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Shaken in her Boots, The Complete Series (Volumes 1-3): A Hotwife Adventure

Page 19

by Bart Tracer

  “Just like the thing with the condoms,” she murmured beneath me, responding to the increased pace of my thrusting. I held my breath, waiting for her to continue. “You liked the fact that he got to have me bare. A little piece of me that belonged to him.”

  “Oh God, Lizzie!” My head was spinning.

  “We both know it’s true, Bill. Even now, you’ve never asked me to let you go bareback. You know I’d say yes, but you like that he gets that privilege instead of you! It makes you jealous, but it also turns you on.”

  Her teasing words sent a sharp pang of jealousy through the very center of my heart, driving me crazy, causing me to fuck her harder. She was right, dammit! There was no way I could deny it. I was turned on by the thought of her doing things with Lance that she didn’t do with me. Special privileges reserved only for her “boyfriend”. I drove my jealous cock savagely into her sopping wet pussy.

  Lizzie knew she had me. She could read the effect of her words on my straining face. Her crystal-blue eyes shone with a diabolical light as her hands snaked up to grasp the back of my neck. She lifted her head from the pillow to chew on my earlobe as I slammed into her. “And it turns me on, too!” she hissed through clenched teeth. “Oooh…! I like that we’ve saved that for him! Aaah...! It’s so fucking hot that my own husband… has never cum inside me!”

  “Oh shit! Oh fuck, Baby!” I groaned. “Aaah! You’re going to make me cum!”

  “Oh yes! Go on, Bill!” She looked right into my eyes and a cruel little smile curled the corners of her mouth. Then, she turned the screw: “Cum in your condom for me!”

  Bam! My orgasm hit me like a sledgehammer. I’d already been close, and her final taunt was the last straw. With a surprised grunt, I hunched, burying myself in her to the root, and began to cum. Spurting, straining, pulsing; the sensations that swept over me were so intense that they wiped everything else from my consciousness. Nothing else in the world existed for me at that moment than this feeling, this moment. And as I ground against her, in her, my cock flexing and squirting again and again, the word “condom” echoed in my head like the ringing of a struck anvil.

  It seemed like an eternity before my climax subsided, but eventually, I sank down on her, exhausted. Her warm little hands caressed my back lovingly as I panted into the tangled mass of her fiery red hair. “Shhh,” she whispered in my ear, as though comforting a restless child, “that’s better now, isn’t it?”

  Chapter 3

  Once I caught my breath again, I moved off Lizzie and went to the bathroom to discard the condom and clean up. I was a little surprised to find her still in bed when I got back, silently staring up at the ceiling, her fingers idly twirling a lock of her red hair. Curious, I flopped down next to her on the rumpled sheets.

  “Hey Babe,” I said softly. “Penny for your thoughts.”

  Without answering, she rolled onto her side, facing me with her head propped on the palm of her right hand. The nails of her left hand lazily traced little circles along my abs while she studied me. Something was on her mind.

  “You haven’t even asked,” she said at length, just the hint of a rueful little smile creasing her lips.

  “Ask? Ask what?” I was puzzled, still not thinking straight in the afterglow of our lovemaking.

  “You know…” she hesitated, looking suddenly vulnerable, “about your texts…”

  “You mean…” Of course! Now I knew what we were talking about. Elizabeth wasn’t on the pill and this weekend hadn’t exactly been the best time for her to be playing with Lance unprotected. But every time I’d mentioned it in my texts, she’d refused to give me a straight answer, simply sending me a winking smiley face emoji.

  Part of me had been certain that she was just messing with me; that it was simply another way for her to make me jealous. But another part of me couldn’t help but wonder…

  “So, did you?” I began haltingly. “Use protection, I mean?”

  Her eyes darted away from mine, staring down to look at her fingers, which were still playing lazily along my belly.

  “Lizzie,” I pressed. “Tell me, Baby.” I reached down and caught her hand, stopping her fingers and causing her to look up into my eyes. She smiled, but for the first time, I saw worry there. “Just tell me what happened.”

  “I tried to be good, honest,” she whispered, “but…” Her voice trailed off.

