% off the time peoples bags get dumped outside my office if they head to the bar, I was in so much of a rush i hadn't noticed when i first walked in here. I slowly peaked round the corner to find a bright pink suitcase, sods law its pink and not the standard black. Anyway i tip the clothes out on the floor, so much for my reputation and customer service. I fill the suitcase with as much cash as i can, must be around £500,000 but honestly i lost count a long time ago. In blind panic i shut the safe , picked up my emergency hand gun and run down to the foyer with this bright pink suitcase full of cash trailing behind me. The look on Polly's face when she saw me running with this pink suitcase was pure confusion and i wanted nothing more than to justify what i was doing but i was kinda on a time limit. Yet again Marco began to approach me “ Sorry Marco cant stop and chat” i bellowed as i paced on by.

  Poor guy is probably completely baffled.

  Sliding the suitcase into the back, i didn't have a moment to catch my breath before we were off, speeding through the town to save Little Miss April Valentine.


  When he texted me the location i couldn't believe where he wanted us to go, it was about a 1 hour drive away and considering we were on a tight schedule anyway, i really was beginning to lose any hope of seeing her again. My worst thoughts poisoning my mind and i just wanted all of this to be over, so i could just grab hold of her and never let her go ever again. No matter how fast i was going time was truly standing still, minutes where feeling like hours and i was trying so hard to keep it together. Jackson must've noticed my extremely irrational behaviour and driving. Poor guy must be bricking it with the way i was throwing this car around the streets. Jackson began to distract me with mindless chit chat, it wasn't long till he hit the big old elephant in the room. The big nail in my foot. “ so, my dad, your dad. Our dad? He left when i was 15, my mum had literally just apparently committed suicide and the police hadn't even left before he grabbed a bottle and walked out. First time i’d seen him since then was 2 weeks ago, and then this. I really can't believe i'm related to him. Makes me sick you know. He left me at 15 with a hotel and a dead mother. Who does that, and who then returns and kidnaps a girl for money. Sorry i'm venting, i just can't believe today is actually happening.” i couldn't speak, i was speechless. I've held the pain in a box near my heart from when he left me on christmas morning, deep down i always thought i’d done something wrong for him to do that to me, but it just seems like i had a lucky escape. Who leaves a child the minute they find out their mothers been found dead. This poor lad.

  After Jackson's rant he got quiet, really quiet and everytime i glanced over to him, i just knew he was probably feeling the exact same way i was right now. Slowly beating ourselves up, letting this man once again walk in and destroy our lives just like he had the first time. However there is something that's been bugging me though, ever since i worked out we must be half brothers. This Jackson which is 98% likely to be my brother, well he only looks about 2 years older than me so how the hell , could our so called father of been there for me whilst he was there for his other family. I had to ask him as i seriously couldn't work it out “ So, i'm really confused. We supposedly have the same father right? Lucky us” I was trying desperately to lighten this situation. “But what's confusing me is that you only look a few years older than me so how would he of done it. From what i can remember he was around alot for the 4 years until he left me on a random persons doorstep one christmas morning. Didn't even have proper shoes on in the deep snow, i’ll never forget the cold i felt that day.

  Thinking about it he did go away for a month or so sometimes with Tina the so called cleaner who he was probably just screwing so she would watch me. Or stick me in front of the telly for the day, whichever way you wanna look at it. So how would he have done it, been two places at once?”

  He studied what id just said and everytime he went to speak he would suddenly stop, as if he was struggling as much as i was right now to work this whole situation out as best as we could.

  He cleared his throat “ I’m so sorry Orion, that sounds truly awful and i'm sure that's not even the whole story. It feels like such a long time ago but i remember it like it was yesterday. But it never made sense until now, Back when my mum was building the hotel up, struggling terribly to get everything up and going but still persevering. I remember they had a row, i must of been about 3 years old i was only young. But i remember it so well, the sounds of plates smashing into thousands of pieces as they hit the tired walls, there voices battling with each other to speak. The loud sobbing of my mother as she was desperately pulling his bags off of his shoulder, to the point where she was trying so hard that he simply let go of the bag causing her to fall back into the wall behind. I remember it well because he just walked out the front door and apparently he didn't come back for 6 months. When he returned he had developed a drinking problem and used the excuse of joining a remote oil rig for work. But looking back now he was probably with you , explains him not being around and then coming back when he felt like it. I can't believe he kept that up for 4 years. Lying and saying he was away working when in fact he had a completely different life. How can someone be so twisted.”

  Yet again Jackson had left me lost for words, he had felt the abandonment just like i had, he had seen the pain and heartache this man can cause first hand. I wanted to dig deeper but the bleeping of the sat nav notifying us we had 2 miles to go till we reached our destination, shut us both up. I anxiously drove down this lane in a secluded area i felt like we had entered the forgotten land. There seemed to be nothing around here for miles and all that my eyes could see was this abandoned farm in the not so far distance. Now my engine on this car is loud and i really don't want to give them two psychopaths anymore time to strategize against us, so I pulled up halfway down this lane, our element of surprise was the only advantage we had in the situation. As soon as i opened my door, Dodger darted past me and ran down the track towards the farm full of determination , i couldn't call him back without notifying Ty and my Dad of our arrival, i just had to trust he knew what he was doing. I didn't. I had no idea what we were going to be walking into, i wasn't prepared for anything that was about to come and i really wish it could of gone differently.


  So we were here, we had the money, April must of been inside and yet me and Orion are hiding in a bush on this god forsaken abandoned land trying our best to get out of this situation. We had no idea what we were going to be walking into, heck we didn't even know if we had the right place as it was practically a no man’s land. The only sound was the light chitter chatter of the birds in the tree’s.

  Whilst rapidly trying to come up with a rational easy plan, our focus suddenly got diverted to the loud slamming of a door which was followed by raised voices. Raised voices which sounded all too familiar. What a surprise, the bunch of plonkers were arguing, surprisingly Ty seemed furious i could hear him word for word and we must of been at least a few yards away. “ this was never part of the plan ,i’m not doing this again. I took the heat for it last time and it was your mess i ended up cleaning up. You may of wanted that done to your wife but this isn't happening with her.” Orion’s eyes dart to mine, he’s trying to study my face, work out what i'm
thinking or feeling. I’m just staring into unknown space, Ty said “your wife” , he just referred to my mum and a mess he cleaned up and took the heat for. There's only one thought I have right now, and that thought is , no it’s not even a thought its realisation. Suddenly it all made sense. The death of my mother had always been somewhat of a mystery to me, until now, He, my father had my mother killed and Ty helped him cover it all up. That sick son of a bitch killed my mum. Orion’s hand on my shoulder gave me a sudden jolt back to earth, “Look man i know what your probably thinking and i would be the same, but Aprils in there and we need to get her out asap. Are you with me on this brother? I promise you we will deal with that after, you have my word” i knew what he meant, we did need to get April out of there pronto, because by the sounds of it my dad had no plans on actually letting her go. We had to move now, so that's what we did, using the entrance Ty and my dad just used we slowly crept through the door it wasn't a surprise to hear the echoing of them continuing their argument. As we slowly approached the room where this ferocious argument was taking place i managed to get a quick look, April wasn’t in there with them. I turn to Orion and mouthed “ Aprils not in there, go find her, i’ve got this” He was hesitant and insisted on not leaving me on my own but i said “ i need to do this” as he looked in my eye I knew he could tell I was serious. He unwilling nodded and grabbed my neck “ you’ve got this brother” he told me. With that he quietly ran past the room and further down the corridor. My time was now, i needed to make this count, I needed to show this man who had caused my life so much misery what hell really looked like.


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