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Colby: September

Page 6

by Brandy Walker

  “Hey, Colby,” she smiled. A warm feeling unfurling in her chest when he smiled at her. His blue eyes twinkled. His mouth, which she was dying to have on her flesh, curved upward with pleasure.

  “Hey, Ella. You busy right now?” He leaned on the counter, peering over the top.

  She looked to Aurelia, who smiled softly. There was a glint in her eyes that told Ella something was afoot. A conspiracy, if she read the look right.

  “Not too busy. Just learning a little about the system. I’m about to go on my lunch break.”

  “What a coincidence,” he winked at Aurelia and held out his hand to Ella. “I know just the place.”

  Ella slid her hand in his and walked around to meet him. He kissed the back of it before threading their fingers together.

  Taking the lead, Colby guided her from the room. They headed down the hall and made their way to the Club side.

  Disappointment swept through her, thinking he wanted to take her to the bar. She’d hoped for something a little different. “Where are we going?”

  He grinned at her and shook his head.

  “You’re being a bit mysterious, aren’t you? Or is this more obvious? I know you can order food in the Club, and while I’m not opposed to eating here, I was kind of hoping for something a little more…private.”

  “We can do private.” He tugged her between the two bar stations and passed his hand over the hidden panel. The door slid open and revealed a tall café table, two matching chairs, and two silver domed meals.

  “Oh!” She stopped in the doorway. Soft lighting and music filled the room. It was beyond romantic and sweet. More than she’d ever expected.

  “After you.” He helped her into the chair. Removed the domes off the meals. Then took a seat.

  “This is quite the elaborate set-up for an impromptu lunch.”

  He shrugged, a sheepish look on his face. “I heard through the grapevine you had a bit of a bad time yesterday. I wanted to apologize about that. I know Claire can be—difficult.”

  She pressed her hand to her chest in mock horror. “You mean it wasn’t some newbie initiation where I got all of the jobs everyone hates doing?”

  His brows furrowed. “I didn’t know it was that bad.”

  Her lips ticked up. An easy laugh slipped out. She covered his, where it sat on the table, with hers. “Don’t worry, I didn’t really think it was.”

  He sagged a little, relief flitting across his face. “Good. I didn’t know she was as horrible as she was; otherwise, I never would have gone out with her. I should have known better, though, really. There is something about that woman that just isn’t right. I’ve been cursed by a witch once, didn’t plan on making it two by stretching the inevitable out with Claire.”

  “Is that why it was only one date?”

  A blond eyebrow shot up in surprise.

  She shrugged. “Gossip. What did she do?”


  “No, the other witch. We’ve all agreed Claire’s a bitch, and that speaks for itself. I love a good cursing though.”

  A soft chuckle escaped, tickling over her senses. He looked so relaxed and happy when he did that. And it had her smiling like a loon.

  “Looking to add to your repertoire?” He teased.

  Ella waved the idea away. “No. Cursing isn’t my thing. But I do have a cousin, if you’re interested.”

  He shook his head. “I’m good.”

  She feigned a disappointed sigh. “If you change your mind, let me know. She really knows her stuff. Now, back to this cursing.”

  “You really want to know?”

  “Well, yeah. The perils of dating a witch are numerous. Same goes with a warlock. That’s why I’d never date one. Or, one of the many reasons. That’s probably number five.

  “I wasn’t even dating this woman, first of all. I was with someone else at the time, and she propositioned me at the bar. Offered to rub my magic,” he looked down at his lap then back up, a smirk on his face, “lamp…in exchange for three wishes.”

  Ella made the mistake of taking a sip of her water at that exact moment. She choked and spit it back out. “Seriously?”

  He wiggled his eyebrows up and down. She wasn’t entirely sure she could take him seriously. “Yep.”

  “And you weren’t interested? I mean, what’s a couple of wishes for a hand job?”

  “One, dating someone already. Granted, it didn’t last very long, but still, I’m not an asshole. Two, I’m not that kind of genie,” he said, his tone devoid of emotion.

