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Catching Luke

Page 11

by Debra Elise

  “Um, I may have another idea, or actually it was your idea.”

  “My idea, but . . . oh, right. The babysitting job.” Kelsey laughed.

  “Yeah, I may have given Nate the idea that, well . . .”

  “Spill it, Lara. What did you say to the no-good-lying douche bag?”

  “I may have given him the impression Luke and I were already involved and that he needed to give up this silly notion we could ever get back together.”

  Silence on the other end of the line stretched out longer than Lara could handle. “Kelsey, you still there?”

  “Okay, so the man you don’t want anything to do with because he can’t or won’t stop hitting on you is now suddenly your knight in shining armor? What if he doesn’t like you using him to keep a crazy ex off your back?”

  Lara saw the irony and she was okay with that. It also gave her a reason to work with Luke without having to admit she had any feelings for him. This way she now had her own agenda to be around him and everyone would get something out of this scenario.

  “I don’t plan on telling him. I’ll just tell him I thought it over and I can handle working with him. I now have the time to help, no thanks to him, by the way. Besides, I could use the income.”

  Kelsey burst out laughing. Lara let her work it out of her system before she ended the conversation. “Laugh it up, sister, it’s the best I could come up with and I know I need to be careful with Nate back. I’m hoping if he knows I’m spending all of my time with Luke, he’ll give up the nonsense of us getting back together.”

  “And what happens when Luke finds out you’re using him? You prepared for the fallout? I mean, considering what he went through with Syndi, I’m not sure this is such a good idea.”

  “It’s not like I’m going to tell Luke I have feelings for him or anything. I’m not using him. Not really. I’m just tweaking the situation to my advantage.”

  “Lara, I think you’re setting yourself up for a big fall. Let me ask you this. What if you begin to develop feelings for Luke? You’re going to be spending a lot of time with him over the next month at least. What will you do if he finds out about Nate?”

  Lara hadn’t thought of it quite so deeply. But she knew she had to do something. Especially when, during the call with Kelsey, she received a text from Nate apologizing and asking if they could meet for dinner later.

  He wasn’t going to leave her alone. He’d been able to find out her connection to the Outlaws easily, and now he had her unlisted number. The number she’d changed after the breakup.

  Lara needed to make a drastic decision. Short of packing up and leaving for Seattle tomorrow, job or no job, the frustratingly sexy catcher was her best bet.


  “You’re kidding me. Lara agreed? Kelsey, how’d you work this miracle? If you were here right now, I’d kiss you.” Luke was still in bed. Reclining against his headboard and dreaming about a hot cup of coffee. Maybe he should move the machine upstairs so he could make a pot first thing in the morning without having to hobble around like an idiot.

  “It’s a good thing Mav didn’t hear you say that.”

  “What changed her mind?”

  “I guess she knew you really needed her help and despite your lame attempts at scoring with her—”

  “Not lame, Kelsey. I plan on convincing her we’d be good together.”

  “Wait a minute. Are we talking good together horizontally or good together as in together-together?”

  Luke had been doing a lot of thinking where Lara was concerned and why he’d made such a big stink about her being his PT. Yeah, she presented a challenge and he never backed down from one, but she’d also managed to get under his skin in a way no other woman had.

  He also respected the hell out of her.

  “She’s not like any other woman I’ve been with and I just can’t stop thinking about her, so yeah, it’s more than just a one-night thing.”

  “Well, in that case I just may be able to help persuade her that you’re not such a bad guy. But you have to promise me one thing.”

  Luke was expecting her to say something like “you break her heart, I’ll break you” or threaten his manhood, but instead she made him hopeful, very hopeful.

  “Once you get her in bed, keep her there. Her last relationship wrecked her self-image as a desirable woman and although she acts fun loving and can party with the best of them, she holds herself back when it comes to the heavy stuff, to the physical side of things, if you get my drift.”

  “Damn, Kelsey.” His felt his heat creep up his neck and travel to his ears. He rubbed on one. Yup, he was blushing.

  “Hey, we’re friends now. And under all your bravado I think you’re a good-hearted man. And you have one of the best backsides I’ve ever seen. Lara thinks so too.”

  “Um, thanks?”

  Kelsey laughed. “Oh, and one more thing.”

  He so didn’t want to ask, but she waited him out. The silence finally got to him.

  “All right, what is it?”

  “You break her heart and I’m taking away your off-hour privileges with Maverick for a year.”

  Damn. She sounded serious.

  Lara dressed in a pair of baggy khaki pants and plain brown button-down shirt. She didn’t want to give Luke any reason to think she was there for anything other than to assist him around the house and get his knee back in shape.

  When she pulled up to his house, her mouth dropped. This was Luke’s place? So not what she expected. The Craftsman roofline and front porch appealed to her. It screamed come in, make yourself at home. The attached shop boasted the same design. She would have pegged Luke for a sleeker, more modern aesthetic when it came to his possessions. Like the Camaro and motorcycle he drove.

  She took her things out of the backseat and was attacked by the cutest animal she’d ever seen. The puppy must have already been outside when she pulled up and was now sniffing her feet and wagging its tail faster than a wiper blade in a downpour. She bent down and received sweet puppy kisses. She laughed when it tried to bite her ponytail, and was just about to give in and pick it up when she heard Luke’s command to the dog.

