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Tiger's Lily

Page 8

by Cheyenne Meadows

  She gave him a shove with her smaller frame. "Neanderthal."

  That didn't put a dent into the wide smile on his face.

  Instead, it sealed the deal. Words he never expected to hear again rang inside his head.

  I want her. By my side. For now and years to come.

  * * * *

  As soon as they returned to the house, Lily excused herself to start preparing more cinnamon rolls. Cale went to check on Dillon.

  His brother sat on the edge of the bed, head in his hands. His ever present pistol rested on top of the comforter.

  Concerned, Cale hurried over, kneeling to be eye level, tugging at Dillon's wrists. "What is it? Are you in pain?"

  Dillon met his gaze. His usual twinkling eyes filled with frustration and worry. "Mayberry called while you were outside with Lily." Dillon whispered making sure Lily couldn't overhear their conversation.


  "Seems a trio of tough looking men pulled into Cooperstown late last night, stopped by the local diner and started asking to see the local doctor. One of the waitresses told him the office was closed, but he ferreted out names, including Lily's."

  Cale sucked in his breath, understanding all that wasn't said.

  "Mayberry didn't know anything else, but he was worried. Told me where his stash of weapons is kept in case we need them."

  "Shit." Cale ran one hand through his hair, fear and fury warring inside. They would easily learn Carson was out of town and focus their attention on Lily. Hell, they could be on the way to the house as they spoke. One hand scrubbed over his face as he scrambled for ideas.

  "Dillon, did you remember to take…" Lily's voice dropped off when she noticed them. "What's wrong?"

  "Tell her." Dillon commanded. "She has a right to know."

  "No. This doesn't…"

  Dillon cut through his reply. "Tell her, damn, it."

  Cale growled at his brother before turning his attention back to Lily. Regret and rage raced to the fore. "We didn't kill all of our targets. The survivors are probably hot on our trail and will kill anyone that stands in their way to revenge."

  "Why didn't you tell me this before? I'm not some weak chit that would fall into hysterics at the drop of a hat." Her body tensed, hands moving with agitated gestures as she spoke.

  "I didn't want you to experience the horrors of life. You are so full of cheer and joy; I couldn't take that away from you, replacing it with fear and loathing." Damn, it. It's true.

  "You believed that I would turn my back on you, thinking you are some licensed killer?" At his silence, she shook her head. "Soap for brains, I swear." Hands on hips, she took a deep breath and berated him. "I'm not naïve enough to believe bad things don't happen. People don't show up in a doctor's office carrying a bullet on accident. I had a good idea from day one what you did, but didn't think less of you. Instead, I commended you for having the guts to do such a job, taking out the leeches of the human world to keep the rest of us safe. I still do. You are brave and have more courage than King Solomon had wives. However, you must think I'm some meager, frail idiot who would faint at the sight of a snake in order to decide never to tell me what was going on. Sure, I believe you guys can protect me, but I deserve to know that not only am I in danger, but my girls are, too. You don't keep that kind of information from me. I'll do whatever it takes, including shooting to kill, in order to protect what is mine. Come hell or high water." Finished with her rant, she pivoted on her heel and stormed out of the room, still muttering under her breath.

  Watching her go, Cale checked his own anger, reminding himself he did it for her own good, to protect her from the cruel world he lived in each and every day.

  Dillon whistled low. "Whoa. Talk about fiery."

  Cale shrugged, still focused on the trail Lily took out of the room.

  "Makes a man hard as a rock wondering where else that fire might burn."

  Smacking his brother on the back of the head, Cale snarled. "She's off limits."

  "Uh, huh. For you, too?"

  Not bothering to answer, Cale marched away, seething and well chastised. She had a valid point; he could see that through the haze of anger. But, damn it to hell. She didn't deserve this, being put in such a position for simply having the decency to take in an injured man and nurse him back to health. It wasn't fair. Since when was life fair? Lily had a right to her anger, but it didn't change things. He would have done the same thing again. But, now that she knew, the least he could do was be more open with her.

  He found her in the laundry room, tossing clothes into the washer with a vengeance.