  She was totally giddy inside hearing he wouldn’t cheat on someone, even if it wasn’t serious. Not a lot of men could say that, in her experience. The devil on her shoulder nudged her to push the issue. “Yeah, but it’s a hand job. Not many men would pass up the opportunity.”

  “Then you’ve been seeing the wrong men.”

  “No doubt about that. Though, I’m hoping my luck has changed.” Really changed. She liked Colby. The way he treated her and respected her. “Anyway, witches can be bitches when they don’t get what they want. What was the curse?” She may have sounded a bit too gleeful when she asked. It couldn’t be helped. She really did love curses. It was fascinating to see what people would do when they didn’t get what they wanted in life.

  A pained look crossed his face, and his eyes dropped to his crotch again.

  “Oh no! She didn’t.”

  “She did. Couldn’t have sex for a month. Hence, why the woman I had been seeing broke up with me. She didn’t think I was being faithful, and wouldn’t believe a word about the witch and the curse. She was also human, so her knowledge about Mystics was really lacking.”

  Ella wrinkled her nose. “Only a month? That’s not very long for a curse. How old was she?”

  “Not sure actually. She eventually found someone else to play with. As soon as she did…”

  “It was lifted,” she finished for him. “Like literally.” She suppressed the giggle attempting to escape. She cleared her throat. “There was a failsafe measure. Smart. Kept her out of trouble while still punishing you. I’ll have to mention that to my cousin, Eva.”

  They spent the rest of Ella’s lunch hour talking about nothing at all, yet everything at the same time. He was an only child. Grew up in the city. Hung out at human dive bars starting at the age of fifteen. His Djinn powers coming in handy to appear older than he was. He finagled his way behind the bar, and it took off from there.

  It was the best lunch hour she’d ever had. And she wanted more. More time with him. More time learning about his family. Just more of everything. She was comfortable around him and loved that feeling. His casual touches throughout the meal had her arousal slowly on the rise. She had the typical symptoms: accelerated heart rate, quickening of the blood, tight budded nipples, and throbbing low in her pussy. The slight rough texture of his fingertips over the soft skin on the back of her hand sent fissions of heat up her arms. Her brain was on sensory overload, and had she yet to get him in bed. To feel his hard, naked body press down on her.

  She wanted to drag him to the bed that had never been far from her mind. But he’d been the perfect gentleman and escorted her back to the spa before she had a chance to pounce. She may need to think about some binding spells. He’d probably love being tied, either physically or magically, to the bed while she ravished him. There was a responding gleam of want in his eyes. She just needed to find a way to break him down so he would ravish her.


  Sept 17th - Night shift

  Colby sat down at his desk and picked up the phone. He’d transferred Ella’s phone number to his contacts before removing it from his arm the day she’d written it on him. He had a sneaky suspicion Claire had been trying to alter it, or remove it with magic. There was no way to be sure she hadn’t.

  That was why he was staring at Ella’s number. He tapped her name and waited for the ringing to start. A burst of relief exploded in his head when she picked up almost immediately.

“Hello?” She sounded breathless, and damn did that ever put pictures in his head. Until he considered why she would sound that way. His mind was an asshole.

  “Hi, Ella?”

  “The one and only. Who’s this?”

  Okay, there was a dash of disappointment dropping his heart. Logically, he knew there was no way for her to know it was him. “Colby. From Satyr.”

  “Hello, Colby from Satyr, how are you?” She giggled. He could practically hear the smile on her face. There was a sound in the background. The refrigerator opening and closing. A sigh. A soft smacking of lips.

  He wondered what she was doing. “I’m good,” he replied almost on autopilot. It was as if one side of his brain knew there was a conversation going on, and it decided to help the other side out, which was quickly spinning a fantasy about the woman. Naked, standing in her kitchen, flushed with arousal from thinking about him. Rushing to the phone in the hopes he would call.

  There was a pause on her end. “Okay.” The word drug out a little unsure. “Was there something you wanted?”