  “Down, Indy. Quit harassing the lady.”

  The dog snapped to attention. Impressive. He sat on his haunches and looked back at him. Luke snapped his fingers and Indy trotted over to the porch and sat next to his owner.

  “Wow, you’ve trained him well. How old is he?”

  “He’s almost six months. I watch a lot of those dog shows on TV. But Indy here, he’s been a great student. Plus, he loves the treats he gets when he obeys, so it was pretty easy.”

  Lara checked out Luke as she closed the car door and made her way to the stone steps leading up to where he was standing. Did the man always look hot or was it her? The way he was leaning on the railing, forearms bent, made his biceps stand out even more than normal. She suddenly had a flash of those arms around her in the elevator at the engagement party, and later in her bed.

  The butterflies in her stomach increased their dance. She stopped and stood two steps down from him. She reached down to scratch Indy behind his ears to tamp down the sudden urge to walk up to Luke and jump into his arms.

  “So there’s hope for you,” she said.

  “How so?”

  “Well, he obviously learned from a man who knows how important it is to take direction. All I have to do is find the right incentive, or treat, and you’ll be on the road to recovery in no time.”

  Oh, my lord. Did she really just say that?

  By the look on his face, he was as surprised as she was at her unintentional innuendo.

  Now she had to figure out if it was actually unintentional after all.

  Luke straightened up to his full six-three frame, rubbed his hand along his jawline, and looked her over. He took his time and when he was through, she could have sworn he’d physically touched her in every spot he gazed upon.

  She felt embarrassed yet energized. She was here to
help the man in his time of need. Not seduce him the minute she arrived. Considering how their last encounter ended, leaving him guessing how she really felt about him wasn’t such a bad idea.

  Maybe all Luke Garibaldi really needed was a dose of his own medicine.

  “Hmmm?” He just stood there staring at her and all he had to say in response was “hmmm?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I’m wondering why today you decided to let your sassy side out with me when at the clinic you couldn’t get away from me fast enough. What changed?”

  Good question. So much had changed and yet not nearly enough. She’d been stuck in her rut of self-pity after Nate had broken her, but now that he was back, she somehow felt more confident that she’d made the right decision to work with Luke. Besides, he was good for her ego.

  Looking at Luke, she decided maybe it was time to let down her guard, just a little—okay, maybe a lot—and have some fun.

  “That’s what I’ve been asking myself since I told Kelsey I’d work with you. And yes, I can now admit I’m still attracted to you. But I can set my personal feelings aside and be professional. And I believe you can do the same.”

  She couldn’t read his reaction to her statement. He’d be formidable at poker. He took the cane that had been resting on the railing and took several slow steps to the front door. He held it open for her and motioned her inside.

  When she passed him, he continued to stand at the threshold. “Lara, I appreciate you helping me out and for admitting your true feelings, but just because I’m capable of acting professional around you, there’s going to be no guarantees that I will, darling.” He closed the door behind her and walked toward the kitchen. He whistled all the way.

  Oh, boy. How was she going to survive numerous weeks’ worth of charm and innuendo?


  Today was their third session at the Outlaws’ training facility and Luke was barely out of breath as she put him through an intense workout. Even hobbled with a knee brace and cane, he was the hottest thing she’d ever come across. It had become harder to deflect his sexual teasing with each passing session, and she found herself repeating in her mind keep it professional until she thought she’d go crazy.

  Luke was doing amazingly well. The more conditioned the athlete before an accident, the faster their recovery. Broken bones mended. Muscles and tendons recovered. Adults quickly bounced back. It made her think about the children she would soon be working with again.

  The quick recovery didn’t always happen with kids. Especially the ones with birth defects or disabilities, and the victims of tragic accidents. They were what drove her. Why she wanted the job at Seattle Children’s so much.

  Plus, they didn’t hit on her.

  Which Luke was doing today every chance he got. An accidental brush of the hand here. Another suggestive phrase there. Her resolve was weakening and she began questioning her sanity. Why not take what he has to offer? Going in knowing that it was just physical, no promises, no heartache when it was over. Maybe that’s what she really needed to banish her ex’s broken record playing in her head.

  The bricks of her fortification weakened further. Luke had been doing his best to knock each one down, and for once in her life she would love to throw caution out the window and just go with what her body wanted and not what her head lectured her to do. Or not do.

  Could she do this? She wished she had a guarantee this wouldn’t be emotional suicide. She’d never had a sex-only relationship and she’d never slept with a man when her heart hadn’t already been half his.

  “So sure of yourself. You see it as a foregone conclusion I’ll sleep with you again.” She gave him what she hoped was a flirty smile. She could do this.

  “Confidence is my middle name. You can’t fool me any longer, Lara Andretti. You want me and I’m giving you the green light. I don’t chase women, ever. But that’s all I seem to be doing with you.”

  “Why me?”

  “Well, you’re smart, you stand up to me, and I think you have gorgeous eyes. And your mouth is making me think of all kinds of naughty things.”

