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The Study Series Bundle

Page 41

by Maria V. Snyder

  Sitting on the edge of his cot, Cahil studied me in silence.

  “If Leif didn’t set me up, then who did?”

  Cahil smiled. “I can’t reveal my sources.”

  Leif had managed to convince many Zaltanas that I was a spy, so the entire clan was suspect. Anyone at the Illiais Market could have overheard our destination, as well.

  I couldn’t worry about it now, but I wouldn’t forget it, either. “You said you sent Leif to the Keep,” I said. “Will we be there soon?”

  “Tomorrow afternoon; about an hour after Leif arrives. I want to make sure we’re met by the right people,” Cahil said. “An important day, Yelena. Better get some sleep.” He blew out the lantern.

  I reclined on my cloak, wondering about the Citadel and Keep. Would Irys be there by tomorrow? Doubtful. I stretched my awareness out, seeking Irys but only encountering wildlife. Without Irys at the Keep would the First Magician peel away the layers of my mind? Apprehension churned inside my stomach. I would rather face Goel than the unknown. Eventually, though, I slept.

  Dark dreams of Reyad swirled in my mind.

  “Same story, Yelena,” Reyad’s ghost said, laughing and taunting. “No options. No friends. But you have a knife. Again.”

  An image of Reyad wrapped in blood-soaked sheets flashed in my dreams. The killing wound in his neck was the result of my desire to protect myself and the other kidnapped children from torture and mindless slavery.

  “Will you cut another’s throat to save yourself?” he asked. “How about your own?”

  I woke to the sound of crying and realized with horror that my face was wet. Brushing away the tears, I resolved not to let my doubts plague me. Reyad’s ghost might haunt my dreams, but I wouldn’t allow him to haunt my life.

  Morning dawned with the smell of sweet cakes, and I joined the men by the fire for breakfast. After we ate, Cahil’s men packed up the camp. Their mood was light and their banter friendly, so I was caught off guard when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

  Before I could move, the grip tightened, causing pain. I turned my head. Goel stood behind me.

  He dug his fingers deeper into my flesh as he whispered in my ear. “I promised not to hurt you while we traveled to the Citadel. Once there, you’re mine.”

  I rammed my elbow into Goel’s stomach. He grunted. I stepped forward and knocked his hand off my shoulder with my arm as I spun. Facing him, I asked, “Why warn me?”

  He drew in a deep breath and grinned. “Your anticipation will make the hunt more exciting.”

  “Enough talk, Goel. Let’s do it now.”

  “No. I want time to play. I have all kinds of games planned for when I have you, my sweet.”

  My body shook with an icy chill of revulsion. Goose bumps covered my skin. It was a sensation I never thought I would feel in the sweltering south.

  “Goel, help take down the tent,” Captain Marrok ordered.

  “Yes, sir.” Goel walked away, glancing back at me with a smirk on his face and a promise in his eyes.

  I let my breath out slowly. This didn’t bode well.

  When the men finished breaking camp, Cahil mounted his horse and we set off through the forest. After several hours, the trees thinned as the trail ascended a hill. At the top of the rise, a vast valley, bisected by a long dirt road, spread out in front of us. Farm fields etched geometric shapes on the left side of the road. An immense plain dominated the landscape on the right side. Across the vibrant valley was another ridge, and I could just make out a white fortress spanning its crest.

  “Is that the Citadel?” I asked Marrok.

  He nodded. “Another half day’s march.” His gray eyes slid to the right as if searching for something.

  I followed his gaze and watched the long grass stalks sway in the breeze. “Daviian Plateau?”

  “No. That’s farther southeast,” Marrok said. “This is the edge of the Avibian Plains. The plain is huge. It takes ten days to cross it.”

  “My cousin mentioned traveling through a plain on the way to the Citadel, but we’re really just skirting it.”

  “Crossing Avibian is a shortcut. Zaltanas will cross, but everyone else avoids contact with the Sandseed Clan who calls the plains home. Taking the forest route is the long way, but it’s safe.”