  You. That word wouldn’t be coming out of his mouth though. Too early. Maybe.

  For the love of all that was holy, how and when did he get so bad at talking to a woman? This woman. “Um, I just wanted to call and see how your day went.”

  She let out a small breath. “Oh.” Disappointment laced that one small word. “It was good. Thankfully, Claire wasn’t the uber bitch she’s showing herself to be. I think Bianca chewed her ass up one side and down the other…or something. Claire would jump a little any time the pixie was near. It was pretty funny. Did you know, not a lot of people like her?”

  “I’m not surprised. You’re giving massages and what not.” He didn’t actually know what all she could or did do. The day they had lunch together, they spent most of it talking about Satyr and the things that went on there. And a little about themselves. The basics. He knew she had a couple brothers and a sister. Her parents were living on the opposite side of town in a magical commune. Or something like that. She made it sound like they were a band of gypsies. Which he could see. And that was about the extent of their conversation.

  “I am. Saw around seven people today. Oh, and Holden came back in. Claimed I was his favorite and the best at relaxing him. He’s so full of shit. He alluded to wanting to get to know me. I think he forgets that I am a witch who can read a warlock. And I’ve totally got his number. How was your day?”

  “Just starting. I have a couple more weeks of this shift before Holden and I switch up. We try to change over every three months. Keep changing it up so we don’t get complacent.”

  “Huh, I never thought about that. Maybe once you’re on days, we can get together and have dinner. The two of us. Away from Satyr.”

  Colby grinned like a loon. Thank the Gods she wasn’t there to see it. “I’d like that.” His radio squelched and squawked.

  “Ah, your mistress is calling you. I’ll let you go put out whatever fire has sprung up.”

  “Can’t be a big one. You and your friends aren’t here.”

  “Ha ha. I’m glad you called.”

  “And now you have my number in your phone. Try not to lose it.”

  She giggled. “I’ll do my best. Have a good night.”


  Ella hung up. He took a moment to let the happiness flow through his body. Maybe he hadn’t lost his touch after all.


  Sept 18th

  Colby stopped next to the bar and stood absolutely still. Ella was on the dance floor shaking her ass. She did some shimmy thing that had him tracking the sway of her hips. He could imagine his hands on her hips, gripping her tight, her back pressed to his front. His dick twitched and arousal stirred in his gut.

  Her arms went up into the air as she moved from side-to-side. It had to be one of the most sensual things he’d ever seen in his life. Her body was one seductive curvy line. One that needed his hands all over it. His lips pressed to the back of her neck, nibbling and sucking her flesh.

  She spun and the grin on her face lit the place up. From across the room, he could see the happiness pulsing through her. The joy of being out on the dance floor, moving her body to the strong beat of the music.

  A couple of other women whooped and danced around her. They giggled, and Ella laughed as one of them did a spastic hip shaking, arm flailing maneuver that had people within a two-foot radius moving away in fear for their lives. He cracked a smile at their antics. They enjoyed themselves and couldn’t give a fuck about anyone else. Squinting, he recognized the women, one of which was the really horrible dancer, from the first night he’d met Ella. Christie…Missy…Lizzy!

  “Shit,” he grumbled. Those women were pure trouble.

  His feet broke free from where he was frozen in place. He kept his eyes on Ella, praying to all of the Gods that they weren’t going to have a repeat of the last time she was in the Club with her friends. He’d just about made it to her when Holden stepped up behind Ella.

  She looked about as surprised as Colby felt. Her head whipped to the left in plain view of Colby. She frowned and rolled her eyes. Holden snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her back into him. He ground against her lush ass, and Colby saw red.

  Holden looked up and smirked. He’d known Colby had been watching the women. Had been on his way over to Ella. He could tell from that stupid ass grin on his face. Leaning down, Holden whispered in Ella’s ear. Her eyes rounded, and she smacked him playfully on the arm, smiling the entire time.