  My heart beat furiously in my chest. Deep down, I knew what was coming; knew what had happened. But, I needed to hear her say it. “But what, Lizzie?” I asked, raising her hand to my lips and kissing her fingers. “Come on, you know you can tell me anything. What happened?”

  She looked at me just a second longer, her eyes wide and uncertain. “I had honestly forgotten about the condoms until I got your text,” she confessed, her beautiful red hair bouncing crazily as she shook her head. “God, Bill! I know it was stupid, but we hadn’t been using anything up until then, and I guess I just got caught up in the excitement of everything and forgot.” Her bright eyes searched mine, trying to read my reaction. “I’m so sorry!”

  “Shhh! It’s okay, Liz!” I stroked her cheek. “What about after my text?”

  “Well,” she smiled shyly, “Lance didn’t know. Anyway, not at that point. And we’d already done it a couple of times before your text. It wasn’t until you mentioned it that I remembered. And then…” she hesitated, looking at me.


  “Umm, well, when I started to answer, I saw the little winking emoji down in the corner of the screen and thought it would be kinda funny. Just a little joke, jerking your chain a little! But I made up my mind to be more careful. Honestly, I was going to make him use condoms from then on!”

  “…going to?” I asked, swallowing hard, noticing for the first time that I was getting hard again. Why was I getting excited?

  “Well, the next morning, he woke me up kissing my neck, spooning me from behind,” she explained, “and before I knew it, he was inside me again and… well… he…”

  “He came inside you again.”

  “Mm hmm,” she nodded, “and then again in the shower, and then it sorta seemed like ‘what’s the point?’ I mean, the damage was already done. You know what I mean?”

  As she told her tale, she relaxed visibly. She had noticed my erection, and it was obvious that I was far from angry. So, she now began to embrace what she had done, teasing me with her account.

  I shrugged, trying to look unconcerned. “Yeah. I guess.” Good Lord! The damage was already done? “So, you guys didn’t… didn’t use anything after that?” I could feel my breathing getting quicker, shock and jealousy doing battle with arousal in my feverish brain.

  She shook her head. “The thing is…” she started, then changed her mind.

  “Go on,” I whispered, my voice shaky with worry and growing excitement.

  “I know it’s awful, Bill, but the more I thought about it, the more it aroused me. And then you kept asking about it. I knew it was affecting you, and that just ramped up the eroticism for me. Every time you texted, it was another reminder of how bad I was being, the risk I was taking. Oh God, the risk!!”

  “The risk?”

  “Yeah,” she tenderly touched the side of my face, “it terrified me, still does, but in a weird way, I kinda liked it.” She looked at me and smiled, rolling her eyes. “Okay, so maybe it was a little more than ‘kinda’! It was a major turn-on! It made me feel so wicked, so terribly naughty, that I was taking such a chance with him.

  But it was more than just the risk itself… it was imagining your reaction to it. Picturing the look on your face. I liked the thought of you fretting about it. I imagined you seeing that little emoji and getting all worked up. And it made me so hot! God, it turned me on!” She leaned forward and kissed me. Her sapphire eyes blazed once more with passion as she recounted her naughty tale. “Tell me, Sweetie, just how did it make you feel?”

  How did it make me feel? Panicky. Dizzy. The room suddenly seemed too hot. Bu
t through it all, I was also excited; dreadfully, painfully, hopelessly excited. I’d cum not 15 minutes ago, and now I was as hard as I had ever been. I opened my mouth to speak, but no sounds would come out.

  Her hand slid down my body to cup my crotch, finding me erect and throbbing. She smiled knowingly. “I can only imagine how nervous you must have been. You poor thing! Did it turn you on, worrying that I was risking that with him? Thinking about the consequences?”

  “I… I mean, I…” Was this really happening? Was my wife really saying these things to me? Was she just messing with me, pushing my buttons, or was she actually turned on by the thought of risking pregnancy with Lance? Was I? No! That would be crazy! Wouldn’t it? My brain raced, trying desperately to catch up to the conversation. Why was I so fucking hard?