  I wanted to ask more, but Cahil increased the pace as we descended into the basin. He was either eager to reach the Citadel or anxious to put the plains behind him.

  We passed laborers working in the farm fields, and a caravan of merchants with their horse-drawn wagons loaded with goods. Nothing but the tall grass moved in the plains.

  The Citadel grew massive in appearance as we traveled closer. We stopped only once to water the horse and the men.

  When we reached the towering gates, I was awed by the sheer size of the outer bulwark. Green veins streaked the white marble walls. I ran a hand along them, finding it smooth and cool despite the blistering heat. I had thought it was hot in the forest, but that had been nothing compared to being fully exposed to the searing sun.

  The two guards at the Citadel’s open gates approached Cahil. After a brief conversation, Cahil led us into a courtyard. I squinted in the bright sunlight. The majestic sight before me took a while to sink in. An entire town resided within the Citadel’s outer walls. All the structures were made of the same white marble with veins of green that comprised the outer wall. I had visualized the Citadel as one large building, like the Commander’s castle in Ixia, but this was far beyond anything I could have imagined.

  “Impressed?” Marrok asked.

  I closed my mouth and nodded. Our party began to walk through the streets and I realized the place was deserted. “Where is everyone?” I asked Marrok.

  “The Citadel’s a ghost town during the hot season. The Council is in recess, the Keep is on holiday and only a skeleton crew tends the crops. Everyone who can flees to the cooler climates, and those who are left retreat inside at midafternoon to avoid the sun.”

  I didn’t blame them. My scalp felt as if it were on fire. “How much longer?” I asked.

  “Another hour,” Marrok said. “See those four towers?” He pointed to the east. “That’s the Magician’s Keep.”

  I stared at their height, wondering what dwelled in those lofty chambers.

  We trudged on through the empty streets. The road surface alternated between packed dirt and cobblestones. I spotted dogs, cats and a few chickens crouched in bits of shade. When we neared a large square structure with multiple tiers, Marrok said, “That’s Council Hall where the Sitian government has its offices and conducts meetings.”

  The building had long steps that stretched the entire length beneath the first floor and led up to a grand entrance. Jade colored columns bracketed the doorway. A group of people huddled in the Hall’s shadow. They approached us as we walked past. A strong odor of urine emanated from them. Filth matted their hair and covered their tattered attire.

  One man reached out with a soot blackened hand. “Please, sir, spare a coin?”

  Cahil’s men ignored them and kept walking. The group followed along, determined.

  “Who are…?” I started to ask, but Marrok didn’t slow. I tried to catch up, but a small boy pulled on my arm. His brown eyes were rimmed with sores and streaks of dirt lined his cheeks.

  “Lovely lady, please. I’m hungry,” the boy said. “Spare a copper?”

  I glanced around for Marrok. He was half a block away. I couldn’t understand why this boy needed money, but I couldn’t refuse those eyes. I dug into my pack and pulled out the Sitian coins Esau had given me. I dumped all of them into his palm.

  Kneeling down to his level, I said, “Share these with your friends. And take a bath. Okay?”

  A joyful expression lit his face. “Thank—”

  Before he could finish we were engulfed by a strong stench as the others surrounded us. They grabbed my arms, pulled at my clothes and yanked on my backpack. I saw the boy pocket the coins and slid out of the mel
ee between the others’ legs. The putrid smell of so many unwashed bodies made me gag.

  “Lovely lady. Lovely lady,” filled my ears until their words were cut off by the clatter of hooves on the cobblestones.

  “Get away from her,” Cahil yelled. He brandished his sword in the air. “Go. Or I’ll cut you in half.”

  In a heartbeat, the crowd disappeared.

  “Are you all right?” Cahil asked.

  “Yes.” I smoothed my hair and reshouldered my pack. “What was that about?”

  “Beggars. Filthy street rats.” A look of disgust darkened his face. “It was your fault. If you hadn’t given them money, they would have left you alone.”


  My confusion seemed to amaze Cahil. “Surely you know what beggars are?” When I didn’t answer, he continued, “They don’t work. They live on the streets. They beg for money for food. You had to see them in Ixia,” he said with frustration.