  Colby stopped. She didn’t really seem upset. Didn’t seem to care Holden was grinding up against her. He seethed for all of a second, before his forward motion continued. Holden wasn’t getting away with his woman. He knew for a fact she would never be interested in the warlock. He was on the edge of the dance floor when Ella looked up. Their gazes collided. Hers brightened with happiness.

  She shot him a smile different from the one she used on Holden. It was more intimate. Like there was something between them, because there fucking was, even though they hadn’t really gotten started. She waved and tried to push Holden’s hands away. When he didn’t let go, she frowned and looked back at him. An eyebrow arched high in an imperial manner. Holden’s lips moved. She frowned even harder.

  Quick as could be, Ella reached out and grabbed Lizzy’s hand. Ella’s lips moved, and like magic, literally, Ella and Lizzy switched places. Holden was left holding Lizzy tight against him, her hips gyrated and arms flung out wide. His friend looked panicked and completely unable to let go of the woman now in his arms. That fucker deserved everything he got.

  Ella high fived her other friend, and walked off the dance floor. She didn’t stop in front of him when she approached. Nope, the strong-willed woman hooked his arm and drug him back to the office. Her hand slid over the hidden panel, the door opened, and she pulled him inside.

  Okay, so he’d had her handprint added to the bar’s database so she could get in easily. She shouldn’t have known that though. Unless someone, who shall not be named, told her.

  He managed a glare back at Holden before the door slid shut and she sighed. One of those thank god for silence ones a person has after hours of loud thumping music have bombarded their ears. He let her have the moment. There was a second’s hesitation before he went and sat down at the desk. This show was all hers, and that bed would be too tempting. Every instinct said to toss her down and cover her with his body. To make his interest known beyond a shadow of a doubt, and do ridiculous caveman style banning of being around other men.

  Ella canted her head to the side. Her gaze lingering on his face for longer than he thought necessary. Slowly, like a heated caress, it glided over him. She may as well have been touching him with her hands. With her mouth. Arousal thrummed through his veins. His dick hardened painfully.

  Witches. Fuck, this was why he couldn’t resist them. Why he couldn’t resist her.

  He had one thought, and one thought only: get Ella into bed. Which
would be pretty damn easy, seeing how she was currently standing next to one.

  Ella sat down then and leaned back on her arms. She thrust her chest out and tilted her head back a little. The curve of her neck called him. A groan locked up in his throat. The room in his damn jeans shrinking by the minute as his dick filled.

  Her arms slid outward until she was spread out on the bed. Her hair fanned around her. Arms at her her sides, fingers curling into the comforter. There was a peek of skin between the hem of her dress and the sexy ass boots she wore.

  “Oh my god, this is the best bed ever.” Raising her head up, she looked at him. His eyes snapped up from where they’d been focused on her legs. “Do you guys mind if I move in here?”

  Colby swallowed hard. He licked his lips. “Your bed not as comfy, I take it?” His voice came out strained. Fuck, he hoped she didn’t notice.

  “It’s okay. There’s just something about this one,” she sighed. Turning her head into the comforter, she made a noisy inhale. “Goddess, it smells amazing.”

  It was on the tip of Colby’s tongue to say it smelled like him. Those were his sheets. His pillow. His comforter. He’d slept in it the night before. Holden had pretty much quit sleeping there during the last couple of months. He also worked the day shift and didn’t need to be there late into the night/early morning like Colby.

  Ella hummed and Colby just sat there watching her. Needing her.

  After a beat, her voice filled the quiet room. “So, tell me, Colby from Satyr. What is this thing going on between us? I know we haven’t spent a ton of time together. Lunch a couple days ago was fantastic. It was a nice surprise when you called last night. And today, you looked jealous as hell when Holden decided to bump and grind against my ass…uninvited I might add.”

  No way would he touch on the jealousy issue. He was a guy. He wanted her. Of course he wouldn’t like another man in her vicinity, let alone pressed up against her. “How much have you had to drink tonight?”


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