  "I was involved the moment you walked through Carson's door. I knew it just like I know the sun will rise every morning in the east."

  "I know. And, for the record, I'm sorry. I wanted to spare you this. I thought…"

  "That if you and Dillon left quickly, that those bad guys would lose your trail?" Her calm and rational words clashed with her fury moments before.

  He nodded. "I hoped to be on the road, the sooner the better, leaving you to your life without the worry of being caught in the crossfire."

  She released a sigh. "They would have found me, anyway. It doesn't take a genius once they whittle it down to Cooperstown, to find Carson and me."

  Cale moved closer, pulling her into his arms, tucking her head against his chest. His stomach sank at the thoughts of what Lansing and his gang would do to her, if they got their hands on her. "I know. I know we can't leave now. But, I swear by all that is holy, I will protect you." I will die before I let them put one finger on her.

  She squirmed, earning a bit of breathing room from his tight clutches. "I can take care of myself, soldier boy. Give me my Glock. I can hit center target every time."

  He frowned down at her. "This isn't target shooting. Killing a man is difficult and even hard on a person."

  With a small nod, she leaned back against his frame. "I can do what I have to. Always have, always will. Promise."

  Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, reveling in the moment of holding her tight, and praying nothing happened to this small miracle on earth. He would never forgive himself if she paid the price for his stupidity. "I'll keep you safe. Those cats of yours, too."

  His chest tingled at the small motion of her lips turning up into a smile against his pectoral muscles. If only he could hold her skin to skin, no clothes to interfere with even the slightest sensation. Take care of the present, then, just maybe, he could dream of the future. A future with Lily.

  "Bad guys or not, we're having Thanksgiving."

  Cale's mouth twitched with her declaration. "So there." He finished for her. Unable to resist, he tilted up her chin, sought her lips, and covered them with his own. "And, for the record, it's Navy SEAL, not soldier."

  Chapter 11

  The alarm clock beeped loudly beside her ear where she stashed it in the night for fear of waking up the guys. Thanksgiving morning. Four am. With a groan, she forced herself to move, knowing she had to get the turkey in the oven now or it wouldn't be done for lunch. And, the last thing she wanted to do was serve an undercooked bird for their feast after all this work. Besides, this might be the last meal Cale and Dillon shared with her, leaving afterwards to who knows where, fighting the ancient battle of good versus evil. That sobering thought pushed her into action.

  A full moon shined brightly out the kitchen window, illuminating enough of the room that she only turned on a small light located under the cabinet. No sense in wasting electricity and waking the dead with all the lights on at such an early time.

  Luckily, she prepared everything the night before, so all she had to do was stick the bird in the oven. Dang, heavy thing. With a final push, she managed to center it on the rack, shut the door, and pushed the button to the correct temperature. She stepped to the sink, washing her hands under the warm water while gazing out the window.

  Movement within the shadows behind the huge oak tree caught her attention. Not much, but j
ust enough for her to realize it wasn't anything natural. Sounds of restless cattle came to the fore. Little vocals from the herd which told her they were uneasy, along with movements of heavy bodies as they paced and shifted, preparing to bolt if the need arose.

  Hurriedly, she rushed to the bedroom, heading straight for her bedside table.

  "What is it?" Cale sat up from his sleeping pallet on the floor.

  Dillon followed suit, pulling himself to the side of the bed.

  "Probably nothing. Something is upsetting the cattle. Last time they did this, it was a pack of wild dogs." She sincerely hoped that was the case. If it was those men Cale spoke of… A shiver ran down her back at the mere thought.

  Her hand wrapped around the Glock. Before she could turn, Cale reached out to stop her.

  "Stay here." Kneeling, he yanked out one of their large duffels, pulling out a couple of handguns and a rifle, handing the latter to Dillon. "We'll go check it out."

  Lily stared at him in stunned silence. Guns didn't bother her. She had been raised with them and taught to shoot at an early age. Even seeing the amount and complexity of their weapons didn't faze her. It was the expression that came over both men. Serious. Deadly. Intimidating. Any man looking at them from the other side of a gun would swear he stared at the Devil himself.