  “No. Everyone in Ixia has a job. Basic necessities are provided to all by the Commander’s military.”

  “How does he pay for it?”

  Before I could answer, Cahil’s shoulders drooped. “With my uncle’s money. He has probably drained the treasury dry.”

  I bit back my reply. As far as I was concerned, better to have the money helping people than covering the floor of some treasury.

  “Come on.” Cahil took his foot out of the stirrup, reached down, and held out his hand. “We need to catch up to the others.”

  “On the horse?” I asked.

  “Don’t tell me they don’t have horses in the north.”

  “Not for me,” I said as I placed my foot in the stirrup and grabbed his arm. He pulled me into the saddle. I sat behind him, not sure what to do with my arms.

  Cahil turned slightly. “For who then?”

  “The Commander, Generals and high-ranking officers.”

  “Cavalry?” Cahil asked.

  He was fishing for information. I suppressed a sigh. “Not that I saw.” The truth, but I ceased to care if he believed me or not.

  Cahil craned his head around and studied my face. A wave of heat enveloped me; I suddenly felt too close to him. His eyes sparked a bluish-green color like the water in the sunlight. And I found myself wondering why he wore a beard in such a hot climate. I imagined Cahil without his beard. He would look younger, and it would be easier to see his smooth, tanned skin and hawklike nose.

  When he turned back, I shook my head. I wanted nothing more to do with him.

  “Hold on,” he said. Then he clicked his tongue.

  The horse began to move. I clutched Cahil’s waist as I bounced in the saddle. The ground seemed so far down and looked so hard. I fought to keep my balance as we caught up to his men. When we passed them, I relaxed, assuming he would stop and let me off. But we kept going, and the men ran behind.

  As we wound our way through the Citadel, I focused on the horse beneath me, trying to find a rhythm for my body to match the horse’s like Cahil seemed to be doing. He crouched above the saddle, while my legs pounded the leather. I concentrated on the horse’s movement and suddenly found myself looking out of the horse’s eyes.

  The road wrapped around like I was inside a bubble. I could see far forward as well as to each side, and almost all the way behind. The horse was hot and tired, and he wondered why there were two people on his back. Peppermint Man was the only one who usually rode him. But sometimes Straw Boy took him out for exercise back home. He longed for his cool quiet stall filled with hay and a bucket of water.

  Water soon, I thought to the horse. I hoped. What’s your name? I asked.


  I marveled at our communication. Contact with other animals had only given me a glimpse through their eyes and a hint of their desires. I never had an actual conversation with an animal before.

  My back began to ache. Smoother? I asked. Topaz changed his gait. Cahil grunted in surprise, but I exhaled with relief. It was as if I rode on a sled down a snow-covered hill.

  With the new gait, we moved faster, and the men fell farther behind us. Cahil tried to slow Topaz down, but the horse was determined to get his water.

  We reached the base of a tall tower and stopped in the shade. Cahil jumped down from the horse and inspected Topaz’s legs.

  “I’ve never seen him do that before,” Cahil said.

  “Do what?”

  “He’s a three-gaited horse.”


  “Meaning he knows how to trot, canter and gallop.”


  “So that wasn’t one of his gaits. Some horses can do up to five, but I’m not even sure what that was.”

  “It was smooth and fast. I liked it,” I said.

  Cahil looked at me with suspicion.

  “How do I get down?” I asked.

  “Left foot in the stirrup. Swing your right leg back around to the left, then hop off.”

  I landed on wobbly legs. Topaz swung his head and looked at me. He wanted water. I took one of Topaz’s water bags off the saddle and held it open for him. Cahil narrowed his eyes at me, then at his horse.

  “Is this Magician’s Keep?” I asked to distract Cahil.

  “Yes. The entrance is around the corner. We’ll wait for my men, then go in.”

  It didn’t take long for his men to catch up. We walked to the Keep’s entrance, where high scalloped arches framed the massive marble doors. Pink columns supported the arches that spanned two stories. The gates stood open, and we entered without any resistance from the guards.