  “Was it difficult to concentrate, Sweetie? Wondering what we were doing, wondering if he would send me back home to you with a bun in the oven?” Her soft hand caressed me slowly, playfully toying with my hardness. The combination of her skillful touch and teasing words was driving me insane!

  “Oh God, Lizzie,” I gasped, involuntarily hunching at her little hand, “is there a chance that he… that you’re…?”

  “Let’s just say, I can’t guarantee that I’m not,” she cooed, enjoying herself. “We’ll just have to wait and see…”

  “Oh shit!” I groaned, my dick flexing and bobbing with excitement.

  She giggled, glancing down at my crotch. “Why Bill Allen! If I didn’t know better, I’d swear that thought turns you on!” With a wicked grin on her face, she pumped me aggressively a few times. “Tell me, Baby,” she hissed, her voice low and sultry, “would you be terribly upset if it were to happen? If your wife’s well-hung boyfriend got there before you?”

  “Fuuuuck!” I moaned as my hard cock began to jerk in her hand, spewing forcefully, coating her tiny wrist with my hot seed.

  When I was finished, she smiled and patted my flagging cock affectionately. “That’s what I thought,” she said simply, rising to her feet and walking down the hallway to the bathroom.

  Chapter 4

  While Elizabeth took a quick shower, I put on my shirt and jeans and went to the kitchen. Lunchtime was way overdue, and I was starving! Taking a loaf of bread and some lunchmeat from the fridge, I turned to the counter and busied myself making sandwiches for us.

  When I was finished, I put a plate of food before each of our chairs, then got glasses and utensils and finished setting the table. Satisfied, I stood with my back against the counter waiting for Liz.

  Five minutes later, she walked into the kitchen wearing a loose-fitting T-shirt and a nondescript pair of baggy sweatpants. Giving me a brief smile, she vigorously dried her still-wet hair. Satisfied, she draped the towel over the back of one of the spare chairs and smiled appreciatively at the table. Her cheeks were still flushed from the hot water of the shower, which, combined with her disheveled, uncombed hair, gave her a breathless, wild look that was undeniably sexy, in spite of her formless clothing.

  Walking to the counter, she opened the cabinet on the wall and, standing on her tiptoes, took out a tall glass and filled it with water from the tap. Standing at the sink, she put the glass to her lips and drank, her slender throat bobbing rhythmically as she swallowed, then stood for some time looking absently out the window, holding the empty glass with both hands.

  “Hungry?” I asked, grabbing her chair by its back and pulling it out for her. The wooden legs scraped noisily against the tile floor of the kitchen.

  Elizabeth started, nearly dropping the glass she held in her hands. Her blue eyes flashed briefly to mine as she turned toward me. “Oh,” she said, blushing, “thanks!”

  She refilled her empty glass with an embarrassed little grin and took a seat across from me, avoiding my eyes as she picked up her sandwich and took a bite. We ate in silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts, neither knowing what to say.

  I studied her as I chewed, her beautiful blue eyes staring fixedly at her plate as she nibbled at the sandwich in her hands. Her narrow shoulders were hunched forward over the table, making her look small and vulnerable. Like me, she was nervous now, in the sober wake of our frenzied lovemaking. I knew exactly what she was thinking. I was thinking it, too. Our “game” was getting out of hand. Way out of hand!

  The more I thought about it, the more I had to concede that it had been out of hand for some time now. I mean, wanting your wife to have sex with another man? That’s pretty fucked up! But her risking pregnancy with him?! How much more crazy can you get?

  The thing is, the crazier our situation got, the more exciting it was. And, not just for me. It had become abundantly clear during our trip to Lance’s that my wife was enjoying this adventure at least as much as I. She liked being naughty, and she liked me to see her being naughty. And, God knows, up until now, I had dearly loved every second of it!

  We fed off each other’s excitement, like logs in a campfire, each burning hotter in the incandescent glow of the other. Our fantasies and desires dovetailed perfectly into one another, creating the perfect storm of eroticism. Boundaries were pushed and broken on the way toward ever new boundaries, but this… this was something different, the ultimate boundary.