  With a head shake, she pulled herself back to the present situation. "No. This is my house and I'm responsible for those cattle. Besides, if it's wild dogs, I prefer you don't kill them. They are simply hungry and looking for an easy meal. You can't blame them for that. I just run them off. No biggie. If it's not, I'll be right there with you."

  Both men ignored her, going about their preparations with practice and efficiency.

  "If you can see them from the kitchen, they are coming in from the south. I'll go out the front and snake around the east, see if I can locate them."

  Dillon nodded. "I'll cover you from the back. If you have to backtrack, give me a sec to change positions."

  "I'm going with you."

  "No. You stay here. You'll only be in the way."

  Frustrated, Lily glared at both of them. "I know what I'm doing."

  Cale leveled his gaze, biting off each word. "There's a good chance those aren't four-legged predators out there. Like I told you yesterday, we didn't clean out that viper's nest completely. Some escaped. They will be hot on our heels and determined to send us to Hell and anyone else along the way. This is what we do."

  "He's right. Let's roll."

  "But your leg…" Lily protested only to have Dillon silence her with a glare.

  "May slow me down a hair, but that's all." He tugged Lily's pajama sleeve, indicating she should follow him, sticking to the dark. Her Glock remained at the ready, although at this point she hadn't a clue what good it would do. Between the three handguns she knew Cale carried and Dillon's rifle, it would take an army to make it inside for her to even have a chance to nick one.

  Cale disappeared out the front, the door shutting silently behind him.

  She sent up a quick prayer that he would return safe and sound, fear twisting her belly into a ball, realizing that he could be killed right before her eyes. If such a horrific event happened, she would never have another opportunity to express her feelings for him.

  Dillon led her back to the kitchen, indicating for her to remain silent and out of sight.

  Tense moments passed while Lily sat and waited for something, anything to happen. The waiting and suspense set her nerves on edge. She forced the panic down, hoping to absorb the confidence Dillon showed.

  This can't be happening. People like her didn't find themselves in the middle of some gun battle with criminals. They lived boring and dull lives. Each year, they cooked Thanksgiving dinner and the largest worry they had would be if the turkey was dry or undercooked. If they should put the stuffing inside the bird or cook it separate to help prevent food poisoning. If she wanted the gun and knife club, she would have moved to the big city and worked at a large hospital, seeing victim after victim enter through those emergency room doors covered in blood and fighting to survive. No. Her life was supposed to be calm and peaceful, living with her cats in the middle of nowhere, growing a vegetable garden and watching baby bunnies eat her cherry tomatoes.

  Dillon kept vigil out the window, every once in a while moving smoothly to check out other vantage points. With stealth and silence, he watched outside, more than once raising his rifle to look down the scope.

  Just when her stretched nerves threatened to break, a sharp whistle broke the air, resembling the cry of a hawk soaring in the sky. Another followed, this time, the cry of a purple martin. Finally, a quail answered.

  Perplexed, Lily slid closer to the front door, eager to peek out and discover what the obvious signals meant.

  "Stand down." Dillon called, lowering his rifle, though still grasping it close. His gaze left the window to glance her direction. "That's the all clear. You can set your weapon down now."

  With a nod, Lily lightly placed the Glock on the kitchen countertop, anxiously awaiting Cale's return. Dozens of questions raced through her mind, demanding answers.

  A click of the front door signified Cale's return. Racing over, Lily threw herself into his arms, hugging him with the strength of her feelings for him and the immense relief that he appeared safe and sound. Leaning back, she quickly surveyed him for damage. Seeing none, she hugged him all the tighter.

  Cale's arm wrapped around her, squeezing in return. His free hand slipped the dull black handgun back into the holster at his lower back. "I'm okay." Air brushed against her ear as he whispered to her.

  "I was so worried." She felt a kiss to her crown and basked happily.

  Dillon hobbled over, gimpy but without the assistance of his crutches, flicking the kitchen light on. "Warriors?"

  Cale nodded, releasing Lily, a wry grin on his face. "Surprised the hell out of me, too. Nearly stumble over Night laying in wait. Good thing he's on our side or I would have had a fight on my hands."