  Inside was a courtyard and beyond that was a collection of buildings. Another city within the city. I couldn’t believe the sizes and colors. A patchwork of different-colored marble formed the structures. Statues of various animals peeked out from corners and roofs. There were gardens and lawns. My eyes were relieved to view the greenery after enduring the white glare of the Citadel’s walls.

  I could see that the Keep’s thick outer wall formed a rectangle that enclosed the entire area. A tower occupied each of the four corners.

  Directly opposite the entrance, two figures stood on the steps that led up to the largest structure. Small blocks of peach marble dotted the predominately yellow-colored building. As we drew closer, I realized the figures were Leif and a tall woman. She wore a sleeveless midnight-blue dress that fell to her ankles. Her feet were bare and her white hair was cropped close to her head. Sunlight disappeared into her almost black skin.

  When we reached the base of the steps, Cahil handed the horse’s reins to Marrok. “Take him to the stables and then unpack. I’ll meet you in the barracks.”

  “Yes, sir,” Marrok said, turning to go.

  “Marrok,” I said. “Make sure you give Topaz some milk oats.”

  He nodded and moved on.

  Cahil squeezed my arm. “How do you know about milk oats?”

  I thought fast. “Cahil, I’ve been traveling with you for over a week I’ve helped feed him.” True to a point, but I didn’t think it would be a good idea to tell Cahil that his horse had asked me for some milk oats. And I was certain he didn’t want to know that his own horse called him Peppermint Man.

  “You’re lying. Milk oats are a special treat that the Stable Master bakes. He feeds them to the horses, no one else.”

  I opened my mouth to reply, but a strident voice interrupted, “Cahil, is something wrong?”

  Together we glanced at the woman. She and Leif were descending toward us.

  “Nothing’s wrong,” Cahil said.

  They stopped a few steps above us.

  “Is this her?” the woman asked.

  “Yes, First Magician,” Cahil said.

  “Are you certain about her allegiance to Ixia?” she asked.

  “Yes. She carries an Ixian uniform and has Ixian coins,” Cahil said.

  “Her loyalty and longing for Ixia tastes thick like a rancid soup,” Leif said.

  The woman stepped closer to me. I looked into her a
mber eyes. They were shaped like a snow cat’s and were just as lethal. Her gaze expanded, encompassing me and my world disappeared as the ground turned to rippling amber liquid. I began to sink. Something circled my ankles, and then pulled me under the surface. My clothes were stripped away, then my skin, then my muscles. My bones dissolved until there was nothing left but my soul.


  SOMETHING SHARP SCRATCHED my soul, searching for vulnerable spots. I pushed away the intrusive object and began to build a wall of defense in my mind. This magician would not reach me.

  Bricks formed and stacked, but they crumbled at the edges. Holes drilled through as I struggled to stay ahead of First Magician. I poured all my strength into that wall. I patched the holes. I added another wall within the first. But the bricks disintegrated and collapsed.

  Damn it! No! I scrambled for a while, but it was just a matter of time. In the end, I let the wall dissolve. But, with a sudden rush of energy, I created a curtain of green-veined marble, cutting her off.

  I pressed myself to the smooth stone and held on with all my might. Exhaustion pulled at my mind. In pure desperation, I used the last of my power, calling for help. The marble transformed into a statue of Valek. He looked at me in concern.

  “Help,” I said.

  He wrapped his strong arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. “Anything, love.”

  With nothing left, I clung to him as darkness descended.

  I awoke in a narrow room; my head throbbing. Looking up at the ceiling, I realized that I was on a bed. It had been pushed against a wall under an open window. When I moved to sit up, my stif flegs protested. I felt raw and violated as though someone had scrubbed off my skin. My throat blazed with thirst. A pitcher of water sweated on a night table, an empty glass beside it. I poured a large drink and downed the cool liquid in three gulps. Feeling a little better, I examined the room. An armoire stood along the opposite wall with a full-length mirror on the right and a doorway on the left.

  Cahil appeared in the doorway. “I thought I heard you.”


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