  “Stop,” Lara said.

  “Stop what?”

  “Flirting. Seducing. Whatever it is you’re doing, you need to stop.”

  “I’ve just begun, and it’s fun. Why should I stop now? Admit it, you want me.”

  Well, of course she did. He was right. Each and every time they were in the same room together her body reacted with need, and when she touched him to help guide him in his exercises, lord have mercy.

  One thing was certain with Luke Garibaldi. If she agreed to have a short-term, just-for-fun, sex-only relationship with him, she’d be receiving more of the devastating orgasms he’d provided her before. And that was hard to turn down. She could keep her heart intact, right?

  “I do,” she whispered. Her body ached for him and she was done ignoring what she really wanted. Him.

  Luke raised his eyebrows. His gaze turned from teasing to sultry at her words. She almost let out a giggle at his reaction.

  “About damn time. So just to be clear, you’re now saying that what is happening between us is something you’re not going to ignore anymore, right?”

  She nodded. She didn’t trust herself to speak. Afraid she’d say something ridiculous like “take me now” or jump on him.

  “Darling, you just made me a very happy man. And I promise to make you just as happy—as soon as I get you somewhere more private.” He tugged her toward him and gave her a light kiss on the lips. A tease of what she could expect.

  Moisture soaked her panties. Her heart raced; her breasts felt heavy and achy. “Luke, just so we understand each other, I’m more than ready to sleep with you, but I’m still the boss in the training room. Now, hit the whirlpool and meet me back here in thirty.”

  After the hottest stare down she’d ever experienced, Luke tapped her bottom and answered her statement with an “okay, boss” and hobbled off to the sauna room. She took several deeps breaths and searched for something cool to tamp down the full-body flush that had erupted at his parting look.

  Focus, Lara. Mind made up, she now couldn’t stop thinking of them together but she had to finish her notes on Luke’s progress for Blake. She sat down at her temporary desk and pushed all thoughts of Luke aside and dug into his file.

  Twenty minutes later she stood, stretched, and checked her watch. Almost time. She looked over the schedule for the rest of the day and saw that no one else was expected in, so she walked through the training room putting equipment back and shutting off lights and machines. She’d just made a full circle when she heard someone clearing his throat.

  John Reyes, known as JR, was leaning against the wall to her right, a half smile on his mocha face. The hotheaded outfielder had grown a goatee since she last saw him. Not traditionally handsome, he had a definite edge and a tatted hard body, which made him a female fan favorite.

  Today was an off day for the team, so it didn’t seem too unusual that he was in the facility. But she noticed he was in street clothes and he wasn’t carrying a duffel bag.

  She quickened her pace back to the desk, not comfortable being alone in the cavernous, empty room with a man she didn’t know at all except through the rumors that followed him at every turn and that day at the tattoo parlor when he hit on her.

  “Hey there, Lara. Do you have a minute? I’m looking for some advice.”

  She watched as JR pushed off the wall and dropped his arms to his sides and smiled. His stone-faced glare instantly changed. Became softer with the lifting of his lips. No wonder men loved to hate him. The lady-killer smile was hypnotizing, but instead of reassuring her, it sent off warning bells.

  Perhaps he thought she’d fall prey to his charms so he could ask her out for a drink and some good times. Instead, what he said next made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.

  “I was wondering if you had access to Manny’s locked drawer in his desk?”<
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  Not sure she had heard correctly; why would he care about anything to do with the head trainer’s desk? She looked closer at him. His expression one of innocence. Like he made this request to everyone he met. But the longer she waited before answering the more he shifted in place.

  “Um, no. Nothing was said about it.” Maybe he was looking for something Manny had been holding on to for him. Her mind was reeling with possibilities as he stepped closer to her. Where was Luke? Unease skittered down her back. She’d been approached at the clinic for pharmaceutical grade enhancers often enough to pick up on JR’s body language.

  She hadn’t seen him working out, yet he was sweating and he swallowed several times. He was gearing up to ask her another question. Please, oh please, don’t let it be what she feared.

  Performance enhancing drugs were still being used heavily in sports even with the high-profile cases and former players being called in front of Congress to testify and swear they hadn’t taken them. Did he think she had access since the team’s head trainer was still on paternity leave?

  “I’m looking for a bit of extra help. I was hoping to make my supply last until . . . well, for at least another month. But I miscalculated and could really use some by the end of the week.”

  JR took another step closer to her as he spoke. Unbelievable. This man didn’t care if she knew he was taking illegal substances; he was desperate enough to ask her, not knowing if she’d comply or rat him out. He probably assumed every physical therapist had a ready supply to administer on demand.

  A conversation she’d overheard a couple of months back played out in her head. She’d been at Kelsey’s house waiting for Maverick to finish a phone call with Luke before they left for dinner.

  “Not sure what T.S. and Blake were thinking, bringing in JR. From what I can tell he’s still showing signs, you know . . . Right . . . and he must have put on at least fifteen pounds of muscle mass in the off season . . . ” Mav had stepped out on the back patio after that and she’d soon forgotten what she’d heard, but now it all made sense. JR had a history of using some type of banned substance and he wanted more—from her.


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