  Dillon chuckled, looking to the front door. "Where is he?"

  "Gathering in the others."

  "Others?" Lily's head spun from the turn of events and names she couldn't begin to recognize.

  "Our team. Spoon, Night, and Loco."

  "But how?" A knock at the front door interrupted her.

  Cale walked over, opening the door wide, gesturing in three men. Lily stood in amazement. All three stood around the same height, big, strong, and full of muscles. Two had short hair in varying shades of brown with chocolate irises. The third sported blue-black hair, hanging past his shoulders, flying free. Deep blue eyes made for a striking contrast. Native American heritage shouted loudly from his coloring and facial features.

  Just like when Carson and Cale stood over Dillon, Lily felt dwarfed, like a wallaby amongst its cousins, the kangaroos. "Oh, boy. Let me guess. None of you had any difficulty climbing that wall in basic training." Lily muttered as she tilted her head back to look up at them.

  The lot chuckled. "No ma'am."

  Cale pulled her against his side. "This is our team. Loco. Spoon. And, the boss, Night. This is Lily, Dillon's nurse, babysitter, maid."

  Each man gave a brief nod in turn, their predatory appearance diminished only slightly by the happy expressions on their faces.

  She elbowed Cale in the side while Dillon snorted.

  "Damn, Bugle. Heard you were hit." The one introduced as Loco asked.

  Dillon nodded. "Yeah, but I'm on the mend. Been holing up for a few days with nothing to do but take meds and eat."

  "Good to know."

  "Lansing?" Dillon asked, his question directed at the three newcomers.

  Spoon explained. "Yeah. Seems he and his goons arrived Tuesday, looking for first the doctor, then for Lily. They managed to track you guys down that far."

  Cale tensed next to her, pulling her flush with his body.

  Night took up the tale. "Daughter of the doctor's receptionist owns the diner."
  "Lisa?" Lily asked.

  He nodded.

  "Lisa is in the National Guard. She's sharp and capable." Lily quickly informed them, boasting the assets of her friend.

  The sandy haired man stepped forward. "Seems she got a bad feeling when these guys started asking about you and the doc. So, she called her mother, who called the doc. Good old Mayberry pulled some strings, but finally found the person to make contact with Night. He thought you guys could take care of yourselves and anyone else, but decided back up couldn't hurt."

  "How close?" Dillon eased to one of the kitchen chairs, lines of pain crossing his face.

  "Caught up with them on the side road, about a mile away. Armed to the gill, but what else would you expect of that son of a bitch? Tango Uniform now."

  She didn't understand any of their terminology, but figured everything was on the up and up or they wouldn't be standing in her living room making introductions. "I didn't hear anything." If they were that close, I would have heart gunshots, right?

  "You wouldn't have." Cale gave her a squeeze.

  "Clean up?"

  "Done." Spoon answered in a low tone.

  "I owe you." Sincerity filled Cale's words.

  The guys shrugged it off. "You would have done the same for us." Loco slapped Cale on the back.

  Silence filled the room. Night tilted his head toward the door. "We should be off." The other men lined up, preparing to leave.

  "Wait!" Lily reached out to stop them.

  They turned in unison.

  "Please. Don't go. I'm fixing Thanksgiving lunch and assuming it's edible… there should be plenty. I would like for you to stay and eat with us. Please? It's the least I can do for what you've done."

  Night glanced toward Cale who shrugged. The others waited in silence.

  "Did I mention I have homemade bread and cinnamon rolls?" She crossed her fingers, hoping the lure of the baked goods would tilt the scale in her favor.

  Each man shared a look before smiling. "I think we can do that."

  * * * *

  A few hours later, her kitchen bustled with activity. Even the newest guests refused to allow her to do most of the work, claiming they couldn't sit on their rears and allow her to work herself to a lather trying to cook for a small herd of men. Spoon took a position at the stove, working on the vegetables, while Night mashed potatoes. Loco and Cale retrieved the table leaves from under her bed, set them in place, and brought in the two spare chairs from the second bedroom. Dillon rounded up the kittens, keeping them entertained and out from under people's feet lest they get stepped on.


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