  By taking Lance unprotected for the last three days, Lizzie had taken our game to an entirely different level. We had left the realm of naughty, forbidden fun. Now, there were potential consequences to her actions. For all we knew, she could be pregnant. Pregnant with Lance’s baby!

  What if she were pregnant? What then? Sure, we’d talked about having kids. Recently, we’d been talking about it more and more. After all, we were getting to the stage in our marriage where we were considering starting a family. But to be honest, I’d been dragging my feet a little.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t want kids. I did. Eventually. It was just, well, I didn’t know if I was ready to tackle the responsibility yet. Lizzie and I had been married five years and I was pretty comfortable with our life. There was a set routine to everything, a routine that would be totally upended by the addition of a child. We had yet to make a concrete decision on when to start a family. Now that decision might have been made for us!

  As I looked at her across the table now, a shiver ran down my spine. In my mind’s eye, I saw her flat little belly swelling with Lance’s child. My God! What if it happened? What would we do? What if someone found out another man had gotten my wife pregnant? Glenton was a small town. How would I ever live that down?

  As though reading my mind, Elizabeth looked up from her plate and swallowed. Gone was the self-confident, teasing slut she’d been earlier. Now, there was a look of concern in her eyes. “Hey,” she said shyly.

  “Hey you”

  “Whatcha thinkin’ about?” she asked, but the look on her face made it obvious that she already knew the answer to that question.

  “You know,” I shrugged, “stuff. This past weekend. Our… situation.”

  “Yeah. Me too.”


  “Mm hmm?”

  “Just how worried should we be?”

  She looked at me for a second, as if weighing her answer. “Well, I’m not an obstetrician,” she smiled sheepishly, “but the timing wasn’t ideal.” She pushed her plate away and put her hands in her lap. “I’m sorry, Bill. Really, I am. Things were just so crazy last week, and I was so caught up in all the excitement, and I got carried away. Please don’t be mad at me! I’m so sorry!”

  I raised my hand and smiled at her. “I’m not mad, Lizzie. I’m not. I’m just a little worried. I mean, what if… you know, what if you’re…”

  “The word you’re looking for is ‘pregnant’, Honey. And honestly, I don’t know how to answer that question. We may have a problem, we may not. At this point, we’re just going to have to wait and see.”

  I nodded. “Wait how long?”

  “Well, we should have a pretty good idea a week from today,” she said. Noticing my incomprehension, she explained, “Th
at’s when my period should start. If it doesn’t…”

  “Okay,” I said, chewing on her words. I took a deep breath and slowly blew it out through my pursed lips. “So, next Monday. Something tells me this is going to be the longest week of my life.”

  “Your life?!” she snorted derisively. “Your life! What about me? I’m going to be on pins and needles for the next seven days! And if it does happen, I’m the one who’d get to carry the baby for the next nine months, not to mention giving birth! I think you’re getting off pretty easy here, Mister!”

  “So, you’d want to keep it?” I asked quietly, oddly surprised at the notion. Realizing how that sounded, I quickly added, “You know I’d support you whatever you decided. I… I was just wondering, that’s all.”

  She held my eyes for a long moment, then stood up and walked around the table to me. Straddling my legs, she sat on my lap and ran her fingers through my hair, smiling sweetly. “You really are an amazing man, Bill Allen! Thank you for being you!” She leaned forward and kissed my forehead. “But yeah, if I have Lance’s baby inside me, I think I’d want to keep it.”

  I nodded, thinking about that. An uncomfortable idea had been gnawing at me for some time, a nagging, persistent fear. Hearing her talk about bearing Lance’s lovechild now dredged it to the top. “Lizzie?”

  “Yes, Baby?”

  “Tell me the truth. Are you… are you falling for him?”

  “What?” She arched her eyebrows, looking at me in surprise.

  “Lance,” I said. “Are you falling for him? Do you… do you love him?”

  Her mouth fell open. Eyes wide, she stared at me for a minute. “No!” She said forcefully, her fingers digging into my biceps. “Bill, no! Of course not, Baby! How could you… No!” She shook her head emphatically. “You listen to me, Bill Allen! I’m your wife, and I love you! Only you!”


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